Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
From my previous post:

I wonder if I will live long enough to return to the days when most of the mainstream media wasn't the cheering section and propaganda tool for a corrupt government?

When the supporters of that government didn't set the bar of honesty, integrity, and honor so low and excused it of all sins by pointing fingers at somebody else?

Pravda was a more legitimate source of news under Stalin than MSNBC or the New York Times are today.
From my previous post:

I wonder if I will live long enough to return to the days when most of the mainstream media wasn't the cheering section and propaganda tool for a corrupt government?

When the supporters of that government didn't set the bar of honesty, integrity, and honor so low and excused it of all sins by pointing fingers at somebody else?

Pravda was a more legitimate source of news under Stalin than MSNBC or the New York Times are today.

It is ironic that Pravda to this day sometimes reports more accurate assessments of the situations in the USA political and societal scenes than our own media is willing to report:

. . . .This is another reason why the adult Obama is so violent, both internationally and even domestically. As Obama oversees the increasing militarization of US society and the systematic dismantling of the social contract - the removal of centuries-old constitutional protections and the ongoing encroachments on human rights and civil liberties (including those which protected American citizens from arbitrary detention or execution by their own government), the dramatic expansion of poverty and homelessness, the spying on fellow Americans, the ongoing consolidation of predatory corporate governance - we are simply witnessing the logical outcome of the violence he suffered as a child. . . .

At a personal level, we must understand why Barack Obama is violent and support him to find the courage to travel the journey of emotional healing because, like all perpetrators of violence, he was terrorised and brutalised as a child. At a political level, those of us committed to ending human violence must nonviolently resist his killing and his exploitation. There is a better world for all of us but violence by anyone, for any purpose - even when referred to as 'punishment' - cannot bring it forth.
The destruction of Barack Obama - English
Muslims can look white you know, or black or in-between. Then again i have no issue with profiling, i just find it humorous people who profile are crying about being profiled.

See no scandal you stupid fucks.

The difference is, there are no connections to these conservative groups doing anything illegal.

Speaking of scandals. Why did Eric Holder go easy on those Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia when Obama was running for President? I guess who you know really DOES matter.

uh huh, just because you say they weren't doesn't mean they shouldn't be looked at.
Again i weep....

I'm quite sure you'd agree that such a stance imposed by the IRS, is all that's needed as an "acceptable" open door for an employer to look into the personal information surrounding the political leanings of their employees. Then when it comes time for cut backs of their business, layoff such individuals based upon their party affiliation. There is no harm in using personal information against an individual in much the same way as the IRS did, right?
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The difference is, there are no connections to these conservative groups doing anything illegal.

Speaking of scandals. Why did Eric Holder go easy on those Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia when Obama was running for President? I guess who you know really DOES matter.

uh huh, just because you say they weren't doesn't mean they shouldn't be looked at.
Again i weep....

I'm quite sure you'd agree that such a stance imposed by the IRS, is all that's needed as an "acceptable" open door for an employer to look into the personal information surrounding the political leanings of their employees. Then when it comes time for cut backs of their business, layoff such individuals based upon their party affiliation. There is no harm in using personal information against an individual in much the same way as the IRS did, right?

The important point is what we tolerate from our government. I see an American people more and more disconnected from HOW the government provides them the freebies and benefits and/or security they increasingly crave, just so long as they continue to get them. And as long as we continue to get them, we'll just look away when more sinister stuff is going on.

We are increasingly refusing to see what is happening--that Pravda piece up there may or may not be accurate in how we got to this point, but it was dead on balls accurate in where we are right now.

We are increasingly willing to just turn our head and pretend all is well with our government and those who lead us. Willing to excuse present behavior because somebody in the past suggested or did it too. If somebody ever robbed a bank and got away with it, then everybody should be able to do that without criticism, yes?

That kind of thinking scares me.
The important point is what we tolerate from our government. I see an American people more and more disconnected from HOW the government provides them the freebies and benefits and/or security they increasingly crave, just so long as they continue to get them. And as long as we continue to get them, we'll just look away when more sinister stuff is going on.

We are increasingly refusing to see what is happening--that Pravda piece up there may or may not be accurate in how we got to this point, but it was dead on balls accurate in where we are right now.

We are increasingly willing to just turn our head and pretend all is well with our government and those who lead us. Willing to excuse present behavior because somebody in the past suggested or did it too. If somebody ever robbed a bank and got away with it, then everybody should be able to do that without criticism, yes?

That kind of thinking scares me.

Sorry, can't rep you again yet.

