Pfizer fined $2.3 billion dollars

Someone can research their meds, but
if the pharm company is publishing
higher-than-recommeded doses,
you're still getting bad information, yes?
Pfizer paid for my meds when I couldn't ... so yeah, why not? I'm not really defending them, because regardless of what happened, the government let it happen while not allowing people enough choice and personal responsibility to avoid it. ;)

Best to just let people OD on inappropriate meds, eh?

Why aren't said people actually researching their meds before they do so?

These people were allegedly increasing the allowed dosages, and people are depending on their physicians,
and these companies to keep them safe from internal bleeding, liver failure, etc... What they have done is quite frightening actually.

What so now patients have to have chemistry labs?

My understanding is that the FDA authorized them under a specific maximum dosage.
And Pfizer increased the dosages without the FDA's permission.

So ... then the FDA wasn't doing it's job "regulating"?

The FDA did regulate, and Pfizer and a few physicians did what they wanted to do.

Hmm ... so then the patients were too stupid to find out the "correct" dosages themselves?

You see, the only way to blame the drug company is if the FDA didn't exist and people were willing to take responsibility for their own medical health. Otherwise, those are the true problem, the drug companies behavior is just a symptom. Like so many of our doctors, people are more interested in curing symptoms instead of diseases. The FDA is at the top, and people are too lazy or naive so question them. So ... cut off the head and the body will die, the head is the federal government in this case.
Yo mean the government can fuck us over and all we can do is vote against them every two or 4 years ? :eek:
Best to just let people OD on inappropriate meds, eh?

Why aren't said people actually researching their meds before they do so?

These people were allegedly increasing the allowed dosages, and people are depending on their physicians,
and these companies to keep them safe from internal bleeding, liver failure, etc... What they have done is quite frightening actually.

What so now patients have to have chemistry labs?

<pic removed>

Wow ... so you can't look up information online?
Why aren't said people actually researching their meds before they do so?

These people were allegedly increasing the allowed dosages, and people are depending on their physicians,
and these companies to keep them safe from internal bleeding, liver failure, etc... What they have done is quite frightening actually.

What so now patients have to have chemistry labs?

<pic removed>

Wow ... so you can't look up information online?

The information was intentionally wrong. What part of this conversation are you not getting????????
Someone can research their meds, but
if the pharm company is publishing
higher-than-recommeded doses,
you're still getting bad information, yes?

A smart patient takes the minimum and slowly increases it over time until they see a benefit or the side effects become dangerous. My own doc recommended that for all meds. It's not rocket science, though they may want you to think it is.
Someone can research their meds, but
if the pharm company is publishing
higher-than-recommeded doses,
you're still getting bad information, yes?

A smart patient takes the minimum and slowly increases it over time until they see a benefit or the side effects become dangerous. My own doc recommended that for all meds. It's not rocket science, though they may want you to think it is.

That's idiotic. He's idiotic.
Kopchinski and five other whistleblowers will earn more than $102 million in payments from the U.S. government under the False Claims Act through which individuals can reap rewards for exposing corporate wrongdoing.

How much do we get for exposing government wrongdoing ?

the whistle blowers who turn in those who commit fraud on our gvt or who have bribed our gvt for military contracts and those kind of gvt fraud or quid pro quo deals reported, get a hefty amt!

Whistleblower Collects $48M For Reporting Fraud Against Government

A whistleblower will collect $48 million for exposing fraud against the government by TRW, Inc. The $325 million settlement, and the whistleblower’s share, is allegedly the largest of its type regarding military procurement.

Qui Tam lawsuit pays off – big

This whistleblower, or Qui Tam, lawsuit paid off big for Robert Ferro. According to news reports, Ferro worked for TRW (not the credit reporting company) in the aerospace industry in the 1990’s. He discovered problems with satellites that were being sold to the U.S. government and wrote a report about it. However, TRW – now owned by the Northrop Grumman Corporation – pressured him not to publish the report. A few years later, satellites sold to the government started failing and falling out of orbit. The company fixed the satellites, but charged the government a lot of money to do so. The fixes also delayed various launch delays over the course of several years.

