Phil Robertson advises men to marry 15 year-old girls

The whole liberal objection seems to be that Phil Robertson was advocating marriage. If it was just fucking and get an abortion they'd be okay.
200 years ago or so, 15 year old girls were considered old enough to marry. They married boys about the same age. Then it was a life of being pregnant, hoping to have enough babies live to help with the never ending work needed to survive. There are people in this day and age who live this way. A young woman has a baby every year. This woman is likely to be buried in maternity clothes because she died in childbirth after her 10th child or more. And she probably wasn't 30 years of age.
I don't believe this man has a valid reason to marry a 15 year old girl. If there are laws on the books, they need to be taken off. Any adult male who pursues a 12-15 year old child is a molester. Child molesters need to die.``
Duck Dynasty s Phil Robertson Disgustingly Advocates Marrying Underage Girls

"“Look, you wait ’til they get to be 20 years old, the only picking that’s going to take place is your pocket. You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks. You need to check with mom and dad about that, of course.”"

Eerily similar to what Hitler said,

"Gitta Sereny tells in her book Albert Speer: His Battle With Truth how Speer had been discomfited by Hitler's conduct toward Eva Braun. One night at the Berghof he heard Hitler say, as the young woman sat next to him at the table, that a highly intelligent man should always choose a primitive and stupid woman."
Eva Braun and Hitler
Hitler s mistress Eva Braun s rare pictures show her in party mode dressed as Al Jolson Daily Mail Online

Throw in Hitler, nice touch for the added drama.
our world is falling apart and garbage leftwing sites like politicgarbageusa come out with the kind of nasty shit which I'm sure has been twisted into what he said.

shun that site folks. never click on their links

Were actually several sites confirming the quote. Pick one you like.

no thanks, I don't care. I have more important thing to rage about.

but politicausa is a nasty nasty site. and everyone here should shun them by not clicking the link and give them support of any kind

Great strategy. You could also stick your fingers in your ears and loudly say LALALALALALALALALA. That will work just as well. Either way, if you just pretend it didn't happen, you don't have to deal with it.

Why does it need to be dealt with? It isn't common for 15 year olds to get married, it is more likely for the to get an abortion, no one seems to deal with that issue.

I did have a friend, 18 at the time marry his girlfriend 15. That was several years ago, I never thought it was creepy, stupid, not creepy.

I would never recommend getting married until 25.
The Robertsons got married in 1966. Kay was 16 and Phil was 20. They've been married ever since.

If you want the laws of marriage age changed, you get right on that. Good luck.
I'm not acquainted with anyone who bases his life decisions on the vision of Papa Duck Dynasty.

I'll also note that those who criticize lone citizen Phil should also pay some attention to Islam and Sharia law. These have far more influence on the condition of women in the world than does old Phil.

Just sayin'.
You can always tell who the good guys are, the libtards post lies about them. Phil for POTUS.

Good guys don't encourage men to marry children. Your suggestion that Phil would make a good President just proves you have a child's mind.
Idiots lying about what Phil said proves those idiots have the child's mind. If you voted for obuthole you have an infants mind.

Nobody is lying about what he said. He encourages men to marry 15 year old girls, if you don't comprehend what he says, then you're the one that is lying about he said. And your infantile way of debating proves you're an ignoramus.
I'm not acquainted with anyone who bases his life decisions on the vision of Papa Duck Dynasty.

I'll also note that those who criticize lone citizen Phil should also pay some attention to Islam and Sharia law. These have far more influence on the condition of women in the world than does old Phil.

Just sayin'.

"Robertson is a devout Christian, a member of and elder at the White's Ferry Road Church of Christ"
Phil Robertson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Let's hope not. :)

"Robertson was running a bar in 1975."

Former bartender hits the bigtime convincing everyone he's all devout. :)
You can always tell who the good guys are, the libtards post lies about them. Phil for POTUS.

Good guys don't encourage men to marry children. Your suggestion that Phil would make a good President just proves you have a child's mind.
Idiots lying about what Phil said proves those idiots have the child's mind. If you voted for obuthole you have an infants mind.

Nobody is lying about what he said. He encourages men to marry 15 year old girls, if you don't comprehend what he says, then you're the one that is lying about he said. And your infantile way of debating proves you're an ignoramus.

Last time I checked, Phil still had First Amendment rights. He is free to say whatever he wants.
I'm not acquainted with anyone who bases his life decisions on the vision of Papa Duck Dynasty.

I'll also note that those who criticize lone citizen Phil should also pay some attention to Islam and Sharia law. These have far more influence on the condition of women in the world than does old Phil.

Just sayin'.

One of your candidates says that GOP's fear of Sharia law is crap.....

Chris Christie This Sharia law business is crap - Jonathan Martin -
You can always tell who the good guys are, the libtards post lies about them. Phil for POTUS.

