Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
Again people, could we please use our inside voices and demonstrate a modicum of civility in this discussion? I would appreciate that soooo much.

But are the listed scandals, or others some may think of, really made up? They really aren't scandals? If not, then what IS a scandal?
Phony scandals?

By one pundit's account, since his first inauguration, President Obama is on his 17th speech making tour focusing on job creation. This time the catch phrase he uses again and again, and is being picked up by surrogate talking heads, is that the Republicans try to block efforts to create jobs with distractions such as, among other things, 'phony scandals.'


- The fact that the families of those killed and wounded in Benghazi still can't get straight answers from the administration, and witnesses are ordered into silence is a 'phony scandal'?

- GSA employees spending millions of tax payer dollars having a high old time and making videos of themselves is not a scandal? Ditto federal employees in other agencies?

- IRS blocking hundreds of applications of conservative groups and almost no applications of liberal groups in the years prior to the 2010 and 2012 elections is not a scandal?

- Labeling a news reporters as a possible felon to justify a personal investigation of him, for no reason other than he was investigating some of these things, is not a scandal?

- Collecting e-mails and other personal information from all AP reporters is not a scandal?

- Collecting phone et al information from millions of Americans is not a scandal?

- Federal investigation/continued persecution of one citizen declared not guilty by a jury of his peers when hundreds/thousands of racially motivated henious crimes go unmentioned at the federal level is not a scandal?

- The fact that every single time the President has declared he knew nothing of federal misconduct and found out about it the same way we did--in the media--is not a scandal?

What do you think? Billions of the people's money, our privacy, our civil liberties are at stake in all of these things. Are these phony scandals? Are they worthy of media and citizen attention? How out of the loops should a President be allowed to be before that in itself becomes a scandal?

What's fake is all the manufactured bullshit the faux conservative rubes pile on top of the kernel of a scandal.

For instance, the IRS scandal. The faux Right took that and made it phony by adding a personal order from Obama. See how that works?

The tragedy in Benghazi. Holy shit, so much manufactured bullshit was piled on top of that one you can't even see the dead bodies any more.


It is because the faux Right is so intellectually challenged these days they can't make a cogent argument against the REAL problems Obama is creating. So they just build huge strawmen and outright lies, and then high five each other for beating up their own inventions.

Meanwhile, Obama sails merrily along completely unmolested! He has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people even more retarded than he is.


Well in the interest of avoiding making things up, who on the right says that the IRS scandal was via a personal order from Obama? Or is that a deflection from the left to put the focus somewhere other than on the scandal itself?

See how that works?

obama doesn't have to issue the orders himself.

Anybody ever read Beckett? You should

They've installed so many 'Nomeklatura' in the Civil Service ranks that these things take on a life of their own.

And when you have a DoJ run by a Himmler-esque character who won't prosecute 'his people' but goes after anything and everything that he sees as a threat to his beloved Fuhrer, then they come out of the woodwork.

Do you think for one second that anybody at the DoJ is really investigating the IRS and Lois Lerner.

Do you think for one second that anybody at DoJ is looking into Fast and Furious?

Is State really looking into the Benghazi scandal?

How about the FBI tapping the phones of over 100 Reporters and breaking into the Home Computer of FNC's James Rosen while not only tapping his Phone but his Mother's phone as well?

Do you think Eric Himmler is breaking down doors looking into that?



And do you think the Nomeklatura in the ranks of Washington's Civil Service at the IRS and in the DoJ and at State and ATF and....

Do you think they don't know this?

They have no fear of prosecution right now.

Eric Himmler isn't going to do jack-shit about any of this.

The House can grant Lois Lerner immunity and she can tell them to fuck off and there ain't a goddamn thing going to happen to her.

Do you know who that bitch is? She was a lawyer in the FEC years ago and she black-mailed a Republican politician into never running for Office again.

The woman is a criminal. She is a Party Operative and criminal for the dimocrap machine apparatus.

