Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

The REAL ID Act of 2005, Pub.L. 109–13, 119 Stat. 302, enacted May 11, 2005, was an Act of Congress that modified U.S. federal law pertaining to security, authentication, and issuance procedures standards for the state driver's licenses and identification (ID) cards, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to terrorism.

The law set forth certain requirements for state driver's licenses and ID cards to be accepted by the federal government for "official purposes", as defined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. The Secretary of Homeland Security has currently defined "official purposes" as presenting state driver's licenses and identification cards for boarding commercially operated airline flights and entering federal buildings and nuclear power plants.

The REAL ID Act implements the following:
Title II of the act establishes new federal standards for state-issued driver licenses and non-driver identification cards.

That's UnConservative totalitarian shit right there, not commie liberal shit. :lol:

And guess what Missouri is complaining about? They are saying that shit VIOLATES STATES RIGHTS!!!

Funny you weren't screaming about all that when the war on terra Real ID law was passed, eh?

It's "totalitarian" to require ID to prove you are who you say you are when boarding an airplane or entering a nuclear power facility? :lmao: Two things you NEVER have to do, you have the freedom to avoid, and that's your idea of "totalitarianism"? :lmao:

Really? God damn, you are idiot GOLD! Seriously, I've never seen you this fuck'n stupid (and I've seen you pretty fuck'n stupid).

I have to show my issued ID every day I go in and out of the prison I work in, even though the guy at the desk knows me personally. What's the fuss all about?
In KY you have to show your drivers liscence to buy OTC cold medication.

Because of juveniles abusing it as a drug - I know people who grind an OTC cold medicine (which one I don't know) and snort it for some kind of high. Meth gets made out of it too. Is that why KY cards OTC's?
In KY you have to show your drivers liscence to buy OTC cold medication.

Because of juveniles abusing it as a drug - I know people who grind an OTC cold medicine (which one I don't know) and snort it for some kind of high. Meth gets made out of it too. Is that why KY cards OTC's?

I'm pretty sure it is mostly due to the meth problem. I know you get carded to purchase OTC cold medicine in West Virginia, because meth is such a big problem in that state.
That's UnConservative totalitarian shit right there, not commie liberal shit. :lol:

And guess what Missouri is complaining about? They are saying that shit VIOLATES STATES RIGHTS!!!

Funny you weren't screaming about all that when the war on terra Real ID law was passed, eh?

It's "totalitarian" to require ID to prove you are who you say you are when boarding an airplane or entering a nuclear power facility? :lmao: Two things you NEVER have to do, you have the freedom to avoid, and that's your idea of "totalitarianism"? :lmao:

Really? God damn, you are idiot GOLD! Seriously, I've never seen you this fuck'n stupid (and I've seen you pretty fuck'n stupid).

I have to show my issued ID every day I go in and out of the prison I work in, even though the guy at the desk knows me personally. What's the fuss all about?

For once, I agree with you 100%. Some things simply require ID - and I've yet to see ANY that infringe on your rights. If you're not comfortable showing ID at a nuclear power plant, then don't go to the power plant (how many people really do this anyway?). If you're not comfortable getting an ID for conceal carry, then don't conceal carry (it is 100% legal to carry a firearm in the open in 43 of the 50 states - something most people don't realize). If you don't want to show your ID at a commercial airline, don't fly commercial.

There's only a problem if you're an idiot looking for a fight, like g5000..
It's "totalitarian" to require ID to prove you are who you say you are when boarding an airplane or entering a nuclear power facility? :lmao: Two things you NEVER have to do, you have the freedom to avoid, and that's your idea of "totalitarianism"? :lmao:

Really? God damn, you are idiot GOLD! Seriously, I've never seen you this fuck'n stupid (and I've seen you pretty fuck'n stupid).

I have to show my issued ID every day I go in and out of the prison I work in, even though the guy at the desk knows me personally. What's the fuss all about?

For once, I agree with you 100%. Some things simply require ID - and I've yet to see ANY that infringe on your rights. If you're not comfortable showing ID at a nuclear power plant, then don't go to the power plant (how many people really do this anyway?). If you're not comfortable getting an ID for conceal carry, then don't conceal carry (it is 100% legal to carry a firearm in the open in 43 of the 50 states - something most people don't realize). If you don't want to show your ID at a commercial airline, don't fly commercial.

There's only a problem if you're an idiot looking for a fight, like g5000..

Shit, showing or obtaining some ID is nothing new. These people act like it's some new invention. If you were in Revolutionary War times, you couldn't just walk into Washington's camp - you had to identify yourself because spys were everywhere. Just more modern day "doomsday" hyperbole.
A concealed carry permit is a government issued ID. ...

Soooooo...the data being collected is being collected because of the GOP obsession with national identification cards.

And where exactly was that mentioned in the story? Oh, that's right, it wasn't. As usual, you're just making stuff up. However, this is more egregious than normal for you. Do you need your meds adjusted again?

You know how you guys scream for Voter ID all the time? Well, in order to determine what kind of government issued ID should be acceptable as Voter ID, or for any other purpose, you have to collect data on the various types of government issued ID, you dumb fucks. To see which ones pass muster and can be used for all the fucking shit you want people to be carded for.

