Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

And where exactly was that mentioned in the story? Oh, that's right, it wasn't. As usual, you're just making stuff up. However, this is more egregious than normal for you. Do you need your meds adjusted again?

Actually it was mentioned in the story, and I even quoted it for you in the next post I made, dumbass.

From your own link:

The Missouri Department of Revenue reportedly installed new computer equipment that records certain information as a part of the federal Real ID Act of 2005, according to Oliver. State laws prohibit the department from retaining and forwarding certain information. The information that was compiled by the DOR was reportedly being forwarded to Morpho Trust, U.S.A., a Georgia company that “specializes in partnering with state and federal governmental agencies,” according to the press release put out by Kinder’s office.

Now don't you feel positively stupid?

Priceless. :lol:

As usual, you are embarrassing yourself because you can't read and comprehend. Please not the section in red above, stupid :lmao:

So you see, I did not make up the Real ID Act of 2005. It was right there in front of your face in your own link. But it did not penetrate the haze of your commie fantasy.

As for the state laws, that's what the whole conflict is about, idiot. The Real ID Act of 2005 conflicts with states rights. Because Bush was implementing Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism.

Goddam, the depth of your stupidity is worse than I thought. You are too stupid to even know when you have been handed your own ass.
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2005: George Bush and the GOP House and Senate pass the Real ID Act of 2005 requiring states to provide data for state government issued IDs.

2013: Rottweiler sez, "Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way".

Oh, man. This is better than all your other fuckups combined. :lol:

Wow - having an ID is soooooo oppressive. Tell me again where it says in the Constitution that the people have the right to not have an ID card? :cuckoo:

Only g-string here would consider an ID card the same thing as having guns outlawed against the 2nd Amendment.
2005: George Bush and the GOP House and Senate pass the Real ID Act of 2005 requiring states to provide data for state government issued IDs.

2013: Rottweiler sez, "Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way".

Oh, man. This is better than all your other fuckups combined. :lol:

Wow - having an ID is soooooo oppressive. Tell me again where it says in the Constitution that the people have the right to not have an ID card? :cuckoo:

Only g-string here would consider an ID card the same thing as having guns outlawed against the 2nd Amendment.

And now you are actually DEFENDING the very thing you said was converting the U.S. to full fledged communism!

Holy shit.

This just gets better and better!
2005: George Bush and the GOP House and Senate pass the Real ID Act of 2005 requiring states to provide data for state government issued IDs.

2013: Rottweiler sez, "Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way".

Oh, man. This is better than all your other fuckups combined. :lol:

Wow - having an ID is soooooo oppressive. Tell me again where it says in the Constitution that the people have the right to not have an ID card? :cuckoo:

Only g-string here would consider an ID card the same thing as having guns outlawed against the 2nd Amendment.

And now you are actually DEFENDING the very thing you said was converting the U.S. to full fledged communism!

Holy shit.

This just gets better and better!!? Holy shit are you in more desperate need of a mental health professional than any idiot I have ever seen.

This entire thread was about banning firearms and the 2nd Amendment. It was idiots like you that tried to derail the thread and focus on ID cards. I never said shit about it until I had to respond to your idiocy.

At no point did I say ID cards was converting the U.S. to anything
Ok, let's say that no one who has ever read a history book has ever claimed Hitler was a socialist.

You would be dead wrong about that. In fact, people who claim Hitler was a socialist have probably read far more history books than the average person. I've read hundreds of books about history. I'm reading several right now. I have said many times that Hitler was a socialist.

Would you care to post anything else that you're dead wrong about?

How We Know Hitler Was A Liberal.

The historical evidence disproves your theory that liberals can't be racists. Woodrow Wilson is one of the original liberals and he re-instituted segregation in the army. Marget Sanger was also a racists and, along with Wilson, a big advocate of eugenics.

Racism isn't an indication that someone is not a liberal.
No one can have full control over us as long as we retain private property rights. Once the gov. finds a way ( and they will if they can ) to remove those, we join the sheep who voted for the dictator-in-chief.

