Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

So the people of Iraq were "Safe", "Free", and "Sane" under Saddam Hussein? :cuckoo:

Don't be childish.

List the safest countries in the world.

List the countries in the world with the lowest numbers of guns.

Note that all of those countries are free.

Can you give us an example or two?


I could give you twenty!!

How about Japan?

How about Norway? Sweden? New Zealand? South Korea? Germany? France? The UK?
Yeah, I can see how the black in the hat might dilute all that fuckin' red.

That little red button thing there would kind of tie it all together, I guess.

your obsession with the way the outfit ties together is a sign that your Testosterone levels are low and you may be starting to lean to the left .:eusa_whistle:

Ironic, your obsession with me indicates same. And I can only imagine how difficult it is to choose which color "Rush is Right" t-shirt to wear to work. Holy crap, that's gotta be a good 20, 25 minutes right there.

So anyway, are we going have to start marching now? I hate that as much as I hate wearing red shirts. I hate marching. I could never stay in line in marching band.

Although I must admit that wearing commie red is more appropriate if you're in a marching band.

Crap. This "being a communist" thing could really be a pain.


Maybe we'll get free toaster ovens for turning in our right wing neighbors for "re-education" at the local FEMA camps.
your obsession with the way the outfit ties together is a sign that your Testosterone levels are low and you may be starting to lean to the left .:eusa_whistle:

Ironic, your obsession with me indicates same. And I can only imagine how difficult it is to choose which color "Rush is Right" t-shirt to wear to work. Holy crap, that's gotta be a good 20, 25 minutes right there.

So anyway, are we going have to start marching now? I hate that as much as I hate wearing red shirts. I hate marching. I could never stay in line in marching band.

Although I must admit that wearing commie red is more appropriate if you're in a marching band.

Crap. This "being a communist" thing could really be a pain.


Maybe we'll get free toaster ovens for turning in our right wing neighbors for "re-education" at the local FEMA camps.

Would they have to be educated first to be RE-educated?

Am I gonna have to wear red shirts?

I hate red shirts. I don't look good in red.



True, but no one will notice your all read attire when you don this nifty Russian hat!


Sign me up ! That hat is FABULOUS !
Ironic, your obsession with me indicates same. And I can only imagine how difficult it is to choose which color "Rush is Right" t-shirt to wear to work. Holy crap, that's gotta be a good 20, 25 minutes right there.

So anyway, are we going have to start marching now? I hate that as much as I hate wearing red shirts. I hate marching. I could never stay in line in marching band.

Although I must admit that wearing commie red is more appropriate if you're in a marching band.

Crap. This "being a communist" thing could really be a pain.


Maybe we'll get free toaster ovens for turning in our right wing neighbors for "re-education" at the local FEMA camps.

Would they have to be educated first to be RE-educated?

Great point.
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

This is hilarious!

A concealed carry permit is a government issued ID.

Soooooo...the data being collected is being collected because of the GOP obsession with national identification cards.

You know how you guys scream for Voter ID all the time? Well, in order to determine what kind of government issued ID should be acceptable as Voter ID, or for any other purpose, you have to collect data on the various types of government issued ID, you dumb fucks. To see which ones pass muster and can be used for all the fucking shit you want people to be carded for.

And that is what the DOR was doing. Collecting data on government issued IDs IN ACCORDANCE WITH A LAW PASSED BY BUSH AND THE GOP CONGRESS IN 2005.

REAL ID Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Papers! Show us your papers!

You dumb fucks are hoisted by your own petard.

It's like you are kicking your own ass with your own foot, and then screaming that someone is kicking you in the ass! :lol:

So...yeah. I'm glad you are starting to wake up to just how totalitarian your own shit is.
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The REAL ID Act of 2005, Pub.L. 109–13, 119 Stat. 302, enacted May 11, 2005, was an Act of Congress that modified U.S. federal law pertaining to security, authentication, and issuance procedures standards for the state driver's licenses and identification (ID) cards, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to terrorism.

The law set forth certain requirements for state driver's licenses and ID cards to be accepted by the federal government for "official purposes", as defined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. The Secretary of Homeland Security has currently defined "official purposes" as presenting state driver's licenses and identification cards for boarding commercially operated airline flights and entering federal buildings and nuclear power plants.

The REAL ID Act implements the following:
Title II of the act establishes new federal standards for state-issued driver licenses and non-driver identification cards.

That's UnConservative totalitarian shit right there, not commie liberal shit. :lol:

And guess what Missouri is complaining about? They are saying that shit VIOLATES STATES RIGHTS!!!

Funny you weren't screaming about all that when the war on terra Real ID law was passed, eh?
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Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

From your link:

The Missouri Department of Revenue reportedly installed new computer equipment that records certain information as a part of the federal Real ID Act of 2005, according to Oliver. State laws prohibit the department from retaining and forwarding certain information. The information that was compiled by the DOR was reportedly being forwarded to Morpho Trust, U.S.A., a Georgia company that “specializes in partnering with state and federal governmental agencies,” according to the press release put out by Kinder’s office.

Thanks for that. This was a hoot!

"Converting the U.S. to full-fledged communism."


Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

From your link:

The Missouri Department of Revenue reportedly installed new computer equipment that records certain information as a part of the federal Real ID Act of 2005, according to Oliver. State laws prohibit the department from retaining and forwarding certain information. The information that was compiled by the DOR was reportedly being forwarded to Morpho Trust, U.S.A., a Georgia company that “specializes in partnering with state and federal governmental agencies,” according to the press release put out by Kinder’s office.

Thanks for that. This was a hoot!

"Converting the U.S. to full-fledged communism."



Using facts is for Communists. :razz:
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

I think this post is more evidence of your dementia being fully underway.

HOpefully, someone will do an intervention soon...
Don't be childish.

List the safest countries in the world.

List the countries in the world with the lowest numbers of guns.

Note that all of those countries are free.

Can you give us an example or two?


I could give you twenty!!

How about Japan?

How about Norway? Sweden? New Zealand? South Korea? Germany? France? The UK?

The UK? Oh how I was hoping you would say "the UK" :lmao:

Here are some FACTS - don't let them bash you in the face on your way out of the room with your head held low in shame....

Britain has a higher crime rate than any other rich nation except Australia, according to a survey yesterday.

Violent crime worse in Britain than in US | Mail Online

Gee, the highest violent crime rate in the WORLD except for Australia (which also banned guns over a decade ago).

Ok.... let the spin begin. Lets see you backpeddle and make all kinds of excuses, twist the facts, get angry.... you know, the usual liberal bullshit.
A concealed carry permit is a government issued ID.

Since you know nothing about how government works in the United States, allow me to explain this to you for the 408th time. A conceal carry permit is granted at the county level, in accordance with state laws. How, exactly, does that justify any information being compiled without the permit holders knowledge and forwarded to the federal government?

See, every time you spew your insanity, I literally throw you down on your hands and knees and make you my prison bitch. I'm assuming, since you don't stop, that you enjoy being my bitch (maybe you're actually a woman and just haven't come to grips with it yet?). Man, this is what is known as being owned. I seriously own you.

Soooooo...the data being collected is being collected because of the GOP obsession with national identification cards.

And where exactly was that mentioned in the story? Oh, that's right, it wasn't. As usual, you're just making stuff up. However, this is more egregious than normal for you. Do you need your meds adjusted again?

You know how you guys scream for Voter ID all the time? Well, in order to determine what kind of government issued ID should be acceptable as Voter ID, or for any other purpose, you have to collect data on the various types of government issued ID, you dumb fucks. To see which ones pass muster and can be used for all the fucking shit you want people to be carded for.

Ah, no you don't you stupid fuck'n moron. God damn, you really are out of the stratosphere on stupidity here today. There is no "determination" to be made. This shows how desperate you are to make a point (and man, are you failing as usual). All that is required is a photo id. Period. So your drivers license is more than acceptable. So is a state issued ID card. And, if someone really wanted, you could even create voter ID cards (seems unnecessary, but it could be done). In any of these scenarios, absolutely NO data on people is required.

Furthermore, is your cock-sucking, cum-swallowing, ignorant ass going to sit here and tell us your government doesn't even know what (and I quote you here) "various types of government issued ID" exists?!? :lmao: God damn, that is CLASSIC right there! Let me tell you something cum-slurper, if the government has no idea what forms of ID's are issued, then we shouldn't even have a federal government. How can we develop top secret information on our enemies when, according to YOU cum-slurper, we have no idea what forms of ID our own states are issuing :lmao:

So...yeah. I'm glad you are starting to wake up to just how totalitarian your own shit is.

Wow... just when I thought your incoherent rambling couldn't get any more insane - you go and raise the insanity bar to new heights :lmao:
So...yeah. I'm glad you are starting to wake up to just how totalitarian your own shit is.

In other words, g here is an illegal looking to suckle at the government teat like a fuck'n parasite...

Any rational human on earth (even a child) would want to elliminate illegal aliens from breaking into this country and voter fraud. When anyone stands against these logical, rational principles, you know immediately that they are one of the idiot offenders.
The REAL ID Act of 2005, Pub.L. 109–13, 119 Stat. 302, enacted May 11, 2005, was an Act of Congress that modified U.S. federal law pertaining to security, authentication, and issuance procedures standards for the state driver's licenses and identification (ID) cards, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to terrorism.

The law set forth certain requirements for state driver's licenses and ID cards to be accepted by the federal government for "official purposes", as defined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. The Secretary of Homeland Security has currently defined "official purposes" as presenting state driver's licenses and identification cards for boarding commercially operated airline flights and entering federal buildings and nuclear power plants.

The REAL ID Act implements the following:
Title II of the act establishes new federal standards for state-issued driver licenses and non-driver identification cards.

That's UnConservative totalitarian shit right there, not commie liberal shit. :lol:

And guess what Missouri is complaining about? They are saying that shit VIOLATES STATES RIGHTS!!!

Funny you weren't screaming about all that when the war on terra Real ID law was passed, eh?

It's "totalitarian" to require ID to prove you are who you say you are when boarding an airplane or entering a nuclear power facility? :lmao: Two things you NEVER have to do, you have the freedom to avoid, and that's your idea of "totalitarianism"? :lmao:

Really? God damn, you are idiot GOLD! Seriously, I've never seen you this fuck'n stupid (and I've seen you pretty fuck'n stupid).

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