Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
How are those phony scandals working for ya Tiger?

Impeachment a slam dunk is it?



You're worthless - a mindless troll with no ability to construct a rational thought.

Obama is a crook who has directly or indirectly used the IRS and DOJ to attack his political enemies. Eric Holder is his AG - Holder who is openly corrupt.

This administration has more in common with a banana republic, particularly that of Idi Amin, than it does with a legitimate form of governance.

The divider in chief makes a mockery of the rule of law while pitting American against American, seeking to leverage economic and racial differences to foster hatred and discontent so that he can establish ever greater control over the populace.
You're worthless - a mindless troll with no ability to construct a rational thought.

Obama is a crook who has directly or indirectly used the IRS and DOJ to attack his political enemies. Eric Holder is his AG - Holder who is openly corrupt.

This mindless dumbass calls this a 'rational' thought - constructed by the mindless dumbass Rush Limbaugh

Crickets? Are scandals so routine nobody cares anymore?


Nobody cares. The only scandal is the IRS thing and it's run it's course.

People such as yourself and Driveby are frightening and a danger to any freedom loving nation. When sheeple become complacent about an overreaching government complicit in the deaths of innocent Americans, REGARDLESS of party affiliation, we as a nation are in danger of tyranny.. When ZOMBIES turn the other way because "their guy" used the IRS to silence freedom for power, we are on the edge of tyranny. I've said for a while now.. the true enemy of this country is the enemy within.. PROGRESSIVES.
Interesting...21-6 people think they are real scandals. Only the thick headed Obama supporters are clinging to Obama shirt tails and they would be on Obama side if he was killing Americans with drones...wait he is killing Americans with drones.
How are those phony scandals working for ya Tiger?

Impeachment a slam dunk is it?



You're worthless - a mindless troll with no ability to construct a rational thought.

Obama is a crook who has directly or indirectly used the IRS and DOJ to attack his political enemies. Eric Holder is his AG - Holder who is openly corrupt.

This administration has more in common with a banana republic, particularly that of Idi Amin, than it does with a legitimate form of governance.

The divider in chief makes a mockery of the rule of law while pitting American against American, seeking to leverage economic and racial differences to foster hatred and discontent so that he can establish ever greater control over the populace.

FDR, JFK, LBJ and Truman all used the IRS to attack other extremely powerful people.

People who were very well capable of defending themselves.

the piece of shit in office now used the IRS to attack common, every day, run-of-the-mill, Mom and Pop folks who only wanted to have their voices heard.

THAT is beyond disgraceful and people need to go to prison for a LONG time.

One other thing, dimocrap scum will argue that nobody has been turned down.


If the IRS Stasi HAD turned them down, they could have appealed, they could have amended or appended their application.

But the IRS did the most damaging of all possible actions..... They delayed processing the requests so the people couldn't proceed with their activities.

Now, dimocrap scum will also note that, as a 501(c)4, they could have gone on with certain activities (kinda like a 'use and file" scenario) in THEORY.

But if the IRS did turn them down, then all of the contributors would have been exposed to public scrutiny, all kinds of legal activity and suits by the Feds would have happened.

It would have been a mess. Stupid to even attempt it.

What the IRS did under obama is the worst case in American History of a regime using the power of government against its opponents.

People need to go to prison for this. For a LONG, LONG time.

Not saying obama was behind it. He probably wasn't. But so what? He played Henry to the Tea Party's Beckett.

Not even Nixon's Administration stooped this low. The head of the IRS at the time REFUSED a request to release information on his enemies.

It never happened
I was thinking this morning while reading the thread in the Flame Zone about how liberals operate:

"It's my football and if you don't play by my rules I'll take it and go home." Yesterday I started a thread and had the usual librul suspects come in and flame it with insults right off the bat.. Just like Zimmerman you see, you're not allowed to respond back.. you're just suppose to sit and take it.. But I've never operated that way.. that's whats wrong with the republican party.. They're a bunch of pussies afraid to stand and fight back and so this corrupt Administration is allowed to usurp the Constitution- see OBAMACARE and illegal immigrants given amnesty right before the election.. We had better wise up and stop electing this same slimeballs!
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Crickets? Are scandals so routine nobody cares anymore?


Nobody cares. The only scandal is the IRS thing and it's run it's course.

People such as yourself and Driveby are frightening and a danger to any freedom loving nation. When sheeple become complacent about an overreaching government complicit in the deaths of innocent Americans, REGARDLESS of party affiliation, we as a nation are in danger of tyranny.. When ZOMBIES turn the other way because "their guy" used the IRS to silence freedom for power, we are on the edge of tyranny. I've said for a while now.. the true enemy of this country is the enemy within.. PROGRESSIVES.

Didn't you promise to leave if Romney lost?
You're worthless - a mindless troll with no ability to construct a rational thought.

Obama is a crook who has directly or indirectly used the IRS and DOJ to attack his political enemies. Eric Holder is his AG - Holder who is openly corrupt.

This mindless dumbass calls this a 'rational' thought - constructed by the mindless dumbass Rush Limbaugh


Tea baggers definitely need anger management therapy, and a good mouth washing with soap!


Nobody cares. The only scandal is the IRS thing and it's run it's course.

People such as yourself and Driveby are frightening and a danger to any freedom loving nation. When sheeple become complacent about an overreaching government complicit in the deaths of innocent Americans, REGARDLESS of party affiliation, we as a nation are in danger of tyranny.. When ZOMBIES turn the other way because "their guy" used the IRS to silence freedom for power, we are on the edge of tyranny. I've said for a while now.. the true enemy of this country is the enemy within.. PROGRESSIVES.

Didn't you promise to leave if Romney lost?

No stooped..
Again people, could we please use our inside voices and demonstrate a modicum of civility in this discussion? I would appreciate that soooo much.

But are the listed scandals, or others some may think of, really made up? They really aren't scandals? If not, then what IS a scandal?

All of those would have made legitimate scandals if the idiots had not decided they weren't scandalous enough and decided to make up additional "facts" without evidence.

When you make shit up to pile on top of an actual scandal, then no one wants to hear anything further you have to say about it. Your lies make the scandal an immediate non-scandal.

Is that not exactly what has happened? Don't we have a bunch of people who are completely mystified as to why the American people are not as outraged over these things as they should be?

Well, they did it to themselves. They sold their brains and their integrity for a couple pennies. They have been reduced to copy and paste robots, and now they must deal with the consequences of being so brainless.

And for Christ's sake, when will they LEARN from their mistakes, and stop REPEATING them?

I think you are confusing the term "fact" with "question".

Let me help you.

Fact - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Question - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Crickets? Are scandals so routine nobody cares anymore?


Nobody cares. The only scandal is the IRS thing and it's run it's course.

Here is a short list of scandals that even some democrats have admitted to being damaging.

Claiming the IRS targeting Obama's enemies, "Fast and Furious" scheme, Benghazi attack which this administration claimed to be a result of a video, White House leaks on the Iran cyber attacks,, AP and attacks on other reporters, Holders perjury before Congress not once but twice. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The Pigford scandal, GSA gone wild scandal, Veterans Affairs in Disney World scandal, Solyndra, AKA Lisa Jackson scandal, The New Black Panthers voters suppression scandal, I'll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the "Dream Act." and lastly but just as important Jan 04, 2012 · Obama bypasses Congress, makes recess appointment while Senate in session.

Only an partisan moron would not consider the above not important and none are phony and you can see that the 75% of the people who voted in the poll don't think they are phony either..:confused:

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