Know what's going to happen to her?


Not while this regime is in power
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Again people, could we please use our inside voices and demonstrate a modicum of civility in this discussion? I would appreciate that soooo much.

But are the listed scandals, or others some may think of, really made up? They really aren't scandals? If not, then what IS a scandal?

All of those would have made legitimate scandals if the idiots had not decided they weren't scandalous enough and decided to make up additional "facts" without evidence.

When you make shit up to pile on top of an actual scandal, then no one wants to hear anything further you have to say about it. Your lies make the scandal an immediate non-scandal.

Is that not exactly what has happened? Don't we have a bunch of people who are completely mystified as to why the American people are not as outraged over these things as they should be?

Well, they did it to themselves. They sold their brains and their integrity for a couple pennies. They have been reduced to copy and paste robots, and now they must deal with the consequences of being so brainless.

And for Christ's sake, when will they LEARN from their mistakes, and stop REPEATING them?
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As for all the domestic spying "scandal" shit, um...sorry. Your unified defense of Bush when he was doing it, on a larger scale, negates anything you have to say about it now. Too. Fucking. Late.

You assholes insisted waterboarding is not torture. So I honestly don't know why your heads don't explode from supercharged hypocrisy as you now try to attack Obama for doing attenuated versions of what Bush was doing.

Seriously. It takes some nerve to be all self righteous-like about what has been going on on that front since long before Obama came on the scene.

Look, you're a hack. You post what you do to promote the democratic party, but at times you reach a level of stupidity that must be responded to.

Fact, the IRS target conservative groups for audits and denial of legal status purely because they are conservative groups.

Fact, Obama directly lied about Benghazi, as did Hillary.

Fact, the Obama administration gathered email from AP reporters.

Fact, the Obama administration used slander to intimidate a Fox News reporter to stop reports damaging to the regime.

And your response is a flaccid whine of "water boarding - BOOOOOOOSSSHHHHH."

You leftists are absurd. You don't give a fuck about reality, you seek to protect your shameful party - regardless of what they do.
I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee you the very next scandal which breaks will be immediately spiced up with manufactured bullshit, and the rubes will AGAIN blindly copy and paste the lies and innuendo without spending even half a second to critically think just how stupid and unlikely those lies are.

Obama's opposition is killing itself with a pathological desire to believe EVERY negative claim that concerns Obama.
Again people, could we please use our inside voices and demonstrate a modicum of civility in this discussion? I would appreciate that soooo much.

But are the listed scandals, or others some may think of, really made up? They really aren't scandals? If not, then what IS a scandal?

Anything bush did was a scandal, nothing obama does is.
As for all the domestic spying "scandal" shit, um...sorry. Your unified defense of Bush when he was doing it, on a larger scale, negates anything you have to say about it now. Too. Fucking. Late.

You assholes insisted waterboarding is not torture. So I honestly don't know why your heads don't explode from supercharged hypocrisy as you now try to attack Obama for doing attenuated versions of what Bush was doing.

Seriously. It takes some nerve to be all self righteous-like about what has been going on on that front since long before Obama came on the scene.

Look, you're a hack. You post what you do to promote the democratic party, but at times you reach a level of stupidity that must be responded to.

Fact, the IRS target conservative groups for audits and denial of legal status purely because they are conservative groups.

Fact, Obama directly lied about Benghazi, as did Hillary.

Fact, the Obama administration gathered email from AP reporters.

Fact, the Obama administration used slander to intimidate a Fox News reporter to stop reports damaging to the regime.

And your response is a flaccid whine of "water boarding - BOOOOOOOSSSHHHHH."

You leftists are absurd. You don't give a fuck about reality, you seek to protect your shameful party - regardless of what they do.

Like the good little Nazis they are....

As for all the domestic spying "scandal" shit, um...sorry. Your unified defense of Bush when he was doing it, on a larger scale, negates anything you have to say about it now. Too. Fucking. Late.

