Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
You're absolutely right. We should be looking to the Amish, the Swedish Saint Pauli Girls, as well as the Hare Krishna (always thought they were a bit suspicious) as the real threats against the United States. What on earth were we thinking in looking to the Muslim Arabs as a hostile threat? Thanks for the tip.

Muslims can look white you know, or black or in-between. Then again i have no issue with profiling, i just find it humorous people who profile are crying about being profiled.

See no scandal you stupid fucks.

The difference is, there are no connections to these conservative groups doing anything illegal.

Speaking of scandals. Why did Eric Holder go easy on those Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia when Obama was running for President? I guess who you know really DOES matter.

uh huh, just because you say they weren't doesn't mean they shouldn't be looked at.
Again i weep....
You're absolutely right. We should be looking to the Amish, the Swedish Saint Pauli Girls, as well as the Hare Krishna (always thought they were a bit suspicious) as the real threats against the United States. What on earth were we thinking in looking to the Muslim Arabs as a hostile threat? Thanks for the tip.

Muslims can look white you know, or black or in-between. Then again i have no issue with profiling, i just find it humorous people who profile are crying about being profiled.

See no scandal you stupid fucks.

The difference is, there are no connections to these conservative groups doing anything illegal.

Speaking of scandals. Why did Eric Holder go easy on those Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia when Obama was running for President? I guess who you know really DOES matter.

Which is another scandal that should have been added to the list. Do you think the administration would have shrugged off ANY tough militant looking white person or persons who were obviously there to intimidate people coming to vote? Or who claimed to be there to prevent anybody from being intimidated from voting?
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Muslims can look white you know, or black or in-between. Then again i have no issue with profiling, i just find it humorous people who profile are crying about being profiled.

See no scandal you stupid fucks.

The difference is, there are no connections to these conservative groups doing anything illegal.

Speaking of scandals. Why did Eric Holder go easy on those Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia when Obama was running for President? I guess who you know really DOES matter.

Which is another scandal that should have been added to the list. Do you think the administration would have shrugged off ANY white person or persons who were obviously there to intimidate people coming to vote?

You can bet that would be the only time you'd hear Reverend Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton speak about racism.
Muslims can look white you know, or black or in-between. Then again i have no issue with profiling, i just find it humorous people who profile are crying about being profiled.

See no scandal you stupid fucks.

The difference is, there are no connections to these conservative groups doing anything illegal.

Speaking of scandals. Why did Eric Holder go easy on those Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia when Obama was running for President? I guess who you know really DOES matter.

Which is another scandal that should have been added to the list. Do you think the administration would have shrugged off ANY tough militant looking white person or persons who were obviously there to intimidate people coming to vote? Or who claimed to be there to prevent anybody from being intimidated from voting?

add Obama's own non-profit which received its status within 3 weeks, OFA, and his brother's non-profit that got his approval within 34 days.
I weep for them being profiled...I do...all the while they profile the shit out of illegals and muslims....shut the fuck up.

Yessssss........because people breaking the law or who want to kill the infidel are sooooo misunderstood and under appreciated. Dumbass.

awe.....see here come the excuses.

Excuses? If a muslim says they want to kill me, you can be damn sure I'll have my eyes peeled for muslims instead of elderly white haired women from Ohio. You can piss you pants, wring your hands, clutch your pearls and call it profiling, but it's called common sense. Honestly, I don't know how liberal sheeple have managed to survive as long as they have unless it's because they multiply at too fast of a rate to die out.
Many people still ask just how Obama was reelected. The answer lies in this thread. Liberals believe that their politicians are above the law. There is nothing that they can do that should be classified illegal, immoral, or incompetent. This is Slick Willie Clinton's legacy. Liberals are above the law. Close to 50% of all Americans are informed of the issues, and can make knowledgeable decisions. Unfortunately there are a little over 50% of Americans who remain intentionally ill informed, and make very bad voting decisions. 4 Americans died in Benghazi. The Obama administration has threatened the Benghazi survivors to keep them from testifying. That is fact. The State Dept under Hillary Clinton issued repeated orders to stand down stopping all requested rescue efforts. That is fact. The IRS target conservative groups, and kept their message out of the last election. That is fact. Since the 2012 election Liberals in NY, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Illinois have been convicted of voter fraud, and sent to jail. That is fact. Our border agents are being murdered by guns supplied to the drug cartel by the justice dept's operation fast and furious. That is fact. The NSA target millions of Americans by monitoring e-mails, and data mining. That is fact. All of us know that this list of scandals could go on and on. So I'll cut it off here. We should all get the point. The Obama administration is doing a good job. That is false. Obama, didn't know anything about the scandals, and is uninvolved. That is false. Obama is fond of saying that elections have consequences. That is true.
kwc57, you said that "I don't know how liberal sheeple have managed to survive as long as they have unless it's because they multiply at too fast of a rate to die out." Here is my take on that issue. Liberals can't survive without having conservatives to support them economically, and to fight for them in order to defend their freedom. Conservatives on the the other hand can get along very nicely with out liberals.
His rating has been at about 47% for months now.

The wiretapping are the real issues here. The rest is a bunch of whining from retards.

Yeah, using the IRS to go after political enemies is no big deal - as long as the enemies are Republicans.... :eusa_eh:

I weep for them being profiled...I do...all the while they profile the shit out of illegals and muslims....shut the fuck up.

Straw man argument.

I would suggest you go into your local grocery store and go to the produce department and see the difference between an apple and an orange. Political profiling is not the same as racial profiling.

