Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

You see, I have a big problem believing anyone who tells me that Nazi Germany was aligned with Russia during WWII. Good God man, the Russians are the biggest reason the Germans lost WWII. They beat the shit out of the Germans on the Eastern Front. I have to admit, this is definitely a mark against our education system. Either that, or you just weren't paying very good attention in History class.

Eastern Front - World War 2 on History

Seriously, go back to school. Saying the Nazis were aligned with the Soviets is a bit like denying the Holocaust.

Hey stupid, that was AFTER Adolf Hitler turned on them towards the end of the war. For the first 3/4 of the war, the Soviets were allied with the Germans.

God Almighty you are one stupid, uneducated parasite....

Like I said, Britain and Germany were also allies until Germany turned on them, based on your definition of allies. Try selling that one to historians. And as for your statement that Germany and the USSR were allies for 3/4 of the war, again you are trying to rewrite history.

On August 23, 1939, representatives from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other. By signing this pact, Germany had protected itself from having to fight a two-front war in the soon-to-begin World War II; the Soviet Union was awarded land, including parts of Poland and the Baltic States. The pact was broken when Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union less than two years later, on June 22, 1941.

The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact - The 1939 Agreement Between Hitler and Stalin

I wouldn't call that 3/4 of the war, but hey, I'm not as good at math as you are. But again, we must understand that based on your view of non-aggression pacts being equated to the same thing as an alliance, we then must surmise that Britain and Germany were best buddies in their alliance beginning in 1938. Of course Hitler laughed at that just the same as he did the great alliance with the Soviets, but we'll go with your version. It's like calling the math teacher stupid for saying that 1+1=2.

It is now VERY clear why you live off of government. Nobody this stupid could possibly provide for themselves.... :lmao:
Rottweiler -

You really are the weakest poster on this entire forum.

Given this is what I write about for a living, I don't mind answering your questions and recommending books, but your ignorance makes it impossible to hold any kind of sensible discussion with you.
Edtic -

Hitler and Stalin were never allies.

They had a non-aggression pact, and a plan to divide the continent of Europe up between them. That is very much like two mafia bosses agreeing to stay out of each other's territories - it does not make them friends.

It certainly doesn't make them enemies.... :cuckoo:

Even if this were true, there's a HUGE difference between the allies you originally claimed them to be and the "not enemies" you're backpedeling to, now.
retail sales were double their projection.

Sorry guys But Obama and team jsut made capitalism stronger which destrys your idiot memes
There is nothing stupider than this meme that democracy leads to communism. The fact that there are no examples in history ought to be enough to dissuade any reasonable person from repeating it.

Any reasonable person? Absolutely

However I don't think the idiots who propigate this meme, like the OP, come close to the definition of reasonable people.

Conjure the Dark Lord.... CONJURE the Dark Lord.... CONJURE THE DARK LORD....

I COMMAND THEE..... :lmao:

Pentagram boy here who attends rave parties wants to talk about "reasonable people" :lmao:
Are you still such an angry little boy?

Others have tried to show you how you are wrong, but you just shove your head further up your own ass, and keep plowing ahead.

Have fun with your stupidity, I'm not wasting anymore time on such an intellectual lightweight.
Rottweiler -

You really are the weakest poster on this entire forum.

Given this is what I write about for a living, I don't mind answering your questions and recommending books, but your ignorance makes it impossible to hold any kind of sensible discussion with you.

Given that you "write" in socialist Europe, where no actually skills are required and no actual production is expected, I would say you are furhter glaring proof that any form of Socialism/Communism/Marxism is an epic failure (as if we needed any more).

It's a FACT that:

A.) Germany was a democracy before Hitler


B.) The U.S.S.R. was allied with Hitler before he turned on them

I've provide links that back up those facts. You provided absolutely nothing. Game. Set. Match.
Others have tried to show you how you are wrong, but you just shove your head further up your own ass, and keep plowing ahead.

Those "others" that you speak of are the most uneducated, uninformed parasites - and they have an agenda (ie spread Socialism/Communism/Marxism to feed their own lazy, parasitic needs).

The highly informed (such as briprat) have backed up my FACTS.

You're not going to continue with me because you can't. Because I posted links proving that many former democracy's have fallen. Your side always did lose their fucking mind when hit with inconvenient facts.
Others have tried to show you how you are wrong, but you just shove your head further up your own ass, and keep plowing ahead.

Those "others" that you speak of are the most uneducated, uninformed parasites - and they have an agenda (ie spread Socialism/Communism/Marxism to feed their own lazy, parasitic needs).