You assholes insisted waterboarding is not torture. So I honestly don't know why your heads don't explode from supercharged hypocrisy as you now try to attack Obama for doing attenuated versions of what Bush was doing.

Seriously. It takes some nerve to be all self righteous-like about what has been going on on that front since long before Obama came on the scene.

Look, you're a hack. You post what you do to promote the democratic party, but at times you reach a level of stupidity that must be responded to.

Fact, the IRS target conservative groups for audits and denial of legal status purely because they are conservative groups.

Fact, the faux right wing manufacted a lie that Obama gave the order to do that.

Fact, Obama directly lied about Benghazi, as did Hillary.

Fact, the faux right wing immediately began making up lies surrounding the events of Benghazi.

Fact, the Obama administration gathered email from AP reporters.

Fact, the Obama administration used slander to intimidate a Fox News reporter to stop reports damaging to the regime.

Does the name Valeria Plame ring a bell?

And your response is a flaccid whine of "water boarding - BOOOOOOOSSSHHHHH."

Is waterboarding torture?
I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee you the very next scandal which breaks will be immediately spiced up with manufactured bullshit, and the rubes will AGAIN blindly copy and paste the lies and innuendo without spending even half a second to critically think just how stupid and unlikely those lies are.

Obama's opposition is killing itself with a pathological desire to believe EVERY negative claim that concerns Obama.

You talk out of your ass.

Which is why it's easy to tell the ACA was developed by dimocrap scum.

You're all a Surgeon's dream

You only have two working parts, your mouth and your asshole, and they're interchangeable.

Nobody is making stuff up.

Except your side.

Just because you shout it, just because you scream it, just because you lie about it...

None of that makes it true.

And I already shot down the Benghazi 'GOP E-Mail' lie so don't bother.
I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee you the very next scandal which breaks will be immediately spiced up with manufactured bullshit, and the rubes will AGAIN blindly copy and paste the lies and innuendo without spending even half a second to critically think just how stupid and unlikely those lies are.

Obama's opposition is killing itself with a pathological desire to believe EVERY negative claim that concerns Obama.

I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee that Obama could shoot a woman through the head on National TV and that your response would be "BOOOOOOOSSSSHHHHH."

Sycophants like you will defend, distract, obfuscate, and prevaricate incessantly to protect your party. What would be nice would be a loyal opposition, but you're not loyal, not even close. You are a party operative who puts the good of the party ahead of the good of the nation. As a result, it doesn't matter what scandals occur, how overwhelming the evidence is, and let's face it, the IRS scandal is irrefutable, you'll dismiss it and do everything your can to distract.

When Nixon got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and let's be non-democrat (truthful) here, what Nixon did was childs play compared to Obama; but when Nixon got caught, the GOP lined up to impeach him - because the integrity of the nation was more important than the party.

This is not the case with you democrats, you don't give a flying fuck about the integrity of the nation, you serve your shameful party - period.
Fact, the faux right wing manufacted a lie that Obama gave the order to do that.

No, they didn't.

In fact it is you who is lying right now, in hopes of distracting from the criminal acts by the IRS.

Does the name Valeria Plame ring a bell?

Again, you erect a straw man in an attempt to distract from the crimes of your shameful party.

Is waterboarding torture?

Water boarding is irrelevant to the crimes of your god and your shameful party.

Address the issue.
Again people, could we please use our inside voices and demonstrate a modicum of civility in this discussion? I would appreciate that soooo much.

But are the listed scandals, or others some may think of, really made up? They really aren't scandals? If not, then what IS a scandal?

All of those would have made legitimate scandals if the idiots had not decided they weren't scandalous enough and decided to make up additional "facts" without evidence.

When you make shit up to pile on top of an actual scandal, then no one wants to hear anything further you have to say about it. Your lies make the scandal an immediate non-scandal.

