Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

Phase 1 was the govt subsidizing the education of our children with tax dollars?
Phase 2 was public watrer and sewer works?
Phase 3 was building roads with tax dollars?
Phase 4 was the condmening of private property for corporate projects?
No Phase 2 was doing away with the bible as a spelling primer.
This is America, don't we get a choice, fascism or communism? If we do, I vote fascism, fascists are much neater, keep a much tidier country, and they eat their veggies.
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

Foe those of us scoring along at home, exdactly how many phases are there? :lol:
This is America, don't we get a choice, fascism or communism? If we do, I vote fascism, fascists are much neater, keep a much tidier country, and they eat their veggies.

Fascists also have better hats.

The reason communism failed - bad hats. It's that simple.
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

Foe those of us scoring along at home, exdactly how many phases are there? :lol:

Five.... the final phase is disarm the population so they are under your complete control.
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

Foe those of us scoring along at home, exdactly how many phases are there? :lol:

Five.... the final phase is disarm the population so they are under your complete control.

So in your little world, the US will be a completely communist country once the population is disarmed?

Alrighty then. :lol:
If you don't care for the Constitution, then you must be one of the idiots Rottweiller referred to. I am not an idiot, but I am sure the 2nd amendment does not give unlimited gun ownership rights and that 91 percent of Americans do not favor repealing the 2nd amendment. PS, I know others would like to know my sources for this optimism, but since this is only my 2nd post, I can't give urls. Google On the issues dot org/guncontrol.
No, I'm not going to do that because I could care less about the gun issue. That doesn't mean I don't care about the Constitution, it just means there are more important amendments to care about, like the 1st and 4th.
If you don't care for the Constitution, then you must be one of the idiots Rottweiller referred to. I am not an idiot, but I am sure the 2nd amendment does not give unlimited gun ownership rights and that 91 percent of Americans do not favor repealing the 2nd amendment. PS, I know others would like to know my sources for this optimism, but since this is only my 2nd post, I can't give urls. Google On the issues dot org/guncontrol.
I almost forgot...

"Welcome to the USMB Forum!"

I'm a-ready, yessir!

Where's his wife-beaters?
If you don't care for the Constitution, then you must be one of the idiots Rottweiller referred to. I am not an idiot, but I am sure the 2nd amendment does not give unlimited gun ownership rights and that 91 percent of Americans do not favor repealing the 2nd amendment. PS, I know others would like to know my sources for this optimism, but since this is only my 2nd post, I can't give urls. Google On the issues dot org/guncontrol.
No, I'm not going to do that because I could care less about the gun issue. That doesn't mean I don't care about the Constitution, it just means there are more important amendments to care about, like the 1st and 4th.

It's the 2nd that protects your 1st..... :cuckoo:
Rottweiler -

How do you explain the fact that most societies who have very few guns do not need to live in fear of their government, enjoy as great freedom of speech than the US does, and have greater plitical freedom?
Foe those of us scoring along at home, exdactly how many phases are there? :lol:

Five.... the final phase is disarm the population so they are under your complete control.

So in your little world, the US will be a completely communist country once the population is disarmed?

Alrighty then. :lol:

What would you call a country that has been disarmed!?!? FREE?!?! :cuckoo:

Seriously folks, you can't make this stuff up. Genius here thinks "once we are disarmed" (and notice he said "once" not "if") that it's just business as usual and we are still America.

That's the beauty of the idiot liberal. The Constitution means nothings. Rights mean nothing. Freedom means nothing. As long as we are still called "America", well, in their minds we are still a free people! Yeeehaw! :cuckoo:
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |



Castro´s speech on communist gun control measures delivered in 1959, just after he and Che Guevara entered Havana

"We are never going to use force, because we belong to the people. Moreover, the day that the people do not want us we shall leave. As soon as possible I will take the rifles off the streets. There are no more enemies, there is no longer anything to fight against, and if some day any foreigner or any movement comes up against the revolution, all the people will fight. The weapons belong in the barracks. No one has the right to have private armies here."

Experts Agree
A video about the dangers of gun control, and how despots use gun control as people control.
[ame=]Experts Agree - YouTube[/ame]​
Five.... the final phase is disarm the population so they are under your complete control.

So in your little world, the US will be a completely communist country once the population is disarmed?

Alrighty then. :lol:

What would you call a country that has been disarmed!?!? FREE?!?! :cuckoo:

Seriously folks, you can't make this stuff up. Genius here thinks "once we are disarmed" (and notice he said "once" not "if") that it's just business as usual and we are still America.

That's the beauty of the idiot liberal. The Constitution means nothings. Rights mean nothing. Freedom means nothing. As long as we are still called "America", well, in their minds we are still a free people! Yeeehaw! :cuckoo:

Hey, I'm just playing your silly little game here because I'm a little bored.

Anyone who believes we're this close to true communism is an uneducated tool who's probably living in his bomb shelter with Glenn Beck on an IV drip.

You chose to live as an uneducated paranoid fool, that's your business.
Rottweiler -

How do you explain the fact that most societies who have very few guns do not need to live in fear of their government, enjoy as great freedom of speech than the US does, and have greater plitical freedom?

You mean like Iraq under Saddam? Or are you talking like Egypt under Mubarak? Or perhaps you mean Syria under Al-Assad? Oh, wait... wait - I know! You're talking like Libya under Muammar Gaddafi!

Is there anything more endearing than the childish utopian beliefs of the idiot liberal? So long as you call your nation "America" and you just close your eyes and let your dear leaders decide for you, all will be swell....! You will be completely immune from the problems of the REAL world. Nothing bad could ever happen. You could never endure a civil war (I mean, sure, we have already - but that only happened in liberal text books - it can't possibly happen here in the real world and certainly could never happen again). :lmao:

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