Phony Scandals?

Issues of the type referenced in the OP

  • are real scandals.

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • are phony scandals.

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • are not easily judged. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
So is the IRS scandal a 'phony scandal'? If not, why is the President not ordering the IRS to release the requested documents and put it to rest? Why is he not urging Congress tp give whatever immunity she needs to get Lois Lerner to testify? Why is not questioning why the few documents that HAVE been released to investigating committees are so heavily redacted--page after page blacked out--so that they are essentially useless?

My guess: all roads lead to Rome, and in this case, to the Emperor Obama himself.
How is the picture of a mindless demagogue supposed to intimidate people?

She represents the turbulent future that is in store for the GOP as we know it. A woman who thinks for herself, is immune to intimidation, and speaks out on a topic and makes far more sense than her opponents.
And she has influence.

Again, it's not her; it's the thought of her that instills fear in the GOP. In truth, the avatar could be anyone of dozens of women, Emily Bazelon, Allison Benedikt, Amanda Marcotte, etc... Fluke has the added aura of being singled out by the leader of the GOP for special scrutiny; sort of like the way Anne Frank was stalked...

"Mindless Demagogue" is a perfect example. You could have said that you disagree with her but you didn't; it had to be a personal attack. If anything, she's not mindless. Single-minded perhaps but not mindless.

Demagogue. Well, you're right about that but her words are effective and they resonate; Obama won the female vote by a comfortable margin nearly across every demographic.

I know many women who exhibit those characteristics you seem to think are a new event for women. They just choose meaningful topics and do much more than just "speak out" about them. What you choose as a representative for all women is a whiny, entitled, liberal/progressive, talking-point-spewing lemming. All she's know for is shooting off her fellating pie-hole because she couldn't get free condoms so she could screw herself senseless while she should have been studying at college.

Again, it's not her, it's the thought of her...

if it didn't bother you guys so much, you wouldn't be commenting on it so often...right?

Deep down, this is your greatest fear...someone you can't bully; be it a man, woman, child, wife, mother, etc... And once nobody fears you, you can't win the argument on logic.

I'd be scared too if I were you.
She represents the turbulent future that is in store for the GOP as we know it. A woman who thinks for herself, is immune to intimidation, and speaks out on a topic and makes far more sense than her opponents.
And she has influence.

Again, it's not her; it's the thought of her that instills fear in the GOP. In truth, the avatar could be anyone of dozens of women, Emily Bazelon, Allison Benedikt, Amanda Marcotte, etc... Fluke has the added aura of being singled out by the leader of the GOP for special scrutiny; sort of like the way Anne Frank was stalked...

"Mindless Demagogue" is a perfect example. You could have said that you disagree with her but you didn't; it had to be a personal attack. If anything, she's not mindless. Single-minded perhaps but not mindless.

Demagogue. Well, you're right about that but her words are effective and they resonate; Obama won the female vote by a comfortable margin nearly across every demographic.

I know many women who exhibit those characteristics you seem to think are a new event for women. They just choose meaningful topics and do much more than just "speak out" about them. What you choose as a representative for all women is a whiny, entitled, liberal/progressive, talking-point-spewing lemming. All she's know for is shooting off her fellating pie-hole because she couldn't get free condoms so she could screw herself senseless while she should have been studying at college.

Again, it's not her, it's the thought of her...

if it didn't bother you guys so much, you wouldn't be commenting on it so often...right?

Deep down, this is your greatest fear...someone you can't bully; be it a man, woman, child, wife, mother, etc... And once nobody fears you, you can't win the argument on logic.

I'd be scared too if I were you.

So you think a bigger bully is the answer?
So is the IRS scandal a 'phony scandal'? If not, why is the President not ordering the IRS to release the requested documents and put it to rest? Why is he not urging Congress tp give whatever immunity she needs to get Lois Lerner to testify? Why is not questioning why the few documents that HAVE been released to investigating committees are so heavily redacted--page after page blacked out--so that they are essentially useless?


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Again, it's not her, it's the thought of her...


No one thinks about her, other than Rachel Madcow when she's rubbing one out.

Fluke had her 15 minutes while she campaigned for Fascist care and Dear Leader to be re-annointed.

At this point, she is nothing at all. Rachel Jeantel is more important on the national scene than Fluke.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
I know many women who exhibit those characteristics you seem to think are a new event for women. They just choose meaningful topics and do much more than just "speak out" about them. What you choose as a representative for all women is a whiny, entitled, liberal/progressive, talking-point-spewing lemming. All she's know for is shooting off her fellating pie-hole because she couldn't get free condoms so she could screw herself senseless while she should have been studying at college.

Again, it's not her, it's the thought of her...

if it didn't bother you guys so much, you wouldn't be commenting on it so often...right?

Deep down, this is your greatest fear...someone you can't bully; be it a man, woman, child, wife, mother, etc... And once nobody fears you, you can't win the argument on logic.

I'd be scared too if I were you.

So you think a bigger bully is the answer?

It's not a matter of being bullied, it's a matter of your being unpopular, knowing it, and no longer being able to simply shout down your opposition because the dogma is no longer given credence
Again, it's not her, it's the thought of her...


