Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

I do not want to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Do you believe me?

Here's what I know:

You know absolutely nothing about your own government

Here's what I don't know about you:

What, if any, honesty/integrity you have

And, of course, there is always the disingenuous factor with the idiot liberal. For instance, you may believe in banning the manufacturing, sale, trading, etc. of all guns and ammunition. You've literally "repealed" the 2nd amendment without actually repealing the 2nd amendment. I suspect this is what you truly would like to achieve based on your snarky post here.
Nope. I own a gun. I would sell it. Woud trade it. Would make one if I had the equipment.

Try again.
Nope. I own a gun. I would sell it. Woud trade it. Would make one if I had the equipment.

Try again.

Ok - so you own a gun. You may even support other people owning guns (not likely since liberals believe that rules apply only to other people, but possible). What exactly is your point?

It doesn't change any of the stories I posted about the anti-2nd amendment radical agenda by the dumbocrats. They are there in black & white for all to read.
True, but no one will notice your all read attire when you don this nifty Russian hat!


Yeah, I can see how the black in the hat might dilute all that fuckin' red.

That little red button thing there would kind of tie it all together, I guess.

your obsession with the way the outfit ties together is a sign that your Testosterone levels are low and you may be starting to lean to the left .:eusa_whistle:

Ironic, your obsession with me indicates same. And I can only imagine how difficult it is to choose which color "Rush is Right" t-shirt to wear to work. Holy crap, that's gotta be a good 20, 25 minutes right there.

So anyway, are we going have to start marching now? I hate that as much as I hate wearing red shirts. I hate marching. I could never stay in line in marching band.

Although I must admit that wearing commie red is more appropriate if you're in a marching band.

Crap. This "being a communist" thing could really be a pain.

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What I want to know is what phase Rottweiler's slide into Tinfoil Hat teritory he is at - I'm guessing about age 11 out of 10.

As hilariously stupid as ever, OP! Keep it up!

They are there in black & white for all to read.

That doesn't explain what an illiterate like you is doing with them.
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Poor Poodle doesn't even realize he is being mocked.

Hey, poodle. Most of the industrialized world limits private citizens gun ownership...

We are the only one who define Captialism as "Letting Crazy Nancy buy a Military Grade Weapon".
I do not want to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Do you believe me?

Here's what I know:

You know absolutely nothing about your own government

Here's what I don't know about you:

What, if any, honesty/integrity you have

And, of course, there is always the disingenuous factor with the idiot liberal. For instance, you may believe in banning the manufacturing, sale, trading, etc. of all guns and ammunition. You've literally "repealed" the 2nd amendment without actually repealing the 2nd amendment. I suspect this is what you truly would like to achieve based on your snarky post here.

The Second Amendment is about Militias, not private gun ownership.

Here's the thing. The two reasons why most gun nutters give about why they should absolutely have guns and there shouldn't be any restrictions on the type or number of guns they should have are downright silly.

The first is that they need to have them to protect themselves from that hoarde of criminals they think are out there. But in fact, most gun deaths are suicides or acquantence murders. (80% of murder victims know their killers). A gun in the home is far more dangerous to the people in it than without.

The second and even sillier reason is that we need guns to fight a theoretical tyrannical government. This is so silly that it almost doesn't merit response. Fact is, the government has drones, attack helicopters, tanks, fighters, missile cruisers, and you've got your AR-15 which can't even fire full automatic....

Ummm, yeah.
Here's what I know:

You know absolutely nothing about your own government

Here's what I don't know about you:

What, if any, honesty/integrity you have

And, of course, there is always the disingenuous factor with the idiot liberal. For instance, you may believe in banning the manufacturing, sale, trading, etc. of all guns and ammunition. You've literally "repealed" the 2nd amendment without actually repealing the 2nd amendment. I suspect this is what you truly would like to achieve based on your snarky post here.
I don't give a shit about the 2nd amendment and I don't give a shit about guns.

I don't own a gun and I never will.
Here's what I know:

You know absolutely nothing about your own government

Here's what I don't know about you:

What, if any, honesty/integrity you have

And, of course, there is always the disingenuous factor with the idiot liberal. For instance, you may believe in banning the manufacturing, sale, trading, etc. of all guns and ammunition. You've literally "repealed" the 2nd amendment without actually repealing the 2nd amendment. I suspect this is what you truly would like to achieve based on your snarky post here.
I don't give a shit about the 2nd amendment and I don't give a shit about guns.

I don't own a gun and I never will.
If you don't care for the Constitution, then you must be one of the idiots Rottweiller referred to. I am not an idiot, but I am sure the 2nd amendment does not give unlimited gun ownership rights and that 91 percent of Americans do not favor repealing the 2nd amendment. PS, I know others would like to know my sources for this optimism, but since this is only my 2nd post, I can't give urls. Google On the issues dot org/guncontrol.
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Phase 1 was the govt subsidizing the education of our children with tax dollars?
Phase 2 was public watrer and sewer works?
Phase 3 was building roads with tax dollars?
Phase 4 was the condmening of private property for corporate projects?
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be SCEARD Be really SCEARD

when will the far right stop wanting everyone to be scared of everything that makes sense?
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

I think this post is more evidence of your dementia being fully underway.
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |

Your complaint might have merit if but only you understood that this complaint has nothing whatever to do with communism.

Authoritarianism, definitely... but Communism? Nope.

Since you are so obviously interested in political science, Rott, you really ought to learn what the words that you use so wrecklessly actually mean in the context of that science.
Darn, I missed the first 4 phases.

Me too. :(

Phases 1 and 2 were awesome, we had borscht and vodka parties every Friday night and danced the Kazachok, you know the dance where you squat down and kick your legs up. Phases 3 and 4 were pretty tame, but according to sources phase five is going to be off the hook and is cuilminating with a fieldtrip to Lenin's Tomb.:cool:
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