Phuck Russia...the shitholes of the world have infiltrated our democracy.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Mexico pretty much runs Mexifornia through barely legal anchor baby politicians framing policy to better ‘fit’ for their kind....NOW, we have Alexander Ocasio-Cortez willing to engage in bare knuckle brawls to force good Americans to better fund her people and encourage more thirdworlders to come get their piece of the checking accounts of good Americans.
The Left-
“Encourage foreign nations to ‘meddle’ in U.S. democracy...BUT X nation must be a shithole, the infiltrators can not be white and they can not run ads in cyberspace....they must plant illegals here to drop litters of anchor babies who will eventually vote on their shithole nations interests.”

(please save the “Puerto Ricans are American” bullshit)

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