Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

2005: BushCo passes law requiring the collection of personal data any time someone gets a government issued ID. This requirement is forced on the states.

2013: A man gets a government issued ID (which happens to be a gun permit) and discovers his personal data is being collected in accordance with the 2005 federal law. Rotty hears of this and decides it is because "libs are trying to disarm us", completely ignoring that his own source explained it was because of the 2005 law.

Many pages of delusional idiocy ensue.

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Hey stupid, that's because the AUTOMOBILE is the private property, and thus people have a RIGHT to keep a firearm in it without the permission of someone else (you seriously need this explained to you?!?!?)

Are you THAT fucking stupid??? Is it my right to be AWARE there is a gun in your vehicle on MY PROPERTY? If you leave your vehicle unattended, is it MY RESPONSIBILITY to guard your vehicle? If someone breaks into your vehicle on MY property and shoots me or my kid, then YOU should be charged too you fucking moron.

No - why would it be your responsibility to guard the vehicle? :cuckoo:

The automobile is PRIVATE property you fuck'n moron. Don't get all angry at me because you looked like a FOOL with your post.

This has been clearly covered by state supreme courts already idiot (most notably in Florida). If my employer can tell me that I can't have a gun in my car, he strips me off my right to conceal carry and protecting myself while traveling to the final destination - which he does NOT have the right to do.

But a thief has the right to break into your vehicle and gain access to deadly force that could be used against me, my family or if it is a parking lot, my attendant?

You right wing SCUM see individual freedom only 3 ways...ME, MYSELF and I. And fuck everyone else's rights...
It is right there for everyone to see, Rotty. You totally flip-flopped once you found out the whole Commie Conversion Plan was a GOP brainchild.

Someone was getting a government ID, and the reason his personal data was being collected has nothing to do with gun control. It has nothing to do with "libs trying to disarm us".

I realize you are mentally challenged, but the evidence is quite clear that data was being collected because the 2005 law passed by the GOP Congress and President Bush requires it to be collected.

It was right there in your own link. You fucked up. Sorry.

From page 8 between liberal KnobbyWalsh and myself (my quotes are all in red - just to make it glaring how deranged and full of shit g-string is)

I have to show my issued ID every day I go in and out of the prison I work in, even though the guy at the desk knows me personally. What's the fuss all about?

For once, I agree with you 100%. Some things simply require ID - and I've yet to see ANY that infringe on your rights. If you're not comfortable showing ID at a nuclear power plant, then don't go to the power plant (how many people really do this anyway?). If you're not comfortable getting an ID for conceal carry, then don't conceal carry (it is 100% legal to carry a firearm in the open in 43 of the 50 states - something most people don't realize). If you don't want to show your ID at a commercial airline, don't fly commercial.

There's only a problem if you're an idiot looking for a fight, like g5000

Shit, showing or obtaining some ID is nothing new. These people act like it's some new invention. If you were in Revolutionary War times, you couldn't just walk into Washington's camp - you had to identify yourself because spys were everywhere. Just more modern day "doomsday" hyperbole.

God damn g-string, I am LOVING this..... :lmao:
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

Nothing new and it was your hero, The Shrub, who started this.

Suggestion: next time you are dumb enough to think the blaze knows anything at all, do a Google search BEFORE making a total ass of yourself.

And, by that, I do NOT mean you should look to brietbart for corroboration!

It is right there for everyone to see, Rotty. You totally flip-flopped once you found out the whole Commie Conversion Plan was a GOP brainchild.

Someone was getting a government ID, and the reason his personal data was being collected has nothing to do with gun control. It has nothing to do with "libs trying to disarm us".

I realize you are mentally challenged, but the evidence is quite clear that data was being collected because the 2005 law passed by the GOP Congress and President Bush requires it to be collected.

It was right there in your own link. You fucked up. Sorry.

Post #100 on page #7:

It's "totalitarian" to require ID to prove you are who you say you are when boarding an airplane or entering a nuclear power facility? :lmao: Two things you NEVER have to do, you have the freedom to avoid, and that's your idea of "totalitarianism"? :lmao:

Really? God damn, you are idiot GOLD! Seriously, I've never seen you this fuck'n stupid (and I've seen you pretty fuck'n stupid).

Are we a little confused today g-string? Meds a little off? Still going to try and claim that I said ID cards are transforming this nation into communism?
I know you think big letters and different colors and bold type are evidence which support your case, Rotty, but they don't. They just show how imbalanced you are.

It is simple fact the data was being collected because of the federal Real ID Act of 2005. Not because "libs are trying to disarm us".

The Missouri Department of Revenue reportedly installed new computer equipment that records certain information as a part of the federal Real ID Act of 2005, according to Oliver.

This is indisputable, and all the internet tough guy boldface talk won't change that.

Like I have told you before, I could spot you 100 IQ points and still put you down like the rabid little puppy you are.

My time is valuable. Those who are willing to examine actual facts now know the truth. Wasting any more of my time on this is just giving you free money. So I'm done with you.
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Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

Nothing new and it was your hero, The Shrub, who started this.

Suggestion: next time you are dumb enough to think the blaze knows anything at all, do a Google search BEFORE making a total ass of yourself.