The highly informed (such as briprat) have backed up my FACTS.

You're not going to continue with me because you can't. Because I posted links proving that many former democracy's have fallen. Your side always did lose their fucking mind when hit with inconvenient facts.

You wouldn't know facts if the hit you in the head, son.
Have to disarm the population so that you can exert full control over them...

The Missouri Department of Revenue has allegedly been compiling data on Missouri residents seeking concealed carry permits and then forwarding it to a third party with ties to the federal government.

Missouri Dept. of Revenue Allegedly Compiling Data on Concealed Carry Holders, Forwarding It to Company With Ties to Gov?t |


Neither the OP nor the article explain the mechanics of how guns will be ‘confiscated.’

Will BATFE trucks roam up and down the streets of America banging on doors and compelling citizens to turn over their firearms?

What Federal law proposes to authorize that?

And it would seem the OP’s ignorance of the Constitution and its case law is comprehensive, as he’s clearly never heard of the 5th Amendment:

The “Takings Clause” of the Fifth Amendment to the federal constitution prohibits taking private property “for public use, without just compensation.” This prohibition applies to the states through the 14th Amendment. While the Takings Clause is often discussed in the context of land and real estate, it also applies to personal property. The clause applies to actual confiscations of property as well as to regulatory takings (e.g., laws that deprive a property owner of all beneficial use of the property).

Takings Clause cases can address a variety of issues, such as (1) whether a government action sufficiently infringed upon a property interest to constitute a compensable taking; (2) whether the taking was for public use; and (3) if compensation is required, how to value the property.


That means every gun owner has the right to file suit to challenge the taking of his firearms, and that he is entitled to just compensation.

How long does the OP believe it will take for the courts to review millions of claims?

Again, idiocy.
Indeed, and well said.

Now wait a darn minute.

Stalin an Hitler were allies for a brief time.

From August 23, 1939, when r Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact...


June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany and its Axis allies invaded of the Soviet Union.

Of course that does nothing to confuse the issue of what the terms communism or fascism mean.


And that single distinction is, I suspect, how one can differentiate a TROLL from an authentic conservative.

Authentic conservatives actually understand such subtle distinctions.

The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-agression pact, it was not an alliance.

It was signed by the nations in an effort to buy time for each. They were never allies.
Lets stop bickering and read the History Books. Eight days after Germany and Russia sign their pact, Germany invaded Poland from the west; fifteen days later Russia invaded Poland from the east. Russia and Germany defeated Poland and divided the spoils between them. See Wikipedia "Invasion of Poland". So we have an alliance of two countries (Germany and Russia) who fight and defeat a common enemy (Poland) at the start of WWII. That is the classic definition of allies. It seems that people shouldn't be so quick to condemn everything someone says merely because they disagree with his politics. Hopefully, I am not duplicating someone as I didn't scroll down beyond the last quote.
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Now wait a darn minute.

Stalin an Hitler were allies for a brief time.

From August 23, 1939, when r Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact...


June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany and its Axis allies invaded of the Soviet Union.

Of course that does nothing to confuse the issue of what the terms communism or fascism mean.


And that single distinction is, I suspect, how one can differentiate a TROLL from an authentic conservative.

Authentic conservatives actually understand such subtle distinctions.

Turds like you are always giving the reason that Hitler made war on the commies to prove he was supposedly a right-winger.
The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-agression pact, it was not an alliance.

It was signed by the nations in an effort to buy time for each. They were never allies.

Oh Puhleeeze! That's a distinction without a difference. The USSR participated in the invasion of Poland. I don't know how an Ally would behave differently.
Edtic -

Hitler and Stalin were never allies.

They had a non-aggression pact, and a plan to divide the continent of Europe up between them. That is very much like two mafia bosses agreeing to stay out of each other's territories - it does not make them friends.

Let's see: after the war, Stalin and the other allies divided Europe between them. How is what Hitler and Stalin planned any different?
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Rottweiler -

You really are the weakest poster on this entire forum.

Given this is what I write about for a living, I don't mind answering your questions and recommending books, but your ignorance makes it impossible to hold any kind of sensible discussion with you.


"Indeed" what? The only thing more bogus than appeal to authority is the appeal to your own authority.

Liberals always find the facts of history inconvenient to their agenda. When Hitler was allied with Stalin, the later gave word to his minions in America to stifle any criticism of Hitler. In the early stages of the war, the American left made constant excuses for Hitler and even praised him. The minute Hitler invaded, he became the devil personified. It was as if the previous two years had never happened.
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Rottweiler -

You really are the weakest poster on this entire forum.

