Philosophy Professor Calls For Jailing Global Warming “Denialists” For Criminal Negli

holy smokes, these globull warming-aka "climate change" cult members are becoming damn scary
links in article at site


Via James Delingpole:

Scientists who don’t believe in catastrophic man-made global warming should be put in prison, a US philosophy professor argues on a website funded by the UK government.

Lawrence Torcello – assistant professor of philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, writes in an essay at The Conversation that climate scientists who fail to communicate the correct message about “global warming” should face trial for “criminal negligence”. (H/T Bishop Hill)

The Conversation - no relation of Breitbart’s blogging chatroom – is a website promoting articles by academics and funded by nineteen of Britain’s leading universities, as well as several government agencies, including the Higher Education Funding Council For England (HEFCE) and the Higher Education Funding Council For Wales (HEFCW) and Research Council UK.

Its motto is “Academic rigour, journalistic flair” – both qualities which are mysteriously absent from Torcello’s essay, titled “Is Misinformation About The Climate Criminally Negligent?”

Keep reading…

ALL of it here
Philosophy Professor Calls For Jailing Global Warming ?Denialists? For Criminal Negligence? | Weasel Zippers


Global warming, missing plane, aliens, a competent POTUS....

Urban legends

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That fella must have heck of a clip dangling down below, but I don't know if that really makes up for the wee caliber and short barrel.
There is precedent here. In 2005, the US tobacco industry was charged and convicted under RICO laws, after it was proven they had been conspiring for years to deliberately lie about the effects of smoking. But being that you can't jail a corporation, nobody went to jail over the RICO conviction.

The lesson for denialists? Eventually, the the denialist conspiracy to lie big is going to become impossible to hide, and the RICO charges will follow. The spokespeople for those lies better have a corporation to hide behind when it all hits the fan.

If leaders of both political parties get away with "conspiring to violate civil rights" by abusing corporate resources, media, and political influence to discriminate against citizens of other parties, then ANYONE can get away with ANYTHING.

How can anyone hold anyone else to Constitutional standards or ethics they aren't upholding themselves? If all we do or see relies on political bullying, negative campaigning and media manipulation of public perception, that becomes the norm. How can anyone in power criticize the very practices they use? We'd have to change the entire paradigm.

I'm all for it BTW, I recognize the change in how we operate would have to be systemic across the board: our legal, legislative, election and political process all moving toward conflict resolution and equal inclusion of interests instead of competing to dominate.
If leaders of both political parties get away with "conspiring to violate civil rights" by abusing corporate resources, media, and political influence to discriminate against citizens of other parties, then ANYONE can get away with ANYTHING.

This is off topic for an environment forum, but of what conspiracy are you speaking?
does anyone remember two Xmases ago when Prof. R Parncutt called out for 'deniers' to be put to death?

I don’t think that mass murderers of the usual kind, such Breivik, should face the death penalty. Nor do I think tobacco denialists are guilty enough to warrant the death penalty, in spite of the enormous number of deaths that resulted more or less directly from tobacco denialism. GW is different. With high probability it will cause hundreds of millions of deaths. For this reason I propose that the death penalty is appropriate for influential GW deniers.

what made it even more bizarre is that at the time there were accusations that leading climate scientists were getting death threat emails. but a police investigation failed to find even one.

it is pretty funny that there are obviously double standards in place. when Spencer complained that certain people were acting like 'Nazis' for dehumanizing skeptics by calling them 'deniers', the JDL jumped in to berate him but had nothing to say about the name-callers.
I do remember that case. When this new one showed up I thought it must be the same story resurrected.

Climate scientists have received death threats on this forum. Poster 'Darkwind' suggested everyone in the IPCC be lined up and shot. The recent thread here suggesting that dedicated "warmists" should all commit suicide is another such comment. I have successfully requested that more than one post be removed here as I considered them death threats against me. And apparently the moderators agreed.

However - and this is a very big however - the current story is something completely different. The target is those conducting active disinformation campaigns and the threat is criminal prosecution under the law.

it is pretty funny that there are obviously double standards in place. when Spencer complained that certain people were acting like 'Nazis' for dehumanizing skeptics by calling them 'deniers', the JDL jumped in to berate him but had nothing to say about the name-callers.

The Jewish defense league was criticizing Spencer for misusing Holocaust references and thus demeaning the lives of the millions who died. The folks calling "skeptics" deniers did no such thing and so were of no interest to the JDL. The JDL was not throwing itself into the climate debate.

The comments by both the earlier fellow you recall and this professor were deemed newsworthy. The posts suggesting mass suicides and the IPCC being lined up and shot are still on display here.

There is no double standard. Don't waste our time making yourself out to be a victim. If you can't defend your position, perhaps you shouldn't have chosen to hold it.
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odd that neither you nor the JDL consider the obvious slur 'denier' to be offensive. so be it.

as an aside, the gang over at Skeptical Science were concerned that their website name was being shortened to SS. they asked skeptical sites to request that their commenters not use that abbreviation, which they immediately did. although I thought Cook and his gang would like it considering they seem predisposed to getting dressed up in Gestapo uniforms.


before anyone gets on my case, that image was taken from the SkS web site. they also had fun photoshopping 'deniers'.
However - and this is a very big however - the current story is something completely different. The target is those conducting active disinformation campaigns and the threat is criminal prosecution under the law.