Is that not exactly what has happened? Don't we have a bunch of people who are completely mystified as to why the American people are not as outraged over these things as they should be?

Well, they did it to themselves. They sold their brains and their integrity for a couple pennies. They have been reduced to copy and paste robots, and now they must deal with the consequences of being so brainless.

And for Christ's sake, when will they LEARN from their mistakes, and stop REPEATING them?

So your point of view is that these were all legitimate scandals. But because somebody on the right or in the GOP embellished or reported something that couldn't be verified, the scandals all are neutralized and are no longer scandals? Is that what you are saying?
Like the good little Nazis they are....


Ah. Perfect.

This is an outstanding example of just how insane the faux Right has become, buying into the Glenn Beck meme that Nazis were left wingers. :lol:

It does not get any crazier than that.

You are completely ignorant of the fact that the Nazis believed marxism was synonymous with Jews, aren't you.

You do know how the Nazis felt about Jews, right? I feel I must ask since you are clearly severely intellectually challenged.

By the way, there is a reason I refer to people like you and Uncensored as "faux Right" and "faux conservatives". It is because I am old school conservative. I was a conservative when it was totally uncool to be one. A National Review subscriber in my teens, member of YAF, straight Republican ticket voter from 1980 to 2006 with a single exception made on behalf of a request by Bill Buckley. You probably don't even know who that is.

Assholes like you have destroyed the legacy of the Old Right. We busted our asses to make conservatism cool, and you fuckheads have come along and destroyed it. And now you dumb fucks not only helped Obama get elected once, but twice!!! You are so incompetent and stupid you could not even defeat Obama. Jesus H. Christ.
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I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee you the very next scandal which breaks will be immediately spiced up with manufactured bullshit, and the rubes will AGAIN blindly copy and paste the lies and innuendo without spending even half a second to critically think just how stupid and unlikely those lies are.

Obama's opposition is killing itself with a pathological desire to believe EVERY negative claim that concerns Obama.

I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee that Obama could shoot a woman through the head on National TV and that your response would be "BOOOOOOOSSSSHHHHH."

Sycophants like you will defend, distract, obfuscate, and prevaricate incessantly to protect your party. What would be nice would be a loyal opposition, but you're not loyal, not even close. You are a party operative who puts the good of the party ahead of the good of the nation. As a result, it doesn't matter what scandals occur, how overwhelming the evidence is, and let's face it, the IRS scandal is irrefutable, you'll dismiss it and do everything your can to distract.

When Nixon got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and let's be non-democrat (truthful) here, what Nixon did was childs play compared to Obama; but when Nixon got caught, the GOP lined up to impeach him - because the integrity of the nation was more important than the party.

This is not the case with you democrats, you don't give a flying fuck about the integrity of the nation, you serve your shameful party - period.

That^^^^ Exactly what I have been saying.. this creep is sent to post propaganda and feed the masses lies.. to do damage control.. He acted like a moderate when he first came here feeding us all a line of Rat puss.. no one buys his BULLSHIT any longer.
I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee you the very next scandal which breaks will be immediately spiced up with manufactured bullshit, and the rubes will AGAIN blindly copy and paste the lies and innuendo without spending even half a second to critically think just how stupid and unlikely those lies are.

Obama's opposition is killing itself with a pathological desire to believe EVERY negative claim that concerns Obama.

I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee that Obama could shoot a woman through the head on National TV and that your response would be "BOOOOOOOSSSSHHHHH."

Sycophants like you will defend, distract, obfuscate, and prevaricate incessantly to protect your party. What would be nice would be a loyal opposition, but you're not loyal, not even close. You are a party operative who puts the good of the party ahead of the good of the nation. As a result, it doesn't matter what scandals occur, how overwhelming the evidence is, and let's face it, the IRS scandal is irrefutable, you'll dismiss it and do everything your can to distract.

