Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

There is nothing stupider than this meme that democracy leads to communism. The fact that there are no examples in history ought to be enough to dissuade any reasonable person from repeating it.

Any reasonable person? Absolutely

However I don't think the idiots who propigate this meme, like the OP, come close to the definition of reasonable people.
Seriously, go back to school. Saying the Nazis were aligned with the Soviets is a bit like denying the Holocaust.

Indeed, and well said.

Now wait a darn minute.

Stalin an Hitler were allies for a brief time.

From August 23, 1939, when r Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact...


June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany and its Axis allies invaded of the Soviet Union.

Of course that does nothing to confuse the issue of what the terms communism or fascism mean.


And that single distinction is, I suspect, how one can differentiate a TROLL from an authentic conservative.

Authentic conservatives actually understand such subtle distinctions.
Well America was allied with the USSR during the war so that sort of makes the US allied with Hitler. It sort of makes sense now, America, Germany, and the USSR were fighting Britain. Wait a minute, Britain was allied with America, so Britain wasn't the enemy.
The enemy must have been Iceland, how stupid we are, of course it was Iceland. America sent troops to Iceland so that's it, Iceland was the enemy. Still we sent troops to Ireland too. We all forgot, the enemy was Japan, Japan was allied with the axis powers, so who were the axis powers?
Seriously, go back to school. Saying the Nazis were aligned with the Soviets is a bit like denying the Holocaust.

Indeed, and well said.

Now wait a darn minute.

Stalin an Hitler were allies for a brief time.

From August 23, 1939, when r Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact...


June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany and its Axis allies invaded of the Soviet Union.

Of course that does nothing to confuse the issue of what the terms communism or fascism mean.


And that single distinction is, I suspect, how one can differentiate a TROLL from an authentic conservative.

Authentic conservatives actually understand such subtle distinctions.

The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-agression pact, it was not an alliance.

It was signed by the nations in an effort to buy time for each. They were never allies.
Edtic -

Hitler and Stalin were never allies.

They had a non-aggression pact, and a plan to divide the continent of Europe up between them. That is very much like two mafia bosses agreeing to stay out of each other's territories - it does not make them friends.
Indeed, and well said.

Now wait a darn minute.

Stalin an Hitler were allies for a brief time.

From August 23, 1939, when r Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact...


June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany and its Axis allies invaded of the Soviet Union.

Of course that does nothing to confuse the issue of what the terms communism or fascism mean.


And that single distinction is, I suspect, how one can differentiate a TROLL from an authentic conservative.

Authentic conservatives actually understand such subtle distinctions.

The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-agression pact, it was not an alliance.

It was signed by the nations in an effort to buy time for each. They were never allies.

Neville Chamberlain signed a non aggression pact with the Germans in 1938, so we can also say that Britain and Germany were allies at one time.

Really? The first one is a symbol of Islam. The second one is from the Soviet flag. So you're telling me there are no muslims in Russia? :cuckoo:

The third is the Nazi swastika - you know, the group the Soviets aligned with during WWII?

Yes, he can be all. And you just looked like a FOOL posting that...

You see, I have a big problem believing anyone who tells me that Nazi Germany was aligned with Russia during WWII. Good God man, the Russians are the biggest reason the Germans lost WWII. They beat the shit out of the Germans on the Eastern Front. I have to admit, this is definitely a mark against our education system. Either that, or you just weren't paying very good attention in History class.

“The battle of Kursk . . . the forcing of the Dnieper . . . and the liberation of Kiev, left Hitlerite Germany facing catastrophe ”General Vasili I. Chuikov - Commander of the 8th Guards Army - (Speaking after the war)

After the Soviet victory at Stalingrad in February 1943, German generals were convinced that a massive offensive on the Eastern Front would still allow them to regain the upper hand, and knock Russia out of the war. They planned a two pronged assault aimed at ‘pinching off’ the Kursk Salient created by the defeat at Stalingrad. The advance was to be launched from the Orel Salient to the north of Kursk and from Belgorod to the south. Both ‘prongs’ would surround Kursk, restoring the lines of Army Group South to their winter 1941-1942 position.

