Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
And just as incredulous as the scandals themselves are to people who know the difference between a mistake and a scandal, is the fact that our fearless leader NEVER knew anything about them at the time!!

I Know Nothing - YouTube

The President AND his Secretary of State maintain they were never advised of security concerns re Benghazi or that our consulate and annex sere under terrorist attack at the time it was happening.

If they were not, then why not?

Ditto for Fast & Furious (I had forgotten about that one), the GSA scandal, the IRS scandals, the privacy invasions, etc.

Again and again and again we are told that Obama was "under the radar on that one' or 'out of the loop' or 'he found out about it in the media like all the rest of us.'

If that is true, why is it true? Why are his key advisors and cabinet members not being kept informed of important things and/or misconduct by their subordinates? Why isn't the President advised of what is going on? And why hasn't he been jumping up and down and why aren't heads rolling BECAUSE he wasn't informed?

Is it asking too much that we have a President who is at least involved in what is going on in his own government? Who demands that he is in the loop on ALL critical decisions? And if he is not, why is that not also a scandal?

I'm guessing this faux president knows very well what is going on, is aware of each and every incident we are listing in this discussion, as well as many others that have not yet come to light. I am also sure that his agenda is so totally out of sync with what most Americans would consider to be important. What most of us would consider crucial elements of the president's job, this imposter ignores because his true "job" has been disguised from the public view. For anyone who thinks Obama is a failure, think again. He has quite conscientiously discharged his "duties". His "duties" have absolutely no relation to the oath he swore upon his election to the office he has sullied.
Phony scandals?

By one pundit's account, since his first inauguration, President Obama is on his 17th speech making tour focusing on job creation. This time the catch phrase he uses again and again, and is being picked up by surrogate talking heads, is that the Republicans try to block efforts to create jobs with distractions such as, among other things, 'phony scandals.'


- The fact that the families of those killed and wounded in Benghazi still can't get straight answers from the administration, and witnesses are ordered into silence is a 'phony scandal'?

- GSA employees spending millions of tax payer dollars having a high old time and making videos of themselves is not a scandal? Ditto federal employees in other agencies?

- IRS blocking hundreds of applications of conservative groups and almost no applications of liberal groups in the years prior to the 2010 and 2012 elections is not a scandal?

- Labeling a news reporters as a possible felon to justify a personal investigation of him, for no reason other than he was investigating some of these things, is not a scandal?

- Collecting e-mails and other personal information from all AP reporters is not a scandal?

- Collecting phone et al information from millions of Americans is not a scandal?

- Federal investigation/continued persecution of one citizen declared not guilty by a jury of his peers when hundreds/thousands of racially motivated henious crimes go unmentioned at the federal level is not a scandal?

- The fact that every single time the President has declared he knew nothing of federal misconduct and found out about it the same way we did--in the media--is not a scandal?

What do you think? Billions of the people's money, our privacy, our civil liberties are at stake in all of these things. Are these phony scandals? Are they worthy of media and citizen attention? How out of the loops should a President be allowed to be before that in itself becomes a scandal?

What's fake is all the manufactured bullshit the faux conservative rubes pile on top of the kernel of a scandal.

For instance, the IRS scandal. The faux Right took that and made it phony by adding a personal order from Obama. No evidence. Just made it up. See how that works?

The tragedy in Benghazi. Holy shit, so much manufactured bullshit was piled on top of that one you can't even see the dead bodies any more.


When you lie, you destroy any credibility you have on the issue. I don't know how many more lies the faux Right piss pourers must tell, and how much more parroting of those lies the rubes must do, before they finally, finally, finally, finally figure that out.

It is because the faux Right is so intellectually challenged these days they can't make a cogent argument against the REAL problems Obama is creating. So they just build huge strawmen and outright lies, and then high five each other for beating up their own inventions.

Meanwhile, Obama sails merrily along completely unmolested! So yes. Fake scandals. Damn straight. You assholes lied your way to irrelevance. Obama has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people even more retarded than he is.

Good job!

You are a liar kid....and as of last week the buck is stopping at the WH Consels door....I think it is cute how you idiots must defend our creepy assed cracka Prez at all costs.
No time or inclination to watch a bunch of videos...what material is the white house holding back?

Here is part of the transcript from the Sep 16, 2012 interview with the President of Libya conducted by Bob Shieffer.....

The same day that the scrunt, Susan Rice went on five Sunday Morning talk show to lie about what really happened over there.

"Face the Nation" transcripts, September 16, 2012: Libyan Pres. Magariaf, Amb. Rice and Sen. McCain - CBS News

BOB SCHIEFFER: Was this a long-planned attack, as far as you know? Or what-- what do you know about that?