No one thinks about her, other than Rachel Madcow when she's rubbing one out.

Fluke had her 15 minutes while she campaigned for Fascist care and Dear Leader to be re-annointed.

At this point, she is nothing at all. Rachel Jeantel is more important on the national scene than Fluke.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

You all keep bringing her up....
Keep laughing.
So is the IRS scandal a 'phony scandal'? If not, why is the President not ordering the IRS to release the requested documents and put it to rest? Why is he not urging Congress tp give whatever immunity she needs to get Lois Lerner to testify? Why is not questioning why the few documents that HAVE been released to investigating committees are so heavily redacted--page after page blacked out--so that they are essentially useless?




It is still front page news though, but now the Administration is sending out their talking heads to proclaim loud and LOUDER that the allegations of a scandal here are absolutely false. There is no 'is' here. There is no 'here' here. The Administration had nothing to do with it and if some minor mistakes were made, they will be corrected.

So. . . .

Then why did Obama go on TV early on to declare that it was unacceptable and he was furious and all that? What was all that about?

And now, why isn't the administration demanding the IRS open up its records so that the proper oversight people can SEE that there is no scandal? And shouldn't they be calling back the people the say they fired and put on administrative leave?

Remember that Watergate was once seen as a non-issue. People quickly forgot about it and none of the media paid much attention to it once it had been reported and nobody seemed too excited about it. But Woodward and Bernstein kept digging and eventually uncovered a HUGE scandal that brought down an administration and sent a bunch of people to jail.

But that is back when we cared if the people in government were crooks.

Does anybody care any more?
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The only halfway decent program worth watching at MSNBC (in my opinion) is Morning Joe and he did a really tough interview with Jay Carney this week. Jay wasn't going to back off his assigned talking points, but again, if the President's office had nothing to do the IRS shenanigans, why have they released only a few hundred pages, so heavily redacted they are useless, instead of the documents the oversight committee has asked for? And Jay says the Republicans are cherry picking information?

But bless their pea picking hearts, the Obama supporters probably don't have the ability to see through that do they?

Interview and attached story here:
Video - Scarborough explodes on Jay Carney - National Policy & Issues |
Okay okay. Maybe the Sandra Fluke thing is being sufficiently dissected over on the Limbaugh/Cumulus thread.

Let's drag the train back on the tracks here and focus on the thread topic which is current scandals involving those in the government we entrust to perform certain functions, to be honorable in its activities and decision making proceses, and to exercise good stewardship of the people's money.

I threw up a litle typing that, but essentially is that not what honorable people want from their govrnment?

Remember, for instance, when Fearless Leader got in front of the microphones and cameras and condemned the IRS misbehavior. Not acceptable he said and there would be a full investigation and no more of that. The head guy, scheduled to leave in two weeks anyway, was asked to voluntarily step down early. His subordinate in charge of the offending activities was put on administrative leave with full pay and benefits.

Now, more than two months later, she remains on administrative leave with full pay and benefits though taking the Fifth in a 'non scandal?' Some punishment huh?

So what happened Fearless Leader? Why aren't you demanding that everybody come clean? Why haven't you released millions of requested documents to the investigating committees?

How did we morph from your "angry unacceptable and this will not be tolerated" to 'phony scandal'?

Very simple he was hoping people would forget about them and that the media would let them die while the media has tried to do that the people have not forgot the scandals so he has to options come clean about everything or try and marginalize the scandals we see which way he has chosen to go.
So is the IRS scandal a 'phony scandal'? If not, why is the President not ordering the IRS to release the requested documents and put it to rest? Why is he not urging Congress tp give whatever immunity she needs to get Lois Lerner to testify? Why is not questioning why the few documents that HAVE been released to investigating committees are so heavily redacted--page after page blacked out--so that they are essentially useless?




It is still front page news though, but now the Administration is sending out their talking heads to proclaim loud and LOUDER that the allegations of a scandal here are absolutely false. There is no 'is' here. There is no 'here' here. The Administration had nothing to do with it and if some minor mistakes were made, they will be corrected.

So. . . .

Then why did Obama go on TV early on to declare that it was unacceptable and he was furious and all that? What was all that about?

And now, why isn't the administration demanding the IRS open up its records so that the proper oversight people can SEE that there is no scandal? And shouldn't they be calling back the people the say they fired and put on administrative leave?

Remember that Watergate was once seen as a non-issue. People quickly forgot about it and none of the media paid much attention to it once it had been reported and nobody seemed too excited about it. But Woodward and Bernstein kept digging and eventually uncovered a HUGE scandal that brought down an administration and sent a bunch of people to jail.

But that is back when we cared if the people in government were crooks.

Does anybody care any more?

I care. I am disgusted and appalled that people selected to "represent" me are crooks or worse. Even worse, I am disappointed that so many of my fellow citizens are so blind, stupid, deluded, or otherwise incapable of discerning good people from bad.
Every time Papa Doc obama wants to distract he gives another jobs speech. Then he destroys another few thousand jobs.
If the White House gave Issa 1,000 pages, he'd want more.

