Photo Shows Father & Daughter Drowned Crossing The Border. The Story Behind The Image

This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
It needs to be hard to migrate here. That way we don't get the criminals we have here now.
A wall would help make it more difficult. Mining other parts of the border would also serve as a clear deterrent not to cross our border. Oh, yeah, let's cut off the freebies. No documentation, you go into a holding facility until we can arrange your return trip home. If you manage to stay, you receive no subsidies for housing, food, or medical. And, unless you can prove proper vaccination and other pertinent documentation, your spawn don't get into our public schools.
Wow, you would think you worked extra hard to be a US citizen. Oh wait,, you were born one.

Many of those Central American countries have higher vaccination rates tha the US does.

So you are for keeping the anti-vaxxers out of school yet Your party keeps wanting religious exemptions for everything.

Refugees need some help. America is about helping those in need.

I wonder if we should be able to trade dumbass Trumptards for refugees? Then you can go live in those countries & see how you like it. These people did not choose to be born there just like you did not choose to be born here. Don;t confuse dumb luck with any kind of skill.
When you loons want to turn our country into a third world shit hole. You need to go live in those countries. Or maybe you should just move to Los Angeles.
What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
It needs to be hard to migrate here. That way we don't get the criminals we have here now.
A wall would help make it more difficult. Mining other parts of the border would also serve as a clear deterrent not to cross our border. Oh, yeah, let's cut off the freebies. No documentation, you go into a holding facility until we can arrange your return trip home. If you manage to stay, you receive no subsidies for housing, food, or medical. And, unless you can prove proper vaccination and other pertinent documentation, your spawn don't get into our public schools.
Wow, you would think you worked extra hard to be a US citizen. Oh wait,, you were born one.

Many of those Central American countries have higher vaccination rates tha the US does.

So you are for keeping the anti-vaxxers out of school yet Your party keeps wanting religious exemptions for everything.

Refugees need some help. America is about helping those in need.

I wonder if we should be able to trade dumbass Trumptards for refugees? Then you can go live in those countries & see how you like it. These people did not choose to be born there just like you did not choose to be born here. Don;t confuse dumb luck with any kind of skill.
When you loons want to turn our country into a third world shit hole. You need to go live in those countries. Or maybe you should just move to Los Angeles.
San up HUMAN SHIT in the street.... Another FAILED DEMONRAT city!.... Can you now imagine what a party of INFANTICIDE president will do to the whole country!!!

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
It needs to be hard to migrate here. That way we don't get the criminals we have here now.
A wall would help make it more difficult. Mining other parts of the border would also serve as a clear deterrent not to cross our border. Oh, yeah, let's cut off the freebies. No documentation, you go into a holding facility until we can arrange your return trip home. If you manage to stay, you receive no subsidies for housing, food, or medical. And, unless you can prove proper vaccination and other pertinent documentation, your spawn don't get into our public schools.
Wow, you would think you worked extra hard to be a US citizen. Oh wait,, you were born one.

Many of those Central American countries have higher vaccination rates tha the US does.

So you are for keeping the anti-vaxxers out of school yet Your party keeps wanting religious exemptions for everything.

Refugees need some help. America is about helping those in need.

I wonder if we should be able to trade dumbass Trumptards for refugees? Then you can go live in those countries & see how you like it. These people did not choose to be born there just like you did not choose to be born here. Don;t confuse dumb luck with any kind of skill.
When you loons want to turn our country into a third world shit hole. You need to go live in those countries. Or maybe you should just move to Los Angeles.
Image that you were born in one of those countries. Your country is over run my drug lords who make their money from the thirst for illegal drugs in the richest country in the world.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
We don’t need diseased illegal aliens in this country… You silly little fucker
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
It needs to be hard to migrate here. That way we don't get the criminals we have here now.
A wall would help make it more difficult. Mining other parts of the border would also serve as a clear deterrent not to cross our border. Oh, yeah, let's cut off the freebies. No documentation, you go into a holding facility until we can arrange your return trip home. If you manage to stay, you receive no subsidies for housing, food, or medical. And, unless you can prove proper vaccination and other pertinent documentation, your spawn don't get into our public schools.
Wow, you would think you worked extra hard to be a US citizen. Oh wait,, you were born one.

Many of those Central American countries have higher vaccination rates tha the US does.

So you are for keeping the anti-vaxxers out of school yet Your party keeps wanting religious exemptions for everything.

Refugees need some help. America is about helping those in need.

I wonder if we should be able to trade dumbass Trumptards for refugees? Then you can go live in those countries & see how you like it. These people did not choose to be born there just like you did not choose to be born here. Don;t confuse dumb luck with any kind of skill.
You need to educate yourself on the subject… Because you sound like a fucking retard
What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
It needs to be hard to migrate here. That way we don't get the criminals we have here now.
A wall would help make it more difficult. Mining other parts of the border would also serve as a clear deterrent not to cross our border. Oh, yeah, let's cut off the freebies. No documentation, you go into a holding facility until we can arrange your return trip home. If you manage to stay, you receive no subsidies for housing, food, or medical. And, unless you can prove proper vaccination and other pertinent documentation, your spawn don't get into our public schools.
Wow, you would think you worked extra hard to be a US citizen. Oh wait,, you were born one.

Many of those Central American countries have higher vaccination rates tha the US does.

So you are for keeping the anti-vaxxers out of school yet Your party keeps wanting religious exemptions for everything.

