Philosophy Professor Calls For Jailing Global Warming “Denialists” For Criminal Negli

So, FCT, what do you think of Darkwind's comment? Should the IPCC (whoever that might actually be) be lined up and shot?

Do you see any of us thanking him for his post? No, you don't, because we don't.
Let the good professor come pay me a visit.

I'll change his mind in under one minute!!:eusa_dance: Oh.....he'll be out of work for a spell, but he'll have a whole new appreciation for how real Americans value their rights!!!:badgrin:
Let the good professor come pay me a visit.

I'll change his mind in under one minute!!:eusa_dance: Oh.....he'll be out of work for a spell, but he'll have a whole new appreciation for how real Americans value their rights!!!:badgrin:

Trying to play the tough guy? Stop now, you look like an idiot.
Humans have developed from tribes to global commerce. Much change has taken place.

Technologies have generated the ability to destroy the world. Many methods can be employed, chemical, nuclear, and other WMD for virtual dissolution of hemisphere or continent. Furthermore, no one denies our development is threatening local ecosystems. To think our development can never reach a point to threaten global ecosystem and thus threaten our future as a species is denying obvious truth.

And you idiots want to devolve us back to the Bronze Age.

Where did you get this from?
So, FCT, what do you think of Darkwind's comment? Should the IPCC (whoever that might actually be) be lined up and shot?

Shame on him.. I would prefer the political and mgt side of the ipcc be slowly deprived of money and starved to death... The science side will be mocked into submission.

"starved to death"? Was that supposed to allow you, with reasonable deniability, to retain the respect of the denier base that do think accepting AGW as valid is a death penalty offense?

He will claim it's a joke.

But his consistency betrays any joviality.

Are denialist developing early-on set dementia? I've worked for years with severely demented people and they provided higher quality conversation than the fucksticks on here.
Humans have developed from tribes to global commerce. Much change has taken place.

Technologies have generated the ability to destroy the world. Many methods can be employed, chemical, nuclear, and other WMD for virtual dissolution of hemisphere or continent. Furthermore, no one denies our development is threatening local ecosystems. To think our development can never reach a point to threaten global ecosystem and thus threaten our future as a species is denying obvious truth.

And you idiots want to devolve us back to the Bronze Age.

Where did you get this from?

Clueless as usual...Here are two of hundreds...

5 Ways to Prevent Global Warming That Big Media Won?t Tell You | PlanetSave

The Efficient Lifestyle of Minimalist Living | Go Green Academy

Yeah I can't say I recall writing those. Must be someone else your talking about then. I know I don't support returning to caves or Bronze era. You know it doesn't work to accuse Person A of claim X and then reference articles that include claim X but were written by other people? There is no logical connection. But you knew that, right?

Can I accuse you of Neo-Nazism and then reference an article by a neo-nazi and somehow (I have no flippin' clue) this supports the claim that you are Neo-Nazi?

I didn't need to give that example because you know what you did. It doesn't make any sense and yet you did it. Why? Because you could care less about what is said. You religiously stick to pre-designated "safe thoughts." Believe it or not, your idle caricatures of people like myself prevent you from having sensible discussion. But you don't care about that, I keep forgetting.
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Yeah I can't say I recall writing those. Must be someone else your talking about then. I know I don't support returning to caves or Bronze era. You know it doesn't work to accuse Person A of claim X and then reference articles that include claim X but were written by other people? There is no logical connection. But you knew that, right?

Can I accuse you of Neo-Nazism and then reference an article by a neo-nazi and somehow (I have no flippin' clue) this supports the claim that you are Neo-Nazi?

I didn't need to give that example because you know what you did. It doesn't make any sense and yet you did it. Why? Because you could care less about what is said. You religiously stick to pre-designated "safe thoughts." Believe it or not, your idle caricatures of people like myself prevent you from having sensible discussion. But you don't care about that, I keep forgetting.

Everything that the fraudsters write is about simplifying your peasant life, and of course killing off excess people. The two most favorite ideas promulgated by progressives. Of course, they get to live and enjoy high consumption lives....... elitist pricks.
There is no self reflection from denialist. Although denialists can in fact engage in self-reflection, that's the moment they cease being who they are. For them change is death. So better to slur hate speech condemning self-reflective people then to question the end of your own identity.

Propaganda rule #1....blame the opposition for the very thing you are guilty of.

If you did a bit of self reflection...and took a short while to familiarize yourself with propaganda tactics, you might not have made that post...or maybe you know all about propaganda and made that post in full knowledge. Which was it?
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So, FCT, what do you think of Darkwind's comment? Should the IPCC (whoever that might actually be) be lined up and shot?

