Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
Is that true folks? Have people lost interest?

I noted this morning that President Obama's approval rating has fallen below 50% for some days now--long enough for it to be a valid observation and not just statistical noise--and his disapproval rating is creeping above his approval rating.

And at least some pundits are attributing that to the scandals that just keep coming. Doesn't look like everybody has lost interest.

His rating has been at about 47% for months now.

The wiretapping are the real issues here. The rest is a bunch of whining from retards.
His rating has been at about 47% for months now.

The wiretapping are the real issues here. The rest is a bunch of whining from retards.

Yeah, using the IRS to go after political enemies is no big deal - as long as the enemies are Republicans.... :eusa_eh:

I weep for them being profiled...I do...all the while they profile the shit out of illegals and muslims....shut the fuck up.
Phony scandals?

By one pundit's account, since his first inauguration, President Obama is on his 17th speech making tour focusing on job creation. This time the catch phrase he uses again and again, and is being picked up by surrogate talking heads, is that the Republicans try to block efforts to create jobs with distractions such as, among other things, 'phony scandals.'


- The fact that the families of those killed and wounded in Benghazi still can't get straight answers from the administration, and witnesses are ordered into silence is a 'phony scandal'?

- GSA employees spending millions of tax payer dollars having a high old time and making videos of themselves is not a scandal? Ditto federal employees in other agencies?

- IRS blocking hundreds of applications of conservative groups and almost no applications of liberal groups in the years prior to the 2010 and 2012 elections is not a scandal?

- Labeling a news reporters as a possible felon to justify a personal investigation of him, for no reason other than he was investigating some of these things, is not a scandal?

- Collecting e-mails and other personal information from all AP reporters is not a scandal?

- Collecting phone et al information from millions of Americans is not a scandal?

- Federal investigation/continued persecution of one citizen declared not guilty by a jury of his peers when hundreds/thousands of racially motivated henious crimes go unmentioned at the federal level is not a scandal?

- The fact that every single time the President has declared he knew nothing of federal misconduct and found out about it the same way we did--in the media--is not a scandal?

What do you think? Billions of the people's money, our privacy, our civil liberties are at stake in all of these things. Are these phony scandals? Are they worthy of media and citizen attention? How out of the loops should a President be allowed to be before that in itself becomes a scandal?

What's fake is all the manufactured bullshit the faux conservative rubes pile on top of the kernel of a scandal.

For instance, the IRS scandal. The faux Right took that and made it phony by adding a personal order from Obama. No evidence. Just made it up. See how that works?

The tragedy in Benghazi. Holy shit, so much manufactured bullshit was piled on top of that one you can't even see the dead bodies any more.


When you lie, you destroy any credibility you have on the issue. I don't know how many more lies the faux Right piss pourers must tell, and how much more parroting of those lies the rubes must do, before they finally, finally, finally, finally figure that out.

It is because the faux Right is so intellectually challenged these days they can't make a cogent argument against the REAL problems Obama is creating. So they just build huge strawmen and outright lies, and then high five each other for beating up their own inventions.

Meanwhile, Obama sails merrily along completely unmolested! So yes. Fake scandals. Damn straight. You assholes lied your way to irrelevance. Obama has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people even more retarded than he is.

Good job!

Phony IRS scandal really,

Top IRS Officials Met at White House One Day Before New Targeting Guidelines Were Issued - Katie Pavlich
I'm hoping Frontpage Magazine will be our Woodward & Bernstein on the IRS scandal. They have been doing some outstanding journalism so far ignored by ABC, CBS, NBC, and mostly CNN. But then too Watergate was pretty much a one-day-story to all the networks and would have remained a non story if Woodward & Bernstein hadn't kept digging. And the networks and major newspapers no longer have the ability to deep six these stories that go against the poliically correct sanitized versions.

I recommend everybody read the entire article. Some very provocative stuff there that Jay Carney and other talking heads will have a very hard time explaining away:


. . . .Michael Seto, head of Hull’s IRS unit, told investigators that Lerner made the “unusual” decision to subject Tea Party applications to a multi-layered review.

