Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

Rather than read idiotic blogs, maybe it's worth talking to Europeans about the system, and getting a few facts from decent sources.

Our healthcare system costs far less per citizen than yours does, it deliver better health outcomes, and it includes the entire population.

A night in hospital here costs about $25. Even a private dentist appointment will only set you back about $100 for a cavity and a check-up and clean.

How is that a failure?

We're dropping like a rock when it comes to public health compared to many other countries. Many factors, mostly based on PREVENTATIVE (or lack thereof) medicine. Costs this country billions.

More ignorant propaganda. It's doesn't cost this country shit for the majority - it costs private citizens and the private corporations they contract with.

The only reason it costs this country anything is because stupid fucking liberals like you want to socialize everything and created medicaid. So don't bitch about the cost when you people created the problem.... :cuckoo:

Fakes like you Crotchrottweiler crack me up. I'm so sure you WON'T take medicaid when you're able. I'm sure you'd never take unemployment if you needed it, would you? You'd NEVER allow the FBI to assist in a case where, God forbid, a kid of yours got kidnapped, would you? You NEVER take public roads, right? And, of course, you'd never collect a dime of Social Security. I'm not holding my breath.

More ignorant propaganda. It's doesn't cost this country shit for the majority - it costs private citizens and the private corporations they contract with.

The only reason it costs this country anything is because stupid fucking liberals like you want to socialize everything and created medicaid. So don't bitch about the cost when you people created the problem.... :cuckoo:

Besides, they're just poor people and we should let them die.

Simple solution. Universal health care, tax the fuck out of the rich to pay for it. Done.

Robbery and looting is your solution for every problem.

What are you going to do the following year when the rich all leave for a country that doesn't try to rob them?
As usual, you prove yourself to be a complete fucking idiot...

Not all guns are banned in New York.
"The law itself is clear,” he said, “if you knowingly possess a loaded firearm in New York, then you are technically guilty of a serious crime. The fact that somebody in another state has a valid concealed carry permit is, legally speaking, irrelevant in New York.”

url=Marine faces 15 years behind bars for unknowingly violating conceal carry law

Are you ready to refrain from commenting before you actually known what you're talking about? If not, I can continue to embarrass you....
I agree that the New York City law is a violation of the 2nd Amendment and also of due process. Shame on New York.

How, exactly, does it ‘violate’ either?
Rather than read idiotic blogs, maybe it's worth talking to Europeans about the system, and getting a few facts from decent sources.

Our healthcare system costs far less per citizen than yours does, it deliver better health outcomes, and it includes the entire population.

A night in hospital here costs about $25. Even a private dentist appointment will only set you back about $100 for a cavity and a check-up and clean.

How is that a failure?

We're dropping like a rock when it comes to public health compared to many other countries. Many factors, mostly based on PREVENTATIVE (or lack thereof) medicine. Costs this country billions.

More ignorant propaganda. It's doesn't cost this country shit for the majority - it costs private citizens and the private corporations they contract with.

The only reason it costs this country anything is because stupid fucking liberals like you want to socialize everything and created medicaid. So don't bitch about the cost when you people created the problem.... :cuckoo:

Um...which one of us lives in Europe?

Try and stay in at least vague contact with reality, Rottie.

More ignorant propaganda. It's doesn't cost this country shit for the majority - it costs private citizens and the private corporations they contract with.

The only reason it costs this country anything is because stupid fucking liberals like you want to socialize everything and created medicaid. So don't bitch about the cost when you people created the problem.... :cuckoo:

Besides, they're just poor people and we should let them die.

Simple solution. Universal health care, tax the fuck out of the rich to pay for it. Done.

Robbery and looting is your solution for every problem.

What are you going to do the following year when the rich all leave for a country that doesn't try to rob them?

Seriously, where are they going to go? You think there's a country out there that's going to welcome our rich douchebags?

Hellllloooooo... the reason they like the US is that we are the only country that allows that kind of robbery of the working class to start with.

That's why you don't see any Germans or Japanese or Frenchmen on the list of "Top Paid CEO's"< they are all Americans.
Do you have the right to park your vehicle on my property or is it a privilege I decide?

Your private property is your private property. Nobody is disputing that.

The problem is, my private property (like an automobile) is my private property, and you have zero rights with regards to it.

This has already been ruled on by the state supreme courts. It's over. You have no rights to someone else is vehicle. You can tell them they can't have it on your properly, but you have zero right to know what's inside. Sorry if you don't like it - it's just a fact.

