Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
Crickets? Are scandals so routine nobody cares anymore?


Nobody cares. The only scandal is the IRS thing and it's run it's course.

Here is a short list of scandals that even some democrats have admitted to being damaging.

Claiming the IRS targeting Obama's enemies,
I agree. The IRS thing is a scandal.

"Fast and Furious" scheme, Benghazi attack which this administration claimed to be a result of a video, White House leaks on the Iran cyber attacks,, AP and attacks on other reporters, Holders perjury before Congress not once but twice. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The Pigford scandal, GSA gone wild scandal, Veterans Affairs in Disney World scandal, Solyndra, AKA Lisa Jackson scandal, The New Black Panthers voters suppression scandal, I'll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the "Dream Act." and lastly but just as important Jan 04, 2012 · Obama bypasses Congress, makes recess appointment while Senate in session.
Few outside of the most brain-dead of conservistan blieves most of those are even worthy of back page news much less the front page.

But whatever makes you feel better I suppose.

Only an partisan moron would not consider the above not important and none are phony and you can see that the 75% of the people who voted in the poll don't think they are phony either..:confused:

You have to take into account the political leanings of those responding. If you think they are scandals, okay...whatever...the man on the street wouldn't have any idea about a disney world scandal just to name one out of your list.

Take care.
People such as yourself and Driveby are frightening and a danger to any freedom loving nation. When sheeple become complacent about an overreaching government complicit in the deaths of innocent Americans, REGARDLESS of party affiliation, we as a nation are in danger of tyranny.. When ZOMBIES turn the other way because "their guy" used the IRS to silence freedom for power, we are on the edge of tyranny. I've said for a while now.. the true enemy of this country is the enemy within.. PROGRESSIVES.

Didn't you promise to leave if Romney lost?

No stooped..

Weren't you going to change your font or something....I forget.

Nobody cares. The only scandal is the IRS thing and it's run it's course.

Here is a short list of scandals that even some democrats have admitted to being damaging.

Claiming the IRS targeting Obama's enemies,
I agree. The IRS thing is a scandal.

"Fast and Furious" scheme, Benghazi attack which this administration claimed to be a result of a video, White House leaks on the Iran cyber attacks,, AP and attacks on other reporters, Holders perjury before Congress not once but twice. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The Pigford scandal, GSA gone wild scandal, Veterans Affairs in Disney World scandal, Solyndra, AKA Lisa Jackson scandal, The New Black Panthers voters suppression scandal, I'll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the "Dream Act." and lastly but just as important Jan 04, 2012 · Obama bypasses Congress, makes recess appointment while Senate in session.
Few outside of the most brain-dead of conservistan blieves most of those are even worthy of back page news much less the front page.

But whatever makes you feel better I suppose.

Only an partisan moron would not consider the above not important and none are phony and you can see that the 75% of the people who voted in the poll don't think they are phony either..:confused:

You have to take into account the political leanings of those responding. If you think they are scandals, okay...whatever...the man on the street wouldn't have any idea about a disney world scandal just to name one out of your list.

Take care.

Do you think the average Joe on the street haven't heard of some of these scandals because the MSM is in Obama pocket and don't report them on their front page?

I will give you a example of a double standard here, The NYT printed a hit piece on Feb 2008 about McCain having a affair with a staffer on the front page during the 2008 election. (notice the timing) Turns out the story was completely unsubstantiated and false. Do you think this story was being used to hurt McCain or help Obama campaign?
Here is a short list of scandals that even some democrats have admitted to being damaging.

Claiming the IRS targeting Obama's enemies,
I agree. The IRS thing is a scandal.

Few outside of the most brain-dead of conservistan blieves most of those are even worthy of back page news much less the front page.

But whatever makes you feel better I suppose.

Only an partisan moron would not consider the above not important and none are phony and you can see that the 75% of the people who voted in the poll don't think they are phony either..:confused:

You have to take into account the political leanings of those responding. If you think they are scandals, okay...whatever...the man on the street wouldn't have any idea about a disney world scandal just to name one out of your list.

Take care.

Do you think the average Joe on the street haven't heard of some of these scandals because the MSM is in Obama pocket and don't report them on their front page?
No, the average Joe on the street cares about very few things; none the least of which is Conservative whining about the MSM being in the pocket of Obama.

I will give you a example of a double standard here, The NYT printed a hit piece on Feb 2008 about McCain having a affair with a staffer on the front page during the 2008 election. (notice the timing) Turns out the story was completely unsubstantiated and false. Do you think this story was being used to hurt McCain or help Obama campaign?