Hull testified that no one specifically told him to hold up tea party applications, but contended that a multi-layer review of such applications was ”unusual.” He also confirmed that in another meeting with the Office, he was informed the applications were no longer under his control, and would again be forwarded for “further review.” Hull characterized that move as “rare.”

Yet the most damning part of Hull’s testimony was about a directive from Lois Lerner’s senior advisor, whose name was withheld in the partially released transcript of the hearings. Hull said the advisor told him the applications would require further review and that “it should go to the chief counsel.”

When Hull was asked if he meant the IRS chief counsel, he answered in the affirmative. “The IRS Chief Counsel,” he replied. . . .

*****************and this******************

What is the likelihood that liberal groups received equal scrutiny? Townhall’s Guy Benson makes a solid point in that regard. “If, as Democrats suggest, the targeting impacted both sides and this is all a big non-scandal, where is the ‘progressive-assigned’ version of Elizabeth Hofacre?” he asks. “That is to say, where is the IRS employee tasked with screening dozens of targeted liberal organizations whose superiors wouldn’t permit any resolutions for months (and ultimately years) on end? If such an employee exists, don’t you think we’d have heard about him or her by now?”

Perhaps more remarkable is the reality that most Americans haven’t heard anything about Hull’s stunning revelation, or much about any of the other testimony in this case. Not a single report about Hull’s revelation was broadcast by ABC, CBS, or NBC. Furthermore, the networks’ initially strong interest in the scandal has steadily declined. That decline has continued, even in the face of four damning revelations in the last month alone, every one of which indicate an agency that is corrupt and out of control. These include the IRS’s attempt to dole out $70 million in bonuses to IRS employees during the sequester; their fraudulent awarding of a multi-million dollar contract to an IT company whose owner has a “longstanding relationship” with IRS deputy director Gregory Roseman; rampant abuse of IRS-issued credit cards by agency employees; and the improper scrutiny by government officials of confidential tax records of several political candidates and campaign donors — improper scrutiny the Obama Justice Department refuses to prosecute.

Hull’s testimony has taken this scandal to another level. Despite every attempt by the usual suspects in the Democratic Party, along with their media enablers, to kill this story, Hull has pushed it to the highest levels within the IRS — and one step removed from the White House itself. At this rate, it is only a matter of time before the scandal goes even higher
IRS Scandal: One Step Removed From the White House | FrontPage Magazine

Also included in this same article is the point that the IRS commissioner and the IRS chief counsel are both presidental appointees approved by the Senate. And as such both have the President's ear.

And while that persistent story that the IRS commissioner met with the President 157 times is pure baloney, it is inconceivable that the Commissioner or the Chief Counsel would have awakened one morning and decided, hey, let's target conservative groups, out of the clear blue or that neither would have known about it. And therefore it stretches credibility that the President and/or his advisors found out about it in the NY Times or whatever like everybody else.
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Is that true folks? Have people lost interest?

I noted this morning that President Obama's approval rating has fallen below 50% for some days now--long enough for it to be a valid observation and not just statistical noise--and his disapproval rating is creeping above his approval rating.

And at least some pundits are attributing that to the scandals that just keep coming. Doesn't look like everybody has lost interest.

His rating has been at about 47% for months now.

The wiretapping are the real issues here. The rest is a bunch of whining from retards.

get with the news! He's down to 45.4% now. :eusa_whistle:
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
His rating has been at about 47% for months now.

The wiretapping are the real issues here. The rest is a bunch of whining from retards.

Yeah, using the IRS to go after political enemies is no big deal - as long as the enemies are Republicans.... :eusa_eh:

I weep for them being profiled...I do...all the while they profile the shit out of illegals and muslims....shut the fuck up.

Yessssss........because people breaking the law or who want to kill the infidel are sooooo misunderstood and under appreciated. Dumbass.
Yeah, using the IRS to go after political enemies is no big deal - as long as the enemies are Republicans.... :eusa_eh:

I weep for them being profiled...I do...all the while they profile the shit out of illegals and muslims....shut the fuck up.

Yessssss........because people breaking the law or who want to kill the infidel are sooooo misunderstood and under appreciated. Dumbass.

da mooslim wants to kill us

no profiling going on here, folkkks.
I weep for them being profiled...I do...all the while they profile the shit out of illegals and muslims....shut the fuck up.

