*Philly Is Going Down The Crapper, After Voting In Fetterman*

There you are trying again to blame anyone except the Democratic Party that has run these areas into the ground. Federal level taxation does not prevent localities from taxing what they feel Is fair from the residents. You don’t need to convince me how crappy Democrats are, you just need to come to grips with that. Philly gets the exact government they vote for and deserve, they did this to themselves
National tax rates on the rich and especially super rich have to be raised or we will continue to go down the Crapper. You people are just insane, the whole country is a mess and it didn't happen in the last two years and the Democrats have been unable to pass anything since LBJ for crying out loud, Super Duper.
DEMS=COMMEE=MARXIST. They encouage CHAOS as they can spend more (hire more commee) to "fix it". The create CHAOS, look no further than the Southern border or the Hotel Roosevelt in NYC. Never let a crisis go to waste. They created Floyd and the BLM riots, Furgeson etc. with help of the PRAVDA MSM.
National tax rates on the rich and especially super rich have to be raised or we will continue to go down the Crapper. You people are just insane, the whole country is a mess and it didn't happen in the last two years and the Democrats have been unable to pass anything since LBJ for crying out loud, Super Duper.
Same old song and dance, even after it’s proven time and time again throwing money at the problem does not work. And stealing more money to throw at the problem is all the Democrats have to offer.

A good solution would be to make it so anyone who wishes to give more of their money to the government can easily do so. That would allow those wishing to pay more in taxes to do so without trying to take it from someone else
as long as we have Reagan tax rates nationally, the inequality poverty and homelessness will continue to grow. We need to tax the rich again and invest in America again, even you dupes know it
When will Dems do something about it? It's been decades, pretty sure this isn't going to happen.
The MAX FED GOVT has been able to Confiscate is ~20% X GDP. Therfore near $30T GDP = $6T MAX revenue they can get. Proven over 100 years.

If they try to take too much.....the GDP always drops.
The GOVT is a drain.....they suck, they don't produce.//

p.s. loonyFrank does not understand the correlation. He thinks the pot is bottomless. Tax the Rich he says......Eventually that means Corporate America.....GDP drops.
here is more proof FRANC you ignorant french-bulldog. When TAX revenue gets near 20%*GDP it then falls off quickly. Worry about your own BS instead of TAX rates scumbucket.


Yet these BOZO insist on spening 25%-30% of GDP and they can't collect it? something has to give. How bout my boot gives up and pulls off my foot from Macs butt>?
Never been there, but they seemed to like him, keeping him mayor for 13 years.

Philly's been a shithole for years. Almost as bad as Wilmington, De. Which is just right down the road.

By the way. Off-topic (kind of...but not off-topic in scope) if you ever find yourself looking for a lively night out on the town in President Biden's hometown of Wilmington (AKA Murder Town USA,) then boy oh boy do I have good news for you! It just so happens to boast istelf to be safer than 1% of the sum of all American cities, with only a 1 in 67 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime, last I checked...



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That's not what he said, but what are you going to do, defend the good judgement of Philly for overwhelmingly voting for Frankenstein?
No. I don't give a crap about Philly or any other large city. I avoid them like the plague, all of them. I like changing planes in them, or some of them. Others, like Chicago, I don't even like flying into them, as in the winter, you never know whether you will be diverted to someplace like Miami, just to get to Denver. Nothing like being dressed for expected 25 degrees of Denver, and instead sitting around the airport in Miami, looking at the palm trees, everyone else dressed in shorts, as it is 85-90 degrees outside.
Philly and all other big cities can keep their crime, traffic, polluted smell, dirty taxi cabs, higher taxes, you know, all the things that make big cities suck, every single one of them. Good judgement in Phlly? Heck, if they had good judgement, they would move out. But, I doubt Philly sucks because those voter voted for Fetterman. It is a big city. It has always sucked, just like Memphis, just down I-40 from me has always sucked.
You almost have to laugh if it wasn't so tragic. The democrat dominated senate wants to revise the dress code for the freaking fool while his constituents are being robbed. It's like the fools get together in a protected vacuum in the senate and pretend reality isn't happening.
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suck on it frankie. Spending was down (comparatively) until they launched man-made FauchiChinaDemFlue on us 2020 2021. They use a CRISIS to spend more then claim, need more up to $8T projected a few years out.

Philly's been a shithole for years. Almost as bad as Wilmington, De. Which is just right down the road.

By the way. Off-topic (kind of...but not off-topic in scope) if you ever find yourself looking for a lively night out on the town in President Biden's hometown of Wilmington (AKA Murder Town USA,) then boy oh boy do I have good news for you! It just so happens to boast istelf to be safer than 1% of the sum of all American cities, with only a 1 in 67 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime, last I checked...



Nice to know. They honor my carry permit, but I am still not likely to visit that state.
Sorry bout that,

1. The people of Philly, voted in a stone dead shit show in John Fetterman.
2. And now, looking at Philliy we see chaos, people wanting more free stuff.
3. Just nuke the city and be done with it.

Link:Philadelphia looting: Dozens arrested, including juveniles, after stores ransacked across the city

Has more to do with Soros funded DA Krasner not going after street crime. Krasner is pile of useless horse manure. So is Fetterman but he is not a prosecutor, just a useless political leech.

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