Ah, no you don't you stupid fuck'n moron. God damn, you really are out of the stratosphere on stupidity here today. There is no "determination" to be made. This shows how desperate you are to make a point (and man, are you failing as usual). All that is required is a photo id. Period. So your drivers license is more than acceptable. So is a state issued ID card. And, if someone really wanted, you could even create voter ID cards (seems unnecessary, but it could be done). In any of these scenarios, absolutely NO data on people is required. ....
Wow... just when I thought your incoherent rambling couldn't get any more insane - you go and raise the insanity bar to new heights :lmao:
In fact the law being criticized was indeed insisted upon by the Bush Administration in 2005. CF report of the AMERICAN IMMIGRATION LAWYERS ASSOCIATION

"For Immediate Release: May 3, 2005

Julia Hendrix
(202) 216-2404
[email protected]


Washington, D.C. — Congress is poised to pass, and the White House to sign, the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill (H.R. 1268) that would support the military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan and tsunami relief efforts. Sadly, the White House and Republican leadership compromised the integrity of that important measure by attaching to it the highly controversial, ill-conceived, divisive, and anti-immigrant REAL ID Act (H.R. 418). This measure has generated well-deserved opposition from more than 650 religious, ethnic, privacy, libertarian, immigration, and conservative groups, as well as representatives of state and local governments.

Once enacted, the REAL ID Act will have numerous negative consequences, including: making it extremely difficult for people fleeing persecution to obtain refuge in the United States; suspending the Great Writ of habeas corpus for the first time since the Civil War; increasing the number of uninsured, unlicensed drivers on our roadways; severely limiting the critical law enforcement utility of Department of Motor Vehicle databases; imposing impossible and unfunded mandates on the states; undermining our fundamental commitment to free speech and association; and waiving all laws related to construction of fences at our borders, thereby granting unprecedented, and unnecessary, authority to the Department of Homeland Security.

Along with being fatally flawed substantively, this bill gives Congress a black mark procedurally."

My take on this is whether or not the GOP or the DEMs were responsible for the law, it stands to reason that those who worry about a government conspiracy to repeal the 2nd Amendment would worry that the law is contrary to the right of privacy and has the unintended result that it enables the FEDs to create a data base of gun owners contrary to the GOP 2004 Platform that such a data base is contrary to the 2nd Amendment.
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A concealed carry permit is a government issued ID. ...

Soooooo...the data being collected is being collected because of the GOP obsession with national identification cards.

And where exactly was that mentioned in the story? Oh, that's right, it wasn't. As usual, you're just making stuff up. However, this is more egregious than normal for you. Do you need your meds adjusted again?

You know how you guys scream for Voter ID all the time? Well, in order to determine what kind of government issued ID should be acceptable as Voter ID, or for any other purpose, you have to collect data on the various types of government issued ID, you dumb fucks. To see which ones pass muster and can be used for all the fucking shit you want people to be carded for.

Ah, no you don't you stupid fuck'n moron. God damn, you really are out of the stratosphere on stupidity here today. There is no "determination" to be made. This shows how desperate you are to make a point (and man, are you failing as usual). All that is required is a photo id. Period. So your drivers license is more than acceptable. So is a state issued ID card. And, if someone really wanted, you could even create voter ID cards (seems unnecessary, but it could be done). In any of these scenarios, absolutely NO data on people is required. ....
Wow... just when I thought your incoherent rambling couldn't get any more insane - you go and raise the insanity bar to new heights :lmao:
In fact the law being criticized was indeed insisted upon by the Bush Administration in 2005. CF report of the AMERICAN IMMIGRATION LAWYERS ASSOCIATION

"For Immediate Release: May 3, 2005

Julia Hendrix
(202) 216-2404
[email protected]


Washington, D.C. — Congress is poised to pass, and the White House to sign, the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill (H.R. 1268) that would support the military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan and tsunami relief efforts. Sadly, the White House and Republican leadership compromised the integrity of that important measure by attaching to it the highly controversial, ill-conceived, divisive, and anti-immigrant REAL ID Act (H.R. 418). This measure has generated well-deserved opposition from more than 650 religious, ethnic, privacy, libertarian, immigration, and conservative groups, as well as representatives of state and local governments.

Once enacted, the REAL ID Act will have numerous negative consequences, including: making it extremely difficult for people fleeing persecution to obtain refuge in the United States; suspending the Great Writ of habeas corpus for the first time since the Civil War; increasing the number of uninsured, unlicensed drivers on our roadways; severely limiting the critical law enforcement utility of Department of Motor Vehicle databases; imposing impossible and unfunded mandates on the states; undermining our fundamental commitment to free speech and association; and waiving all laws related to construction of fences at our borders, thereby granting unprecedented, and unnecessary, authority to the Department of Homeland Security.

Along with being fatally flawed substantively, this bill gives Congress a black mark procedurally."

My take on this is whether or not the GOP or the DEMs were responsible for the law, it stands to reason that those who worry about a government conspiracy to repeal the 2nd Amendment would worry that the law is contrary to the right of privacy and has the unintended result that it enables the FEDs to create a data base of gun owners contrary to the GOP 2004 Platform that such a data base is contrary to the 2nd Amendment.