Actually, the NRA spent around $100,000 to defeat Debra Maggart, a Republican leader in the Tennessee House of Representatives who had an A rating with the NRA, because she would not support a bill that would have allowed people to keep guns locked in their cars on private property without the property owner’s consent.

Hey stupid, that's because the AUTOMOBILE is the private property, and thus people have a RIGHT to keep a firearm in it without the permission of someone else (you seriously need this explained to you?!?!?)

Are you THAT fucking stupid??? Is it my right to be AWARE there is a gun in your vehicle on MY PROPERTY? If you leave your vehicle unattended, is it MY RESPONSIBILITY to guard your vehicle? If someone breaks into your vehicle on MY property and shoots me or my kid, then YOU should be charged too you fucking moron.
So let's review:

Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

Rotty gets upset personal data is being collected on someone trying to get a government issued ID card. He calls this "Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism" and says it is "now under way", as if this is something new. You know...because Obama.

I then point out this communistic conversion has been underway since 2005, and that this was explained in his own link:

From your link:

The Missouri Department of Revenue reportedly installed new computer equipment that records certain information as a part of the federal Real ID Act of 2005, according to Oliver. State laws prohibit the department from retaining and forwarding certain information. The information that was compiled by the DOR was reportedly being forwarded to Morpho Trust, U.S.A., a Georgia company that “specializes in partnering with state and federal governmental agencies,” according to the press release put out by Kinder’s office.

Priceless, right? Bush and the GOP Congress are entirely behind this.

Struck blind for a second time by his stupidity, Rottweiler accuses me of making this up:

And where exactly was that mentioned in the story? Oh, that's right, it wasn't. As usual, you're just making stuff up. However, this is more egregious than normal for you. Do you need your meds adjusted again?

So I repost the information. Again, from the very link he posted in the OP.

Now that finally sinks in that this Phase 5 Communist Conversion Plan™ was the brainchild of the GOP, we then witness Rotty do a complete 180° turnabout and start DEFENDING this action!

It's "totalitarian" to require ID to prove you are who you say you are when boarding an airplane or entering a nuclear power facility? :lmao: Two things you NEVER have to do, you have the freedom to avoid, and that's your idea of "totalitarianism"? :lmao:

Really? God damn, you are idiot GOLD! Seriously, I've never seen you this fuck'n stupid (and I've seen you pretty fuck'n stupid).

You saw it right here, folks. With your own eyes.
You would be dead wrong about that. In fact, people who claim Hitler was a socialist have probably read far more history books than the average person. I've read hundreds of books about history. I'm reading several right now. I have said many times that Hitler was a socialist.

Would you care to post anything else that you're dead wrong about?

How We Know Hitler Was A Liberal.

The historical evidence disproves your theory that liberals can't be racists. Woodrow Wilson is one of the original liberals and he re-instituted segregation in the army. Marget Sanger was also a racists and, along with Wilson, a big advocate of eugenics.

Racism isn't an indication that someone is not a liberal.

If anything, racism is an indication that someone is a liberal. Do you know the vial and vicious racist attacks that Mia Love and Allen West have had to endure from the left? No one liberal african-american can *honestly* (key word) say they've experienced that from the right. Not one.

Remember, this is the party that vehemently fought against Civil Rights in the 1950's and 1960's. They are the party of racism (hence even more evidence that Hitler was a radical left-wing nut).
You would be dead wrong about that. In fact, people who claim Hitler was a socialist have probably read far more history books than the average person. I've read hundreds of books about history. I'm reading several right now. I have said many times that Hitler was a socialist.

Would you care to post anything else that you're dead wrong about?

How We Know Hitler Was A Liberal.

The historical evidence disproves your theory that liberals can't be racists. Woodrow Wilson is one of the original liberals and he re-instituted segregation in the army. Marget Sanger was also a racists and, along with Wilson, a big advocate of eugenics.

Racism isn't an indication that someone is not a liberal.