February 2008...9 months prior to the election... about the same time that McCain WON the New Hampshire primary...

At that point Obama hadn't won the nomination and neither had McCain. Since McCain ended up winning the nomination outright and Obama had to get Hillary to concede at his's doubtful that some story in the NYT helped or hurt either man.
You are right, Benghazi wasn't in itself a scandal but the cover up by the Obama administration and Clinton was and is.

Hardly a cover-up.

Than old wise one why won't the Obama administration allow people who were there to testify? Why did it take two years for Whistle blowers to come out before congress and why were they threatened? Why did it take months for the Obama and Clinton to admit that it wasn't a video? Why weren't the four killed protected and why were forces on hand told to stand down? And finally why haven't the attackers been taken Into custody like Obama promised?

Coverup in spades....
You are right, Benghazi wasn't in itself a scandal but the cover up by the Obama administration and Clinton was and is.

Hardly a cover-up.

Than old wise one why won't the Obama administration allow people who were there to testify? Why did it take two years for Whistle blowers to come out before congress and why were they threatened? Why did it take months for the Obama and Clinton to admit that it wasn't a video? Why weren't the four killed protected and why were forces on hand told to stand down? And finally why haven't the attackers been taken Into custody like Obama promised?

Coverup in spades....

The Pentagon lied about the Colonel in charge of the Spec Ops force being retired.

When Patriotic Americans found out that the dimocrap-run Pentagon was lying...

Well, read it for yourself. It's happening tomorrow.....

Retiring Marine to Give Long-Awaited Benghazi Testimony
Ben-gotcha wasn't a scandal; a tragedy but not a scandal.

A president directly lying to the American people isn't a scandal unless that president is a Republican. Dear Leader lying is the greatest good.

Dear Leader scapegoating a patsy and throwing him in prison is the greatest good.

Say, is Nikoula still in prison? Is that fuckwad Obama still lying about "Internet Videos?"

Hey Candy, the difference between Fuckwad Obama (i capitalized out of respect!) and Idi Amin is what?

Take your time, I know it will be hard to come up with anything.

TSA? Not familiar with that one.

Incompetent public 60 Minutes! Doing a great job Brownie!

IRS attacking the political opponents of Obama and the shameful democratic party? Call 60 Minutes, oh wait, they're part of the DNC - call the NY Times - oops, they are part of the party too, hmm, MSNBC? Damn, more party operatives...
You are right, Benghazi wasn't in itself a scandal but the cover up by the Obama administration and Clinton was and is.

Hardly a cover-up.

Than old wise one why won't the Obama administration allow people who were there to testify? Why did it take two years for Whistle blowers to come out before congress and why were they threatened? Why did it take months for the Obama and Clinton to admit that it wasn't a video? Why weren't the four killed protected and why were forces on hand told to stand down? And finally why haven't the attackers been taken Into custody like Obama promised?

Coverup in spades....

Not sure about the earlier questions; questions do not a scandal make however.

As for the attackers, finding someone in Lybia isn't exactly easy.
Hardly a cover-up.

Than old wise one why won't the Obama administration allow people who were there to testify? Why did it take two years for Whistle blowers to come out before congress and why were they threatened? Why did it take months for the Obama and Clinton to admit that it wasn't a video? Why weren't the four killed protected and why were forces on hand told to stand down? And finally why haven't the attackers been taken Into custody like Obama promised?

Coverup in spades....

Not sure about the earlier questions; questions do not a scandal make however.

As for the attackers, finding someone in Lybia isn't exactly easy.

Depends on whose labya they're looking in, doesn't it?

Mastermind in Benghazi attack walking free in Libya, sources say | Fox News

Libyans release suspect linked to Benghazi attack | Washington Free Beacon

Release of Libya Terror Suspect Raises Questions - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News
Or this;

[ame=]Carney maintains Libya attack was not preplanned - YouTube[/ame]

Or this;

[ame=]Major Garrett blows up Jay Carney for dodging question - YouTube[/ame]

Or this;

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The results of the poll for this thread seems to tell a story of the ratio of Conservatives to Liberals on the US Message Board:

26 say the Republican scandals are 'not phony'

6 say the scandals are 'phony'

Ever wonder who is doing all the whining to the Moderators about 'trolls'?

....Or why the filthy language and ad hominems by some is tolerated?

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And here is the President of Libya telling us what we already know...

That dimocraps are lying scumbags.

He knew it was al Qaeda.

[ame=]Libyan Pres: Attack planned by foreigners - YouTube[/ame]

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