Philosophy Professor Calls For Jailing Global Warming “Denialists” For Criminal Negli

There is precedent here. In 2005, the US tobacco industry was charged and convicted under RICO laws, after it was proven they had been conspiring for years to deliberately lie about the effects of smoking. But being that you can't jail a corporation, nobody went to jail over the RICO conviction.

The lesson for denialists? Eventually, the the denialist conspiracy to lie big is going to become impossible to hide, and the RICO charges will follow. The spokespeople for those lies better have a corporation to hide behind when it all hits the fan.

This is why I support Federal funding for the Deprogramming of the Dearth Worshiping and very dangerous AGWCult
Denialists, you wouldn't come across here as such projecting partisan liars if you hadn't spent the past years calling for the Dr. Mann and other climate scientists to be sent to a political gulag. Proud Stalinists, the whole lot of you. Some of you, like Bri, have taken it as far as demanding the imprisonment of everyone who disagrees with your political party on the issue.

If you denialists would like to convince us you're not Stalinists, simply renounce your previous professed desires to have climate scientists imprisoned. Of course, that would get you ejected from your cult, so it's a tough choice for you. Leave the cult, or be identified as a Stalinist? Let us know which you choose.
Simply put, you are the denialist. You do not believe the proof of history. Instead defend the myths. Myths, unproven CO2 statements, I have yet to see one example of CO2 causing an increase in temperatures. NOT ONE. I have seen proof where tests show it doesn't; mythbusters in 2009 did the experiment. Now, please, if you wish to deny you have the right, but please use the appropriate terms for those who know the global climates are normal. Normal............................................
I don't think they're criminally negligent. The fossil fuel industry's misinformation campaign is not committing a sin of omission. They are actively passing known falsehoods. They are committing fraud. In the case of elected civil servants using the powers of their office to participate in this activity (Senator Inhofe and others come to mind) I think the laws cover their actions and impeachment and jail are a real possibility. For the civilians, however, who run this nation's fossil fuel industries, I see no laws they break by paying others to lie to us for them. I do see the potential for private lawsuits. Unfortunately, by the time it is possible to identify individuals or groups with sufficient legal standing for a successful suit, it will be far, far too late to do any good. It's easy enough to argue that it's already too late.
I've often thought that the IPCC should be marched in front of a wall and shot for their deliberate campaign of misinformation. They are definitely committing fraud.

Several of the deniers here thought it was really alarming for this professor to suggest that people running disinformation campaigns could be guilty of criminal negligence, but you want to murder the employees of the IPCC. So much for our side being the whack jobs.
Yep, your side are the whack jobs, agree whole heartedly!!!!
There is no self reflection from denialist. Although denialists can in fact engage in self-reflection, that's the moment they cease being who they are. For them change is death. So better to slur hate speech condemning self-reflective people then to question the end of your own identity.
Huh? Who is doing the promoting about death and nonexistence? Please, let me know those factoids. Who claims the climate is changing by referencing hurricane and tornados? Who is that? Did any of you actually look up the history before you spoke? Again, who is denying? I think it is yours denying normal!!!!
West wall is a Neo-Nazi KKKsolpsist. Naturally because I think Westwall is wrong I am therefore allowed to attach claims to his positions that he himself has not claimed. No matter what he says, ever, since I don't care that he thinks he is not a neo-nazi. Westwall is a neo-nazi true blood because I say so.
LOL to the name calling because the facts aren't on your side of the debate.
So, FCT, what do you think of Darkwind's comment? Should the IPCC (whoever that might actually be) be lined up and shot?

Shame on him.. I would prefer the political and mgt side of the ipcc be slowly deprived of money and starved to death... The science side will be mocked into submission.


Slowly? That criminal outfit should have their funding cut immediately and be served a class action lawsuit on behalf of every resident of an industrial country who is living in energy poverty.

HotHead.... :lol:
Are we done with this thread now? Because IMO -- it's on the edge of doom for going off topic and
descending into personal flaming and chaos... USUALLY, signs of a dead thread...
Huh? Who is doing the promoting about death and nonexistence?

It is dangerous to think humans cannot effect and destroy their ecosystem. To believe you cannot destroy your house by taking a sledgehammer and wacking a small section daily is simply ignoring reality. Eventually it will be destroyed, given enough time though it may not seem like it would crumble during the first few weeks.

To think mankind cannot effect ecosystems is similarly stupid. Do people get sick and die from toxins we put into the atmosphere (take Chevron in Ecuador or China's deathtoll from air pollution)? Yes. Do these toxins affect other species and plants? Yes. It's not 100% negative but there are harmful effects and to ignore that is to ignore reality. Is the city of LA a change in the ecosystem? Of course. So why do you think that it is never possible to slowly but surely effect the global ecosystem through steadily increasing industrial human activity over 300 years?

AGW theory claims our path is aimed towards destruction. I know you don't accept that, but that's not the point. AGW theory denotes this so that we can take action to avoid potential famine, drought, floods, rising sea levels etc. If you think AGW wants the planet destroyed then you have no clue what you oppose.
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I guess these "deniers" should be cell mates with
people who "deny" that paying for health care is a choice not regulated by federal govt.

