Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

Can anyone name a country on this earth that has practiced, or is practicing, Marxian communism?
Marx knew no nation could go into communism cold, so he created a period of preparation, he named Scientific Socialism. After the revolution the USSR started with scientific socialism and quickly dropped it; it didn't work. The USSR moved to a new program NEP and dropped that for Stalinism or something. That something has even been called State Capitalism, who knows?
But Marx gave the GOP its battle cry for years, "socialism leads to communism." Every program the GOP disliked, starting with Social Security, they labeled socialism, and the implication was that those programs would soon turn us into a communist state. Has the GOP battle cry worked, look at these boards, look at our political history.
The GOP should erect a monument to Marx.
Indeed, and well said.

Now wait a darn minute.

Stalin an Hitler were allies for a brief time.

From August 23, 1939, when r Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact...


June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany and its Axis allies invaded of the Soviet Union.

Of course that does nothing to confuse the issue of what the terms communism or fascism mean.


And that single distinction is, I suspect, how one can differentiate a TROLL from an authentic conservative.

Authentic conservatives actually understand such subtle distinctions.

The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-agression pact, it was not an alliance.

It was signed by the nations in an effort to buy time for each. They were never allies.

Now there's a distinction without a difference.

If you doubt that?

ASK A POLE who was around in September 1939 when his nation was invaded and divided up by those NOT ALLIED, NON-AGRESSORS.
According to many on the right, since NAZI has socialist in the title they are the same.

Of course by that logic it would mean North Korea is a democracy, but I digress.

We've only seen this argument posted about 1000 times. It is just as stupid this time as it was all the other times.
According to many on the right, since NAZI has socialist in the title they are the same.

Of course by that logic it would mean North Korea is a democracy, but I digress.

We've only seen this argument posted about 1000 times. It is just as stupid this time as it was all the other times.

Authoritarian governments, whatever they're pretending to be, all have the same basic elements.

1. They support an elite class at the expense of the people.

2. They aren't afraid to get their hands bloody to maintain that system.
According to many on the right, since NAZI has socialist in the title they are the same.

Of course by that logic it would mean North Korea is a democracy, but I digress.

We've only seen this argument posted about 1000 times. It is just as stupid this time as it was all the other times.

Authoritarian governments, whatever they're pretending to be, all have the same basic elements.

1. They support an elite class at the expense of the people.

2. They aren't afraid to get their hands bloody to maintain that system.

This is true.

However what some people fail to admit is that while communism as its existed has been authoritarian, all authoritarian governments have not been communist.
Most of the folk on here obviously don't even know what communism is, you think they know the stages of it?

One of the stages is fascism, right? ;)

According to many on the right, since NAZI has socialist in the title they are the same.

Of course by that logic it would mean North Korea is a democracy, but I digress.

oh, come on. "From each according to his ability and to each according to his need" is exactly the same as:

"He who wants to live asserts himself. He who cannot assert himself does not deserve to live. He will perish. This is an iron, yet also a just principle. The earth is not there for cowardly peoples, not for weak ones, not for lazy ones. The earth is there for him who takes it and who industriously labors upon it and thereby fashions his life. That is the will of Providence. That is why it has placed man upon this earth, along with the other beings, and has paved the way for him, has freed him to make his own decisions, to lead his own struggle for survival. And should he fail in this struggle, should he become weak in asserting his existence, then Providence will not rush to his aid. Instead, it will sentence him to death. And rightly so. Other men will come. The space will not remain empty. What the one man loses, another will take. And life continues in accordance with its own eternal rhythm without consideration for the weakling."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Sportpalast Berlin (May 3, 1940)

didn't you know that?
According to many on the right, since NAZI has socialist in the title they are the same.

Of course by that logic it would mean North Korea is a democracy, but I digress.

We've only seen this argument posted about 1000 times. It is just as stupid this time as it was all the other times.

Authoritarian governments, whatever they're pretending to be, all have the same basic elements.

1. They support an elite class at the expense of the people.

2. They aren't afraid to get their hands bloody to maintain that system.

Communist governments aren't just "authoritarian," they are totalitarian. They want total control over their citizens. Citizens are subjected to brainwashing morning, noon and night. Everything they do is governed by the state.

