Philly Goes 'Full Terrorist' Mode fter Police Shoot Knife Wielding Perp Who Refuse To Comply W/Police Orders

The retarded mayor said its a 9pm curfew for Philly tonight. No one is taking that jackass seriously
The neighborhood where the police incident was in West Philly. The breaking into stores was in the Lower Northeast part of the city. Was it a black neighborhood? And if it was, will they build/reopen there again?

West Philly yes. The other area I dont know because I never had a reason to go there
They wo
The retarded mayor said its a 9pm curfew for Philly tonight. No one is taking that jackass seriously
Well that is why troops are on the way.........hmmm

They wont be here until friday
Then the local and state have to hold the line til they show up...........You don't do that by being nice.

The mayor is scared
Why ...........are they threatening him..........if he dares order actions against them............Will he fulfill his oath............seems they have taken actions to get helpf from the State and National Guard.

He never thought he would have to deal with any of this
I think it's the unevenness of the weapons. One guy with a knife, several cops with loaded guns. IF the domestic abuser hadn't been shot, had reached the cops, what would have happened? He would have been overwhelmed and taken down, put in the back of a cruiser and taken to jail. Would he really have been able to stab one of them to death first when they all saw him coming and were prepared? I dunno. But I think that's where the complaint probably lies.

You want to be the one to try and stop someone with a knife? Police don't either. That's what there has been a standing many decades. Perp with knife gets within 30 feet, justified to kill him. That's not just police either.
A taser can stop this. But there have been people who pulled guns on police and have not been shot. This did not have to end in death.
It didn't have to end in riots, either. Everytime a cop defends his life by shooting a perp who is trying to kill him, are blacks going to burn up the town? 30 cops were taken to the hospital in Philly last night, IM, and that doesn't fly either.

I tried to suggest an alternative, or why it might have seemed unfair to the black community, but the bottom line is, the cops do need to live to fight another day, so to speak, so the only way to prevent this from reaching maximum velocity is to look for alternatives that prevent it from happening in the first place.
No it didn't. But as long as whites can walk down streets armed, can kill people and walk past police while armed and don't get shot to death, every time a black person gets killed by police this could happen. I knew a day like this would come and its high time whites shut up with their judgements and defense of police. This guy had a knife. He could have tased and subdued.

We have been getting murdered by police for over 100 years and white citizens have always tried defending the police. If a riot is the language of the unheard, then whites need to stop talking about burning buildings and really do something about the institutional and systemic racism that lets Kyle Rittenhouse walk down the middle of the street armed after killing 2 people but kills a black man who killed no one because he had a knife.
Oh stfu, you fucking whiner..... tired of listening to your racist bullshit and your crying like a bitch.

You are fucking weak and pathetic.

Police are trained to shoot these people as they can travel 21 feet in the time it takes to draw and fire your weapon. IF you want to die, you can play nice but that blade is just as deadly as a bullet.

Damn straight.

Cops have families to get home to after a shift at work, just like everyone else does.
I respect that.

Do you "respect that" enough to denounce the Riots and the rioters?
Biden and Kamal Toe don't
The riots and rioters have primarily been white supremacists, you ready to stop blaming BLM?
Look at all those really, really tan white supremacists! And who knew that so many white supremacists live in black Neighborhoods?

Either you are joking, are knowingly lying, or you are one gullible or mentally ill person.
It’s white supremacists rioting. Lol
Jesus Christ.

The majority of violence during the protests we have been having were by white supremacists. What happened in philly doesn't change that.

It's really quite sad if you think about: All those black men who acted stupidly and pretty much forced the police to shoot them? What are their legacies? What will they be remembered for? What did they leave behind after living out their lives? I'll tell you:

Racial unrest, riots, looting, assaults, murders, political division, and the destruction of their own neighborhoods.

That's one hell of a legacy to leave behind, ain't it?
Obama Condemns George Floyd Riots: ‘Let’s Not Excuse Violence’
Writing on Medium, Obama sympathized with the sentiments, saying the rioting was destroying “neighborhoods that are often already short on services and investment” and pointing to civic engagement as the way forward.