He's found nothing and never will.

Now his job is in danger if he doesn't propagate this phony scandal.


Perhaps if they provided what was asked, he could......but then they don't want to get caught.....which is why it's a cover up. Are you new to this?

Have you volunteered your knowledgeable services to Darrell Issa?

He needs help keeping his phony scandals alive!


The ONLY person discussing "phony scandals" is Obama. He should at least have as much "courage" as Weiner to shamelessly admit what he is doing while asking us to trust him.
I'm fine here...that you can't pin point the "requested materials" or at least haven't to this point is are probably looking for it in your ass.

It is inconceivable that a titan of political thought like yourself is so far out of the loop. I'm guessing you've been in a coma or something.

New subpoena issued for State Department documents in House probe of Benghazi attacks | Na...

New subpoena issued for State Department documents in House probe of Benghazi attacks

Posted Wednesday, Jul. 17, 2013

The Republican lawmaker leading a congressional probe into the 2012 terrorist attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, on Tuesday subpoenaed documents from 10 current and former State Department officials related to the preparation of discredited talking points on the genesis of the assault.
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, gave Secretary of State John Kerry until June 7 to comply with “a legal requirement” to produce the “documents and communications.”
In a letter to Kerry, Issa wrote that he issued the subpoena because of the State Department’s “continuing refusal” to respond to “multiple requests” for the documents from Issa and other House of Representatives panels investigating the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attacks.
“The State Department has not lived up to the administration’s broad and unambiguous promises of cooperation with Congress,” Issa said in his letter to Kerry.
In response to the subpoena, State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said in an email that the department “remains committed to working cooperatively with Congress” but that it will have to “take stock of any new or outstanding requests for information” before determining “the appropriate next steps.”.........

..........The administration released 100 pages of documents on May 15 showing that the talking points on the protest were composed by the CIA and survived multiple revisions as the White House, the State Department and other agencies weighed in. But they also showed that the final version, edited by Deputy CIA Director Mike Morell, met State Department objections by eliminating references to growing threats from al Qaida-linked extremists in Libya, and a CIA notification to the U.S. Embassy in Cairo warning of a call for demonstrations over the video.
In his letter, Issa said that the State Department responded to the requests for the documents he subpoenaed on Tuesday by sending to his committee the same 100 pages released by the White House.
“The documents the White House released . . . did not answer outstanding questions about who at the State Department, other than spokesperson Victoria Nuland, expressed reservations about certain aspects of the talking points,” Issa wrote.........

So the documents released were not the documents requested?

A little slow on the uptake are ya?
So is the IRS scandal a 'phony scandal'? If not, why is the President not ordering the IRS to release the requested documents and put it to rest? Why is he not urging Congress tp give whatever immunity she needs to get Lois Lerner to testify? Why is not questioning why the few documents that HAVE been released to investigating committees are so heavily redacted--page after page blacked out--so that they are essentially useless?

Why? Because he hopes that delaying and ignoring long enough for some other issue or scandal to come down the pike will make this go away. It's been his tactic since being elected in 2008.
A little slow on the uptake are ya?

I'll come to the defense of Candy - he's plenty bright.

He's just off trying to figure out a way to spin this so that the facts don't appear like the facts.

Obama has the most corrupt administration in American history. For a partisan sycophant like Candycorn, that makes life tricky. He must defend Obama, regardless of the facts, but how to spin things so that facts don't matter? That's the trick for him.
So is the IRS scandal a 'phony scandal'? If not, why is the President not ordering the IRS to release the requested documents and put it to rest? Why is he not urging Congress tp give whatever immunity she needs to get Lois Lerner to testify? Why is not questioning why the few documents that HAVE been released to investigating committees are so heavily redacted--page after page blacked out--so that they are essentially useless?

Why? Because he hopes that delaying and ignoring long enough for some other issue or scandal to come down the pike will make this go away. It's been his tactic since being elected in 2008.

That's it in a nutshell. They CREATE a scandal or issue that captures the publics attention and will divert from the indefensible stuff that they want us to quickly forget about and move on. The Zimmerman case was just such a diversion but it has run out of steam unless the federal government files a new case against him. . . .and. . . .

I think they may see that as a risky move given the quicksand they're already in re authoritarian government overreach, bullying, and running roughshod over the rights of Americans. The IRS story, Cohen, the AP reporters scandal, gathering all our phone information, etc. . . .all this is looking more like a totalitarian tyranny than the United States of America.

And when you throw Benghazi into the mix, it is looks even worse that the regime can allow Americans to be murdered by savage mobs rather than admit that their glowing reports of an "Arab Spring" or whatever other rose colored glasses spin they want to put on it are all myth and phony.
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This is exactly like the birther crap. The right has thrown millions of dollars at it and have yet to come up with anything that even resembles factual evidence.

But, that's okay, its not like they have anything better to do with our money ... like JOBS, INFRASTRUCTURE, EDUCATION. Nope. All that worthless shit gets obstructed and filibustered and then the bastards take yet another vacation.

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