Your post is worthy, to be sure - the system just won't let me.

"I wonder if I will live long enough to return to the days when FOX News wasn't the cheering section and propaganda tool for a failed, corrupt government?

You wish. Fox News is the one voice among all the mainstream media that is even reporting these scandals or staying with the stories. So whch of the media do you attack? Fox News of course. God forbid anybody else should be expected to do the job the free press should be doing.

I say kudos to Fox and to all the less mainstream media groups like Frontpage Magazine and Breitbart and others who are doggedly doing the digging necessary to get the truth.

Honorable people may not want to hear the truth any more than you do, but they are not willing to deny it, shrug it off, or pretend it doesn't matter.
The important point is what we tolerate from our government. I see an American people more and more disconnected from HOW the government provides them the freebies and benefits and/or security they increasingly crave, just so long as they continue to get them. And as long as we continue to get them, we'll just look away when more sinister stuff is going on.

We are increasingly refusing to see what is happening--that Pravda piece up there may or may not be accurate in how we got to this point, but it was dead on balls accurate in where we are right now.

We are increasingly willing to just turn our head and pretend all is well with our government and those who lead us. Willing to excuse present behavior because somebody in the past suggested or did it too. If somebody ever robbed a bank and got away with it, then everybody should be able to do that without criticism, yes?

That kind of thinking scares me.

Sorry, can't rep you again yet.

Your post is worthy, to be sure - the system just won't let me.

It is not only scary that it is happening, but it is scary that the American people have themselves become so weak and corrupt that they are so easily bought off. That in itself is a scandal.
uh huh, just because you say they weren't doesn't mean they shouldn't be looked at.
Again i weep....

I'm quite sure you'd agree that such a stance imposed by the IRS, is all that's needed as an "acceptable" open door for an employer to look into the personal information surrounding the political leanings of their employees. Then when it comes time for cut backs of their business, layoff such individuals based upon their party affiliation. There is no harm in using personal information against an individual in much the same way as the IRS did, right?

The important point is what we tolerate from our government. I see an American people more and more disconnected from HOW the government provides them the freebies and benefits and/or security they increasingly crave, just so long as they continue to get them. And as long as we continue to get them, we'll just look away when more sinister stuff is going on.

We are increasingly refusing to see what is happening--that Pravda piece up there may or may not be accurate in how we got to this point, but it was dead on balls accurate in where we are right now.

We are increasingly willing to just turn our head and pretend all is well with our government and those who lead us. Willing to excuse present behavior because somebody in the past suggested or did it too. If somebody ever robbed a bank and got away with it, then everybody should be able to do that without criticism, yes?

That kind of thinking scares me.

Human nature being what it is, no good will come of it.
I'm quite sure you'd agree that such a stance imposed by the IRS, is all that's needed as an "acceptable" open door for an employer to look into the personal information surrounding the political leanings of their employees. Then when it comes time for cut backs of their business, layoff such individuals based upon their party affiliation. There is no harm in using personal information against an individual in much the same way as the IRS did, right?

The important point is what we tolerate from our government. I see an American people more and more disconnected from HOW the government provides them the freebies and benefits and/or security they increasingly crave, just so long as they continue to get them. And as long as we continue to get them, we'll just look away when more sinister stuff is going on.

We are increasingly refusing to see what is happening--that Pravda piece up there may or may not be accurate in how we got to this point, but it was dead on balls accurate in where we are right now.

We are increasingly willing to just turn our head and pretend all is well with our government and those who lead us. Willing to excuse present behavior because somebody in the past suggested or did it too. If somebody ever robbed a bank and got away with it, then everybody should be able to do that without criticism, yes?

That kind of thinking scares me.

Human nature being what it is, no good will come of it.

I'm at the age where there isn't a huge chunk of my life left that they can take from me. But I care deeply about my kids and grandaughter and their generation they are growing up with and the even younger generation that I try to help mentor. And it is heart breaking to watch what is happening in their world.

The most tragic thing is that the government tactics are working and they are enfolding more and more people into their web. And by the time they realize what a terrible price they have paid for all their support and tolerance of a corrupt government, it will be too late.
And the tangled web gives up a few more secrets in the IRS scandal and, if the WSJ got this right yesterday, it goes all the way back to the original Obama campaign and now includes the FEC:

Congressional investigators this week released emails suggesting that staff at the Federal Election Commission have been engaged in their own conservative targeting, with help from the IRS's infamous Lois Lerner. This means more than just an expansion of the probe to the FEC. It's a new link to the Obama team.

