Philosophy Professor Calls For Jailing Global Warming “Denialists” For Criminal Negli

mamooth, you know they do. Americans for Prosperity, Koch Industries, Exxon Mobile and the like. I wonder if the same result will happen though? I mean, they helped fuck us good, not just the users of their product/message but everyone will suffer. Too bad people are stupid animals instead of enlightened spirits. Actually we are both but almost everyone gravitates massively towards being a stupid animal.
liberalism = authoritarianism = totalitarianism

Don't believe me....look at the liberal reaction to the OP. The great liberal tyrants of history would be proud.
wow, putting people in jail b/c their facts don't match your facts.

and just look at the liberals here in support!

They really really hate freedom.

pure evil
Denialists, you wouldn't come across here as such projecting partisan liars if you hadn't spent the past years calling for the Dr. Mann and other climate scientists to be sent to a political gulag. Proud Stalinists, the whole lot of you. Some of you, like Bri, have taken it as far as demanding the imprisonment of everyone who disagrees with your political party on the issue.

If you denialists would like to convince us you're not Stalinists, simply renounce your previous professed desires to have climate scientists imprisoned. Of course, that would get you ejected from your cult, so it's a tough choice for you. Leave the cult, or be identified as a Stalinist? Let us know which you choose.
Well, there have been plenty of scary people in the past, and actually they went beyond scary. Just take a look at all the vile spewed against those who tell the facts on these boards. I do not need to wonder what they will do given enough power and continued opposition.

Human Nature repeats itself, concentration camps and re-education for those who oppose the Leftist/Liberal/Democrats.

To bad witch burning went out of style...
Denialists, you wouldn't come across here as such projecting partisan liars if you hadn't spent the past years calling for the Dr. Mann and other climate scientists to be sent to a political gulag. Proud Stalinists, the whole lot of you. Some of you, like Bri, have taken it as far as demanding the imprisonment of everyone who disagrees with your political party on the issue.

If you denialists would like to convince us you're not Stalinists, simply renounce your previous professed desires to have climate scientists imprisoned. Of course, that would get you ejected from your cult, so it's a tough choice for you. Leave the cult, or be identified as a Stalinist? Let us know which you choose.

This thread is about.....Scientists who don’t believe in catastrophic man-made global warming should be put in prison....:lol::lol:

Denialists, you wouldn't come across here as such projecting partisan liars if you hadn't spent the past years calling for the Dr. Mann and other climate scientists to be sent to a political gulag. Proud Stalinists, the whole lot of you. Some of you, like Bri, have taken it as far as demanding the imprisonment of everyone who disagrees with your political party on the issue.

If you denialists would like to convince us you're not Stalinists, simply renounce your previous professed desires to have climate scientists imprisoned. Of course, that would get you ejected from your cult, so it's a tough choice for you. Leave the cult, or be identified as a Stalinist? Let us know which you choose.

Fraud is a crime punishable under the law and he is certainly guilty of fraud.

Being skeptical of a religious cult is an entirely different matter.
SSDD said:
Fraud is a crime punishable under the law and he is certainly guilty of fraud.

For the sake of the argument, we'll just leave out the fact that denialists are off in cult kookland about Mann, so we can move on to how you've now said you believe that fraud is reason to prosecute. That means your position is essentially the same as what Professor Torcello said:

"With such high stakes, an organised campaign funding misinformation ought to be considered criminally negligent."

Moreover, the context of the article makes it clear that Professor Torcello is referring to _knowingly_ ringleading a mass-misinformation campaign, such a what the tobacco industry did.

So, given you agree with Professor Torcello, why are you screaming about him being evil? If he's authoritarian, that would make you authoritarian as well, given you believe the same thing about how deliberate fraud is grounds for prosecution.

Basically, why are all you denialists lying about what Professor Torcello supposedly said? He never said or implied that denialist fake-skeptics should be jailed. Pathological liar Delingpole fabricated that whopper, fangirl Stephanie breathlessly and brainlessly parroted Delingpole's big lie, and all the denialists piled on in a big rush to show their cult loyalty by blindly parroting the big lie some more.