That's the kind of state the Democrats aspire to impose on us.
According to many on the right, since NAZI has socialist in the title they are the same.

Of course by that logic it would mean North Korea is a democracy, but I digress.

We've only seen this argument posted about 1000 times. It is just as stupid this time as it was all the other times.

It's also an undisputed fact.

It's a non sequitur. The fact that commies lie doesn't prove that they don't also admit the truth about themselves at times.
oh, come on. "From each according to his ability and to each according to his need" is exactly the same as:

"He who wants to live asserts himself. He who cannot assert himself does not deserve to live. He will perish. This is an iron, yet also a just principle. The earth is not there for cowardly peoples, not for weak ones, not for lazy ones. The earth is there for him who takes it and who industriously labors upon it and thereby fashions his life. That is the will of Providence. That is why it has placed man upon this earth, along with the other beings, and has paved the way for him, has freed him to make his own decisions, to lead his own struggle for survival. And should he fail in this struggle, should he become weak in asserting his existence, then Providence will not rush to his aid. Instead, it will sentence him to death. And rightly so. Other men will come. The space will not remain empty. What the one man loses, another will take. And life continues in accordance with its own eternal rhythm without consideration for the weakling."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Sportpalast Berlin (May 3, 1940)

didn't you know that?

Hitler was a socialist, not a communist.

you FAIL!

Communists have never denied being left wing, not in any country, not at any time.

This doesn't make them honest or dishonest - it's just a plain, simple, known facts.
It's also an undisputed fact.

Obvious, since he deflected rather than address it.

I don't waste my time addressing imbecile arguments that have already been addressed in this forum 1000 times.

oh, come on. "From each according to his ability and to each according to his need" is exactly the same as:

"He who wants to live asserts himself. He who cannot assert himself does not deserve to live. He will perish. This is an iron, yet also a just principle. The earth is not there for cowardly peoples, not for weak ones, not for lazy ones. The earth is there for him who takes it and who industriously labors upon it and thereby fashions his life. That is the will of Providence. That is why it has placed man upon this earth, along with the other beings, and has paved the way for him, has freed him to make his own decisions, to lead his own struggle for survival. And should he fail in this struggle, should he become weak in asserting his existence, then Providence will not rush to his aid. Instead, it will sentence him to death. And rightly so. Other men will come. The space will not remain empty. What the one man loses, another will take. And life continues in accordance with its own eternal rhythm without consideration for the weakling."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Sportpalast Berlin (May 3, 1940)

didn't you know that?

Hitler was a socialist, not a communist.

you FAIL!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Communists have never denied being left wing, not in any country, not at any time.

This doesn't make them honest or dishonest - it's just a plain, simple, known facts.

That's the only thing Communist haven't lied about. They have always claimed they are "democratic." They have always been lying about it. Communist propaganda is nothing but a huge pile of lies.
Hitler was a socialist, not a communist.

you FAIL!


"From each according to his ability and to each according to his need" is a Communist motto. Comparing it with anything Hitler said is absurd because he never claimed to be a communist. Socialists don't necessarily subscribe to that motto.
"From each according to his ability and to each according to his need" is a Communist motto. Comparing it with anything Hitler said is absurd because he never claimed to be a communist. Socialists don't necessarily subscribe to that motto.

I have no idea where you are going with's almost like you are suggesting Hitler was really left wing, which is obviously nonsense.

That's the only thing Communist haven't lied about. They have always claimed they are "democratic." They have always been lying about it. Communist propaganda is nothing but a huge pile of lies.

Yes, that's true.
"From each according to his ability and to each according to his need" is a Communist motto. Comparing it with anything Hitler said is absurd because he never claimed to be a communist. Socialists don't necessarily subscribe to that motto.

I have no idea where you are going with's almost like you are suggesting Hitler was really left wing, which is obviously nonsense.

That's exactly what I'm getting at, and it's hardly nonsense. The fact has been documented ad nauseum numerous times in this forum.

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