In May this column noted that the targeting of conservatives started in 2008, when liberals began a coordinated campaign of siccing the federal government on political opponents. The Obama campaign helped pioneer this tactic.

In late summer of 2008, Obama lawyer Bob Bauer took issue with ads run against his boss by a 501(c)(4) conservative outfit called American Issues Project. Mr. Bauer filed a complaint with the FEC, called on the criminal division of the Justice Department to prosecute AIP, and demanded to see documents the group had filed with the IRS.

Thanks to Congress's newly released emails, we now know that FEC attorneys went to Ms. Lerner to pry out information about AIP—the organization the Obama campaign wanted targeted. An email from Feb. 3, 2009, shows an FEC attorney asking Ms. Lerner "whether the IRS had issued an exemption letter" to AIP, and requesting that she share "any information" on the group. Nine minutes after Ms. Lerner received this FEC email, she directed IRS attorneys to fulfill the request.

This matters because FEC staff didn't have permission from the Commission to conduct this inquiry. It matters because the IRS is prohibited from sharing confidential information, even with the FEC. What the IRS divulged is unclear. Congressional investigators are demanding to see all communications between the IRS and FEC since 2008, and given that Ms. Lerner came out of the FEC's office of the general counsel, that correspondence could prove illuminating.

It also matters because we now know FEC staff engaged in a multiyear effort to deliver to the Obama campaign its win against AIP. . . .
Kim Strassel: New Links Emerge in the IRS Scandal -

And Lois Lerner yet is drawing her full salary and all her lucrative benefits on administrative leave. But they can't fire her, can they. She knows where all the bodies are buried.

You Obama supporters--are you still convinced that we should move along? There is nothing to see here?
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The important point is what we tolerate from our government. I see an American people more and more disconnected from HOW the government provides them the freebies and benefits and/or security they increasingly crave, just so long as they continue to get them. And as long as we continue to get them, we'll just look away when more sinister stuff is going on.

We are increasingly refusing to see what is happening--that Pravda piece up there may or may not be accurate in how we got to this point, but it was dead on balls accurate in where we are right now.

We are increasingly willing to just turn our head and pretend all is well with our government and those who lead us. Willing to excuse present behavior because somebody in the past suggested or did it too. If somebody ever robbed a bank and got away with it, then everybody should be able to do that without criticism, yes?

That kind of thinking scares me.

Human nature being what it is, no good will come of it.

I'm at the age where there isn't a huge chunk of my life left that they can take from me. But I care deeply about my kids and grandaughter and their generation they are growing up with and the even younger generation that I try to help mentor. And it is heart breaking to watch what is happening in their world.

The most tragic thing is that the government tactics are working and they are enfolding more and more people into their web. And by the time they realize what a terrible price they have paid for all their support and tolerance of a corrupt government, it will be too late.

I only hope that my family returns to Alaska before the fecal matter contacts the rotary oscillator.
From NPR. Which is to the left of the CPUSA

NPR: Chart Shows Much Tougher Scrutiny On Conservative Groups Than On Progressive Groups

npr irs scandal chart

Via Reason:

That’s a chart compiled by NPR based on House Ways & Means Committee data about groups whose names put them on the IRS “be on the lookout” list while applying for tax-exempt status. Despite claims that all sorts of groups were targeted, this suggests that the Tea Party and “patriot” groups really took it on the chin. “The analysis is the closest so far to an objective numerical accounting of how the groups were treated by the IRS,” writes NPR, which also quotes Dems and Reps complaining about bias in the investigation.

Recall that back in May, President Obama – who has not been implicated in the scandal – called the IRS’ behavior “intolerable and inexcusable.” More recently – last week – he called it a “phony scandal.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
- The fact that the families of those killed and wounded in Benghazi still can't get straight answers from the administration, and witnesses are ordered into silence is a 'phony scandal'?

Without a honest investigation we will never know what happened. My opinion is that Stevens was working for the CIA in their gun running to Syria. That is why he wasn't protected as he should have been. The liberal response is so typical. The focus on the emails as if the Republicans created this whole incident using faked emails. It has nothing to do with what happened at Benghazi. It is impressive how the left can deflect and try and change the direction of the conversation.

- GSA employees spending millions of tax payer dollars having a high old time and making videos of themselves is not a scandal? Ditto federal employees in other agencies?

Not really a scandal related to Obama they have been putting it to us for quite some time.

- IRS blocking hundreds of applications of conservative groups and almost no applications of liberal groups in the years prior to the 2010 and 2012 elections is not a scandal?