When the offensive finally began on 5 July, it had already been delayed countless times while the Germans waited for tanks and weapons to be supplied. The Soviets, acting on intelligence information, had massively reinforced the salient, also mobilising reserves to prepare a counterattack. By 13 July, the Germans had been forced into retreat. The attack cost Hitler over 500,000 troops and 1,000 tanks, and spelt the end of the Wehrmacht’s large-scale offensives. As strategic initiative passed to the Soviets, Hitler’s insistence on holding territory at all costs hugely undermined Germany’s ability to mount an effective defence. It was not the first or the last time that Hitler’s inflexibility contributed to military failure.

Throughout the remainder of 1943, the Soviets continued pushing the Germans back. In August 1943, they retook Orel; in the south, fierce battles throughout July and August culminated in the recapture of Kharkov. In the centre, Soviet troops took Bryansk, Smolensk and Gomel. In the south, the Germans' retreat to the River Dneiper forced them to abandon captured farmland and industrial resources. The Germans found it impossible to hold this line, which was broken in October. Kiev, the Ukrainian capital and the USSR’s third largest city, was retaken the following month.

1944 began as 1943 had ended: with unstoppable Soviet success. At the end of January, the 900 day siege of Leningrad was lifted; almost a million of the northern city’s inhabitants had perished. In the south, southern Ukraine and Galitzia were captured in March. The Germans were forced to evacuate the hard-won Crimean Peninsula. April and May saw the liberation of Odessa and Sevastapol. On 9 June, Operation Bagration was launched to retake Belarus. 166 Soviet divisions and 2,700 Soviet tanks crushed the 38 German divisions of Army Group Centre, taking Minsk on 2 July.

Eastern Front - World War 2 on History

Seriously, go back to school. Saying the Nazis were aligned with the Soviets is a bit like denying the Holocaust.

Hey stupid, that was AFTER Adolf Hitler turned on them towards the end of the war. For the first 3/4 of the war, the Soviets were allied with the Germans.

God Almighty you are one stupid, uneducated parasite....
Hitler did not "win" the election in 1933. He was asked by Hindenburg to form a government because various factions were unable to form one. The hope was the "Bohemian Corporal" would fall flat on his face, but he didn't. The reality was, although the Germans screwed around with parlimentary democracy, after WWI, the real power in Germnay was held by the Military.

Nazi Germany - Dictatorship
History Learning Site › ... › Nazi Germany
When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. ... To pass a law, the Reichstag had to agree to it after a bill went through the normal ...

When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. Germany had fair elections; nobody had their right to vote abused; there were numerous political parties you could vote for etc.

Nazi Germany - Dictatorship
Rottweiler -

Please go and check in a history book. Seriously.

I'd be delighted to recommend one.

Even Nazi-apologists like you can read, I'm sure.
Edtic -

Hitler and Stalin were never allies.

They had a non-aggression pact, and a plan to divide the continent of Europe up between them. That is very much like two mafia bosses agreeing to stay out of each other's territories - it does not make them friends.

It certainly doesn't make them enemies.... :cuckoo:
Hitler did not "win" the election in 1933. He was asked by Hindenburg to form a government because various factions were unable to form one. The hope was the "Bohemian Corporal" would fall flat on his face, but he didn't. The reality was, although the Germans screwed around with parlimentary democracy, after WWI, the real power in Germnay was held by the Military.

Nazi Germany - Dictatorship
History Learning Site › ... › Nazi Germany
When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. ... To pass a law, the Reichstag had to agree to it after a bill went through the normal ...

When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. Germany had fair elections; nobody had their right to vote abused; there were numerous political parties you could vote for etc.

Nazi Germany - Dictatorship

Joe is absolutely right.

You may not be smart enough to understand how he is right, but that is not his fault.

I suggest you read Ian Kershaw's epic two-part biogaphy of Hitler to find out.
Edtic -

Hitler and Stalin were never allies.

They had a non-aggression pact, and a plan to divide the continent of Europe up between them. That is very much like two mafia bosses agreeing to stay out of each other's territories - it does not make them friends.