“Let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves,” he argued.

The former president concluded by stating that “justifiable anger” must be channeled into “peaceful, sustained, and effective action.”

“If, going forward, we can channel our justifiable anger into peaceful, sustained, and effective action, then this moment can be a real turning point in our nation’s long journey to live up to our highest ideals,” Obama said.

I think it's the unevenness of the weapons. One guy with a knife, several cops with loaded guns. IF the domestic abuser hadn't been shot, had reached the cops, what would have happened? He would have been overwhelmed and taken down, put in the back of a cruiser and taken to jail. Would he really have been able to stab one of them to death first when they all saw him coming and were prepared? I dunno. But I think that's where the complaint probably lies.
How can I put this tactfully without writing a novel.

It is not the police's job to be killed.

It is not the police's job to be maimed.

It is not the police's job to be injured.

If a suspected criminal is so far out of control that police pointing guns at them doesn't immediately make them realize that failure to disarm themselves is a recipe for disaster...what do you expect police to do?

It is the police's job to handle situations without escalating the situation. Mentally ill people should not be gunned down.
But people that attack other people with knives, should.
So how do you want to resolve this? Or do you just want to blame the cops for refusing to be stabbed?
I think it's the unevenness of the weapons. One guy with a knife, several cops with loaded guns. IF the domestic abuser hadn't been shot, had reached the cops, what would have happened? He would have been overwhelmed and taken down, put in the back of a cruiser and taken to jail. Would he really have been able to stab one of them to death first when they all saw him coming and were prepared? I dunno. But I think that's where the complaint probably lies.
How can I put this tactfully without writing a novel.

It is not the police's job to be killed.

It is not the police's job to be maimed.

It is not the police's job to be injured.

If a suspected criminal is so far out of control that police pointing guns at them doesn't immediately make them realize that failure to disarm themselves is a recipe for disaster...what do you expect police to do?

It is the police's job to handle situations without escalating the situation. Mentally ill people should not be gunned down.
But people that attack other people with knives, should.
So how do you want to resolve this? Or do you just want to blame the cops for refusing to be stabbed?

I heard taser
Obama Condemns George Floyd Riots: ‘Let’s Not Excuse Violence’
Writing on Medium, Obama sympathized with the sentiments, saying the rioting was destroying “neighborhoods that are often already short on services and investment” and pointing to civic engagement as the way forward.

“Let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves,” he argued.

The former president concluded by stating that “justifiable anger” must be channeled into “peaceful, sustained, and effective action.”

“If, going forward, we can channel our justifiable anger into peaceful, sustained, and effective action, then this moment can be a real turning point in our nation’s long journey to live up to our highest ideals,” Obama said.

As usual, Obama is living in la-la land. He was one of the most racially-divisive Presidents this country had ever seen, during his two terms. And now he's trying to act like the great "peacemaker"?

Take your Kumbaya BS and shove it up your ass, Obama.
I think it's the unevenness of the weapons. One guy with a knife, several cops with loaded guns. IF the domestic abuser hadn't been shot, had reached the cops, what would have happened? He would have been overwhelmed and taken down, put in the back of a cruiser and taken to jail. Would he really have been able to stab one of them to death first when they all saw him coming and were prepared? I dunno. But I think that's where the complaint probably lies.
How can I put this tactfully without writing a novel.

It is not the police's job to be killed.

It is not the police's job to be maimed.

It is not the police's job to be injured.

If a suspected criminal is so far out of control that police pointing guns at them doesn't immediately make them realize that failure to disarm themselves is a recipe for disaster...what do you expect police to do?

It is the police's job to handle situations without escalating the situation. Mentally ill people should not be gunned down.
But people that attack other people with knives, should.
So how do you want to resolve this? Or do you just want to blame the cops for refusing to be stabbed?

