Philadelphia under Attack: Stores Being Looted all over Town by “Large Crowds of Black Juveniles”

We should be grateful to those ladies and gentlemen for going berserk.

They show us what everyday life will be like in the United States of America in the coming decades -- unless there is a peaceful divorce so that people can find a safe zone of their choice in which to live.

Philadelphia (Baltimore, Chicago, etc.) shows us that the ideals of the 1960s will NEVER be realized.
Please take your racist bullshit and lies and stuff them up your ass. I'm not interested in responding to an ignorant idiot who hates other Americans.

If you refuse to see how poverty and lack of opportunity is affecting your society, I have nothing to say to someone so poisoned by irrational blind hatred, and lies. Congratulations on having turned the "Home of the brave and the land of the free", into a South Africa for the 21st Century.

Only the USA and South Africa have experience the levels of black on black murder and crime, and social displacement due to racism.

You might want to think about what the USA and Apartheid South Africa have in common: A system of government based on the racial inferiority of black people.
Apparently you are.
Fool, folks from BLM are not looting no damn stores. It's amazing how you try to rationalize the racist bullshit you are always spewing. Do you think we are stupid enough to believe there is no white supremacy when we see it every damn day. A MAGA Trump Humper should never question anyone's politics, you fools are a cult.
I’m a Democrat. And either way you have got to criticize those Black people looting. Of course many of them by all logic would support BLM. Through the same black criminals who would openly say that the police are the problem. That’s a BLM ideology.

You’re going against reality if you think there’s white supremacy in America. We literally live in a country where the Oscars are forced to nominate Black people. Where companies have minority hiring quotas. It’s really offensive this type of rhetoric that you’re engaging and it’s offensive to workin class white people.

Maybe you think all white people are rich and live in the Hamptons. All of your rhetoric along with that of IM2 john doe 101 bodecea dismisses working class white people, and is disrespectful to the working class white man.

Show us a video of 1000 white people with Trump hats looting stores. You can’t it doesn’t exist brother. You’ll probably talk about January 6 again while never talking about the murder of BLM riots or the Looting we saw in Philadelphia last night committed by practically all Black blm people.

There is no “ we “ tons of Black people disagree with your point of view and that of IM2 … not just conservative Blacks, also democrat black voters

You keep on using this term “ we “as if you and Black people are all one entity. You know deep down inside that’s crazy. It would be like me a white man saying “we whites”

plenty of whites support Joe Biden plenty of white support Donald Trump.

I’ve seen other threads you’re talking about individual crimes committed by white people. Everyone knows that’s an issue. Individual whites and blacks commit crimes. BLM blacks or whatever you wanna call Those people doing The looting in the video are a serious problem to this country. As a white man, I recognize, there is a problem with some number of young white people who are in cells, who are on drugs all the time, they have no interest in meeting women. You shd denounce black criminals just like I denounce white criminals.

So like in many other threads, you ignore black blm types mass looting . You should acknowledge it.
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Please take your racist bullshit and lies and stuff them up your ass. I'm not interested in responding to an ignorant idiot who hates other Americans.

If you refuse to see how poverty and lack of opportunity is affecting your society, I have nothing to say to someone so poisoned by irrational blind hatred, and lies. Congratulations on having turned the "Home of the brave and the land of the free", into a South Africa for the 21st Century.

Only the USA and South Africa have experience the levels of black on black murder and crime, and social displacement due to racism.

You might want to think about what the USA and Apartheid South Africa have in common: A system of government based on the racial inferiority of black people.
Not one thing keeping them from being anything they want to be with hard work and determination, however it's to easy to live on the democrats urban plantation and steal shiite so do frigg right off you blithering idiot
These aren't juveniles, most are adults. It's mayhem tonight in Philly. The police need to break out the billy clubs, the German shepherds, and the water cannons like back in the good ole days. When these type people got out of hand back then, Whites knew how to put them back in their place. Hopefully we can initiate those type of responses again when Trump gets back in office.

3rd world America:

Congrats Dems, this is the America you voted for.

They will gladly rule over the pile of bones and ash....they just want to be the ones on top
We should be grateful to those ladies and gentlemen for going berserk.

They show us what everyday life will be like in the United States of America in the coming decades -- unless there is a peaceful divorce so that people can find a safe zone of their choice in which to live.

Philadelphia (Baltimore, Chicago, etc.) shows us that the ideals of the 1960s will NEVER be realized.

They can be if the proper methods are applied, and we get away from the concept of "people can do what they want whenever they want and things will just work out"

There is nothing stopping any American from grabbing the middle class -upper middle/lower-upper class lifestyle as long as they are willing to work generationally for it. And I mean 1-2 generations, not 10.
Why can't the average negro get a job like normal people? Why must he loot?

The "average negro" does have a job. Only 5.8% of black people are unemployed, and only 17.1% of blacks are poor, so the "average negro" is neither poor nor unemployed.

Why can't the average MAGA Cult asshole, educated themselves before being racist and stupid?
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I am sure the blm/antifa brown shirts looting those stores are not racists to the extreme...right?
Come one now. I’m sure if there was an old white guy trying to cross the street they would stop to help him, and not brain him with a brick.

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