Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee you the very next scandal which breaks will be immediately spiced up with manufactured bullshit, and the rubes will AGAIN blindly copy and paste the lies and innuendo without spending even half a second to critically think just how stupid and unlikely those lies are.

Obama's opposition is killing itself with a pathological desire to believe EVERY negative claim that concerns Obama.

I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee YOU if (when) there's another scandal, you'll have even more excuses for it and put the blame on the right and Fox news!! Lol! You're so predictable! Obama has taught his lemming well how to keep the lies and coverups going full strength. How much do they pay you??

Okay, so far the Obama supporters have used the following arguments:

1. Some Republicans altered some e-mails (You are worse than we are.)
2. Rightists - Republicans make shit up (You are lying)
3. Bush did it too (It's all Bush's fault.)
4. Those of us saying 'scandal' now didn't holler scandal that when Republicans did it. (You're a hypocrite.)
5. Nothing has happened that is important enough to be concerned about. (Move along. Nothing to see here.)

A few things from the leftwing Alinsky playbook:

* RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)

i.e. Introduce irrelevent arguments that your opponent is forced to address.

* RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)

i.e. Point to your opponent's sin and direct the focus to that.

RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. (Unions used this tactic. Peaceful [albeit loud] demonstrations during the heyday of unions in the early to mid-20th Century incurred management’s wrath, often in the form of violence that eventually brought public sympathy to their side.)

i.e. If you can force your opponent to lose his/her cool and overreact, you will generate sympathy or support for your side.
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Related to those reported e-mails the GOP is accused of altering, the BeforeItsNews website has covered that extensively and here is a pretty good summary:

Did The GOP Alter Benghazi Emails? | Politics

But if there was misconduct by somebody or somebodies in the GOP, does that mean the scandal itself is okay?

From your article:

Clearly, there are differences in the two versions of emails that have been released. There is no denying that and I would be a fool to try.

Even without the GOP altering emails, Mrs. Clinton warned the Republicans a year before that cutting embassy budgets was putting Americans in danger. Add in the right wing video mocking the Muslim religion and the hundreds of deadly riots happening all over the world and a thinking person is mystified how Republicans think they pin something on Obama. And look at them. Letting Bin Laden go and not looking for him. Thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed for life from the Iraq fiasco. How can they blame a terrorist attack when there are deadly riots going on all over the world at the same time on Obama and take NO responsibility for their Iraq debacle?

It doesn't take a partisan to draw that conclusion. The ugly truth is that the same people who are accusing the administration of not providing sufficient security for the American consulate in Benghazi have voted to cut the State Department budget, which includes financing for diplomatic security. The most self-righteous critics don’t seem to get the hypocrisy, or maybe they do and figure that if they hurl enough doubts and complaints at the administration, they will deflect attention from their own poor judgments on the State Department’s needs.

Republicans cut half-billion from State Department’s security accounts


House Republicans vote to raise embassy security by $2 billion dollars | Reuters

That's right. After insisting the money wasn't needed and everything is "just fine", Benghazi happened. So what did Republicans quietly and without fanfare do when no one was watching? Raised the budget by TWO BILLION. Two billion more when they said it wasn't needed.

These guys are some real pieces of work.
Here is what I know for a stone cold fact when there is a Republican scandal the partisan left will act like it's the worst outrage in the history of the world and the partisan right will defend it no matter what. There are three constants in life death, taxes, and the partisan mindset.
I know how to put a end to this phony scandal B.S. but sadly it would take a member of the MSM to grow a set of balls and ask the President which scandals are you calling fake? Is it the I.R.S. scandal which you said was outrageous? Is it Benghazi where our Ambassador and three others lost their lives and after ten months we still have no answers? Is it the targeting of AP reporters and James Rosen by the DOJ which fake scandals do you mean sir?
I know how to put a end to this phony scandal B.S. but sadly it would take a member of the MSM to grow a set of balls and ask the President which scandals are you calling fake? Is it the I.R.S. scandal which you said was outrageous? Is it Benghazi where our Ambassador and three others lost their lives and after ten months we still have no answers? Is it the targeting of AP reporters and James Rosen by the DOJ which fake scandals do you mean sir?

Actually I've seen some of Obama's surrogate talking heads asked that very question. Every single one of them diodged the question and changed the subject.
I know how to put a end to this phony scandal B.S. but sadly it would take a member of the MSM to grow a set of balls and ask the President which scandals are you calling fake? Is it the I.R.S. scandal which you said was outrageous? Is it Benghazi where our Ambassador and three others lost their lives and after ten months we still have no answers? Is it the targeting of AP reporters and James Rosen by the DOJ which fake scandals do you mean sir?

In 1957, the IRS changed it's policy, on it's own, under Republican Dwight Eisenhower. They can only grant tax exempt status to an organization that is completely a charity and NOTHING ELSE. That's the law. Only congress could change that law, not the IRS. Republicans used the IRS to target the NAACP for two years and dropped the investigation. The bottom line is none of those organizations, right or left should be given tax exempt status. And it was a disgrace that Republicans cherry picked the lists of organizations listing only Republican organizations and not the left wing organizations that were included. Either way, they have no leg to stand on since the guy at the top was a Bush appointee. Seems they aren't "fond" of Obama appointees.