When Nixon got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and let's be non-democrat (truthful) here, what Nixon did was childs play compared to Obama; but when Nixon got caught, the GOP lined up to impeach him - because the integrity of the nation was more important than the party.

This is not the case with you democrats, you don't give a flying fuck about the integrity of the nation, you serve your shameful party - period.

That^^^^ Exactly what I have been saying.. this creep is sent to post propaganda and feed the masses lies.. to do damage control.. He acted like a moderate when he first came here feeding us all a line of Rat puss.. no one buys his BULLSHIT any longer.

Hey LGS, long time no see. :)

But isn't that the whole point of Obama's 17th--yes yet ANOTHER--jobs speech tour? One in which like all the others, he is saying absolutely nothing useful re jobs creation, but this time is getting the 'phony scandal' talking point into the national psyche?

We all know the USMBers whose sole mission is to deflect and derail any discussion that questions or castes any kind of negative light on the current administration. Some of them are posting in this thread as we speak (type).

But that is sort of the topic of the thread isn't it? Do we allow them to deflect and generate food fights with them? Or are any of us angry about, concerned out, troubled about the scandals themselves? If they exist. My poll response up there is that they do.
I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee you the very next scandal which breaks will be immediately spiced up with manufactured bullshit, and the rubes will AGAIN blindly copy and paste the lies and innuendo without spending even half a second to critically think just how stupid and unlikely those lies are.

Obama's opposition is killing itself with a pathological desire to believe EVERY negative claim that concerns Obama.

I absolutely, positively, one hundred percent guarantee YOU if (when) there's another scandal, you'll have even more excuses for it and put the blame on the right and Fox news!! Lol! You're so predictable! Obama has taught his lemming well how to keep the lies and coverups going full strength. How much do they pay you??
I have a simple question if all these scandals I.R.S., Benghazi, NSA, targeting of reporters happened under a Republican President would you consider them scandals worthy of investigation? How someone would answer that will tell a lot about how you view scandals if they truly anger you or only anger you when the other side is accused. For the record all of these are worthy of investigation no matter what party the President belongs to.
And just as incredulous as the scandals themselves are to people who know the difference between a mistake and a scandal, is the fact that our fearless leader NEVER knew anything about them at the time!!

[ame=]I Know Nothing - YouTube[/ame]

The President AND his Secretary of State maintain they were never advised of security concerns re Benghazi or that our consulate and annex sere under terrorist attack at the time it was happening.

If they were not, then why not?

Ditto for Fast & Furious (I had forgotten about that one), the GSA scandal, the IRS scandals, the privacy invasions, etc.

Again and again and again we are told that Obama was "under the radar on that one' or 'out of the loop' or 'he found out about it in the media like all the rest of us.'

If that is true, why is it true? Why are his key advisors and cabinet members not being kept informed of important things and/or misconduct by their subordinates? Why isn't the President advised of what is going on? And why hasn't he been jumping up and down and why aren't heads rolling BECAUSE he wasn't informed?

Is it asking too much that we have a President who is at least involved in what is going on in his own government? Who demands that he is in the loop on ALL critical decisions? And if he is not, why is that not also a scandal?
Like the good little Nazis they are....


Ah. Perfect.

This is an outstanding example of just how insane the faux Right has become, buying into the Glenn Beck meme that Nazis were left wingers. :lol:

It does not get any crazier than that.

You are completely ignorant of the fact that the Nazis believed marxism was synonymous with Jews, aren't you.

You do know how the Nazis felt about Jews, right? I feel I must ask since you are clearly severely intellectually challenged.

By the way, there is a reason I refer to people like you and Uncensored as "faux Right" and "faux conservatives". It is because I am old school conservative. I was a conservative when it was totally uncool to be one. A National Review subscriber in my teens, member of YAF, straight Republican ticket voter from 1980 to 2006 with a single exception made on behalf of a request by Bill Buckley. You probably don't even know who that is.