The moral of this story? If you fail to understand Delingpole's pathologically dishonest nature and are stupid enough to believe something he said, you'll be left twisting in the wind and completely humiliated.

Oh, there is another possibility as to why certain people are upset, and that is they know how they themselves are leading an organized deliberate misinformation campaign. It would explain why Delingpole, Monckton and Watts are so upset.
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SSDD said:
Fraud is a crime punishable under the law and he is certainly guilty of fraud.

For the sake of the argument, we'll just leave out the fact that denialists are off in cult kookland about Mann, so we can move on to how you've now said you believe that fraud is reason to prosecute. That means your position is essentially the same as what Professor Torcello said:

"With such high stakes, an organised campaign funding misinformation ought to be considered criminally negligent."

Moreover, the context of the article makes is clear that Professor Torcello is referring to _knowingly_ engaging in a misinformation campaign, such a what the tobacco industry did.

So, given you agree with Professor Torcello, why are you screaming about him being evil? If he's authoritarian, that would make you authoritarian as well, given you believe the same thing about how deliberate fraud is grounds for prosecution.

Basically, why are all you denialists lying about what Professor Torcello supposedly said? He never said or implied that denialist fake-skeptics should be jailed. Pathological liar Delingpole fabricated that whopper, fangirl Stephanie breathlessly and brainlessly parroted Delingpole's big lie, and all the denialists piled on in a big rush to show their cult loyalty by blindly parroting the big lie some more.

The moral of this story? If you fail to understand Delingpole's pathologically dishonest nature and are stupid enough to believe something he said, you'll be left twisting in the wind and completely humiliated.

Oh, there is another possibility as to why certain people are upset, and that is they know how they themselves are part of an organized deliberate misinformation campaign. It would explain why Delingpole, Monckton and Watts are so upset.

The simple fact is mamooth that history and eventually actual science is going to show that you were on the wrong side.
SSDD said:
Fraud is a crime punishable under the law and he is certainly guilty of fraud.

For the sake of the argument, we'll just leave out the fact that denialists are off in cult kookland about Mann, so we can move on to how you've now said you believe that fraud is reason to prosecute. That means your position is essentially the same as what Professor Torcello said:

"With such high stakes, an organised campaign funding misinformation ought to be considered criminally negligent."

Moreover, the context of the article makes is clear that Professor Torcello is referring to _knowingly_ engaging in a misinformation campaign, such a what the tobacco industry did.

So, given you agree with Professor Torcello, why are you screaming about him being evil? If he's authoritarian, that would make you authoritarian as well, given you believe the same thing about how deliberate fraud is grounds for prosecution.

Basically, why are all you denialists lying about what Professor Torcello supposedly said? He never said or implied that denialist fake-skeptics should be jailed. Pathological liar Delingpole fabricated that whopper, fangirl Stephanie breathlessly and brainlessly parroted Delingpole's big lie, and all the denialists piled on in a big rush to show their cult loyalty by blindly parroting the big lie some more.

The moral of this story? If you fail to understand Delingpole's pathologically dishonest nature and are stupid enough to believe something he said, you'll be left twisting in the wind and completely humiliated.

Oh, there is another possibility as to why certain people are upset, and that is they know how they themselves are part of an organized deliberate misinformation campaign. It would explain why Delingpole, Monckton and Watts are so upset.

The simple fact is mamooth that history and eventually actual science is going to show that you were on the wrong side and that you and yours were spreading misinformation. Fraud, however, involves the misuse of funds, or deliberate deception in order to gain funds....hardly the same. Mann has committed actual crimes and should be held accountable.
The simple fact is mamooth that history and eventually actual science is going to show that you were on the wrong side and that you and yours were spreading misinformation.

Good luck with that. You know, hoping that the last century of physics has been wrong, and only you know the real truth.