This sign is posted on my property...what are you going to do smart ass?


Every state is different. But here is the red of red states...Texas...

30. Do private property owners have the right to exclude license holders from their property?

Yes. Private property owners may give notice excluding license holders from carrying concealed handguns. Official Notice must comply with state mandates as described below. If a CHL Holder carries a concealed handgun on posted property, they can be charged with criminal trespass by a license holder. The charge is a Class A misdemeanor, and if you are convicted, your license will be revoked.

32. If I am a business owner or manager and do not want guns in my business, what type of sign should I post?

If you want to prohibit license holders from carrying concealed handguns on your property, state law requires you provide notice to potential trespassers, either orally or by posting a sign that says:

”Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.”

The sign must be written in both English and Spanish in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height, and must be displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.

33. If I drive to a shopping mall that does not permit handguns, will I be allowed to park in the parking lot and leave my gun in the car?

If the parking lot is not posted with the sign described above, handguns may be left in the cars. However, if the sign is posted in or at the entrance to the parking lot, you may not.

I'm sorry this upsets you so much, but it doesn't change the fact - the vehicle is PRIVATE PROPERTY and as such, a person cannot be denied from leaving a weapon they legally possess (ie have a conceal carry license for, etc.) in their vehicle.
Your private property is your private property. Nobody is disputing that.

The problem is, my private property (like an automobile) is my private property, and you have zero rights with regards to it.

This has already been ruled on by the state supreme courts. It's over. You have no rights to someone else is vehicle. You can tell them they can't have it on your properly, but you have zero right to know what's inside. Sorry if you don't like it - it's just a fact.

This sign is posted on my property...what are you going to do smart ass?


Every state is different. But here is the red of red states...Texas...

30. Do private property owners have the right to exclude license holders from their property?

Yes. Private property owners may give notice excluding license holders from carrying concealed handguns. Official Notice must comply with state mandates as described below. If a CHL Holder carries a concealed handgun on posted property, they can be charged with criminal trespass by a license holder. The charge is a Class A misdemeanor, and if you are convicted, your license will be revoked.

32. If I am a business owner or manager and do not want guns in my business, what type of sign should I post?

If you want to prohibit license holders from carrying concealed handguns on your property, state law requires you provide notice to potential trespassers, either orally or by posting a sign that says:

”Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.”

The sign must be written in both English and Spanish in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height, and must be displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.

33. If I drive to a shopping mall that does not permit handguns, will I be allowed to park in the parking lot and leave my gun in the car?

If the parking lot is not posted with the sign described above, handguns may be left in the cars. However, if the sign is posted in or at the entrance to the parking lot, you may not.

I'm sorry this upsets you so much, but it doesn't change the fact - the vehicle is PRIVATE PROPERTY and as such, a person cannot be denied from leaving a weapon they legally possess (ie have a conceal carry license for, etc.) in their vehicle.

Don't worry Rott has the KKK thing down, there is no use trying to argue with KKK people like him, it just make your head hurt.
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

By Tiffany Gabbay
Mar. 20, 2012

If one wanted to destroy America, all one would need to do is break the country into parts and chisel away at each segment, bit by bit. Tuesday&#8217;s episode of The Glenn Beck Program laid out America&#8217;s core components and described how each one is being undermined and thus, destroyed. But who is doing the destroying?

Glenn contends that those seeking to dismantle the American way are &#8220;no longer progressives.&#8221; Instead, the left has successfully morphed into what it had always intended to be: Full-fledged Communists.

&#8220;Progressives can say mission accomplished. Now it&#8217;s phase two.&#8221;

Invoking Stuart Chase&#8217;s &#8220;The Road We Are Traveling&#8221; and the recent Obama propaganda piece by essentially the same name, Glenn informed viewers that progressives&#8217; &#8220;road&#8221; has come to an end, and thus, it is now time to &#8220;start studying Communism.&#8221;

And while this machine is &#8220;way beyond Barack Obama,&#8221; he is, in effect, its prime mover. Recall during his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama said he wanted to &#8220;fundamentally transform&#8221; the country, and indeed, the entire world.

In the words of Maya Angelou: &#8221;The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.&#8221;

But, Glenn ceded, &#8220;Obama is not the first radical.&#8221;

&#8220;Woodrow Wilson and FDR did it too.&#8221;

He also reminded that when Obama vowed to fundamentally change the nation and the world it was brushed off as merely &#8220;campaign rhetoric,&#8221; but with progressives, &#8220;their words have meaning.&#8221;

So the president wanted to change the entire structure of the country. In order to do that, Glenn cautioned, one &#8220;needs to dismantle the current structure.&#8221;

And assume full control.