This was disenfranchisement of the tea party without doubt. But it is what politicians have been doing since the start of the Republic.

- Labeling a news reporters as a possible felon to justify a personal investigation of him, for no reason other than he was investigating some of these things, is not a scandal?

Insufficient information.

- Collecting e-mails and other personal information from all AP reporters is not a scandal?

EMAILS are not private.

- Collecting phone et al information from millions of Americans is not a scandal?

If done illegally then yes this is criminal and needs investigated.

What I don't get is that whenever this type of discussion is started Obama's drone program is never mentioned. HE HAS A KILL LIST!!! It has been admitted to. HE HAS KILLED AMERICANS without due process it too has been admitted to. They killed a 16 year old boy and his friends and it was admitted to. Now the UN is finally looking into the program to investigate for war crimes. Expect a large movement of money to some country soon. There will be no explanation as to why, that is if anyone even knows about it happening. Then the UN investigation will stall and go no where.
From NPR. Which is to the left of the CPUSA

NPR: Chart Shows Much Tougher Scrutiny On Conservative Groups Than On Progressive Groups

npr irs scandal chart

Via Reason:

That’s a chart compiled by NPR based on House Ways & Means Committee data about groups whose names put them on the IRS “be on the lookout” list while applying for tax-exempt status. Despite claims that all sorts of groups were targeted, this suggests that the Tea Party and “patriot” groups really took it on the chin. “The analysis is the closest so far to an objective numerical accounting of how the groups were treated by the IRS,” writes NPR, which also quotes Dems and Reps complaining about bias in the investigation.

Recall that back in May, President Obama – who has not been implicated in the scandal – called the IRS’ behavior “intolerable and inexcusable.” More recently – last week – he called it a “phony scandal

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

No one accused the left of not being somewhat smart. There was investigation into just enough liberal groups so they could claim that they too were investigated. Never mind that NONE of them should have been investigated.
Our country is in a real mess. That in it's self is a real scandal. The current administration thumbs it's nose at Congress, the Constitution, and anyone who questions what they are doing and NOBODY will give a straight answer. The pot is boiling and pretty soon it is going to boil over with anger from the American public. The Democrats have ruined this country and the situation gets worse every day. There is a new scandal nearly every week. When does it end? The future looks pretty dismal. In all probability, Hillary Clinton will most likely be the next President unless she is brought to account for her actions for the reason why four of our folks were killed by a so-called mob action created by the anti-muslim video - which by the way was one of the biggest lies ever dropped on the American public. If she is elected President, the situation will worsen. America sinks deeper into a cesspool every day. Time to blow the whistle, throw down the yellow flag and bring a halt to all of the nonsense. There is no such thing as an honest politician anymore. We need honesty, and term limits in our government and we need it now.
From NPR. Which is to the left of the CPUSA

NPR: Chart Shows Much Tougher Scrutiny On Conservative Groups Than On Progressive Groups

npr irs scandal chart

Via Reason:

That’s a chart compiled by NPR based on House Ways & Means Committee data about groups whose names put them on the IRS “be on the lookout” list while applying for tax-exempt status. Despite claims that all sorts of groups were targeted, this suggests that the Tea Party and “patriot” groups really took it on the chin. “The analysis is the closest so far to an objective numerical accounting of how the groups were treated by the IRS,” writes NPR, which also quotes Dems and Reps complaining about bias in the investigation.

Recall that back in May, President Obama – who has not been implicated in the scandal – called the IRS’ behavior “intolerable and inexcusable.” More recently – last week – he called it a “phony scandal

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

All that chart may mean is that you had a disproportionate number of conservative groups of a political nature applying for non-political status.

Given the 'boom' of tea party activity at the time, that would be expected.
Our country is in a real mess. That in it's self is a real scandal. The current administration thumbs it's nose at Congress, the Constitution, and anyone who questions what they are doing and NOBODY will give a straight answer. The pot is boiling and pretty soon it is going to boil over with anger from the American public. The Democrats have ruined this country and the situation gets worse every day. There is a new scandal nearly every week. When does it end? The future looks pretty dismal. In all probability, Hillary Clinton will most likely be the next President unless she is brought to account for her actions for the reason why four of our folks were killed by a so-called mob action created by the anti-muslim video - which by the way was one of the biggest lies ever dropped on the American public. If she is elected President, the situation will worsen. America sinks deeper into a cesspool every day. Time to blow the whistle, throw down the yellow flag and bring a halt to all of the nonsense. There is no such thing as an honest politician anymore. We need honesty, and term limits in our government and we need it now.