It certainly doesn't make them enemies.... :cuckoo:

No, but the fact that they both intended to attack and destroy the other does.
There is nothing stupider than this meme that democracy leads to communism. The fact that there are no examples in history ought to be enough to dissuade any reasonable person from repeating it.

Any reasonable person? Absolutely

However I don't think the idiots who propigate this meme, like the OP, come close to the definition of reasonable people.

Conjure the Dark Lord.... CONJURE the Dark Lord.... CONJURE THE DARK LORD....

I COMMAND THEE..... :lmao:

Pentagram boy here who attends rave parties wants to talk about "reasonable people" :lmao:
Edtic -

Hitler and Stalin were never allies.

They had a non-aggression pact, and a plan to divide the continent of Europe up between them. That is very much like two mafia bosses agreeing to stay out of each other's territories - it does not make them friends.

It certainly doesn't make them enemies.... :cuckoo:

No, but the fact that they both intended to attack and destroy the other does.

As usual, the idiot european rewrites history to fit their agenda....
Hitler did not "win" the election in 1933. He was asked by Hindenburg to form a government because various factions were unable to form one. The hope was the "Bohemian Corporal" would fall flat on his face, but he didn't. The reality was, although the Germans screwed around with parlimentary democracy, after WWI, the real power in Germnay was held by the Military.

Nazi Germany - Dictatorship
History Learning Site › ... › Nazi Germany
When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. ... To pass a law, the Reichstag had to agree to it after a bill went through the normal ...

When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. Germany had fair elections; nobody had their right to vote abused; there were numerous political parties you could vote for etc.

Nazi Germany - Dictatorship

Joe is absolutely right.

You may not be smart enough to understand how he is right, but that is not his fault.

I suggest you read Ian Kershaw's epic two-part biogaphy of Hitler to find out.

:lmao: I post FACT with a link, and the best you can respond with is "Joe is right"? :lmao:
Really? The first one is a symbol of Islam. The second one is from the Soviet flag. So you're telling me there are no muslims in Russia? :cuckoo:

The third is the Nazi swastika - you know, the group the Soviets aligned with during WWII?

Yes, he can be all. And you just looked like a FOOL posting that...

You see, I have a big problem believing anyone who tells me that Nazi Germany was aligned with Russia during WWII. Good God man, the Russians are the biggest reason the Germans lost WWII. They beat the shit out of the Germans on the Eastern Front. I have to admit, this is definitely a mark against our education system. Either that, or you just weren't paying very good attention in History class.

“The battle of Kursk . . . the forcing of the Dnieper . . . and the liberation of Kiev, left Hitlerite Germany facing catastrophe ”General Vasili I. Chuikov - Commander of the 8th Guards Army - (Speaking after the war)

After the Soviet victory at Stalingrad in February 1943, German generals were convinced that a massive offensive on the Eastern Front would still allow them to regain the upper hand, and knock Russia out of the war. They planned a two pronged assault aimed at ‘pinching off’ the Kursk Salient created by the defeat at Stalingrad. The advance was to be launched from the Orel Salient to the north of Kursk and from Belgorod to the south. Both ‘prongs’ would surround Kursk, restoring the lines of Army Group South to their winter 1941-1942 position.

When the offensive finally began on 5 July, it had already been delayed countless times while the Germans waited for tanks and weapons to be supplied. The Soviets, acting on intelligence information, had massively reinforced the salient, also mobilising reserves to prepare a counterattack. By 13 July, the Germans had been forced into retreat. The attack cost Hitler over 500,000 troops and 1,000 tanks, and spelt the end of the Wehrmacht’s large-scale offensives. As strategic initiative passed to the Soviets, Hitler’s insistence on holding territory at all costs hugely undermined Germany’s ability to mount an effective defence. It was not the first or the last time that Hitler’s inflexibility contributed to military failure.