Although TRW continually told the government that it had no prior knowledge that the satellites would fail, Ferro filed a Qui Tam lawsuit against the company alleging that TRW did know and that the company was taking the government for a ride. The case recently settled for $325 million – a record for a military procurement case. Ferro received 15% of that amount – a hefty $48.75 million.
Someone can research their meds, but
if the pharm company is publishing
higher-than-recommeded doses,
you're still getting bad information, yes?

A smart patient takes the minimum and slowly increases it over time until they see a benefit or the side effects become dangerous. My own doc recommended that for all meds. It's not rocket science, though they may want you to think it is.

I hope the next doc I go to screws up so I can get rich !!:lol:
Someone can research their meds, but
if the pharm company is publishing
higher-than-recommeded doses,
you're still getting bad information, yes?

A smart patient takes the minimum and slowly increases it over time until they see a benefit or the side effects become dangerous. My own doc recommended that for all meds. It's not rocket science, though they may want you to think it is.

That's idiotic. He's idiotic.

She, and no, it's not, it's intelligent. You just don't want to take responsibility for your own actions. I get regular blood tests and exams when I first start a med, start off with minimum and increase after each test (time depends on what drug it is). As I said, it's not rocket science. Either my tests and exams demonstrate that the medication is dangerous to me, or I find the level that works. I take very few medications because I simply refuse to be over medicated. It's truly the healthiest way to live, since we started doing it this way I haven't had any new problems arise, like the fucking bullshit problem cause because of an FDA approved and endorsed medication I took their word for. Real life demonstrates you are an idiot, a blind fool, or you are a paid stooge for the government.
Someone can research their meds, but
if the pharm company is publishing
higher-than-recommeded doses,
you're still getting bad information, yes?

A smart patient takes the minimum and slowly increases it over time until they see a benefit or the side effects become dangerous. My own doc recommended that for all meds. It's not rocket science, though they may want you to think it is.

I hope the next doc I go to screws up so I can get rich !!:lol:

If you want to sue a doctor (or anyone in the medical industry) just blindly do what they say and don't question it, they will screw up. ;)
Someone can research their meds, but
if the pharm company is publishing
higher-than-recommeded doses,
you're still getting bad information, yes?

A smart patient takes the minimum and slowly increases it over time until they see a benefit or the side effects become dangerous. My own doc recommended that for all meds. It's not rocket science, though they may want you to think it is.

Yes, and we trust that our physician is giving us
a correct minimum dosage. Not everyone
owns a computer (elderly, to whom much
of the bextra was prescribed to). Not everyone
owns a Merck Manual. Not everyone in
this country is literate.

To me, that's like saying, "it's okay that I've
shot you with a 9mm, because you
know nothing about guns".
Someone can research their meds, but
if the pharm company is publishing
higher-than-recommeded doses,
you're still getting bad information, yes?

A smart patient takes the minimum and slowly increases it over time until they see a benefit or the side effects become dangerous. My own doc recommended that for all meds. It's not rocket science, though they may want you to think it is.

That's idiotic. He's idiotic.
when was the last time you were prescribed a long term med?
But not all drugs work like that. In fact, that tactic could be more harmful than helpful in some situations. I don't know what your particular complaints are but what you're saying is crap.
Someone can research their meds, but
if the pharm company is publishing
higher-than-recommeded doses,
you're still getting bad information, yes?

A smart patient takes the minimum and slowly increases it over time until they see a benefit or the side effects become dangerous. My own doc recommended that for all meds. It's not rocket science, though they may want you to think it is.

Yes, and we trust that our physician is giving us
a correct minimum dosage. Not everyone
owns a computer (elderly, to whom much
of the bextra was prescribed to). Not everyone
owns a Merck Manual. Not everyone in
this country is literate.

To me, that's like saying, "it's okay that I've
shot you with a 9mm, because you
know nothing about guns".

Perhaps then, instead of keeping them so in the dark, let go of their hands. ;)

You don't learn to walk holding the rail your whole life you know.
A smart patient takes the minimum and slowly increases it over time until they see a benefit or the side effects become dangerous. My own doc recommended that for all meds. It's not rocket science, though they may want you to think it is.

That's idiotic. He's idiotic.
when was the last time you were prescribed a long term med?

Never. But note the bolded part in KK's post that says: all.

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