He added that &#8220;we need to change the way we&#8217;re thinking because the battle has changed.&#8221;

A fundamental change:

&#8220;They built their machine,&#8221; said Glenn. Progressives have now turned that machine on and we must pay attention to Communists.

He instructed viewers to learn as much as they can about Communism &#8212; how it works, what its core tenets are, who its radical architects and advocates are, as well as to familiarize themselves with the system&#8217;s heroes and villains.

Phase II:

Read more:
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This sign is posted on my property...what are you going to do smart ass?


Every state is different. But here is the red of red states...Texas...

30. Do private property owners have the right to exclude license holders from their property?

Yes. Private property owners may give notice excluding license holders from carrying concealed handguns. Official Notice must comply with state mandates as described below. If a CHL Holder carries a concealed handgun on posted property, they can be charged with criminal trespass by a license holder. The charge is a Class A misdemeanor, and if you are convicted, your license will be revoked.

32. If I am a business owner or manager and do not want guns in my business, what type of sign should I post?

If you want to prohibit license holders from carrying concealed handguns on your property, state law requires you provide notice to potential trespassers, either orally or by posting a sign that says:

”Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.”

The sign must be written in both English and Spanish in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height, and must be displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.

33. If I drive to a shopping mall that does not permit handguns, will I be allowed to park in the parking lot and leave my gun in the car?

If the parking lot is not posted with the sign described above, handguns may be left in the cars. However, if the sign is posted in or at the entrance to the parking lot, you may not.

I'm sorry this upsets you so much, but it doesn't change the fact - the vehicle is PRIVATE PROPERTY and as such, a person cannot be denied from leaving a weapon they legally possess (ie have a conceal carry license for, etc.) in their vehicle.

Don't worry Rott has the KKK thing down, there is no use trying to argue with KKK people like him, it just make your head hurt.

Crotchrotweiller I think loves Fascism. Do it MY WAY!
Besides, they're just poor people and we should let them die.

Simple solution. Universal health care, tax the fuck out of the rich to pay for it. Done.

Robbery and looting is your solution for every problem.

What are you going to do the following year when the rich all leave for a country that doesn't try to rob them?

Seriously, where are they going to go?

Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada, Chile, Mauritius, and Denmark all have a higher economic freedom index than the U.S.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

You think there's a country out there that's going to welcome our rich douchebags?

The only "douchebags" are you liberal parasites who use immature terms like "douchebags"

Hellllloooooo... the reason they like the US is that we are the only country that allows that kind of robbery of the working class to start with.

You're the only idiot I know who considers a working man earning a living "robbery" and then supports actual robbery of those people, considering it to be the "decent" thing to do :cuckoo:. You are one fucked-up little communist.

That's why you don't see any Germans or Japanese or Frenchmen on the list of "Top Paid CEO's"< they are all Americans.

Actually, it's because America has rejected the very stupid communist policies that you advocate - thus we produce goods, services, technical break-throughs, and wealth that other unmotivated countries cannot.

I'm still waiting for Joe to answer why he won't move to Cuba where they have everything he dreams of economically - plus beautiful weather.

Deep down, he knows that a nation full of lazy little communists like him leaves him no one to mooch off of. He loves the filthy rich American CEO because so long as they exist, he can dream of getting his greedy little hands on their money by screaming for communism (little does he know it's never going to happen).
Crotchrotweiller I think loves Fascism. Do it MY WAY!

Says the fascist who wants to control what is in other people's vehicle and who wants to get rid of the U.S. Constitution because it provides too many freedoms to people in his twisted mind :cuckoo:

I'm on the side that is trying to make government smaller and less powerful. You're on the side that wants government to control the people (ie fascist).
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |


Neither the OP nor the article explain the mechanics of how guns will be ‘confiscated.’

Will BATFE trucks roam up and down the streets of America banging on doors and compelling citizens to turn over their firearms?

What Federal law proposes to authorize that?

And it would seem the OP’s ignorance of the Constitution and its case law is comprehensive, as he’s clearly never heard of the 5th Amendment:

The “Takings Clause” of the Fifth Amendment to the federal constitution prohibits taking private property “for public use, without just compensation.” This prohibition applies to the states through the 14th Amendment. While the Takings Clause is often discussed in the context of land and real estate, it also applies to personal property. The clause applies to actual confiscations of property as well as to regulatory takings (e.g., laws that deprive a property owner of all beneficial use of the property).

