Phil Robertson Will Return To 'Duck Dynasty' Episodes In January

Before women suffrage the legal age of consent in some US states was 10 for girls.
Are you saying all gay people are child molestors?

He and other rw's just don't want to admit they know their new hero is a child molester

So Phil's a child molester now you say? What's your evidence? Michael Savage was right about you liberals when he said liberalism is a disease.

His own words. Listen to his "sermons" on You Tube. He said he married his wife when she was 14 so she wouldn't know any better. He said 'they have to be married young so they'll do your bidding'.

Start here or just keep on pretending its not true. But, really, what difference does it make to you rw's? You hate children and don't care if young girls are forced into early marriage with old coots like this one. You are such a bunch hypocritical weenies. If he were Muslim, you'd be screaming your empty heads off. go back and read the comments from the rw's about Ted Nugent admitted predating on little girls.

'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson: Five more debate-worthy quotes -
You gotta marry these girls when they're 15 or 16, they'll pick your ducks.
The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to "free White persons" of "good moral character." It thus left out American Indians, free Blacks, Asians and illegal Mexican immigrants.

BTW, Steve - those are white girls that Robertson and Nugent molested and preach about molesting.
Phil is still suspended from being able to film episodes in 2014 for release in the 2015 season. This is just to confuse the masses to make them think Phil is back and the situation is over. It's far from being over.

Now is the time to write letters about his preaching child molestation.

What is wrong with preaching about the dangers of child molestation by gay predators.

You are talking to someone who thinks marriage is child molestation but casual fucking is not. Ask him if Kaitlyn Hunt is a child molester?
...may be just for show...

This is exactly what I said.

If you want to find America's morals, follow the money.

Not even his admitting and preaching child molestation is more important than the money. Not to the DD jerk, not to WalMart, A&E, Cracker Barrel and certainly not to his so-called "christian fans".

They supported Hobby Lobby in their phony religious stand but didn't support A&E.


What the hell? :cuckoo:
He and other rw's just don't want to admit they know their new hero is a child molester

So Phil's a child molester now you say? What's your evidence? Michael Savage was right about you liberals when he said liberalism is a disease.

His own words. Listen to his "sermons" on You Tube. He said he married his wife when she was 14 so she wouldn't know any better.

What a blatant dense idiot you are. Everyone knows Phil never married his wife at age 14. That's when he met her. He got married in Louisiana when she was legally able to back then in the 60's.............age 16.
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So get your panties out of a wad and start bad mouthing some-one or some-thing else.
Why would we get our panties in a bunch? We won. The people who support freedom of speech made this happen.

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