Philly City Council doesn't think store employees should be safe


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I have read several articles about this. The store owners, many of whom are Korean, stated that their stores had been robbed and they put up the bullet-proof glass to protect employees. Well, the leftists don't like that and claim it's racist because most of the stores are in areas where there are large minority populations. Of course, the Koreans are also minorities, but they don't have groups and big money from Soros behind them.
It's incredibly stupid for the city council to ban these windows and they haven't given a good reason. One of the council members claimed that they think some stores are fronts for drug dealers. Well, if that is the case, investigate, but there is no logical reason to stop owners from protecting themselves or their employees. They will either close the stores and move to safer areas or arm themselves. Of course, that might end with some thug getting shot and then the leftists will bitch about that. The only time leftists don't get mad is when an innocent person is killed by one of their favored groups.

What the hell is with the mindset of these radical leftists lately? They don't want people armed so they can protect themselves and their homes They don't want cops carrying their guns when they get out of their cars. And now they don't even want stores to put up protective windows to keep employees from getting shot during robberies. What's next? Might as well outlaw locks on our doors. Isn't that just as racist because we assume that criminals will come in our house? Can we put protective windows on our homes or will leftists say that's racist and offends some groups?

The same idiots are also complaining about the body cams that cops wear. Last year, they demanded that all cops wear them. Now that the body cams have shown that people tend to lie about what police do, the leftists wants the cameras gone. How are criminals supposed to get away with lying about police brutality when it's all on film? And it's not fair when a suspect's actions are caught on film because they can't deny it later. Can't claim they did nothing threatening when there is footage of them brandishing a weapon or otherwise trying to attack police. And they claim that the cameras force cops to be totally honest in reports because they can review the footage to make sure everything is accurate. Yea, don't want truth in reports, do we? Much better when people can claim that cops say and do racist things with no proof otherwise.

Then there is the gun buy back program in St. Louis that city officials are saying won't affect criminals because they don't expect them to participate. Well, duh!! Thugs will be glad to hear that less potential victims have guns. Makes those home invasions much easier when you're not worried about people fighting back.

And if you want to rob one of the liquor stores, there will be nothing between your gun and that poor clerk behind the counter. A criminal's paradise when government tilts the playing field in their favor.
People take measures because they are tired of being victims and want to prevent anyone from doing harm.

Leftists don't give a shit who criminals kill as long as they make their voter base happy.

The stupidiy and hatred of the radical left these days is staggering.

"The city council in Philadelphia will be voting on a controversial measure on Thursday that would ban liquor stores and other small businesses from placing bulletproof glass inside their stores.
Fox 29 reports the “Stop and Go” bill, proposed by City Councilwoman Cindy Bass, will fight the “indignity” of customers having to talk to cashiers through bulletproof glass when they’re purchasing items or being served food.
Bass told Fox 29, “Right now, I think the Plexiglas has to come down. We want to make sure that there isn’t this sort of indignity, in my opinion, to serving food through a Plexiglas only in certain neighborhoods.”
The measure has been met with resistance from members of the Korean business-owning community."

Philly City Council To Vote on Ban on Bulletproof Glass Inside Stores
How can they tell a private business what to do with their own store front? What by-law are they violating by having this glass up?

These seems about as insane as anything I have read. If too many businesses have to choose between their safety or moving somewhere more reasonable, well, seems like an easy decision.
How can they tell a private business what to do with their own store front? What by-law are they violating by having this glass up?

These seems about as insane as anything I have read. If too many businesses have to choose between their safety or moving somewhere more reasonable, well, seems like an easy decision.

These days, if they can claim something is racist, they find a way to outlaw it. It's insane. The claim that people are offended by having to deal with a cashier behind safety glass is incredibly stupid and yet the council banned the glass. It's getting more ridiculous by the day as the leftists come completely unwound.
Leftists often side with criminals, not a wonder considering their entire ideology is based on theft. Thieves are their best friends.

There was a good reason to ban the windows - to help thieves rob it. You see, not stealing would be racism.

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