I heard taser
Taser will work some of the time, maybe..... but you better have someone covering him with a pistol before you try it.
Look at the Chicago incident, she still got stabbed by the guy even after hitting him with the taser, her vest saved her.
I think it's the unevenness of the weapons. One guy with a knife, several cops with loaded guns. IF the domestic abuser hadn't been shot, had reached the cops, what would have happened? He would have been overwhelmed and taken down, put in the back of a cruiser and taken to jail. Would he really have been able to stab one of them to death first when they all saw him coming and were prepared? I dunno. But I think that's where the complaint probably lies.
How can I put this tactfully without writing a novel.

It is not the police's job to be killed.

It is not the police's job to be maimed.

It is not the police's job to be injured.

If a suspected criminal is so far out of control that police pointing guns at them doesn't immediately make them realize that failure to disarm themselves is a recipe for disaster...what do you expect police to do?

It is the police's job to handle situations without escalating the situation. Mentally ill people should not be gunned down.
But people that attack other people with knives, should.
So how do you want to resolve this? Or do you just want to blame the cops for refusing to be stabbed?

I heard taser
Taser will work some of the time, maybe..... but you better have someone covering him with a pistol before you try it.
Look at the Chicago incident, she still got stabbed by the guy even after hitting him with the taser, her vest saved her.

Law-enforcement does much of their firearms training with targets set at 7 yards. it's called the "21 foot rule". An attacker armed with a knife and having the intent to gut you like a hog, can cover 21 feet in 1.5 seconds. Once that attacker is on you with the knife, you can't do much of anything. And body armor is pretty much useless against sharp pointed objects.
I think it's the unevenness of the weapons. One guy with a knife, several cops with loaded guns. IF the domestic abuser hadn't been shot, had reached the cops, what would have happened? He would have been overwhelmed and taken down, put in the back of a cruiser and taken to jail. Would he really have been able to stab one of them to death first when they all saw him coming and were prepared? I dunno. But I think that's where the complaint probably lies.
How can I put this tactfully without writing a novel.

It is not the police's job to be killed.

It is not the police's job to be maimed.

It is not the police's job to be injured.

If a suspected criminal is so far out of control that police pointing guns at them doesn't immediately make them realize that failure to disarm themselves is a recipe for disaster...what do you expect police to do?

It is the police's job to handle situations without escalating the situation. Mentally ill people should not be gunned down.
But people that attack other people with knives, should.
So how do you want to resolve this? Or do you just want to blame the cops for refusing to be stabbed?

I heard taser
Taser will work some of the time, maybe..... but you better have someone covering him with a pistol before you try it.
Look at the Chicago incident, she still got stabbed by the guy even after hitting him with the taser, her vest saved her.

Law-enforcement does much of their firearms training with targets set at 7 yards. it's called the "21 foot rule". An attacker armed with a knife and having the intent to gut you like a hog, can cover 21 feet in 1.5 seconds. Once that attacker is on you with the knife, you can't do much of anything. And body armor is pretty much useless against sharp pointed objects.
I know all that.
And body armor isn't designed to stop blade attacks so it sometimes does help, and sometimes doesn't.

My point is, when a guy is coming at you with a knife, you are completely justified in shooting him to the ground. If you have enough space, and enough backup and resources to safely have someone try a taser before you kill him, go for it, just be aware that you're probably going to end up shooting him anyway. But if you can safely try, then do so, but I won't get mad at them when that hail mary pass with the taser falls short.
I think it's the unevenness of the weapons. One guy with a knife, several cops with loaded guns. IF the domestic abuser hadn't been shot, had reached the cops, what would have happened? He would have been overwhelmed and taken down, put in the back of a cruiser and taken to jail. Would he really have been able to stab one of them to death first when they all saw him coming and were prepared? I dunno. But I think that's where the complaint probably lies.

You want to be the one to try and stop someone with a knife? Police don't either. That's what there has been a standing many decades. Perp with knife gets within 30 feet, justified to kill him. That's not just police either.
A taser can stop this. But there have been people who pulled guns on police and have not been shot. This did not have to end in death.
It didn't have to end in riots, either. Everytime a cop defends his life by shooting a perp who is trying to kill him, are blacks going to burn up the town? 30 cops were taken to the hospital in Philly last night, IM, and that doesn't fly either.

