Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

Rottweiler -

Amd you wonder why people think you're a troll?

Nobody thinks I'm a troll. In fact, you're the ONLY one who has EVER even suggested as much to me.

It's something you have to scream out in an attempt to distract everyone that I am owning you with facts. You've got nothing - no links, no information, not even an informed opinion. Which is why you focus on me and personal attacks instead of the subject matter at hand :)
Just of curiosity - what does it say that the "weakest poster on the forum" has owned you so completely and thoroughly that you've been left with nothing except to run from the thread and/or change the topic to a personal attack? :)
It says that not only are you among the dumbest posters here, you're incredibly delusional as well.

A mighty wicked combination but you pull it off with absolutely no effort at all. Good job! :clap2:

Don't worry, when you humiliate him enough times, he puts you on ignore and pretends he can't see your posts.
I'm working on it.

Here's a beaut . . . !

Umm, even Bush says he was wrong ...

"the main reason we went into Iraq, at the time, was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't," ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

... why can't you?

From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

Umm, who knows better if Bush was wrong? Mr. Pfarerr ... or Bush himself?

So I'll repeat what's already been stated (only this time I'll sum it up in my own words since you're clearly too stupid to understand what Mr. Pfarrer stated in his book): who has more to hide - the highest politician in the land who needs to be re-elected and/or needs to maintain a certain level of "respectability" to increase his party's chances of re-election, or a former Navy Seal turned author who has no horse in the race?

note the date ...

"the main reason we went into Iraq, at the time, was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't" ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

Hey, look at that! Bush was already re-elected when he admitted the weapons for which he went into Iraq, weren't there!

G'head, keep up the name calling in lieu of rational thinking.


Flaming rightard asserting that Bush was running for re-election in 2006!!!

Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

Why don't you protect all American citizens from this Communist Threat? You're not a coward, are you?

Get your guns and make those evil commies pry it from your cold dead hands. You will be honored by those who so honored Rudolph, McVeigh, Koresh and other 'heros' of the far right. Think about it, maybe right wing wackadoodles also get 25-virgins.
[ame=]The wrong words slip out of Congressman John Dingell's mouth - YouTube[/ame]

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