If we imprisoned everyone who disagreed with someone else's beliefs,
we'd all be in jail.

No kidding, that's practically what is happening.
Taxpayers are paying more and more, without these problems getting solved
due to conflicts over which 'solutions' people believe in or don't.
Instead of being free to pay for the solutions we do support,
we fight over which policies to impose while paying for both govt expenses,
election campaigns, and the legislative and media lobbying.

We are paying 3 times over, and still treated as slaves.
How is that much different from being held in prison until we are liberated from captivity?

holy smokes, these globull warming-aka "climate change" cult members are becoming damn scary
links in article at site


Via James Delingpole:

Scientists who don’t believe in catastrophic man-made global warming should be put in prison, a US philosophy professor argues on a website funded by the UK government.

Lawrence Torcello – assistant professor of philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, writes in an essay at The Conversation that climate scientists who fail to communicate the correct message about “global warming” should face trial for “criminal negligence”. (H/T Bishop Hill)

The Conversation - no relation of Breitbart’s blogging chatroom – is a website promoting articles by academics and funded by nineteen of Britain’s leading universities, as well as several government agencies, including the Higher Education Funding Council For England (HEFCE) and the Higher Education Funding Council For Wales (HEFCW) and Research Council UK.

Its motto is “Academic rigour, journalistic flair” – both qualities which are mysteriously absent from Torcello’s essay, titled “Is Misinformation About The Climate Criminally Negligent?”

Keep reading…

ALL of it here
Philosophy Professor Calls For Jailing Global Warming ?Denialists? For Criminal Negligence? | Weasel Zippers
When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.
- Cree Prophecy
There is precedent here. In 2005, the US tobacco industry was charged and convicted under RICO laws, after it was proven they had been conspiring for years to deliberately lie about the effects of smoking. But being that you can't jail a corporation, nobody went to jail over the RICO conviction.

The lesson for denialists? Eventually, the the denialist conspiracy to lie big is going to become impossible to hide, and the RICO charges will follow. The spokespeople for those lies better have a corporation to hide behind when it all hits the fan.

You have no idea what RICO stands for do you?

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I didn't think so.
When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.
- Cree Prophecy

When all the pretentious d-bags have run out of hot air, only then will you discover that no one gives a shit about your self-important blather.
When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.
- Cree Prophecy

When all the pretentious d-bags have run out of hot air, only then will you discover that no one gives a shit about your self-important blather.

He does think highly of himself although to date, I haven't seen anything from him that would indicate why that is so. Shallow, soap box, cookie cutter philosophizing and almost zero knowledge of science don't seem to me to be adequate reasons for such high self regard.
I think this guy is acting in the same way as the church of Galileo acted towards people that disagreed. We all must be opened minded and debate even what we think is totally wrong.

This is why we have peer review!
By "this guy" do you mean Professor in the lead article?

If so, did you think it was alright for the tobacco industry to fund "research" that concluded (long before any "research" was done) that smoking was safe?
You have no idea what RICO stands for do you?

You're quite ignorant of recent history. Again, the tobacco industry was successfully prosecuted under the RICO laws, because the documentation showed industry leaders conspired to engage in a deliberate falsehood campaign.

The same thing is going on now with the denialist leaders. But don't worry, these things take a lot of time to develop. It will be at least 10 years before any official investigations start, and you're all way too low on the totem pole for anyone to care about.
There is precedent here. In 2005, the US tobacco industry was charged and convicted under RICO laws, after it was proven they had been conspiring for years to deliberately lie about the effects of smoking. But being that you can't jail a corporation, nobody went to jail over the RICO conviction.

The lesson for denialists? Eventually, the the denialist conspiracy to lie big is going to become impossible to hide, and the RICO charges will follow. The spokespeople for those lies better have a corporation to hide behind when it all hits the fan.

You have no idea what RICO stands for do you?

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I didn't think so.

Yeah, she got hysterical, the thought Rico was a Latin guy
The professors stunt proves what Ive been saying for years......these AGW nutter-ass k00ks are fascists. Their ways are fascist. Their philosophy is fascist. These are burn the books people......control freak assholes hell bent on replicating the visions of Sir Thomas Moore.

Go back and read 2014, this is where we are at with these freaks of nature.......obsessed with hysteria and wanting everbody in the world to live their lives THEIR way. They want your guns......they want to control your food......your energy.......your mind. They are FINE having the government take ALL of your freedoms.

Make no mistake......these are the most dangerous mofu's that walk amongst us.
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By "this guy" do you mean Professor in the lead article?

If so, did you think it was alright for the tobacco industry to fund "research" that concluded (long before any "research" was done) that smoking was safe?

The tobacco companies lost in court and have paid how much money?...a hundred billion so far and they aren't even half way through their payouts. While at the same time government has collected over 400 billion in cigarette taxes... When the hoax is finally outed, how much do you think that the charlatans who foisted AGW on the world should pay for the damage to economies, lost production, and actual physical death the political action taken on the basis of their hoax caused?
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The hoax that is being outed every day that passes is yours. And, personally, I think they (the authors of the fossil fuel industry's disinformation campaign) simply ought to have their faces plastered across bill boards and the internet for years to come.

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