I have no problem profiling illegals, if we had from the start we would have had a lot less to talk about today.

You will have to tell us what Muslims were profiled in the US? When and where, and I don't mean some isolated case.

We do know that blacks have been profiled for years and there is no excuse for that what so ever.

Now back to political profiling......

That box is a lot more than a lot of blacks have gotten from Obama.
The difference is, there are no connections to these conservative groups doing anything illegal.

Speaking of scandals. Why did Eric Holder go easy on those Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia when Obama was running for President? I guess who you know really DOES matter.

Easy answer, the black panthers in Philly were auditioning to be Obama New security detail.
Another scandal that won't go away if Fox News, Breitbart, and a few other brave news groups don't get fatigue from doggedly sticking with it--just as Frontpage is doggedly hanging in there on the IRS story. . . .

But Benghazi is getting stranger and stranger. Has anybody ever seen a single name of the some 30 people who were injured that night? Some apparently still in the hospital? A single interview by any of them? Doesn't that strike anybody as remarkable? And now it appears the Administration is going to extreme lengths to ensure that NONE of them talk to anybody. There is one rumor going around that the government is moving and hiding some under new names - a witness protection program?


Fox News has learned that at least five CIA employees were forced to sign additional nondisclosure agreements this past spring in the wake of the Benghazi attack. These employees had already signed such agreements before the attack but were made to sign new agreements aimed at discouraging survivors from leaking their stories to the media or anyone else.

CNN has also reported that dozens of people working for the CIA were in Benghazi on the night of the attack, and that employees are being intimidated into staying silent.

The details have fueled concerns by lawmakers that, while the government is spending much energy on keeping Benghazi personnel quiet, not enough progress has been made in tracking down those actually responsible for the strike.

Read more: Benghazi witnesses forced into silence? New concerns over terror attack aftermath | Fox News

It matters to GOP representatives Frank Wolf of Virginia and Jim Gerlach of Pennsylvania, who have written to new Secretary of State John Kerry asking him for the names and contact information for each of the individuals who survived Benghazi.

According to Rep. Wolf, citing two confidential sources, "as many as seven Americans have been or are currently being treated," at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, D.C., less than 11 miles from the U.S. Capitol.

As we've noted, in a March 1 letter to Kerry, the two Republicans said they'd been informed that "as many as 30" Americans — including State Department and CIA officers and government contractors — were injured in the attack, including seven reportedly treated at Walter Reed Hospital.

They demanded the names and contact information for each survivor "so that we can make appropriate arrangements" to talk to them and get their unfiltered story.

So far, the FBI has had a single three-hour interview with a single "person of interest" in Libya, and that's after the New York Times got to him first. No one has been arrested, detained or even targeted by administration drone

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Congressman Wants To Know Who, And Where, Are The 30 Benghazi Survivors -
Notice the vote on the OP is now 34-7, so I guess from the results that many people care and only a few Obama defectors want them to go away.

Says more about the ratio of tea baggers to Liberals on this message Board

That being said, the mainstream media has dropped the phony scandals, and even FOX NEWS is mostly ignoring them.

That leaves FOX Hate Radio carrying the water for the tea party ....

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CNN has also reported that dozens of people working for the CIA were in Benghazi on the night of the attack, and that employees are being intimidated into staying silent.

Looks like the footprint of the good General David Petreaus ... the saintly head of the CIA - and mythical 'surge' fanatic

Seems his sexual tryst was uncovered just a few days before the Consulate attack ... but he casts a long shadow over the Pentagon.

Notice the vote on the OP is now 34-7, so I guess from the results that many people care and only a few Obama defectors want them to go away.

I wonder if I will live long enough to return to the days when most of the mainstream media wasn't the cheering section and propaganda tool for a corrupt government?

When the supporters of that government didn't set the bar of honesty, integrity, and honor so low and excused it of all sins by pointing fingers at somebody else?

When most people were outraged at misconduct by the government no matter who was in charge?

Spiro Agnew, a bright, thoroughly lovable guy who gave us some of the best political quotes ever, was forced to resign as Vice President of the United States because of charges of bribery during his tenure as Governor of Maryland--he was never convicted and never went to jail, but it was enough to make him unacceptable for government.

Richard Nixon who had enjoyed one of the most effective presidencies ever was forced to resign as President of the United States not because he had anything to do with Watergate, but because of the appearance that he participated in a cover up of it. And most of his chief guys in his administration did go to jail because of it.

Gerald Ford, who also enjoyed a pretty effective presidency, was not re-elected only because he pardoned the disgraced Nixon and America resented that very much.

Have we held ANY President or elected leader to such standards since?
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kwc57, you said that "I don't know how liberal sheeple have managed to survive as long as they have unless it's because they multiply at too fast of a rate to die out." Here is my take on that issue. Liberals can't survive without having conservatives to support them economically, and to fight for them in order to defend their freedom. Conservatives on the the other hand can get along very nicely with out liberals.

Don't count on conservatives stepping up to the plate again.
Most Americans get their news from the mainstream media.

A good reason why the phony scandals died.

Most Americans get their news from the mainstream media.

A good reason why the phony scandals died.


From my previous post:

I wonder if I will live long enough to return to the days when most of the mainstream media wasn't the cheering section and propaganda tool for a corrupt government?

When the supporters of that government didn't set the bar of honesty, integrity, and honor so low and excused it of all sins by pointing fingers at somebody else?

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