Shame on him.. I would prefer the political and mgt side of the ipcc be slowly deprived of money and starved to death... The science side will be mocked into submission.


Slowly? That criminal outfit should have their funding cut immediately and be served a class action lawsuit on behalf of every resident of an industrial country who is living in energy poverty.
Humans have developed from tribes to global commerce. Much change has taken place.

Technologies have generated the ability to destroy the world. Many methods can be employed, chemical, nuclear, and other WMD for virtual dissolution of hemisphere or continent. Furthermore, no one denies our development is threatening local ecosystems. To think our development can never reach a point to threaten global ecosystem and thus threaten our future as a species is denying obvious truth.

Tell me you type with both hands or do you wave one in an hysterical manner while typing with the other...or do you type with both and engage in some handwaving both before and after you make your post?
I don't think they're criminally negligent. The fossil fuel industry's misinformation campaign is not committing a sin of omission. They are actively passing known falsehoods. They are committing fraud. In the case of elected civil servants using the powers of their office to participate in this activity (Senator Inhofe and others come to mind) I think the laws cover their actions and impeachment and jail are a real possibility. For the civilians, however, who run this nation's fossil fuel industries, I see no laws they break by paying others to lie to us for them. I do see the potential for private lawsuits. Unfortunately, by the time it is possible to identify individuals or groups with sufficient legal standing for a successful suit, it will be far, far too late to do any good. It's easy enough to argue that it's already too late.
I've often thought that the IPCC should be marched in front of a wall and shot for their deliberate campaign of misinformation. They are definitely committing fraud.

Several of the deniers here thought it was really alarming for this professor to suggest that people running disinformation campaigns could be guilty of criminal negligence, but you want to murder the employees of the IPCC. So much for our side being the whack jobs.
Who said anything about murder?

For the purpose of My response, if you have committed fraud, that means you have been convicted. My personal belief is that any people who will try to destroy whole economies on unproven conjecture are no better than the dictators who have killed millions.

When you harm economies, you harm people. When you harm economies on fantasies, you criminally harm people.
I've often thought that the IPCC should be marched in front of a wall and shot for their deliberate campaign of misinformation. They are definitely committing fraud.

Several of the deniers here thought it was really alarming for this professor to suggest that people running disinformation campaigns could be guilty of criminal negligence, but you want to murder the employees of the IPCC. So much for our side being the whack jobs.
Who said anything about murder?

For the purpose of My response, if you have committed fraud, that means you have been convicted. My personal belief is that any people who will try to destroy whole economies on unproven conjecture are no better than the dictators who have killed millions.

When you harm economies, you harm people. When you harm economies on fantasies, you criminally harm people.

The piles of bodies that can be laid at the feet of green initiatives are much larger than the piles at the feet of the great tyrants of history. Envirowackos have blood dripping from their most cases the blood of those who who could least afford the consequences of green initiatives. People in industrial countries are dying today as a result of the AGW hoax and the increased cost for energy that is associated with it.
Several of the deniers here thought it was really alarming for this professor to suggest that people running disinformation campaigns could be guilty of criminal negligence, but you want to murder the employees of the IPCC. So much for our side being the whack jobs.
Who said anything about murder?

For the purpose of My response, if you have committed fraud, that means you have been convicted. My personal belief is that any people who will try to destroy whole economies on unproven conjecture are no better than the dictators who have killed millions.

When you harm economies, you harm people. When you harm economies on fantasies, you criminally harm people.

The piles of bodies that can be laid at the feet of green initiatives are much larger than the piles at the feet of the great tyrants of history. Envirowackos have blood dripping from their most cases the blood of those who who could least afford the consequences of green initiatives. People in industrial countries are dying today as a result of the AGW hoax and the increased cost for energy that is associated with it.
Yes. Why is it that progressive pie-in-the-sky programs and initititives turn out to be the bloodiest events in history? Take that humanist movement called communism....100+ million dead...and still counting......but they care about the people......and the planet....Honest!
You two trying to justify Dickwind's call for mass murder is just too fucking hilarious. So, you're both idiots and cowards.
West wall is a Neo-Nazi KKK solpsist. Naturally because I think Westwall is wrong I am therefore allowed to attach claims to his positions that he himself has not claimed. No matter what he says, ever, since I don't care that he thinks he is not a neo-nazi. I know who westwall is better then he does and therefore I conclude with 100% certitude Westwall is a neo-nazi true blood because I say so.
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You two trying to justify Dickwind's call for mass murder is just too fucking hilarious. So, you're both idiots and cowards.

Not trying to justify anything....just stating the fact that environmentalist wackos are responsible for hundreds of millions of dead and dying.

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