And Benghazi was a terrorist attack when there were hundreds of deadly riots going on all over the world at the same time. What about the thousands of Americans dead in Iraq and the tens of thousands maimed for life. Why was that OK for Bush and the Republicans and Benghazi such are terrible crime for Obama?
And we haven't even touched on the individual scandals of some prominent political figures. I suppose to their political groups, those are phoney too?
they are only 'phony' when there is a 'D' after the voter registration.

Other wise known as a democrat dodge ball.
Yes indeed, VERY phony scandals

President Obama continually criticizes the most Do Nothing Congress in U.S. history for spending all their time on Phony Scandals - which they are, compared to the real tragedy Bush and Republicans inflicted on our Country.

Rather than contribute to fixing the mess they themselves made, Republicans have worked hard to create another Bush/Republican recession to justify their own Great Recession - the worst in U.S. history.

The Hard Right should follow the President's reprimand and do something constructive!

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If the State Department had not spent what money they had on charging stations for all the Volt's they bought for embassy personnel (in order to prop up the failing electric car sales) there would have been plenty of money for security.

When you spend the food budget on a new x-box, you can't come back and complain that you have to go hungry.
If the State Department had not spent what money they had on charging stations for all the Volt's they bought for embassy personnel (in order to prop up the failing electric car sales) there would have been plenty of money for security.

When you spend the food budget on a new x-box, you can't come back and complain that you have to go hungry.

I know you were being sardonic, but State could have requested all the Military Personnel they wanted --

And they're paid for by the Defense Department.

Not sure Civilian personnel would have done much good against a determined attack by al Qaeda anyway.

Military would.

And when even a small Military Unit is under attack, the ENTIRE Military takes notice and they aren't going to wait for a Stuttering Clusterfukk to make a decision, they're going to act and damn the consequences...... Unless commanded to Stand Down -- In writing.

In which case, we'd be taking bets right now on what obama will be doing in his next job.

Even the gutless, nutless, anti-American dimocraps in the Senate wouldn't stand in the way of taking obama down for that one. He'd be gone by now.

He played it smart. But how smart do you have to be when have CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, pMSNBC, AP, Reuters, the New Yawk Slimes, WaPo and the LA Times in your hip pocket? All of them willing to look the other way or flat out lie for you.

Not very.
He played it smart. But how smart do you have to be when have CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, pMSNBC, AP, Reuters, the New York Times, WaPo and the LA Times in your hip pocket? All

You missed something son, all America and every Democrat has CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, AP, Reuters, the New York Times, WaPo and the LA Times in their hip pockets!

They bring news to 30 million Americans, while the puny FOX rants and raves and whines to a daily handful....


(Oh BTW, Rupert has a bid in to buy the LA Times :(
Yes indeed, VERY phony scandals

President Obama continually criticizes the most Do Nothing Congress in U.S. history for spending all their time on Phony Scandals - which they are, compared to the real tragedy Bush and Republicans inflicted on our Country.

Rather than contribute to fixing the mess they themselves made, Republicans have worked hard to create another Bush/Republican recession to justify their own Great Recession - the worst in U.S. history.

The Hard Right should follow the President's reprimand and do something constructive!


Well Obama had the luxury of a veto proof Congress for his first two years in office. All he and that veto proof Congress accomplished was an increasingly disastrous and unpopular Obamacare and to escalate annual spending to unsustainable heights with essentially zero help for the economy to show for all that money.

And his policy since then has been exactly the same thing except he now blames the Republicans because his policies aren't working. Which on the face of it is absurd.

What would you consider constructive on the part of the Republicans? The House has passed bill after bill after bill that WOULD boost the economy and create jobs and each and every one has died in Democratically controlled committees--Harry Reid won't even allow those bils to be debated, much less voted on.

And that TOO is a scandal.
Will WH labeling scandals as 'phony' backfire? | Fox News Video

All we heard for years was, BUSH LIED PEOPLE DIED. We know for an absolute FACT that Obama lied about this video.. that NO ONE sent help for these Americans and they died.. What's phony about dead Americans whose own parents are stating this isn't a phony scandal.. We know that this Administration stated the IRS scandal was two flunky employees in Ohio.. we know that is a LIE.
Yes indeed, VERY phony scandals

President Obama continually criticizes the most Do Nothing Congress in U.S. history for spending all their time on Phony Scandals - which they are, compared to the real tragedy Bush and Republicans inflicted on our Country.

Rather than contribute to fixing the mess they themselves made, Republicans have worked hard to create another Bush/Republican recession to justify their own Great Recession - the worst in U.S. history.

The Hard Right should follow the President's reprimand and do something constructive!


Well Obama had the luxury of a veto proof Congress for his first two years in office. All he and that veto proof Congress accomplished was an increasingly disastrous and unpopular Obamacare and to escalate annual spending to unsustainable heights with essentially zero help for the economy to show for all that money.

And his policy since then has been exactly the same thing except he now blames the Republicans because his policies aren't working. Which on the face of it is absurd.

What would you consider constructive on the part of the Republicans? The House has passed bill after bill after bill that WOULD boost the economy and create jobs and each and every one has died in Democratically controlled committees--Harry Reid won't even allow those bils to be debated, much less voted on.

And that TOO is a scandal.

You are right on! Obama is the worst president in the history of our country! Bar none!
The DOJ spied on James Rosen, reporter for Fox and even went after his parents.. WHAT'S PHONY ABOUT THAT?

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