Photo of Leann Tweeden (Al Franken's accuser) grabbing a man's butt goes viral

A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:

Did he object to being grabbed?

Flip floppery at its finest.

You wackos are so pathetic...theres really nothing to see here for the sane.
Hot chicks can grab men wherever, whenever and men with balls who aren't disgusting faggots that prefer hairy, sweaty man ass never get offended.....TA-DA!
Think just once you dumbasses!

That's textbook sexism.

So you're a homo....

Sorry, fantasize about someone else.
A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:
It should work both a woman I agree. Women shouldn't get carte blanche to put their hands where they want either.

1. Was it part of the show?

2. Was she just that friendly with that guy?

3. Even if he was married and hated her, how does this excuse Franken's actions?
It would be quite a show if the guitarist came out and suggested he felt violated and held it in for so many years.

Without question, abuse seems to be a one way street and it's not fair.
It's not fair to who?

To any men facing abuse. Physical, mental and career-wise. It happens, I assure you.

I assume this guy didn't care, any more than Janet Jackson had a costume malfunction, but the fact is that it does happen. Worse, there is nowhere to turn in most cases as men are just expected to welcome or enjoy it.

It doesn’t occur with any regularity, and to compare it to what does occur towards women from men is silly and blind. Just drop it already.
It would be quite a show if the guitarist came out and suggested he felt violated and held it in for so many years.

Without question, abuse seems to be a one way street and it's not fair.
It's not fair to who?

To any men facing abuse. Physical, mental and career-wise. It happens, I assure you.
Abuse isn't fair to anyone victimized by it. That it seems to be a one way street suggests that women are more likely to be affected by this type of abuse. Of course it is not fair.

Are you stupid and blind? Woman are almost exclusively the ones subject to this type of abuse. I can’t believe there are living, breathing adults who think there is any comparison to be made between abuse from men and abuse from women.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander
A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:

Did he object to being grabbed?

Flip floppery at its finest.

You wackos are so pathetic...theres really nothing to see here for the sane.
Hot chicks can grab men wherever, whenever and men with balls who aren't disgusting faggots that prefer hairy, sweaty man ass never get offended.....TA-DA!
Think just once you dumbasses!

That's textbook sexism.

You are serious?

The only time a Man is offended by getting his ass grabbed by an attractive woman is...............

Never (Gay males excluded)

Are we supposed to now become offended by this activity because the liberal progressives want us too?

Pass a damn law making it a crime to not be offended when touched. See how far that gets you.
A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:
It should work both a woman I agree. Women shouldn't get carte blanche to put their hands where they want either.

Men get to make that choice, whether being touched offends them, not women. Of course I doubt you ever had to worry about it, so take a hike and let adults discuss.
A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:

Did he object to being grabbed?

Did she?


One is singing the other is sleeping - niether in consent giving position.

Let's pretend you're not a disgusting semen gargler....would you be offended by this grabbing you anywhere...think once stupid!

ummmmmmmm, well, I'd stand in a friggen line!
A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:

Did he object to being grabbed?

Why does that matter? She didn’t know while she was doing it .

If he enjoyed it it's not harassment.

Yeah, I’m sure that he was happy to have his ass grabbed in the middle of performing song !

The point is that if you are calling people out, you better be clean .
So what? Did this dude have a problem with it? Somehow, I doubt it. And he copped a feel too, looks like.
A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:

Did he object to being grabbed?

Flip floppery at its finest.

So you're actually going to say it's sexual harassment if he enjoyed it?
I dont know about you but if some hot chick grabbed my butt I'd be just fine with it.
That's not how it works. You need permission to touch someone like this, not an after the fact reaction to affirm it. If she asked in advance and he said it's fine, I guess this is a non-issue.
It would be quite a show if the guitarist came out and suggested he felt violated and held it in for so many years.

Without question, abuse seems to be a one way street and it's not fair.
It's not fair to who?

To any men facing abuse. Physical, mental and career-wise. It happens, I assure you.
Abuse isn't fair to anyone victimized by it. That it seems to be a one way street suggests that women are more likely to be affected by this type of abuse. Of course it is not fair.

Are you stupid and blind? Woman are almost exclusively the ones subject to this type of abuse. I can’t believe there are living, breathing adults who think there is any comparison to be made between abuse from men and abuse from women.

I wasn't making a comparison. I was subtlety making the same point as the one that you are beating me over the head with.
Hillary touched Harvey Weinstein’s chest, so all allegations against Weinstein are false...
Big deal. Frankin did the honorable thing and apologized as soon as he was aware of the need to apologize. Whatever she might have done doesn't change that.
----------------------------------------------------- feck apology as it means nothing and is only done for political purposes . Course not a big deal what 'azzwpe' franken did anyway in my opinion . And this photo is no big deal either , just some payback i suppose because they have the photo . .
In this other photo we see what happens when a man who is not a Democratic Senator grabbs Tweeden's butt (She grabs his ass):
Patricia O. Shea on Twitter
#cnnsotu #sundaymorning #AMJoy
She is a whore. Trump owes an aopolgy to Al Franken.

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