Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

Oh my God - someone put this lady in a nursing home where she belongs.

Michael Bloomber has already banned ALL guns in New York. It's a fact! There is not one single type of firearm you are allowed to have on you in the entire city limits of New York

As usual, you prove yourself to be a complete fucking idiot...

Not all guns are banned in New York.

NYPD - Permits

Furthermore, banning all guns as you idiotically was done in NY, is unconstitutional. See District of Columbia v. Heller

You should really read the entire link before posting it.

Everything listed there is "special" license for "business" purposes only. In fact, one license states the license may only be carried on the premises of the business (well no shit, considering that is PRIVATE property).

All guns have been banned, and the average citizen may NOT carry a firearm in NY. Special exemptions are made for wealthy business people (like ALL laws - there are exemptions). :cuckoo:

Notice how the two comments in red dispute each other.

You shot down your own ignorant assertion:

"There is not one single type of firearm you are allowed to have on you in the entire city limits of New York" ~ A complete fucking retard
Holy shit! Fruitcake, simply stating a country that does not permit handguns but has a high crime rate, in no way, shape or form, proves causation.

You're too stupid to understand that, ain'tcha?

Hell, you can't even prove that the U.K. and Australia have the highest violent crime rates in the world. :cuckoo:

You mean other than the original link I posted which stated they have the highest violent crime rates in the world? :lmao:

God almighty, go back and read. Read son. Actually read.

Holy fuck, Fruicake! The data you cite is from the last century.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You know this is 2013, don'tcha?

Somehow, I figured you couldn't prove your idiocy.
God almighty, go back and read. Read son. Actually read.


I wonder if there is another poster on this forum who has read as few of his own links as Rottie!!!
No you ignorant asshole. Parking your vehicle on MY PROPERTY is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. And I have a right to know if there is a lethal weapon ON MY PROPERTY that could be used against me, my family or my employees.


I can't stop laughing at this fool., you don't. No such right exist. You want me to prove it to you?

Please cite where in the Constitution it states "ignorant, uneducated, asshole liberal has a RIGHT to know what is inside a vehicle parked on his properly"? :lmao:

God damn man, thank you for a great laugh. There is nothing funnier than when liberals start making up their own rights (like healthcare - another gem) because it so easily disproved. I eagerly await your answer... :lmao:

Do you have the right to park your vehicle on my property or is it a privilege I decide?

I understand that. And notice that I did not argue with your statement? That's because, the truth is, I don't know the history of socialized medicine in Europe, so I'm not going to comment on it.

However, I did ask how it's working out now because I do know about it now. I've read quite a bit about it over the past few years, and like everything government-run/socialized, it's a spectacular failure.

Unfortunately, what you read are from Right Wing propaganda mills funded by big corporations...

The reality.

European run health care systems spend less, people live longer, less of their babies die in infancy and a chronic disease isn't a bankrupting event.

Now, it's true that the rich get the same quality of care as the poor do (THE HORROR!!!!) and a few rich douchebags fly to America so they don't have to share a hospital room.
Serious question: why do you liberals insist on being this stupid? I'm a die-hard conservative. I believe in small government. I believe in governmentn with limited power. I believe in freedom. How in the hell does that even remotely resemble Ahmadinejad who is a big-government, unlimited power, totalitarian like you liberals?!?!

You're neither. You're a bought and sold sheep to the corrupt partisan system that has wrecked this country but you don't care, Crotchrottweiler. You only care about YOUR side winning and the hell with America.

Says the dolt whose side is collapsing America with socialism/marxism/communism.

Keep surrendering your freedoms and rights to Obama or some other "dear leader" in exchange for government table scraps, you government-dependent little infant.....

Fuck you. Because I don't subscribe to your Ann Coulter views here come all the marxisms and other "isms." You don't give one shit about this country, period. Proof? You can't even think past what your "leaders" tell you to think. You're a slave to be pitied.

I understand that. And notice that I did not argue with your statement? That's because, the truth is, I don't know the history of socialized medicine in Europe, so I'm not going to comment on it.

However, I did ask how it's working out now because I do know about it now. I've read quite a bit about it over the past few years, and like everything government-run/socialized, it's a spectacular failure.

Unfortunately, what you read are from Right Wing propaganda mills funded by big corporations...

The reality.

European run health care systems spend less, people live longer, less of their babies die in infancy and a chronic disease isn't a bankrupting event.

Now, it's true that the rich get the same quality of care as the poor do (THE HORROR!!!!) and a few rich douchebags fly to America so they don't have to share a hospital room.