Refugees need some help. America is about helping those in need.

I wonder if we should be able to trade dumbass Trumptards for refugees? Then you can go live in those countries & see how you like it. These people did not choose to be born there just like you did not choose to be born here. Don;t confuse dumb luck with any kind of skill.
Try trading us traitor.

I doubt I'd have any takers.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
Good for Trump, but you can't prove that lie.
Jezus Fuck. Pull your head out of Rush Limbaugh's fat ass & read some real news.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
Good for Trump, but you can't prove that lie.
Jezus Fuck. Pull your head out of Rush Limbaugh's fat ass & read some real news.
We have no border enforcement on the southern border… It’s a free-for-all obviously
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.
The wisdom expressed by our Founding Fathers would have enabled promotion of the general welfare not the general badfare through Any form of Bigotry.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
Good for Trump, but you can't prove that lie.
Jezus Fuck. Pull your head out of Rush Limbaugh's fat ass & read some real news.
There is no real news liar.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country
Because Trump has deliberately slowed the bureaucrat wheels to fuel his reelection prospects among the many bigots in his base:

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'

"At the same time, in violation of both U.S. and international law, the administration is attempting to deny the right to asylum to those who cross the border between ports of entry through an 'asylum ban.'"

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country
Because Trump has deliberately slowed the bureaucrat wheels to fuel his reelection prospects among the many bigots in his base:

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'

"At the same time, in violation of both U.S. and international law, the administration is attempting to deny the right to asylum to those who cross the border between ports of entry through an 'asylum ban.'"

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border
Fake news by liars.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country
Because Trump has deliberately slowed the bureaucrat wheels to fuel his reelection prospects among the many bigots in his base:

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'

"At the same time, in violation of both U.S. and international law, the administration is attempting to deny the right to asylum to those who cross the border between ports of entry through an 'asylum ban.'"

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border
Fake news by liars.
Fake news by liars.

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border

"The administration, it appears, is obstructing asylum seekers at ports of entry to precipitate illegal crossings and lay blame on an alleged lack of detention space, with the apparent goal of pushing Congress to appropriate funding for the border 'wall' and even more detention beds.

"There is, in fact, no border security crisis. Overall border apprehensions are at record low levels.

"The number of people seeking refuge in the United States is significantly lower than the number arriving in countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Colombia, and Uganda, which host far more refugees with far less capacity and resources."
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country
Because Trump has deliberately slowed the bureaucrat wheels to fuel his reelection prospects among the many bigots in his base:

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'

"At the same time, in violation of both U.S. and international law, the administration is attempting to deny the right to asylum to those who cross the border between ports of entry through an 'asylum ban.'"

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border
Fake news by liars.
Fake news by liars.

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border

"The administration, it appears, is obstructing asylum seekers at ports of entry to precipitate illegal crossings and lay blame on an alleged lack of detention space, with the apparent goal of pushing Congress to appropriate funding for the border 'wall' and even more detention beds.

"There is, in fact, no border security crisis. Overall border apprehensions are at record low levels.

"The number of people seeking refuge in the United States is significantly lower than the number arriving in countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Colombia, and Uganda, which host far more refugees with far less capacity and resources."
Duly elected in an uncontested election traitor.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country
Because Trump has deliberately slowed the bureaucrat wheels to fuel his reelection prospects among the many bigots in his base:

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'

"At the same time, in violation of both U.S. and international law, the administration is attempting to deny the right to asylum to those who cross the border between ports of entry through an 'asylum ban.'"

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border
Fake news by liars.
Fake news by liars.

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border

"The administration, it appears, is obstructing asylum seekers at ports of entry to precipitate illegal crossings and lay blame on an alleged lack of detention space, with the apparent goal of pushing Congress to appropriate funding for the border 'wall' and even more detention beds.

"There is, in fact, no border security crisis. Overall border apprehensions are at record low levels.

"The number of people seeking refuge in the United States is significantly lower than the number arriving in countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Colombia, and Uganda, which host far more refugees with far less capacity and resources."
Duly elected in an uncontested election traitor.
Duly elected in an uncontested election traitor.
Lost the popular vote by biggest margin ever

Donald Trump has lost the popular vote by more than any president in US history
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country
Because Trump has deliberately slowed the bureaucrat wheels to fuel his reelection prospects among the many bigots in his base:

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'

"At the same time, in violation of both U.S. and international law, the administration is attempting to deny the right to asylum to those who cross the border between ports of entry through an 'asylum ban.'"

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border
Fake news by liars.
Fake news by liars.

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border

"The administration, it appears, is obstructing asylum seekers at ports of entry to precipitate illegal crossings and lay blame on an alleged lack of detention space, with the apparent goal of pushing Congress to appropriate funding for the border 'wall' and even more detention beds.

"There is, in fact, no border security crisis. Overall border apprehensions are at record low levels.

"The number of people seeking refuge in the United States is significantly lower than the number arriving in countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Colombia, and Uganda, which host far more refugees with far less capacity and resources."
Duly elected in an uncontested election traitor.
Duly elected in an uncontested election traitor.
Lost the popular vote by biggest margin ever

Donald Trump has lost the popular vote by more than any president in US history
Tell us Mr. Butthurt, when has the popular vote ever elected a president? Seriously, you people are insane. You keep regurgitating total nonsense over and over. When as the popular vote ever elected a president? NEVER!

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