Throughout the remainder of 1943, the Soviets continued pushing the Germans back. In August 1943, they retook Orel; in the south, fierce battles throughout July and August culminated in the recapture of Kharkov. In the centre, Soviet troops took Bryansk, Smolensk and Gomel. In the south, the Germans' retreat to the River Dneiper forced them to abandon captured farmland and industrial resources. The Germans found it impossible to hold this line, which was broken in October. Kiev, the Ukrainian capital and the USSR’s third largest city, was retaken the following month.

1944 began as 1943 had ended: with unstoppable Soviet success. At the end of January, the 900 day siege of Leningrad was lifted; almost a million of the northern city’s inhabitants had perished. In the south, southern Ukraine and Galitzia were captured in March. The Germans were forced to evacuate the hard-won Crimean Peninsula. April and May saw the liberation of Odessa and Sevastapol. On 9 June, Operation Bagration was launched to retake Belarus. 166 Soviet divisions and 2,700 Soviet tanks crushed the 38 German divisions of Army Group Centre, taking Minsk on 2 July.

Eastern Front - World War 2 on History

Seriously, go back to school. Saying the Nazis were aligned with the Soviets is a bit like denying the Holocaust.

Hey stupid, that was AFTER Adolf Hitler turned on them towards the end of the war. For the first 3/4 of the war, the Soviets were allied with the Germans.

God Almighty you are one stupid, uneducated parasite....

Like I said, Britain and Germany were also allies until Germany turned on them, based on your definition of allies. Try selling that one to historians. And as for your statement that Germany and the USSR were allies for 3/4 of the war, again you are trying to rewrite history.

On August 23, 1939, representatives from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other. By signing this pact, Germany had protected itself from having to fight a two-front war in the soon-to-begin World War II; the Soviet Union was awarded land, including parts of Poland and the Baltic States. The pact was broken when Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union less than two years later, on June 22, 1941.

The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact - The 1939 Agreement Between Hitler and Stalin

I wouldn't call that 3/4 of the war, but hey, I'm not as good at math as you are. But again, we must understand that based on your view of non-aggression pacts being equated to the same thing as an alliance, we then must surmise that Britain and Germany were best buddies in their alliance beginning in 1938. Of course Hitler laughed at that just the same as he did the great alliance with the Soviets, but we'll go with your version. It's like calling the math teacher stupid for saying that 1+1=2.
Last edited:
Rottweiler -

Knowing history is not re-witing it.

Any history of this period will explain the depth of the bitter hatred and competition between Hitler and Stalin. They absolutely loathed each other. And yet they were very similar men, in many ways.

Kershaw's biography covers this in immense detail, but also Montefiore and Pleshakov's books in Stalin cover this. Read them.

btw. Germany WAS a democracy when Hitler was first voted in - but Joe is right that he didn't actually win the election outright. He was asked to form a government as a political ploy - which obviously failed.

If you have any questions about this - do ask, as I've published quite a lot of articles on Fascist theory and Nazi-Soviet relations.
Last edited:
Rottweiler -

Please go and check in a history book. Seriously.

I'd be delighted to recommend one.

Even Nazi-apologists like you can read, I'm sure.

Facts.... they are a bitch, uh stupid?

Nazi Germany - Dictatorship
History Learning Site › ... › Nazi Germany
When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. ... To pass a law, the Reichstag had to agree to it after a bill went through the normal ...

When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. Germany had fair elections; nobody had their right to vote abused; there were numerous political parties you could vote for etc.

Nazi Germany - Dictatorship
Rottweiler -

Knowing history is not re-witing it.

Any history of this period will explain the depth of the bitter hatred and competition between Hitler and Stalin. They absolutely loathed each other. And yet they were very similar men, in many ways.

Kershaw's biography covers this in immense detail, but also Montefiore and Pleshakov's books in Stalin cover this. Read them.

(*Hint - click the link below to LEARN) :lmao:

Nazi Germany - Dictatorship
History Learning Site › ... › Nazi Germany
When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. ... To pass a law, the Reichstag had to agree to it after a bill went through the normal ...

When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. Germany had fair elections; nobody had their right to vote abused; there were numerous political parties you could vote for etc.

Nazi Germany - Dictatorship

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