And, by that, I do NOT mean you should look to brietbart for corroboration!

I'm a bit confused here. You start by saying "nothing new" as if you recognize this story to be true and accurate. Then you follow that up by claiming you can't trust content from TheBlaze? :cuckoo:
I know you think big letters and different colors and bold type are evidence which support your case, Rotty, but they don't. They just show how imbalanced you are.

It is simple fact the data was being collected because of the federal Real ID Act of 2005. Not because "libs are trying to disarm us".

The Missouri Department of Revenue reportedly installed new computer equipment that records certain information as a part of the federal Real ID Act of 2005, according to Oliver.

This is indisputable, and all the internet tough guy boldface talk won't change that.

Like I have told you before, I could spot you 100 IQ points and still put you down like the rabid little puppy you are.

My time is valuable. Those who are willing to examine actual facts now know the truth. Wasting any more of my time on this is just giving you free money. So I'm done with you.

I notice you won't reply to my actual posts now :lmao: Why is that - hoping everyone won't notice the FACTS if you do your part not to post them?

The point of that article, stupid, is that the federal government is tracking gun owners. That's step 1 if you want to disarm people. After all, how can you disarm someone if you don't know if they have a gun?!?! It had NOTHING to do with ID's. That was just your desperate attempt to change the conversation.

Now that you've been humiliated with fact, you're trying to run away with stuff like "my time is valuable" (ie, I've just gotten my ass kicked with FACTS and I need to run for the hills now :lmao:).

You truly are my bitch. I own you.
I know you think big letters and different colors and bold type are evidence which support your case, Rotty, but they don't. They just show how imbalanced you are.

Everyone - do you notice how g-string has stopped responding to my posts and instead is creating new posts? That's because all of my previous posts include the exact page number and/or post number with my quotes.

All of which PROVE that I NEVER said ID cards were transforming this nation to communism as this asshole falsely keeps claiming (because he's mad that I own him like a bitch).

Now watch him NOT respond to this, but create a new post, because he wants to do as much as he can not to redistribute the facts. If he can bury them and hope someone misses those other posts, he thinks he'll have the slightest chance of convincing someone of his LIES.
Yup, this thread needs to be moved to the Humor section. I haven't had such a good laugh since the last time I perused the Freeper boards.

Oh, and for those of you who have been in a coma or bunker the past few decades, Russia isn't a communist country anymore.
Can you give us an example or two?


I could give you twenty!!

How about Japan?

How about Norway? Sweden? New Zealand? South Korea? Germany? France? The UK?

The UK? Oh how I was hoping you would say "the UK" :lmao:

Here are some FACTS - don't let them bash you in the face on your way out of the room with your head held low in shame....

Britain has a higher crime rate than any other rich nation except Australia, according to a survey yesterday.

Violent crime worse in Britain than in US | Mail Online

Gee, the highest violent crime rate in the WORLD except for Australia (which also banned guns over a decade ago).

Ok.... let the spin begin. Lets see you backpeddle and make all kinds of excuses, twist the facts, get angry.... you know, the usual liberal bullshit.
Holy fuck, are you ever retarded! :cuckoo:

Firearm bans aren't predicted to reduce all violence -- they're predicted to reduce murder by firearms. Violent people will still be violent even without a gun. But hopefully, we can reduce massacres like Sandy Hook.

So if you want to compare the U.S. with Britain, compare relevant facts: murders by guns...

U.S.: 9,369
U.K.: 14

Murders with firearms statistics - countries compared - NationMaster Crime

Overall homicide rate per capita:

U.S.: 5.22/100K
U.K.: 1.57/100K

Current Worldwide Homicide/Murder Rate
Adolf Hitler was elected in Germany's democracy in 1933
Imbecile ... Hitler was never elected. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Make a note of it so you can learn something. :banana:

You're truly a bona fide idiot
When ya say something as stupid as Hitler was elected, you really shouldn't be calling others an "idiot," as all you're really shining a spotlight on your own stupidity and not the target of your lame insults.
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Has anyone yet been able to find a single quote from a democrat saying that the left plans on passing a bill that will ban all private gun ownership?


This is a non-issue.
Typical radical right wingnut scare tactic.

Has anyone yet been able to find a single quote from a democrat saying that the left plans on passing a bill that will ban all private gun ownership?


This is a non-issue.
Typical radical right wingnut scare tactic.


The CEC has made a living out of keeping their listeners scared and outraged, so it's almost Pavlovian at this point.
Has anyone yet been able to find a single quote from a democrat saying that the left plans on passing a bill that will ban all private gun ownership?


This is a non-issue.
Typical radical right wingnut scare tactic.


Try getting a carry permit in NYC. Progressives aim to fight the Second Amendment one baby step at a time. Who do you think you are kidding?
That would be a pretty remarkable feat, since the Soviet Union never accomplished full-fledged communism :clap2:
That would be a pretty remarkable feat, since the Soviet Union never accomplished full-fledged communism :clap2:

Most of the folk on here obviously don't even know what communism is, you think they know the stages of it?

One of the stages is fascism, right? ;)

According to many on the right, since NAZI has socialist in the title they are the same.

Of course by that logic it would mean North Korea is a democracy, but I digress.

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