You don't see a conflict of interest here on this OPINION? I'm not sure it's wise to take the opinion of an immigration attorney on a law meant to secure our borders. She stands to lose considerable business.

Furthermore, where does everyone on this site get "conspiracy" out of the stories posted? This is just comical. These liberal representatives are on video stating their goal to ban guns.

What kind of tin-foil hat do you have to be wearing to hear/see someone on video state their intentions and then claim anyone who believes them is buying into a "conspiracy" :cuckoo:
There is nothing stupider than this meme that democracy leads to communism. The fact that there are no examples in history ought to be enough to dissuade any reasonable person from repeating it.
What kind of tin-foil hat do you have to be wearing to hear/see someone on video state their intentions and then claim anyone who believes them is buying into a "conspiracy" :cuckoo:

Simply because the video represented merely one member of the Democratic party and not the majority viewpoint. The member was known for her extreme position on gun control. It isn't hard for any large party to have members whose viewpoints are contrary to the party platform. One party member having an ultra-left extremist view that all guns should be banned does not amount to a government conspiracy to take away a persons right to gun ownership.
There is nothing stupider than this meme that democracy leads to communism. The fact that there are no examples in history ought to be enough to dissuade any reasonable person from repeating it.

  • Iran was a democracy until the coup d'etat in 1953

    [*]Cuba was a democracy until President Batista cancelled elections and dissolved all political parties around 1952

    [*]Adolf Hitler was elected in Germany's democracy in 1933

You're truly a bona fide idiot
What kind of tin-foil hat do you have to be wearing to hear/see someone on video state their intentions and then claim anyone who believes them is buying into a "conspiracy" :cuckoo:

Simply because the video represented merely one member of the Democratic party and not the majority viewpoint. The member was known for her extreme position on gun control. It isn't hard for any large party to have members whose viewpoints are contrary to the party platform. One party member having an ultra-left extremist view that all guns should be banned does not amount to a government conspiracy to take away a persons right to gun ownership.

Except that it's not just "one extreme" representative. In fact, I posted multiple stories about multiple representatives to start this thread. Perhaps you should be informed before commenting? Just saying...
have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The missouri department of revenue has allegedly been compiling data on missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

missouri dept. Of revenue allegedly compiling data on concealed carry holders, forwarding it to company with ties to gov?t |

Oh no, the Communists are coming. They're coming to get us. We're all going to become Communists, the sky is falling. Save us all from this horrible Communism. Omg, the world is coming to an end. We have to do something now.
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There is nothing stupider than this meme that democracy leads to communism. The fact that there are no examples in history ought to be enough to dissuade any reasonable person from repeating it.

In the history of the planet, there are no examples of a murder victim being murdered before the day of their "final" murder. Since it never happened to that victim before, I guess it couldn't possibly have happened to them when it did. I guess they aren't really dead and someone just needs to tell them... :cuckoo:
have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The missouri department of revenue has allegedly been compiling data on missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

missouri dept. Of revenue allegedly compiling data on concealed carry holders, forwarding it to company with ties to gov?t |

Oh no, the Communists are coming. They're coming to get us. We're all going to become Communists, the sky is falling. Save us all from this horrible Communism. Omg, the world is coming to an end. We have to do something now.

When you're on the wrong side of the facts, all you're left with is sarcasm...

We've lost volumes of freedoms since America was founded. Our founders wouldn't even recognize what our government has morphed into. And they would be sick to death at the loss of rights and the erosion of the Constitution. At the rate we're going, if we don't change course, it's not a question of "if" - it is only a question of "when".

But hey, if you prefer to trade your freedom for government cheese and other table scraps, that is certainly your God given right as a lazy parasite.
There is nothing stupider than this meme that democracy leads to communism. The fact that there are no examples in history ought to be enough to dissuade any reasonable person from repeating it.

Before Hiroshima, there were no examples in history of a nuclear bomb being detonated on a city. So by your "logic", no bomb could possibly have been dropped on Hiroshima :cuckoo:
Best part of Communist Takeover?

You think is impossible, you think can never happen because you won WWII. You have Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet. Cable TV and Cell phone.

How do I know we will takeover?: You know ALL about your favorite Sports Team but you don't know what 4th Amendment is.

When gun is taken, America will be over. :clap2:

Really? The first one is a symbol of Islam. The second one is from the Soviet flag. So you're telling me there are no muslims in Russia? :cuckoo:

The third is the Nazi swastika - you know, the group the Soviets aligned with during WWII?

Yes, he can be all. And you just looked like a FOOL posting that...
Best part of Communist Takeover?

You think is impossible, you think can never happen because you won WWII. You have Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet. Cable TV and Cell phone.

How do I know we will takeover?: You know ALL about your favorite Sports Team but you don't know what 4th Amendment is.

When gun is taken, America will be over. :clap2:

There is nothing more absurd than the naive belief that simply because you live in America, you are completely immune from communism, oppresive govenrment, civil unrest, etc.

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