What Joe says is true. I lived in the EU. Lived and worked there for 4 years. I had EU health coverage for 4 years. I know what is working. I also know that most of the economies are not falling apart. The country I was in is stable, given some repercussions due to the world wide recession, which has nothing to do with EU social services. I paid a 40% tax, though I am a middle income professional. My salary was enough, with that 40% reduction, to live a comfortable lifestyle and save money. Had I stayed there long enough, I'd be due retirement payments. The countries have strict gun laws and are safe, clean, well managed and comfortable. I am hoping to retire in Europe in a few years. It's a good life; better than in the States.
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Rott is a dumb fuck whos mom is his sister, why is anyone playing this guy any mind?

Oh, I tend to disagree. I bet ya Crotchrottweiler has is own Ann blow up doll............

However, I did ask how it's working out now because I do know about it now. I've read quite a bit about it over the past few years, and like everything government-run/socialized, it's a spectacular failure.

Rather than read idiotic blogs, maybe it's worth talking to Europeans about the system, and getting a few facts from decent sources.

Our healthcare system costs far less per citizen than yours does, it deliver better health outcomes, and it includes the entire population.

A night in hospital here costs about $25. Even a private dentist appointment will only set you back about $100 for a cavity and a check-up and clean.

How is that a failure?
However, I did ask how it's working out now because I do know about it now. I've read quite a bit about it over the past few years, and like everything government-run/socialized, it's a spectacular failure.

Rather than read idiotic blogs, maybe it's worth talking to Europeans about the system, and getting a few facts from decent sources.

Our healthcare system costs far less per citizen than yours does, it deliver better health outcomes, and it includes the entire population.

A night in hospital here costs about $25. Even a private dentist appointment will only set you back about $100 for a cavity and a check-up and clean.

How is that a failure?

We're dropping like a rock when it comes to public health compared to many other countries. Many factors, mostly based on PREVENTATIVE (or lack thereof) medicine. Costs this country billions.
However, I did ask how it's working out now because I do know about it now. I've read quite a bit about it over the past few years, and like everything government-run/socialized, it's a spectacular failure.

Rather than read idiotic blogs, maybe it's worth talking to Europeans about the system, and getting a few facts from decent sources.

Our healthcare system costs far less per citizen than yours does, it deliver better health outcomes, and it includes the entire population.

A night in hospital here costs about $25. Even a private dentist appointment will only set you back about $100 for a cavity and a check-up and clean.

How is that a failure?

We're dropping like a rock when it comes to public health compared to many other countries. Many factors, mostly based on PREVENTATIVE (or lack thereof) medicine. Costs this country billions.

It also has something to do with the outrageous salaries doctors in the US get. I don't how much it has to do with it, but I know doctors in Canada and the UK have been known to move to the US to practice so they can make more money.

It also has to do with the pharmaceutical industry and they way they over price medication in the US. Free enterpise? Well, EU countries have more restrictions on these things so their health care costs are lower.
No you ignorant asshole. Parking your vehicle on MY PROPERTY is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. And I have a right to know if there is a lethal weapon ON MY PROPERTY that could be used against me, my family or my employees.


I can't stop laughing at this fool., you don't. No such right exist. You want me to prove it to you?

Please cite where in the Constitution it states "ignorant, uneducated, asshole liberal has a RIGHT to know what is inside a vehicle parked on his properly"? :lmao:

God damn man, thank you for a great laugh. There is nothing funnier than when liberals start making up their own rights (like healthcare - another gem) because it so easily disproved. I eagerly await your answer... :lmao:

Do you have the right to park your vehicle on my property or is it a privilege I decide?

Your private property is your private property. Nobody is disputing that.

The problem is, my private property (like an automobile) is my private property, and you have zero rights with regards to it.

This has already been ruled on by the state supreme courts. It's over. You have no rights to someone else is vehicle. You can tell them they can't have it on your properly, but you have zero right to know what's inside. Sorry if you don't like it - it's just a fact.
No you ignorant asshole. Parking your vehicle on MY PROPERTY is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. And I have a right to know if there is a lethal weapon ON MY PROPERTY that could be used against me, my family or my employees.


I still can't stop laughing at this. I've noticed you're running from your statement (instead of backing it up with facts, or acknowledging it was wrong like a mature adult).

So I'll ask again: please cite in the U.S. Constitution where your "right" exists to know what is inside of someone else's vehicle. :lmao:
However, I did ask how it's working out now because I do know about it now. I've read quite a bit about it over the past few years, and like everything government-run/socialized, it's a spectacular failure.

Rather than read idiotic blogs, maybe it's worth talking to Europeans about the system, and getting a few facts from decent sources.

Our healthcare system costs far less per citizen than yours does, it deliver better health outcomes, and it includes the entire population.

