Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

Rottweiler -

You really are the weakest poster on this entire forum.

Given this is what I write about for a living, I don't mind answering your questions and recommending books, but your ignorance makes it impossible to hold any kind of sensible discussion with you.

From the writing in the signature section of Clayton's post:"The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal Principles to be applied by the courts. One's right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections. Justice Robert H. Jackson, West Virginia Board of Education vs. Barnette, 1943" , it would appear that repeal of the 2nd amendment may not be subject to a vote; and, that for that reason, Rottweiler is barking up a tree for no reason when he argues that the intent of the Democratic party is to disarm the people. While, I think Rottweiler is barking up a tree for no substantial reason, it isn't entirely for no reason for -- as shown by the 21st amendment which repealed the 18th amendment by two thirds majority in both houses of congress, and by ratification by 3/4 of the states -- it is possible to repeal the 2nd amendment. Also, there has been precedent in the past for Congress to grant emergency powers to the President so as to protect America from "imminent threats". The same ploy used by Hitler to obtain his dictatorial powers.
I myself believe in gun ownership by the people, but I think that putting today's militaristic guns capable of firing more than 50 rounds a minute into the hands of the average citizen was not the intent of the 2nd amendment. For that reason I think that there should be reasonable restraints on gun ownership.

Again, idiocy.

Idiocy indeed! This fuck'n fool, part of the anti-constitutional dumbocrat crowd, is trying to make the case that the dumbocrats actually adhere to the Constitution and are limited by it.... :lmao:

Lets see:

● the Constitution requires Congress to pass a budget - something they haven't done in 4 years

● On January 4, 2012, the president committed his most blatant and obvious violation of our Constitution to date by making four appointments without the advice or consent of the U.S. Senate, even while the Senate was in session and available

● Obamacare violates the Constitution by forcing individuals to purchase health insurance.

● by requiring employers to cover contraceptives, abortifacients and sterilization in the health insurance they provide their employees, despite their religious and moral objections. He later shifted the mandate to the insurance companies, requiring all plans to cover such services, thinking Americans would not understand that the mandate still requires faith-based groups to subsidize services to which they have sincere religious and moral objections.

● The Obama administration violated the First Amendment when it refused a grant to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for helping victims of human trafficking obtain food, clothing and access to medical care because of the Conference’s pro-life position. In fact, the Conference was refused the grant despite having received higher scores of effectiveness than the grant’s recipients.

● Obama told the Department of Justice not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, which was passed by a bipartisan Congress. Instead, the DOJ argued against the valid law (which has been upheld by multiple courts), forcing the House of Representatives to hire outside counsel to defend the law. This gross abrogation of a president’s constitutional duty to defend and protect the laws of the land was unprecedented.

● Obama signed Dodd-Frank into law, which allows the government’s seizure of property, violating the Due Process Clause of the Constitution and creating administrative positions that are not vetted by the Senate as required by the Appointments Clause (so much for your claim about the 5th Amendment, uh you ignorant fuck?).

● When the Democrat-led Congress would not pass net neutrality, Obama’s Federal Communications Commission violated the Constitution by contravening Congress to restrict the freedom of Internet service providers to manage their network transmissions.

● When the Democrat-led Congress could not pass cap and trade, Obama’s EPA decided to auction greenhouse gas allowances, essentially imposing a tax on emissions, which, according to the Constitution, can only be done by Congress. You will also recall Congress having to act to halt the EPA’s ban on incandescent light bulbs.

● When the Democrat-led Congress did not pass the Employee Free Choice Act, Obama contravened Congress by pushing the NLRB to pass regulations that allowed for “ambush elections” and required employers to provide employee e-mail addresses and phone numbers to union organizers.

● When the Democrat-led Congress refused to pass the Dream Act, the Obama White House and DHS decided to implement a policy of granting illegal aliens stays of refusal, which is essentially amnesty by fiat. The Obama policy even gives local immigration officials the authority to dismiss deportation cases against illegal alien criminals convicted of violent crimes.

● Without the approval of Congress, as required by the Constitution, Obama ordered the U.S. military to attack Libya.
Now you are making some sense, but not enough to convince me that the FEDs are seeking to disarm the people and take away our God given rights.
Turds like you are always giving the reason that Hitler made war on the commies to prove he was supposedly a right-winger.


No one has ever disputed the fact that Hitler was right wing, genius - not even Rottie!!
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

Yo u cock dumb, fucking retarded. You are the problems with the USA
The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-agression pact, it was not an alliance.

It was signed by the nations in an effort to buy time for each. They were never allies.

Oh Puhleeeze! That's a distinction without a difference. The USSR participated in the invasion of Poland. I don't know how an Ally would behave differently.

You really have to learn what the term "ally" means.

As far as real allies are concerned, the USA was actually allied with the USSR during the majority of WWII, so what does that say about this country, using your ridiculous theories?
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Turds like you are always giving the reason that Hitler made war on the commies to prove he was supposedly a right-winger.