Yessssss........because people breaking the law or who want to kill the infidel are sooooo misunderstood and under appreciated. Dumbass.

da mooslim wants to kill us

no profiling going on here, folkkks.

Yes, when 98 or so percent of all terrorist attacks and attempts at terrorist attacks in the last two decades have been committed by Muslim extremists, there is absolutely no reason to think we need to pay more attention to Muslim extremists than we do to other groups, right? We need to be looking just as closely at red headed Irish Presbyterians and accordian playes and don't forget those violent soccer moms.

We don't want to be poliically incorrect.

Just as when we don't want to be politically incorrect and note that the current administration is embroiled in scandal after scandal after scandal and is calling all of them 'phony', it makes perfectly good sense to divert the attention to politically incorrect profiling and let's talk about that and not about scandals.

At least until we can find something new to put George Zimmerman back on the front page or Rush Limbaugh commits another juicy faux pas.
I weep for them being profiled...I do...all the while they profile the shit out of illegals and muslims....shut the fuck up.

Yessssss........because people breaking the law or who want to kill the infidel are sooooo misunderstood and under appreciated. Dumbass.

da mooslim wants to kill us

no profiling going on here, folkkks.

You're absolutely right. We should be looking to the Amish, the Swedish Saint Pauli Girls, as well as the Hare Krishna (always thought they were a bit suspicious) as the real threats against the United States. What on earth were we thinking in looking to the Muslim Arabs as a hostile threat? Thanks for the tip.
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Yessssss........because people breaking the law or who want to kill the infidel are sooooo misunderstood and under appreciated. Dumbass.

da mooslim wants to kill us

no profiling going on here, folkkks.

You're absolutely right. We should be looking to the Amish, the Swedish Saint Pauli Girls, as well as the Hare Krishnas (always thought they were a bit suspicious) as the real threats against the United States. What on earth were we thinking in looking to the Muslim Arabs as a hostile threat? Thanks for the tip.

you are welcome.
Yessssss........because people breaking the law or who want to kill the infidel are sooooo misunderstood and under appreciated. Dumbass.

da mooslim wants to kill us

no profiling going on here, folkkks.

You're absolutely right. We should be looking to the Amish, the Swedish Saint Pauli Girls, as well as the Hare Krishnas (always thought they were a bit suspicious) as the real threats against the United States. What on earth were we thinking in looking to the Muslim Arabs as a hostile threat? Thanks for the tip.

The biggest terrorist threat in the U.S. are Girl Scouts and Pixies. Every year they torment the nation with tempting, delicious, EVUL cookies to lure us into their diabolical plot to destroy the morale of Western Civilization.
da mooslim wants to kill us

no profiling going on here, folkkks.

You're absolutely right. We should be looking to the Amish, the Swedish Saint Pauli Girls, as well as the Hare Krishnas (always thought they were a bit suspicious) as the real threats against the United States. What on earth were we thinking in looking to the Muslim Arabs as a hostile threat? Thanks for the tip.

The biggest terrorist threat in the U.S. are Girl Scouts and Pixies. Every year they torment the nation with tempting, delicious, EVUL cookies to lure us into their diabolical plot to destroy the morale of Western Civilization.

That's if our government has enough time after their surveillance of those funny characters in the red suits with their hand ringers asking for donations, it's a rather lucrative front. And those kettles??? Hmmmm, looks rather suspicious to me.
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The biggest terrorist threat in the U.S. are Girl Scouts and Pixies. Every year they torment the nation with tempting, delicious, EVUL cookies to lure us into their diabolical plot to destroy the morale of Western Civilization.


I thought they were "Brownies?"

Did this somehow get PC'd?

All three of my girls were proud Brownies. Two went on to be Girl Scouts.
Well kudos for the girlsscouts and all scouting operations. However the Girl Scouts of America probably didn't get much if any scrutiny because they tend to be pretty politically correct. The Boy Scouts are the ones who have been under siege for some blatant positions that were unpolitcally correct.

Which is the whole problem when it comes to government oversight of not-for-profit status. If we believe in freedom of choice, speech, and conviction, a group's ideology should not be a factor. The ONLY factors that should be considered are 1) Are they a not-for-profit group with sufficient record keeping to verify that, and 2) Are they performing the service they are organized to do?