Given this is what I write about for a living, I don't mind answering your questions and recommending books, but your ignorance makes it impossible to hold any kind of sensible discussion with you.

Oh wise one, whose side was Finland on during the war?

That's a good way to describe all of your posts

Neither the OP nor the article explain the mechanics of how guns will be ‘confiscated.’

How can I explain how someone else will achieve something they are planning on achieving? There are a million ways it could be done - I can't possibly predict which method they will choose.

A better question is, how did Australia do it? How did England do it? You can't answer because, as usual, your ignorant of the topic and the facts.

Will BATFE trucks roam up and down the streets of America banging on doors and compelling citizens to turn over their firearms?

What Federal law proposes to authorize that?

Probably one like the unconstitutional Obamacare - which forces citizens to purchase a good or service, despite the fact that the federal government has no such power.

And it would seem the OP’s ignorance of the Constitution and its case law is comprehensive, as he’s clearly never heard of the 5th Amendment

And it would seem you are exceptionally ignorant of the fact that the dumbocrats have pissed all over the Constitution for over 100 years now. When was the last time the dumbocrats actually adhered to ANYTHING in the Constitution?

For fuck's sakes, their basic, fundamental, Constitutional responsibility is to pass a budget and the dumbocrats have refused to do that since Obama was elected:

Article I of the U.S. Constitution requires Congress to pass a federal budget. Despite the constitutional mandate, the last time Congress enacted a budget was April 29, 2009 – about 3 years ago.

Liberty Counsel Action

1,000 Days Without a Budget: Facts on the Senate's Failure | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

As usual, I just made you look like the biggest fuck'n fool. Please - get some facts before your ramble incoherently in a thread!

Again, idiocy.

Idiocy indeed! This fuck'n fool, part of the anti-constitutional dumbocrat crowd, is trying to make the case that the dumbocrats actually adhere to the Constitution and are limited by it.... :lmao:

Lets see:

● the Constitution requires Congress to pass a budget - something they haven't done in 4 years

● On January 4, 2012, the president committed his most blatant and obvious violation of our Constitution to date by making four appointments without the advice or consent of the U.S. Senate, even while the Senate was in session and available

● Obamacare violates the Constitution by forcing individuals to purchase health insurance.

● by requiring employers to cover contraceptives, abortifacients and sterilization in the health insurance they provide their employees, despite their religious and moral objections. He later shifted the mandate to the insurance companies, requiring all plans to cover such services, thinking Americans would not understand that the mandate still requires faith-based groups to subsidize services to which they have sincere religious and moral objections.

● The Obama administration violated the First Amendment when it refused a grant to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for helping victims of human trafficking obtain food, clothing and access to medical care because of the Conference’s pro-life position. In fact, the Conference was refused the grant despite having received higher scores of effectiveness than the grant’s recipients.

● Obama told the Department of Justice not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, which was passed by a bipartisan Congress. Instead, the DOJ argued against the valid law (which has been upheld by multiple courts), forcing the House of Representatives to hire outside counsel to defend the law. This gross abrogation of a president’s constitutional duty to defend and protect the laws of the land was unprecedented.

● Obama signed Dodd-Frank into law, which allows the government’s seizure of property, violating the Due Process Clause of the Constitution and creating administrative positions that are not vetted by the Senate as required by the Appointments Clause (so much for your claim about the 5th Amendment, uh you ignorant fuck?).

● When the Democrat-led Congress would not pass net neutrality, Obama’s Federal Communications Commission violated the Constitution by contravening Congress to restrict the freedom of Internet service providers to manage their network transmissions.

● When the Democrat-led Congress could not pass cap and trade, Obama’s EPA decided to auction greenhouse gas allowances, essentially imposing a tax on emissions, which, according to the Constitution, can only be done by Congress. You will also recall Congress having to act to halt the EPA’s ban on incandescent light bulbs.

● When the Democrat-led Congress did not pass the Employee Free Choice Act, Obama contravened Congress by pushing the NLRB to pass regulations that allowed for “ambush elections” and required employers to provide employee e-mail addresses and phone numbers to union organizers.

● When the Democrat-led Congress refused to pass the Dream Act, the Obama White House and DHS decided to implement a policy of granting illegal aliens stays of refusal, which is essentially amnesty by fiat. The Obama policy even gives local immigration officials the authority to dismiss deportation cases against illegal alien criminals convicted of violent crimes.

● Without the approval of Congress, as required by the Constitution, Obama ordered the U.S. military to attack Libya.

Obama's Doormat: the U.S. Constitution - Home - Liberty Counsel Action

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