Assholes like you have destroyed the legacy of the Old Right. We busted our asses to make conservatism cool, and you fuckheads have come along and destroyed it. And now you dumb fucks not only helped Obama get elected once, but twice!!! You are so incompetent and stupid you could not even defeat Obama. Jesus H. Christ.

First, let me try to keep my head for a minute.

I'm going to try to tone it down and see how that works out. Experience tells me it won't do any good, but I'll try anyway.

I wrote a paper in College, nearly forty years ago on how the democrat party was evolving into a modern-day Nazi Party.

Same tactics. Demonize and neutralize the competition while accusing them of doing the very things that you're doing yourself.

Hitler was not 'left wing'. Far from it. Far, far from it.

Hitler was 'Right Wing', just like every other paleo-socialist leader that has ever lived. Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro... All of them were 'Right Wing'.

Right and Left do NOT indicate a philosophy, they indicate a style. You can be completely Capitalist and be totally Left Wing. You could be totally socialist and be Right Wing.

Left/Right Wing only means the amount of government control exerted over The People.

That's all it means. Period. Has nothing whatsoever to do with philosophy of governing.

Today's Journalists often use 'Right' as synonymous with Conservative and 'Left' as being more in the socialist or democratic socialist camp.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

But that's what happens when you let a group of untalented, unskilled, under-educated nincompoops (Journalists) take control of our language.

Hitler was a socialist. He was NOT a leftist. By any stretch.

But neither was Stalin or Mao or... Get the picture?

As far as Jews and communism are concerned? Yeah, Hitler was convinced that marxism was a Jewish plot and that communism was its bastard child.

Especially the Russian variety. In fact (I'm not in the mood to look it up) but the first Soviet governing committees (forgot what they're called.... Getting old) were virtually devoid of Jews.

So Hitler was wrong. He was wrong a lot. About a lot of things.

But that doesn't make his enemies to the East right. They were just as, or more, wrong as he was. I'd probably vote for 'more'.

You are part of a "Cult of personality" that has been carefully crafted by the party you follow.

It is still being crafted as we speak. By the very individual the cult is centered around.

Know who does things like that?

Nazis. Stalinists, Leninists. Castro-ites. Maoists.

Not Americans. Even FDR was careful not to create too much of a mystique around himself. He fought to keep himself from becoming one the people he despised... Like Hitler or Mussolini or Stalin.

But your guy? He's a demagogue. A farce. A badly done caricature of Hitler (without the War, murder and death)

And you're falling for it.

And I'll tell you like it is. You aren't gonna like it but here it is...

There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT in my mind that obama would be just as bad as any of them but for one thing....

The United States Military would not stand for it.

The first thing Hitler did was ingratiate himself to the Army. Lenin didn't have to try as hard because it was the Army that over threw the Romanovs. And Mao already had his Army in place, totally loyal, after his 8th Route Army (with a little help from the Russians) ran Chiang's people out of China.

The left will never have the US Military. They'll try. They ARE trying, but they'll never have them.

At least, not the fighting Units. The REMFs? Oh yeah. But never the fighters.

I'm bored.

You should already know shit like this before you show up on a political board shouting at other people.

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And just in case anybody is thinking about being brave enough to answer my questions in my last post, let's consider what the talking heads being questioned are saying this week:

Senator. . . or Mr. . . . .or whomever, are the scandals affecting the President's approval rating? Shouldn't he be addressing the questions the American people have instead of trying to deflect from them with the "phony scandals" approach?

Answer - and the answer has been predictable from every one of them and is obviously coming from assigned talking points. Each and every one is using the line that "The administration has dealt with any wrong doers and has replaced them - AND - there is no evidence of any kind that any of these cases of very bad judgment had any political motivation; i.e. had anythng to do with the President or his key people.

Is that satisfactory to ya'll? Should we just shrug and say, "Oh well, it has all been taken care of - everybody move on - there is nothing to see here?"

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