According to the testimony before Congress, the IRS is probing into much much more than that and taking more than 2 years to do it for each application.

Unable to shake the witnesses, the Democrats have been scrambling to show that progressive groups were held up too; i.e. there was no political motivation to the hold ups. They seem to be having a tough time finding those progressive groups to use as a buffer though. One or two progressive groups against hundreds of conservative groups, when an equal number of each applied for status, just isn't very convincing.
It is inconceivable that a titan of political thought like yourself is so far out of the loop. I'm guessing you've been in a coma or something.

New subpoena issued for State Department documents in House probe of Benghazi attacks | Na...

New subpoena issued for State Department documents in House probe of Benghazi attacks

Posted Wednesday, Jul. 17, 2013

The Republican lawmaker leading a congressional probe into the 2012 terrorist attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, on Tuesday subpoenaed documents from 10 current and former State Department officials related to the preparation of discredited talking points on the genesis of the assault.
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, gave Secretary of State John Kerry until June 7 to comply with “a legal requirement” to produce the “documents and communications.”
In a letter to Kerry, Issa wrote that he issued the subpoena because of the State Department’s “continuing refusal” to respond to “multiple requests” for the documents from Issa and other House of Representatives panels investigating the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attacks.
“The State Department has not lived up to the administration’s broad and unambiguous promises of cooperation with Congress,” Issa said in his letter to Kerry.
In response to the subpoena, State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said in an email that the department “remains committed to working cooperatively with Congress” but that it will have to “take stock of any new or outstanding requests for information” before determining “the appropriate next steps.”.........

..........The administration released 100 pages of documents on May 15 showing that the talking points on the protest were composed by the CIA and survived multiple revisions as the White House, the State Department and other agencies weighed in. But they also showed that the final version, edited by Deputy CIA Director Mike Morell, met State Department objections by eliminating references to growing threats from al Qaida-linked extremists in Libya, and a CIA notification to the U.S. Embassy in Cairo warning of a call for demonstrations over the video.
In his letter, Issa said that the State Department responded to the requests for the documents he subpoenaed on Tuesday by sending to his committee the same 100 pages released by the White House.
“The documents the White House released . . . did not answer outstanding questions about who at the State Department, other than spokesperson Victoria Nuland, expressed reservations about certain aspects of the talking points,” Issa wrote.........

So the documents released were not the documents requested?

A little slow on the uptake are ya?

Just wanting to know what documents they far they're just "documents".

Tick tock.
Yeah, using the IRS to go after political enemies is no big deal - as long as the enemies are Republicans.... :eusa_eh:

I weep for them being profiled...I do...all the while they profile the shit out of illegals and muslims....shut the fuck up.

Yessssss........because people breaking the law or who want to kill the infidel are sooooo misunderstood and under appreciated. Dumbass.

awe.....see here come the excuses.
Yessssss........because people breaking the law or who want to kill the infidel are sooooo misunderstood and under appreciated. Dumbass.

da mooslim wants to kill us

no profiling going on here, folkkks.

You're absolutely right. We should be looking to the Amish, the Swedish Saint Pauli Girls, as well as the Hare Krishna (always thought they were a bit suspicious) as the real threats against the United States. What on earth were we thinking in looking to the Muslim Arabs as a hostile threat? Thanks for the tip.

Muslims can look white you know, or black or in-between. Then again i have no issue with profiling, i just find it humorous people who profile are crying about being profiled.

See no scandal you stupid fucks.
da mooslim wants to kill us

no profiling going on here, folkkks.

You're absolutely right. We should be looking to the Amish, the Swedish Saint Pauli Girls, as well as the Hare Krishna (always thought they were a bit suspicious) as the real threats against the United States. What on earth were we thinking in looking to the Muslim Arabs as a hostile threat? Thanks for the tip.

Muslims can look white you know, or black or in-between. Then again i have no issue with profiling, i just find it humorous people who profile are crying about being profiled.

See no scandal you stupid fucks.

The difference is, there are no connections to these conservative groups doing anything illegal.

Speaking of scandals. Why did Eric Holder go easy on those Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia when Obama was running for President? I guess who you know really DOES matter.

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