A night in hospital here costs about $25. Even a private dentist appointment will only set you back about $100 for a cavity and a check-up and clean.

How is that a failure?

We're dropping like a rock when it comes to public health compared to many other countries. Many factors, mostly based on PREVENTATIVE (or lack thereof) medicine. Costs this country billions.

More ignorant propaganda. It's doesn't cost this country shit for the majority - it costs private citizens and the private corporations they contract with.

The only reason it costs this country anything is because stupid fucking liberals like you want to socialize everything and created medicaid. So don't bitch about the cost when you people created the problem.... :cuckoo:
Hey Agit8r, I know the only way one becomes a liberal is by being uneducated, by might I suggest you break with tradition just this once and read a book about the Holocaust. It's called: "How Do You Kill 11 Million People?" by Andy Andrews.

Well, since the left is not particularly literate, how about some quick audio? I urge everyone to listen to this. The answer to the question "How Do You Kill 11 Million People?" is astounding.

"How Do You Kill 11 Million People?" by Andy Andrews - YouTube
I disagree Rottweiler; I know it's possible to be an educated liberal because I had a couple professors in college who were radical leftist.

The only real requirements are they must abandon all common sense and become proficient at ignoring reality.(of this I am 100% serious)

BTW, great video and very relevant because of the overwhelming trust so many Americans are putting in government in the 21st Century.

That is brilliant. The only real requirements are they must abandon all common sense and be proficient at ignoring reality. I have never heard anyone say that before but you have nailed it in a single sentence. Perfectly. What a bright mind you have! Bravo!

- Jeremiah
Anyone who has ever had a ideopolitical discussion with a liberal knows this is absolutely unequivocally true.

They blindly adopt the party line of the talking heads who make up their minds for them, regardless how ridiculous.
As usual, you prove yourself to be a complete fucking idiot...

Not all guns are banned in New York.
"The law itself is clear,” he said, “if you knowingly possess a loaded firearm in New York, then you are technically guilty of a serious crime. The fact that somebody in another state has a valid concealed carry permit is, legally speaking, irrelevant in New York.”

url=Marine faces 15 years behind bars for unknowingly violating conceal carry law

Are you ready to refrain from commenting before you actually known what you're talking about? If not, I can continue to embarrass you....
I agree that the New York City law is a violation of the 2nd Amendment and also of due process. Shame on New York.

I can't stop laughing at this fool., you don't. No such right exist. You want me to prove it to you?

Please cite where in the Constitution it states "ignorant, uneducated, asshole liberal has a RIGHT to know what is inside a vehicle parked on his properly"? :lmao:

God damn man, thank you for a great laugh. There is nothing funnier than when liberals start making up their own rights (like healthcare - another gem) because it so easily disproved. I eagerly await your answer... :lmao:

Do you have the right to park your vehicle on my property or is it a privilege I decide?

Your private property is your private property. Nobody is disputing that.

The problem is, my private property (like an automobile) is my private property, and you have zero rights with regards to it.

This has already been ruled on by the state supreme courts. It's over. You have no rights to someone else is vehicle. You can tell them they can't have it on your properly, but you have zero right to know what's inside. Sorry if you don't like it - it's just a fact.

This sign is posted on my property...what are you going to do smart ass?


Every state is different. But here is the red of red states...Texas...

30. Do private property owners have the right to exclude license holders from their property?

Yes. Private property owners may give notice excluding license holders from carrying concealed handguns. Official Notice must comply with state mandates as described below. If a CHL Holder carries a concealed handgun on posted property, they can be charged with criminal trespass by a license holder. The charge is a Class A misdemeanor, and if you are convicted, your license will be revoked.

32. If I am a business owner or manager and do not want guns in my business, what type of sign should I post?

If you want to prohibit license holders from carrying concealed handguns on your property, state law requires you provide notice to potential trespassers, either orally or by posting a sign that says:

”Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.”

The sign must be written in both English and Spanish in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height, and must be displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.

33. If I drive to a shopping mall that does not permit handguns, will I be allowed to park in the parking lot and leave my gun in the car?

If the parking lot is not posted with the sign described above, handguns may be left in the cars. However, if the sign is posted in or at the entrance to the parking lot, you may not.

More ignorant propaganda. It's doesn't cost this country shit for the majority - it costs private citizens and the private corporations they contract with.

The only reason it costs this country anything is because stupid fucking liberals like you want to socialize everything and created medicaid. So don't bitch about the cost when you people created the problem.... :cuckoo:

Besides, they're just poor people and we should let them die.

Simple solution. Universal health care, tax the fuck out of the rich to pay for it. Done.

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