No one has ever disputed the fact that Hitler was right wing, genius - not even Rottie!!

hmmmm . . . . yes they have, quite often and vehemently, in fact. I think Rottie has stated numerous times that Hitler was a socialist.
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The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-agression pact, it was not an alliance.

It was signed by the nations in an effort to buy time for each. They were never allies.

Oh Puhleeeze! That's a distinction without a difference. The USSR participated in the invasion of Poland. I don't know how an Ally would behave differently.

You really have to learn what the term "ally" means.

An ally is another country that helps you accomplish your military goal, like conquering another country, i.e. Poland.

As far as real allies are concerned, the USA was actually allied with the USSR during the majority of WWII, so what does that say about this country, using your ridiculous theories?

Yes, the USA was actually allied with the USSR during WW II. We sent them $billions in Lend Lease.
hmmmm . . . . yes they have, quite often and vehemently, in fact. I think Rottie has stated numerous times that Hitler was a socialist.

Ok, let's say that no one who has ever read a history book has ever claimed Hitler was a socialist.
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

No one can have full control over us as long as we retain private property rights. Once the gov. finds a way ( and they will if they can ) to remove those, we join the sheep who voted for the dictator-in-chief.
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

No one can have full control over us as long as we retain private property rights. Once the gov. finds a way ( and they will if they can ) to remove those, we join the sheep who voted for the dictator-in-chief.

Actually, the NRA spent around $100,000 to defeat Debra Maggart, a Republican leader in the Tennessee House of Representatives who had an A rating with the NRA, because she would not support a bill that would have allowed people to keep guns locked in their cars on private property without the property owner’s consent.
Turds like you are always giving the reason that Hitler made war on the commies to prove he was supposedly a right-winger.


No one has ever disputed the fact that Hitler was right wing, genius - not even Rottie!!

My God - it is downright scary how stupid you are. It's unbelievable that I have to explain this to an adult:

Conservatives believe in small government with limited power (Hitler had unlimited power with a huge government controlling everything). Which means the more "radical" you go right, government continues to get smaller and less powerful (Sovereign Citizen) until you reach the most radical form of all - no government (ie Anarchist).

Liberals believe in large government controlling everything. Which means, the more "radical" you go left, government continues to get bigger and more powerful until you have fascism/totalitarianism/communism/etc.

Hitler was the ultimate left-wing radical. How ANYONE could refer to Hitler as "right-wing" is beyond stupefying. Hitler was a small government, limited power freedom lover?!?! Really?!? :cuckoo:

Jesus H. Christ is Saigon the most ignorant mother-fucker (typical of Europeans).
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

No one can have full control over us as long as we retain private property rights. Once the gov. finds a way ( and they will if they can ) to remove those, we join the sheep who voted for the dictator-in-chief.

Actually, the NRA spent around $100,000 to defeat Debra Maggart, a Republican leader in the Tennessee House of Representatives who had an A rating with the NRA, because she would not support a bill that would have allowed people to keep guns locked in their cars on private property without the property owner’s consent.

Hey stupid, that's because the AUTOMOBILE is the private property, and thus people have a RIGHT to keep a firearm in it without the permission of someone else (you seriously need this explained to you?!?!?)
Soooooo...the data being collected is being collected because of the GOP obsession with national identification cards.

And where exactly was that mentioned in the story? Oh, that's right, it wasn't. As usual, you're just making stuff up. However, this is more egregious than normal for you. Do you need your meds adjusted again?

Actually it was mentioned in the story, and I even quoted it for you in the next post I made, dumbass.

From your own link:

The Missouri Department of Revenue reportedly installed new computer equipment that records certain information as a part of the federal Real ID Act of 2005, according to Oliver. State laws prohibit the department from retaining and forwarding certain information. The information that was compiled by the DOR was reportedly being forwarded to Morpho Trust, U.S.A., a Georgia company that “specializes in partnering with state and federal governmental agencies,” according to the press release put out by Kinder’s office.

Now don't you feel positively stupid?

Priceless. :lol:
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George Bush and the GOP Congress of 2005, "Converting the U.S. to full-fledged communism."


Again, idiocy.

Idiocy indeed! This fuck'n fool, part of the anti-constitutional dumbocrat crowd, is trying to make the case that the dumbocrats actually adhere to the Constitution and are limited by it.... :lmao:

Lets see:

● the Constitution requires Congress to pass a budget - something they haven't done in 4 years

● On January 4, 2012, the president committed his most blatant and obvious violation of our Constitution to date by making four appointments without the advice or consent of the U.S. Senate, even while the Senate was in session and available

● Obamacare violates the Constitution by forcing individuals to purchase health insurance.

● by requiring employers to cover contraceptives, abortifacients and sterilization in the health insurance they provide their employees, despite their religious and moral objections. He later shifted the mandate to the insurance companies, requiring all plans to cover such services, thinking Americans would not understand that the mandate still requires faith-based groups to subsidize services to which they have sincere religious and moral objections.

● The Obama administration violated the First Amendment when it refused a grant to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for helping victims of human trafficking obtain food, clothing and access to medical care because of the Conference’s pro-life position. In fact, the Conference was refused the grant despite having received higher scores of effectiveness than the grant’s recipients.

