Philosophy Professor Calls For Jailing Global Warming “Denialists” For Criminal Negli

The professor is calling to charge those funding the fossil fuel industry's disinformation campaign. The people now making death threats against him are apparently too stupid to make the distinction. As are others.
If you wouldn't mind, please answer my question. Do you think it acceptable to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre which is not on fire? Surely this is what you believe "alarmist" individuals who accept AGW are doing. No?

Perfect projection there Bullwinkle.. Except you guys are yelling that the "oceans are going to boil" on a crowded planet..

Give me a list of what I (we) are denying.. And then we'll talked about how settled the science really is...
It will never get hot enough in the next few billion years to boil the oceans! Rest assured.
Of course the GrandDaddy of ocean boiling is Dr. Hansen.. Like a sign from heaven, he boils the oceans at 2:12 into the tape. :eek: 212 seems to be a favorite biblical number here.

[ame=]James Hansen: The Runaway Greenhouse Effect - YouTube[/ame]

Don't care if he said "over centuries".. It's still painting the apopocalyptic scriptures large on the public.
Time to run to the exits --- lemmings first..
If you wouldn't mind, please answer my question. Do you think it acceptable to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre which is not on fire? Surely this is what you believe "alarmist" individuals who accept AGW are doing. No?

Perfect projection there Bullwinkle.. Except you guys are yelling that the "oceans are going to boil" on a crowded planet..

Your reading comprehension's a little light, but I assume you read my follow on post and so have seen my second query. Is it acceptable to yell "THERE IS NO FIRE, SIT DOWN, TAKEN NO ACTION" in a crowded theatre which the person yellling KNOWS actually IS aflame? In fact, between the two, which will likely result in the greatest harm?

People intentionally lying to the public about global warming or any other matter of public safety or concern, should go to jail.

Give me a list of what I (we) are denying.. And then we'll talked about how settled the science really is...

That isn't the topic of this thread and I don't feel like encouraging more rhetoric than that in which we're already awash. My position is perfectly and thoroughly spelled out at If you want to discuss that, pick another thread.
oh well, big difference huh?

He is calling to CHARGE THOSE funding the FOSSIL FUEL (which all of us live off of) DISINFORMATION campaign

What damn country are we living in again?

so the idiot make a statement like he did and expect not to have people reply to it
he deserves everything he gets...but here's this for him...waaaa:eusa_boohoo:
If you wouldn't mind, please answer my question. Do you think it acceptable to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre which is not on fire? Surely this is what you believe "alarmist" individuals who accept AGW are doing. No?

Perfect projection there Bullwinkle.. Except you guys are yelling that the "oceans are going to boil" on a crowded planet..

Your reading comprehension's a little light, but I assume you read my follow on post and so have seen my second query. Is it acceptable to yell "THERE IS NO FIRE, SIT DOWN, TAKEN NO ACTION" in a crowded theatre which the person yellling KNOWS actually IS aflame? In fact, between the two, which will likely result in the greatest harm?

People intentionally lying to the public about global warming or any other matter of public safety or concern, should go to jail.

Give me a list of what I (we) are denying.. And then we'll talked about how settled the science really is...

That isn't the topic of this thread and I don't feel like encouraging more rhetoric than that in which we're already awash. My position is perfectly and thoroughly spelled out at If you want to discuss that, pick another thread.

You're analogy -- however tortured --- can never be answered BECAUSE you refuse to clarify what the dissenting position really is.. I'm tired of the denier accusations.. Time to have a grown-up discussion about what exactly is "being denied".....
If you wouldn't mind, please answer my question. Do you think it acceptable to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre which is not on fire? Surely this is what you believe "alarmist" individuals who accept AGW are doing. No?

Perfect projection there Bullwinkle.. Except you guys are yelling that the "oceans are going to boil" on a crowded planet..

Your reading comprehension's a little light, but I assume you read my follow on post and so have seen my second query. Is it acceptable to yell "THERE IS NO FIRE, SIT DOWN, TAKEN NO ACTION" in a crowded theatre which the person yellling KNOWS actually IS aflame? In fact, between the two, which will likely result in the greatest harm?

People intentionally lying to the public about global warming or any other matter of public safety or concern, should go to jail.

Give me a list of what I (we) are denying.. And then we'll talked about how settled the science really is...

That isn't the topic of this thread and I don't feel like encouraging more rhetoric than that in which we're already awash. My position is perfectly and thoroughly spelled out at If you want to discuss that, pick another thread.

The ONLY people to have provably lied to the public about global warming is ....ummmm....YOU silly person! Why the hell do you think your religion is collapsing so fast around your ears! Wake the hell up dude.
Perfect projection there Bullwinkle.. Except you guys are yelling that the "oceans are going to boil" on a crowded planet..