Yeah, that's why the Left pushes affirmative action and multiculturalism and gay marriage which drives the right wing crazy. Because the Left is the more Nazi bunch. BWA-HA-HA!
Actually, the NRA spent around $100,000 to defeat Debra Maggart, a Republican leader in the Tennessee House of Representatives who had an A rating with the NRA, because she would not support a bill that would have allowed people to keep guns locked in their cars on private property without the property owner’s consent.

Hey stupid, that's because the AUTOMOBILE is the private property, and thus people have a RIGHT to keep a firearm in it without the permission of someone else (you seriously need this explained to you?!?!?)

Are you THAT fucking stupid??? Is it my right to be AWARE there is a gun in your vehicle on MY PROPERTY? If you leave your vehicle unattended, is it MY RESPONSIBILITY to guard your vehicle? If someone breaks into your vehicle on MY property and shoots me or my kid, then YOU should be charged too you fucking moron.

No - why would it be your responsibility to guard the vehicle? :cuckoo:

The automobile is PRIVATE property you fuck'n moron. Don't get all angry at me because you looked like a FOOL with your post.

This has been clearly covered by state supreme courts already idiot (most notably in Florida). If my employer can tell me that I can't have a gun in my car, he strips me off my right to conceal carry and protecting myself while traveling to the final destination - which he does NOT have the right to do.
Oh, it was Democrats who fought the blacks in the 50s and 60s. I see. HALF A CENTURY AGO.

Who is known for fighting gays and Muslims and Mexicans TODAY? Who is known for alienating every non-white demographic in the country TODAY?

The GOP.

See "Southern strategy". Welcome to today.
Anyway, Rotty, thanks for proving your delusions can turn on a dime when confronted with reality. My stomach is actually hurting from the laughs I got out of this.
You saw it right here, folks. With your own eyes.

So let's review... Here's is EXACTLY what I said (word for word from page 7) about the ID cards - which was never the issue. At no point did I say that ID cards were transforming the U.S. to communism - I said the libs wish to disarm us was. And EVERYONE here that has read this thread KNOWS it, including g-string:

Ah, no you don't you stupid fuck'n moron. God damn, you really are out of the stratosphere on stupidity here today. There is no "determination" to be made. This shows how desperate you are to make a point (and man, are you failing as usual). All that is required is a photo id. Period. So your drivers license is more than acceptable. So is a state issued ID card. And, if someone really wanted, you could even create voter ID cards (seems unnecessary, but it could be done). In any of these scenarios, absolutely NO data on people is required.

Furthermore, is your cock-sucking, cum-swallowing, ignorant ass going to sit here and tell us your government doesn't even know what (and I quote you here) "various types of government issued ID" exists?!? God damn, that is CLASSIC right there! Let me tell you something cum-slurper, if the government has no idea what forms of ID's are issued, then we shouldn't even have a federal government. How can we develop top secret information on our enemies when, according to YOU cum-slurper, we have no idea what forms of ID our own states are issuing?!?!
Oh, it was Democrats who fought the blacks in the 50s and 60s. I see. HALF A CENTURY AGO.

Who is known for fighting gays and Muslims and Mexicans TODAY? Who is known for alienating every non-white demographic in the country TODAY?

The GOP.

See "Southern strategy". Welcome to today.

Uh-oh! Uh-oh! Someone is doing a complete 180! First it was Hitler was a conservative because he was racist, and racists are conservatives.

When pointed out that it was liberals who fought against Civil Rights, his new narrative is suddenly "but....but....but, uh... that...that....uh, that was a long time ago!" :lmao:
You saw it right here, folks. With your own eyes.

So let's review... Here's is EXACTLY what I said (word for word from page 7) about the ID cards - which was never the issue. At no point did I say that ID cards were transforming the U.S. to communism - I said the libs wish to disarm us was. And EVERYONE here that has read this thread KNOWS it, including g-string:

Ah, no you don't you stupid fuck'n moron. God damn, you really are out of the stratosphere on stupidity here today. There is no "determination" to be made. This shows how desperate you are to make a point (and man, are you failing as usual). All that is required is a photo id. Period. So your drivers license is more than acceptable. So is a state issued ID card. And, if someone really wanted, you could even create voter ID cards (seems unnecessary, but it could be done). In any of these scenarios, absolutely NO data on people is required.