I would be very interested in seeing a legal discription of 'active disinformation campaign' that wouldnt put shivers down the spine of more than a few climate scientists. hahahahaha
Ha ha ha haaaa. No it wouldn't. But it'd be nice if it made the Koch Bros and the board of the Scaife Foundation and Exxon/Mobil a bit nervous.
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odd that neither you nor the JDL consider the obvious slur 'denier' to be offensive. so be it.

as an aside, the gang over at Skeptical Science were concerned that their website name was being shortened to SS. they asked skeptical sites to request that their commenters not use that abbreviation, which they immediately did. although I thought Cook and his gang would like it considering they seem predisposed to getting dressed up in Gestapo uniforms.


before anyone gets on my case, that image was taken from the SkS web site. they also had fun photoshopping 'deniers'.

Kids and this new media.. It's amazing how creative they can be... :badgrin:
odd that neither you nor the JDL consider the obvious slur 'denier' to be offensive. so be it.

Odd? It's not the least bit odd. I use the term so obviously I find it acceptably accurate. JDL could care less. They aren't the Manners Police. They were concerned with the misuse of the term "Nazis" and nothing else.

Surely you understand. You're not stupid Ian. Don't pretend.
holy smokes, these globull warming-aka "climate change" cult members are becoming damn scary
links in article at site


Via James Delingpole:

Scientists who don’t believe in catastrophic man-made global warming should be put in prison, a US philosophy professor argues on a website funded by the UK government.

Lawrence Torcello – assistant professor of philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, writes in an essay at The Conversation that climate scientists who fail to communicate the correct message about “global warming” should face trial for “criminal negligence”. (H/T Bishop Hill)

The Conversation - no relation of Breitbart’s blogging chatroom – is a website promoting articles by academics and funded by nineteen of Britain’s leading universities, as well as several government agencies, including the Higher Education Funding Council For England (HEFCE) and the Higher Education Funding Council For Wales (HEFCW) and Research Council UK.

Its motto is “Academic rigour, journalistic flair” – both qualities which are mysteriously absent from Torcello’s essay, titled “Is Misinformation About The Climate Criminally Negligent?”

Keep reading…

ALL of it here
Philosophy Professor Calls For Jailing Global Warming ?Denialists? For Criminal Negligence? | Weasel Zippers

I thought all the people here said that the student that called for censorship would learn better because none of her professors would ever support it.

I guess they were wrong.
Funny to see this thread.......

Just went back to reading "1984" after 30 years.......amazing to be just a couple of chapters in and how much it parallels the methods of the AGW alarmist nuts.......same the "Ministry of Truth". Fascist shit is such a mirror image of the book.
If you wouldn't mind, please answer my question. Do you think it acceptable to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre which is not on fire? Surely this is what you believe "alarmist" individuals who accept AGW are doing. No?
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So, none of you have the balls to answer the question. Of course it's unacceptable to yell fire in a crowded theatre that is not on fire.

Then how about the analog to what we actually have here. What would you think of someone who discovered a fire in a theater and, as other began to notice it as well, told them to shut up, told the crowd that there was no fire, told them there was nothing to worry about, to just sit down, lock the exits and enjoy the movie? What would you do with a person who did such a thing? I think what the law would do would be to charge him at the very least with negligent homicide if not premeditated murder, in whatever deaths resulted.

And you think this professor is crazy to suggest such people be brought up on charges of criminal negligence? I think your crazy to think they shouldn't.
As expected, given the violent cultlike nature of so many denialists, Professor Torcello has gotten death threats and torrents of hatemail/stalking from the denialists.

Exclusive: Climate Change Philosopher A Target Of Abusive Hate Campaign | DeSmogBlog

It wouldn't surprise me if some of the denialists here were involved. Several members of that group have never been shy about letting their Stalinist freak flag fly, with that way they want any scientist imprisoned if they disagree with the PartyApprovedScienceOfTheRight.

Even if denialists didn't do it themselves, few of them will dare criticize the abuse, for fear of not appearing loyal to their cult. Tolerance of such vile behavior from the other denialists amounts to tacit approval of the vile behavior.

Oh, Monckton and the WUWT crowd tried to get the professor fired, resulting in the University rightfully telling them to bugger off with their censorship attempts. Nobody likes censor-happy cultists, hence nobody likes denialists.
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As expected, given the violent cultlike nature of so many denialists, Professor Torcello has gotten death threats and torrents of hatemail/stalking from the denialists.

Exclusive: Climate Change Philosopher A Target Of Abusive Hate Campaign | DeSmogBlog

It wouldn't surprise me if some of the denialists here were involved. Several members of that group have never been shy about letting their Stalinist freak flag fly, with that way they want any scientist imprisoned if they disagree with the PartyApprovedScienceOfTheRight.

Even if denialists didn't do it themselves, few of them will dare criticize the abuse, for fear of not appearing loyal to their cult. Tolerance of such vile behavior from the other denialists amounts to tacit approval of the vile behavior.

Oh, Monckton and the WUWT crowd tried to get the professor fired, resulting in the University rightfully telling them to bugger off with their censorship attempts. Nobody likes censor-happy cultists, hence nobody likes denialists.

I agree. They "lose it" on a regular basis here

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