● Obama told the Department of Justice not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, which was passed by a bipartisan Congress. Instead, the DOJ argued against the valid law (which has been upheld by multiple courts), forcing the House of Representatives to hire outside counsel to defend the law. This gross abrogation of a president’s constitutional duty to defend and protect the laws of the land was unprecedented.

● Obama signed Dodd-Frank into law, which allows the government’s seizure of property, violating the Due Process Clause of the Constitution and creating administrative positions that are not vetted by the Senate as required by the Appointments Clause (so much for your claim about the 5th Amendment, uh you ignorant fuck?).

● When the Democrat-led Congress would not pass net neutrality, Obama’s Federal Communications Commission violated the Constitution by contravening Congress to restrict the freedom of Internet service providers to manage their network transmissions.

● When the Democrat-led Congress could not pass cap and trade, Obama’s EPA decided to auction greenhouse gas allowances, essentially imposing a tax on emissions, which, according to the Constitution, can only be done by Congress. You will also recall Congress having to act to halt the EPA’s ban on incandescent light bulbs.

● When the Democrat-led Congress did not pass the Employee Free Choice Act, Obama contravened Congress by pushing the NLRB to pass regulations that allowed for “ambush elections” and required employers to provide employee e-mail addresses and phone numbers to union organizers.

● When the Democrat-led Congress refused to pass the Dream Act, the Obama White House and DHS decided to implement a policy of granting illegal aliens stays of refusal, which is essentially amnesty by fiat. The Obama policy even gives local immigration officials the authority to dismiss deportation cases against illegal alien criminals convicted of violent crimes.

● Without the approval of Congress, as required by the Constitution, Obama ordered the U.S. military to attack Libya.
Now you are making some sense, but not enough to convince me that the FEDs are seeking to disarm the people and take away our God given rights.

When haven't I made sense? As I stated several times now, I posted links of dumbocrat representatives stating their goal of outlawing firearms. You and a few others on this thread pretend like they didn't say this, but somehow I'm the one who doesn't make sense? :cuckoo:

They want to ban firearms. They are on record stating it. It's just a FACT. Will they be successful? I don't know - but they sure were in Australia and England...
hmmmm . . . . yes they have, quite often and vehemently, in fact. I think Rottie has stated numerous times that Hitler was a socialist.

Ok, let's say that no one who has ever read a history book has ever claimed Hitler was a socialist.

You would be dead wrong about that. In fact, people who claim Hitler was a socialist have probably read far more history books than the average person. I've read hundreds of books about history. I'm reading several right now. I have said many times that Hitler was a socialist.

Would you care to post anything else that you're dead wrong about?
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

No one can have full control over us as long as we retain private property rights. Once the gov. finds a way ( and they will if they can ) to remove those, we join the sheep who voted for the dictator-in-chief.

Actually, the NRA spent around $100,000 to defeat Debra Maggart, a Republican leader in the Tennessee House of Representatives who had an A rating with the NRA, because she would not support a bill that would have allowed people to keep guns locked in their cars on private property without the property owner’s consent.

If we took, say just the Bill of Rights, we would discover that rights may be on a priority system. Some rights have a higher priority rating than other rights, and gun rights take precedence over property rights that's all.
I suspect that with some people, gun rights are perhaps the most important rights of all, and have a higher priority than even religion, speech, you name it.
2005: George Bush and the GOP House and Senate pass the Real ID Act of 2005 requiring states to provide data for state government issued IDs.

2013: Rottweiler sez, "Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way".

Oh, man. This is better than all your other fuckups combined. :lol:
Soooooo...the data being collected is being collected because of the GOP obsession with national identification cards.

And where exactly was that mentioned in the story? Oh, that's right, it wasn't. As usual, you're just making stuff up. However, this is more egregious than normal for you. Do you need your meds adjusted again?

Actually it was mentioned in the story, and I even quoted it for you in the next post I made, dumbass.

From your own link:

The Missouri Department of Revenue reportedly installed new computer equipment that records certain information as a part of the federal Real ID Act of 2005, according to Oliver. State laws prohibit the department from retaining and forwarding certain information. The information that was compiled by the DOR was reportedly being forwarded to Morpho Trust, U.S.A., a Georgia company that “specializes in partnering with state and federal governmental agencies,” according to the press release put out by Kinder’s office.

Now don't you feel positively stupid?

Priceless. :lol:

As usual, you are embarrassing yourself because you can't read and comprehend. Please not the section in red above, stupid :lmao:
hmmmm . . . . yes they have, quite often and vehemently, in fact. I think Rottie has stated numerous times that Hitler was a socialist.

Ok, let's say that no one who has ever read a history book has ever claimed Hitler was a socialist.

You would be dead wrong about that. In fact, people who claim Hitler was a socialist have probably read far more history books than the average person. I've read hundreds of books about history. I'm reading several right now. I have said many times that Hitler was a socialist.

Would you care to post anything else that you're dead wrong about?

How We Know Hitler Was A Liberal.

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