William Clinton was the worse president in my memory, we don't need a second. Even Obama is somewhat above Clinton.

But the left doesn't gauge history as I do so Hillary does look promising for them.

If I were to debate her as a candidate I would ask, what of your own accomplishments do you rate that qualifies you for POTUS. Not being the forgiving wife of WJC. Not getting elected to the Senate in a state you never lived because you were wife of WJC. What in your life have YOU done? It would be an interesting answer because there is NOTHING.
From NPR. Which is to the left of the CPUSA

NPR: Chart Shows Much Tougher Scrutiny On Conservative Groups Than On Progressive Groups

npr irs scandal chart

Via Reason:

That’s a chart compiled by NPR based on House Ways & Means Committee data about groups whose names put them on the IRS “be on the lookout” list while applying for tax-exempt status. Despite claims that all sorts of groups were targeted, this suggests that the Tea Party and “patriot” groups really took it on the chin. “The analysis is the closest so far to an objective numerical accounting of how the groups were treated by the IRS,” writes NPR, which also quotes Dems and Reps complaining about bias in the investigation.

Recall that back in May, President Obama – who has not been implicated in the scandal – called the IRS’ behavior “intolerable and inexcusable.” More recently – last week – he called it a “phony scandal

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

All that chart may mean is that you had a disproportionate number of conservative groups of a political nature applying for non-political status.

Given the 'boom' of tea party activity at the time, that would be expected.

You are right, there were more, but the average questions asked is single digit for the libs and not so for the conservatives. Plus out of all the lib groups no one was turned down?
The important point is what we tolerate from our government. I see an American people more and more disconnected from HOW the government provides them the freebies and benefits and/or security they increasingly crave, just so long as they continue to get them. And as long as we continue to get them, we'll just look away when more sinister stuff is going on.

We are increasingly refusing to see what is happening--that Pravda piece up there may or may not be accurate in how we got to this point, but it was dead on balls accurate in where we are right now.

We are increasingly willing to just turn our head and pretend all is well with our government and those who lead us. Willing to excuse present behavior because somebody in the past suggested or did it too. If somebody ever robbed a bank and got away with it, then everybody should be able to do that without criticism, yes?

That kind of thinking scares me.

Human nature being what it is, no good will come of it.

I'm at the age where there isn't a huge chunk of my life left that they can take from me. But I care deeply about my kids and grandaughter and their generation they are growing up with and the even younger generation that I try to help mentor. And it is heart breaking to watch what is happening in their world.

The most tragic thing is that the government tactics are working and they are enfolding more and more people into their web. And by the time they realize what a terrible price they have paid for all their support and tolerance of a corrupt government, it will be too late.

Circles within circles. Cycles. There is nothing new under the Sun, FF. Know where to place your hope and faith. That which chooses to war with the forces that govern are both blind at the start and finish, when reality comes crashing down on them. Cause and effect is not arbitrary. Conscience first in all things, Sister. It has remained untouchable. It's about holding on, persevering, for those lost, it's about finding it again. All the rest is distraction.
From NPR. Which is to the left of the CPUSA

NPR: Chart Shows Much Tougher Scrutiny On Conservative Groups Than On Progressive Groups

npr irs scandal chart

Via Reason:

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

All that chart may mean is that you had a disproportionate number of conservative groups of a political nature applying for non-political status.

Given the 'boom' of tea party activity at the time, that would be expected.

You are right, there were more, but the average questions asked is single digit for the libs and not so for the conservatives. Plus out of all the lib groups no one was turned down?

The point is that no Progressive groups likely had "Tea Party" or "Patriot" or any other patriotic designation in the name of their group. The scandal was that the IRS specifically targeted those groups that DID have such patriotic designations in their group. The 7 progressive groups singled out most likely did have some political aspect to their names, but once they were identified as 'progressive' they were treated as any other applicant. Tea Party and Patriot groups were not.

Even Lois Lerner admitted that conservative groups were specifically targeted as have others. But she said it was not government 'policy' but rather one or two rogue employees in the Cincincatti Office which we now know was a flat out lie. (And highly resented by the Cincinatti Office I might add.)

The total applications during roughly the same period:
(I couldn't get the photo of the chart to load at USMB)

Note that 9108 groups applied for 501(c)(4) status.

But those 104 with 'conservative', 'tea party', 'patriot' in their group names were the ones singled out for special scrutiny and who had their applications snarled in red tape and delayed for months/years?
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