This does make the discovery phase of the Mann trials more important, regardless of whether he wins or loses. Evidence is getting brought into the light and preserved, evidence that the ringleaders will eventually wish had been destroyed.
The simple fact is mamooth that history and eventually actual science is going to show that you were on the wrong side and that you and yours were spreading misinformation.

Good luck with that. You know, hoping that the last century of physics has been wrong, and only you know the real truth.

This does make the discovery phase of the Mann trials more important, regardless of whether he wins or loses. Evidence is getting brought into the light and preserved, evidence that the ringleaders will eventually wish had been destroyed.

Evidence he and the university have spent millions trying to hide for a decade now. I don't guess someone like you ever stopped to wonder why, if his data was solid, he has gone to so much effort, and spent so much money to keep it hidden.
Let's go over some of Delingpole's other greatest hits.

1. Lied about Dr. Viner of East Anglia supposedly predicting no snowfall within a few years of 2000. That never happened. The article writer made it look like that, but Dr Viner said or implied no such thing, so Delingpole just lied and assigned quotes from the article writer to Dr. Viner. Naturally, the fact that it's just a denialist urban legend hasn't stopped Westwall from making it one of his favorite talking points.

2. He compared wind farms to pedophile rings. When pressed on it, he said he shouldn't have insulted pedophiles in that manner. Classy guy.

3. Stated "The climate alarmist industry has some very tough questions to answer: preferably in the defendant's dock in a court of law, before a judge wearing a black cap." For those unfamiliar with the reference, black caps were only worn for death sentences.

So Delingpole, a man who has called for death sentences to anyone supporting mainstream climate science, is now lying and declaring it's actually the other side who does what he does. Great hero y'all have there.

Monckton and Watts, of course, are now leading a campaign demanding the professor be fired.

Monckton?s letter to the Rochester Institute of Technology regarding Assistant Professor Lawrence Torcello | Watts Up With That?

Not big fans of free speech, the denialist leaders. I await to hear all the condemnation of those two. As expected, none of the commenters at WUWT understand the hypocrisy of whining about free speech then demanding someone be fired for speaking.
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You didn't answer the question....why do you suppose mann has spent so much money and effort in an attempt to hide good, solid data? If the data weren't fraudulent, don't you think someone like him would have used it to slap his critics down?
liberalism = authoritarianism = totalitarianism

Don't believe me....look at the liberal reaction to the OP. The great liberal tyrants of history would be proud.

Corporations, which have virtually unlimited treasury, take their totalitarianism and invest in politicians. In other words, these totalitarian institutions get their ideas through, like climate denial. Totalitarianism is alive and well in the private multi-national corporations.

Look at their internal structure. CEO, who appoints his own board who sets all their salaries. Then on down the line you are directly accountable to your superior and must keep your inferiors from wearing the wrong dress or taking extended breaks. Basically, if you fail to follow rules you are out. Don't forget, labor unions are the enemy of the private corporation. The corporation prefers to do settlements in the dark outside court rooms. Why? Because they know they cannot exploit the masses as easily when they are accountable. Private power in this respect is unaccountable. And here they run the political system.

So yeah, if you wanna talk totalitarian, then lets talk totalitarian. Private corporations are totalitarian, which are definitely pressing for neo-liberalism.
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Y'all can blame the failure of Climate Science on Exxon-Mobil, the Koch Bros, Sponge Bob or toe fungus --- if that makes you stop crying.. But there's not an ounce of truth in the charge that you are failing because of ANY of that..

When ABC, CBS, NBC ALL decide to give less than one hour coverage to the topic in 2013 -- then you're not creating enough ALARM AND PANIC to make the evening news anymore.. Grow up...
You didn't answer the question....why do you suppose mann has spent so much money and effort in an attempt to hide good, solid data?

He hasn't.

That was simple.

Now, answer this question. Who fed you that nonsense, and why were you so eager to fall for it?

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