Good guys don't encourage men to marry children. Your suggestion that Phil would make a good President just proves you have a child's mind.
Idiots lying about what Phil said proves those idiots have the child's mind. If you voted for obuthole you have an infants mind.

Nobody is lying about what he said. He encourages men to marry 15 year old girls, if you don't comprehend what he says, then you're the one that is lying about he said. And your infantile way of debating proves you're an ignoramus.

Last time I checked, Phil still had First Amendment rights. He is free to say whatever he wants.

Sure he is free to say whatever he wants, and saying that men should marry 15 year olds is a rather immature thing to say. You are also free to defend his statement, and I am also free to criticize it.
You can always tell who the good guys are, the libtards post lies about them. Phil for POTUS.

Good guys don't encourage men to marry children. Your suggestion that Phil would make a good President just proves you have a child's mind.
Idiots lying about what Phil said proves those idiots have the child's mind. If you voted for obuthole you have an infants mind.

Nobody is lying about what he said. He encourages men to marry 15 year old girls, if you don't comprehend what he says, then you're the one that is lying about he said. And your infantile way of debating proves you're an ignoramus.

Last time I checked, Phil still had First Amendment rights. He is free to say whatever he wants.

1st Amendment isn't an absolute. Are numerous limits. Here he didn't actually say anything factually incorrect or advise anyone to do anything illegal. But the other quote at the prayer breakfast suggests mental illness. And coming from someone supposedly religious highly suspect.

More like something we'd expect to come from the Westboro people.
200 years ago or so, 15 year old girls were considered old enough to marry. They married boys about the same age. Then it was a life of being pregnant, hoping to have enough babies live to help with the never ending work needed to survive. There are people in this day and age who live this way. A young woman has a baby every year. This woman is likely to be buried in maternity clothes because she died in childbirth after her 10th child or more. And she probably wasn't 30 years of age.
I don't believe this man has a valid reason to marry a 15 year old girl. If there are laws on the books, they need to be taken off. Any adult male who pursues a 12-15 year old child is a molester. Child molesters need to die.``

He seems concerned that once they get older they become concerned more about money than love.
You can always tell who the good guys are, the libtards post lies about them. Phil for POTUS.

Good guys don't encourage men to marry children. Your suggestion that Phil would make a good President just proves you have a child's mind.
Idiots lying about what Phil said proves those idiots have the child's mind. If you voted for obuthole you have an infants mind.

Nobody is lying about what he said. He encourages men to marry 15 year old girls, if you don't comprehend what he says, then you're the one that is lying about he said. And your infantile way of debating proves you're an ignoramus.

Are you offended by the idea of 15 or 16 years old girls being sexually active in general?
I'm not acquainted with anyone who bases his life decisions on the vision of Papa Duck Dynasty.

I'll also note that those who criticize lone citizen Phil should also pay some attention to Islam and Sharia law. These have far more influence on the condition of women in the world than does old Phil.

Just sayin'.

"Robertson is a devout Christian, a member of and elder at the White's Ferry Road Church of Christ"
Phil Robertson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Let's hope not. :)

"Robertson was running a bar in 1975."

Former bartender hits the bigtime convincing everyone he's all devout. :)

Funny, are you saying that being a bartender some 39 years ago has relevance today and people can't change? Not sure what you are saying.
You can always tell who the good guys are, the libtards post lies about them. Phil for POTUS.

Good guys don't encourage men to marry children. Your suggestion that Phil would make a good President just proves you have a child's mind.
Idiots lying about what Phil said proves those idiots have the child's mind. If you voted for obuthole you have an infants mind.

Nobody is lying about what he said. He encourages men to marry 15 year old girls, if you don't comprehend what he says, then you're the one that is lying about he said. And your infantile way of debating proves you're an ignoramus.

Last time I checked, Phil still had First Amendment rights. He is free to say whatever he wants.

Sure he is free to say whatever he wants, and saying that men should marry 15 year olds is a rather immature thing to say. You are also free to defend his statement, and I am also free to criticize it.
He made the statement back in 2009. Big deal, obuthole has said worse and you idiots support that prick.
Rational people don't make decisions based on what pop culture celebrities believe.

Just sayin'.
"Apparently he was speaking" and "by young he meant"....Does this pass for information in the low information left? Bill freaking Clinton is alleged to have had a wild pedophile weekend on a sex island and the freaking left spends time putting words in an old man's mouth?
The official liberal position is to have sex with 15 year old girls. Don't marry them. Trust planned parenthood to get rid of the evidence and conceal the crime.


That's a really stupid lie of course but ...

Even though you defend it in slime like Jeff Warren and Phil Robinson, at least you admit that statutory rape is a crime. I guess that can be called progress of a sort.
Sex with one's wife is by definition not statutory rape. The absence of marriage is an essential element of the crime. I was married at 15 so I have more than casual knowledge of the subject.
That explains so much about you

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