Furthermore, is your cock-sucking, cum-swallowing, ignorant ass going to sit here and tell us your government doesn't even know what (and I quote you here) "various types of government issued ID" exists?!? God damn, that is CLASSIC right there! Let me tell you something cum-slurper, if the government has no idea what forms of ID's are issued, then we shouldn't even have a federal government. How can we develop top secret information on our enemies when, according to YOU cum-slurper, we have no idea what forms of ID our own states are issuing?!?!

Just to slam this home (as I slam g-string on his hands and knees like my prison bitch :lmao:) - please note the section highlighted in red above. Can anyone - even the most irrational - make the case that I'm stating ID cards are transforming this nation into communism? Does it even remotely sound like I'm against ID cards? The section in red clearly illustrates I support them 100% and that even mentioning them was in response to g-string trying to take the focus off the fact that his party is desperate to ban firearms. In fact, I even agreed with and gave approval to another liberal who also said "what is the big deal - I have to present mine were I work despite the fact that everyone knows me" and I will repost that again shortly here.
It is right there for everyone to see, Rotty. You totally flip-flopped once you found out the whole Commie Conversion Plan was a GOP brainchild.

Someone was getting a government ID, and the reason his personal data was being collected has nothing to do with gun control. I realize you are mentally challenged, but the evidence is quite clear that data was being collected because of the 2005 law passed by the GOP Congress and President Bush.

It was right there in your own link. You fucked up. Sorry.
It is right there for everyone to see, Rotty. You totally flip-flopped once you found out the whole Commie Conversion Plan was a GOP brainchild.

Someone was getting a government ID, and the reason his personal data was being collected has nothing to do with gun control. It has nothing to do with "libs trying to disarm us".

I realize you are mentally challenged, but the evidence is quite clear that data was being collected because the 2005 law passed by the GOP Congress and President Bush requires it to be collected.

It was right there in your own link. You fucked up. Sorry.
Oh, it was Democrats who fought the blacks in the 50s and 60s. I see. HALF A CENTURY AGO.

And their despicable racism continues today. Just ask Mia Love and Allen West.

Who is known for fighting gays and Muslims and Mexicans TODAY?

Liberals. The only thing conservatives fight are illegal aliens. Are you stating that every muslim and every Mexican is an illegal alien? Uh-oh! Looks like you liberal racism is peaking through! Quick, cover it up with a redirect! :lmao:

Who is known for alienating every non-white demographic in the country TODAY?

Nobody. Liberals hate every form of race (liberal blacks hate liberal whites, liberal whites hate liberal blacks, both hate mexicans and muslims, etc.). However, they all feel they need to work together to transform the county into socialism/marxism/communism. If they are able to achieve that, they will turn on each other like pittbulls.

Meanwhile, conservatives don't alienate anyone. They simply don't bend on principle (thank God!). We're not going to reward criminals for breaking into this country in exchange for votes (like the racist liberals will). We're not going to let gays work the system in exchange for their votes.

Welcome to today.

Welcome to reality. Anything else I can educate you on?
It is right there for everyone to see, Rotty. You totally flip-flopped once you found out the whole Commie Conversion Plan was a GOP brainchild.

Someone was getting a government ID, and the reason his personal data was being collected has nothing to do with gun control. I realize you are mentally challenged, but the evidence is quite clear that data was being collected because of the 2005 law passed by the GOP Congress and President Bush.

It was right there in your own link. You fucked up. Sorry.

You're right - it is there for everyone to see (see just how mentally deranged you are) - here it is AGAIN just to keep making your look like the idiot that you are:

All that is required is a photo id. Period. So your drivers license is more than acceptable. So is a state issued ID card. And, if someone really wanted, you could even create voter ID cards (seems unnecessary, but it could be done). In any of these scenarios, absolutely NO data on people is required.

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