MOHAMED YOUSEF EL-MAGARIAF: The way these perpetrators acted and moved, I think we-- and they're choosing the specific date for this so-called demonstration, I think we have no-- this leaves us with no doubt that this has preplanned, determined-- predetermined.

You gotta be special kind obama knob slurper to not understand that this was a cover-up.

And that the cover up started the very minute the White House got news of the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi.

Nixon faced impeachment for far less than this.

The motivations of the protestors (sp?) are scandalous?

You guys need to grow a pair.

Anyone who has Vagina Fluke as their avatar isn't all there..:cuckoo: You're excused from the grown up table.
The results of the poll for this thread seems to tell a story of the ratio of Conservatives to Liberals on the US Message Board:

26 say the Republican scandals are 'not phony'

6 say the scandals are 'phony'

Ever wonder who is doing all the whining to the Moderators about 'trolls'?

....Or why the filthy language and ad hominems by some is tolerated?

Republican scandals? Really? Just how did a republican incompleteness create or coverup anything here? Are you under the impression that the IRS doesn't work under a democratic administration and works for the republicans too do what?

Please spare me, these scandals are 100% on the shoulders of democrats.

Just to refresh your memories ...............

The results of the poll for this thread seems to tell a story of the ratio of Conservatives to Liberals on the US Message Board:

26 say the Republican scandals are 'not phony'

6 say the scandals are 'phony'

Ever wonder who is doing all the whining to the Moderators about 'trolls'?

....Or why the filthy language and ad hominems by some is tolerated?


Seriously, I asked the same questions when I first got here. Take my advice: give it up. This board is exactly as the owners want it. Take it or leave it as it is.
You might want to come back when you pull your head out of your partisan ass.

I'm fine here...that you can't pin point the "requested materials" or at least haven't to this point is are probably looking for it in your ass.

It is inconceivable that a titan of political thought like yourself is so far out of the loop. I'm guessing you've been in a coma or something.

New subpoena issued for State Department documents in House probe of Benghazi attacks | Na...

New subpoena issued for State Department documents in House probe of Benghazi attacks

Posted Wednesday, Jul. 17, 2013

The Republican lawmaker leading a congressional probe into the 2012 terrorist attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, on Tuesday subpoenaed documents from 10 current and former State Department officials related to the preparation of discredited talking points on the genesis of the assault.
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, gave Secretary of State John Kerry until June 7 to comply with “a legal requirement” to produce the “documents and communications.”
In a letter to Kerry, Issa wrote that he issued the subpoena because of the State Department’s “continuing refusal” to respond to “multiple requests” for the documents from Issa and other House of Representatives panels investigating the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attacks.
“The State Department has not lived up to the administration’s broad and unambiguous promises of cooperation with Congress,” Issa said in his letter to Kerry.
In response to the subpoena, State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said in an email that the department “remains committed to working cooperatively with Congress” but that it will have to “take stock of any new or outstanding requests for information” before determining “the appropriate next steps.”.........

..........The administration released 100 pages of documents on May 15 showing that the talking points on the protest were composed by the CIA and survived multiple revisions as the White House, the State Department and other agencies weighed in. But they also showed that the final version, edited by Deputy CIA Director Mike Morell, met State Department objections by eliminating references to growing threats from al Qaida-linked extremists in Libya, and a CIA notification to the U.S. Embassy in Cairo warning of a call for demonstrations over the video.
In his letter, Issa said that the State Department responded to the requests for the documents he subpoenaed on Tuesday by sending to his committee the same 100 pages released by the White House.
“The documents the White House released . . . did not answer outstanding questions about who at the State Department, other than spokesperson Victoria Nuland, expressed reservations about certain aspects of the talking points,” Issa wrote.........

those documents also were missing 67 hours from the time of their notification of the attack.
Here is part of the transcript from the Sep 16, 2012 interview with the President of Libya conducted by Bob Shieffer.....

The same day that the scrunt, Susan Rice went on five Sunday Morning talk show to lie about what really happened over there.

"Face the Nation" transcripts, September 16, 2012: Libyan Pres. Magariaf, Amb. Rice and Sen. McCain - CBS News

You gotta be special kind obama knob slurper to not understand that this was a cover-up.

And that the cover up started the very minute the White House got news of the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi.

Nixon faced impeachment for far less than this.

The motivations of the protestors (sp?) are scandalous?

You guys need to grow a pair.

Anyone who has Vagina Fluke as their avatar isn't all there..:cuckoo: You're excused from the grown up table.

The avatar is designed to intimidate; it's working.
The avatar is designed to intimidate; it's working.