Your reading comprehension's a little light, but I assume you read my follow on post and so have seen my second query. Is it acceptable to yell "THERE IS NO FIRE, SIT DOWN, TAKEN NO ACTION" in a crowded theatre which the person yellling KNOWS actually IS aflame? In fact, between the two, which will likely result in the greatest harm?

People intentionally lying to the public about global warming or any other matter of public safety or concern, should go to jail.

Give me a list of what I (we) are denying.. And then we'll talked about how settled the science really is...

That isn't the topic of this thread and I don't feel like encouraging more rhetoric than that in which we're already awash. My position is perfectly and thoroughly spelled out at If you want to discuss that, pick another thread.

You're analogy -- however tortured --- can never be answered BECAUSE you refuse to clarify what the dissenting position really is.. I'm tired of the denier accusations.. Time to have a grown-up discussion about what exactly is "being denied".....

They can't do that because then they have to present something measurable and the second they do that they always lose. They are just going to do blanket accusations and proclaiming their great confidence in their fraud till they are locked away in the loony bin because they're annoying the folks at Starbucks.
Moderation Note:

MERGED thread.
Posts at #121 and #127 from merged thread.
Same topic -- same discussion..

You're analogy -- however tortured --- can never be answered BECAUSE you refuse to clarify what the dissenting position really is.. I'm tired of the denier accusations.. Time to have a grown-up discussion about what exactly is "being denied".....

As I have stated repeatedly, my position is the IPCC's position because it is the IPCC's position. If you want to argue the science with me, pretend you were arguing with the IPCC.
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You're analogy -- however tortured --- can never be answered BECAUSE you refuse to clarify what the dissenting position really is.. I'm tired of the denier accusations.. Time to have a grown-up discussion about what exactly is "being denied".....

As I have stated repeatedly, my position is the IPCC's position because it is the IPCC's position. If you want to argue the science with me, pretend you were arguing with the IPCC.

I could TRY -- but somehow it wouldn't be the same... :badgrin:
Besides, what YOU think is not part of my post above. Unless SOMEWHERE in AR5, they list all the opposing and dissenting scientific opinions and answer questions from the broader community.
This post has been moved to the thread concerned with what we think deniers are denying.

o The Earth is getting warmer at a rate unprecedented in millions of years
o That warming is being caused by the Greenhouse Effect operating on increasing levels of GHGs in Earth's atmosphere.
o The primary source of those GHGs are human activities: the combustion of fossil fuel for power and transportation and deforestation for development, mining and agriculture.
o This warming represents a threat to our well being from a number of directions: rising sea level, alterations in rain patterns, alteration in seasonal timing, increased weather intensity and so forth.
o To minimize the harm this process will cause, humans need to minimize their GHG emissions. This is best accomplished by replacing coal and petroleum combustion with renewable sources such as solar (PV and thermal), wind, tide, OTEC, geothermal, hydroelectric as well as nuclear.

So, you agree with all of that, don't you. Any reasonable person would.

I've let myself be dragged where I would not have gone. This post is off-topic for this thread. I am going to copy it to another locations then delete this instance.
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The kooks certainly are working hard to deflect from the fact they all parroted the lies about the Professor. Naturally, they are not the least bit sorry in the least for doing so. It's how their thug cult works. Any lie is automatically justified if it helps attack the dirty liberals.

And even though Monckton and Watts tried to lead a crusade to fire and censor the professor, all the denialists here will still love them. They've never objected to their leaders using Stalinist tactics before, so they're not about to object now.
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The ONLY people to have provably lied to the public about global warming is ....ummmm....YOU silly person! Why the hell do you think your religion is collapsing so fast around your ears! Wake the hell up dude.

What do you believe should be the punishment for someone intentionally lying to the public about a matter of safety? What did you think of the tobacco industry's long-running attempts to produce false science and to refute good science all in the aim of convincing the public that smoking would not harm them? The industry lost some very large lawsuits but not a single player has left the business and they are all still deep in the black. More importantly I think, not a single INDIVIDUAL suffered ANY legal consequences.

Here that needs to change. The INDIVIDUALS behind the fossil fuel industry's disinformation campaign NEED TO BE BEHIND BARS.
I don't think it's reached the "beyond a reasonable doubt" point of certainty yet, where you could say they are provably misleading and damaging the public. Hence, jail time is right out. They can still reasonably claim they thought they were being honest.

However, the evidence for AGW eventually will hit the "smoking causes cancer" certainty point. Give it a couple years. And after that, there needs to be years spent collecting the evidence and documenting a case, and getting past the stonewalling of the politicians who have been bought. It's not about random brainless partisans on the internet, but about deliberate decisions to lie in corporate boardrooms. It might be nice if the system worked faster, but it doesn't. No matter. We're not going anywhere.
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