I tried to suggest an alternative, or why it might have seemed unfair to the black community, but the bottom line is, the cops do need to live to fight another day, so to speak, so the only way to prevent this from reaching maximum velocity is to look for alternatives that prevent it from happening in the first place.
No it didn't. But as long as whites can walk down streets armed, can kill people and walk past police while armed and don't get shot to death, every time a black person gets killed by police this could happen. I knew a day like this would come and its high time whites shut up with their judgements and defense of police. This guy had a knife. He could have tased and subdued.

We have been getting murdered by police for over 100 years and white citizens have always tried defending the police. If a riot is the language of the unheard, then whites need to stop talking about burning buildings and really do something about the institutional and systemic racism that lets Kyle Rittenhouse walk down the middle of the street armed after killing 2 people but kills a black man who killed no one because he had a knife.
Oh stfu, you fucking whiner..... tired of listening to your racist bullshit and your crying like a bitch.

You are fucking weak and pathetic.
I was just kidding about the slapping the face comment. I thought it would add some spice.
I think it's the unevenness of the weapons. One guy with a knife, several cops with loaded guns. IF the domestic abuser hadn't been shot, had reached the cops, what would have happened? He would have been overwhelmed and taken down, put in the back of a cruiser and taken to jail. Would he really have been able to stab one of them to death first when they all saw him coming and were prepared? I dunno. But I think that's where the complaint probably lies.
How can I put this tactfully without writing a novel.

It is not the police's job to be killed.

It is not the police's job to be maimed.

It is not the police's job to be injured.

If a suspected criminal is so far out of control that police pointing guns at them doesn't immediately make them realize that failure to disarm themselves is a recipe for disaster...what do you expect police to do?

It is the police's job to handle situations without escalating the situation. Mentally ill people should not be gunned down.
But people that attack other people with knives, should.
So how do you want to resolve this? Or do you just want to blame the cops for refusing to be stabbed?

I heard taser
Taser will work some of the time, maybe..... but you better have someone covering him with a pistol before you try it.
Look at the Chicago incident, she still got stabbed by the guy even after hitting him with the taser, her vest saved her.

Law-enforcement does much of their firearms training with targets set at 7 yards. it's called the "21 foot rule". An attacker armed with a knife and having the intent to gut you like a hog, can cover 21 feet in 1.5 seconds. Once that attacker is on you with the knife, you can't do much of anything. And body armor is pretty much useless against sharp pointed objects.
I know all that.
And body armor isn't designed to stop blade attacks so it sometimes does help, and sometimes doesn't.

My point is, when a guy is coming at you with a knife, you are completely justified in shooting him to the ground. If you have enough space, and enough backup and resources to safely have someone try a taser before you kill him, go for it, just be aware that you're probably going to end up shooting him anyway. But if you can safely try, then do so, but I won't get mad at them when that hail mary pass with the taser falls short.

I knew you knew. That was for the benefit of those who don't understand why the police shoot to kill pointy-stabby people, and not try to wrestle with them.
Obama Condemns George Floyd Riots: ‘Let’s Not Excuse Violence’
Writing on Medium, Obama sympathized with the sentiments, saying the rioting was destroying “neighborhoods that are often already short on services and investment” and pointing to civic engagement as the way forward.

“Let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves,” he argued.

The former president concluded by stating that “justifiable anger” must be channeled into “peaceful, sustained, and effective action.”

“If, going forward, we can channel our justifiable anger into peaceful, sustained, and effective action, then this moment can be a real turning point in our nation’s long journey to live up to our highest ideals,” Obama said.

Be specific now and explain why he waited until 5 months had passed and polling showed the riots were hurting the democrats?
Though I usually support BLM, in this case I think the police were justified.
You need to think about who you support Blm is responsible for death across the nation injuring hundreds of people and cops burning buildings looting and so much more . how anyone can support that is beyond me

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