Takings Clause cases can address a variety of issues, such as (1) whether a government action sufficiently infringed upon a property interest to constitute a compensable taking; (2) whether the taking was for public use; and (3) if compensation is required, how to value the property.


That means every gun owner has the right to file suit to challenge the taking of his firearms, and that he is entitled to just compensation.

How long does the OP believe it will take for the courts to review millions of claims?

Again, idiocy.

Again, you were saying about government being restrained by the constitution?

NJ Mother Pressured to Turn Over Her Guns, Charged With ?Terroristic Threats? After Reading the Constitution at Tax Dispute Assembly |

Isn't it funny how liberals detest and reject the Constitution until such time as they can use it to hide their agenda?
Your private property is your private property. Nobody is disputing that.

The problem is, my private property (like an automobile) is my private property, and you have zero rights with regards to it.

This has already been ruled on by the state supreme courts. It's over. You have no rights to someone else is vehicle. You can tell them they can't have it on your properly, but you have zero right to know what's inside. Sorry if you don't like it - it's just a fact.

This sign is posted on my property...what are you going to do smart ass?


Every state is different. But here is the red of red states...Texas...

30. Do private property owners have the right to exclude license holders from their property?

Yes. Private property owners may give notice excluding license holders from carrying concealed handguns. Official Notice must comply with state mandates as described below. If a CHL Holder carries a concealed handgun on posted property, they can be charged with criminal trespass by a license holder. The charge is a Class A misdemeanor, and if you are convicted, your license will be revoked.

32. If I am a business owner or manager and do not want guns in my business, what type of sign should I post?

If you want to prohibit license holders from carrying concealed handguns on your property, state law requires you provide notice to potential trespassers, either orally or by posting a sign that says:

”Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.”

The sign must be written in both English and Spanish in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height, and must be displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.

33. If I drive to a shopping mall that does not permit handguns, will I be allowed to park in the parking lot and leave my gun in the car?

If the parking lot is not posted with the sign described above, handguns may be left in the cars. However, if the sign is posted in or at the entrance to the parking lot, you may not.

I'm sorry this upsets you so much, but it doesn't change the fact - the vehicle is PRIVATE PROPERTY and as such, a person cannot be denied from leaving a weapon they legally possess (ie have a conceal carry license for, etc.) in their vehicle.

NOT on my property pal.
Crotchrotweiller I think loves Fascism. Do it MY WAY!

Says the fascist who wants to control what is in other people's vehicle and who wants to get rid of the U.S. Constitution because it provides too many freedoms to people in his twisted mind :cuckoo:

I'm on the side that is trying to make government smaller and less powerful. You're on the side that wants government to control the people (ie fascist).

Crotchrott, point to where I said I want to control what is in other people's vehicles. Can't do it. In addition, Crotchrott, show me where I said I wanted government to control the people. Can't do it. I'd throw the third strike right now but it's too much fun watching a fascist like you whiff. You're so fuckin' paranoid that the government has already made you their slave, with the help, of course, of their fear-mongers.
Rather than waste my time trying to see if Poodle has an ounce of humanity in him, I thought I'd just see how many times he thinks saying "Communist" is an argument.

[ little communist.... communist policies ... lazy little communists ...communism

Wow. Four. I think this is a new personal best.

Crotchrottweiler is a literary giant!
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

"Phase Five" sounds like a good movie title. Kind of like "Plan 9 From Outer Space". Just as believable too...
NOT on my property pal.

Well, that is a cute slogan, but the thing is - you'll never know because you have zero right to know what is inside the vehicle since it is private property.

The only thing you can do is decide whether or not you want someone's vehicle at your house. And you have to make that decision without knowing what is inside that automobile (unless they volunteer that information to you).

Case closed. Move on.

NOT on my property pal.

Well, that is a cute slogan, but the thing is - you'll never know because you have zero right to know what is inside the vehicle since it is private property.

The only thing you can do is decide whether or not you want someone's vehicle at your house. And you have to make that decision without knowing what is inside that automobile (unless they volunteer that information to you).

Case closed. Move on.


But YOU know what is in your vehicle, and if you ignore the sign posted on my property and you get caught, the charge is a Class A misdemeanor, and if you are convicted, your license will be revoked.

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