How is the picture of a mindless demagogue supposed to intimidate people?

She represents the turbulent future that is in store for the GOP as we know it. A woman who thinks for herself, is immune to intimidation, and speaks out on a topic and makes far more sense than her opponents.

And she has influence.

Again, it's not her; it's the thought of her that instills fear in the GOP. In truth, the avatar could be anyone of dozens of women, Emily Bazelon, Allison Benedikt, Amanda Marcotte, etc... Fluke has the added aura of being singled out by the leader of the GOP for special scrutiny; sort of like the way Anne Frank was stalked...

"Mindless Demagogue" is a perfect example. You could have said that you disagree with her but you didn't; it had to be a personal attack. If anything, she's not mindless. Single-minded perhaps but not mindless.

Demagogue. Well, you're right about that but her words are effective and they resonate; Obama won the female vote by a comfortable margin nearly across every demographic.
The avatar is designed to intimidate; it's working.

How is the picture of a mindless demagogue supposed to intimidate people?

She represents the turbulent future that is in store for the GOP as we know it. A woman who thinks for herself, is immune to intimidation, and speaks out on a topic and makes far more sense than her opponents.
And she has influence.

Again, it's not her; it's the thought of her that instills fear in the GOP. In truth, the avatar could be anyone of dozens of women, Emily Bazelon, Allison Benedikt, Amanda Marcotte, etc... Fluke has the added aura of being singled out by the leader of the GOP for special scrutiny; sort of like the way Anne Frank was stalked...

"Mindless Demagogue" is a perfect example. You could have said that you disagree with her but you didn't; it had to be a personal attack. If anything, she's not mindless. Single-minded perhaps but not mindless.

Demagogue. Well, you're right about that but her words are effective and they resonate; Obama won the female vote by a comfortable margin nearly across every demographic.

I know many women who exhibit those characteristics you seem to think are a new event for women. They just choose meaningful topics and do much more than just "speak out" about them. What you choose as a representative for all women is a whiny, entitled, liberal/progressive, talking-point-spewing lemming. All she's know for is shooting off her fellating pie-hole because she couldn't get free condoms so she could screw herself senseless while she should have been studying at college.
She represents the turbulent future that is in store for the GOP as we know it. A woman who thinks for herself, is immune to intimidation, and speaks out on a topic and makes far more sense than her opponents.

Fluke doesn't think for herself anymore than you do. She takes her marching orders from the party bosses.

And she has influence.


Right sparky,,,

Again, it's not her; it's the thought of her that instills fear in the GOP. In truth, the avatar could be anyone of dozens of women, Emily Bazelon, Allison Benedikt, Amanda Marcotte, etc... Fluke has the added aura of being singled out by the leader of the GOP for special scrutiny; sort of like the way Anne Frank was stalked...

"Mindless Demagogue" is a perfect example. You could have said that you disagree with her but you didn't; it had to be a personal attack. If anything, she's not mindless. Single-minded perhaps but not mindless.

Demagogue. Well, you're right about that but her words are effective and they resonate; Obama won the female vote by a comfortable margin nearly across every demographic.

Fluke is a two bit partisan hack - another Gloria Allred.

She does represent todays democrats well - all slander - zero substance.
Okay okay. Maybe the Sandra Fluke thing is being sufficiently dissected over on the Limbaugh/Cumulus thread.

Let's drag the train back on the tracks here and focus on the thread topic which is current scandals involving those in the government we entrust to perform certain functions, to be honorable in its activities and decision making proceses, and to exercise good stewardship of the people's money.

I threw up a litle typing that, but essentially is that not what honorable people want from their govrnment?

Remember, for instance, when Fearless Leader got in front of the microphones and cameras and condemned the IRS misbehavior. Not acceptable he said and there would be a full investigation and no more of that. The head guy, scheduled to leave in two weeks anyway, was asked to voluntarily step down early. His subordinate in charge of the offending activities was put on administrative leave with full pay and benefits.

Now, more than two months later, she remains on administrative leave with full pay and benefits though taking the Fifth in a 'non scandal?' Some punishment huh?

So what happened Fearless Leader? Why aren't you demanding that everybody come clean? Why haven't you released millions of requested documents to the investigating committees?

How did we morph from your "angry unacceptable and this will not be tolerated" to 'phony scandal'?
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So is the IRS scandal a 'phony scandal'? If not, why is the President not ordering the IRS to release the requested documents and put it to rest? Why is he not urging Congress tp give whatever immunity she needs to get Lois Lerner to testify? Why is not questioning why the few documents that HAVE been released to investigating committees are so heavily redacted--page after page blacked out--so that they are essentially useless?
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