Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change

It has happened with every single piece of matter in the universe since the Big Bang.

You're the one with the extraordinary claim. You're the one with the burden of making a case. You've been presented several 'experiments' that conflict seriously with your contention and you're explanations so far wouldn't have convinced a second grader.

The real nail in the coffin of the idea that you have the SLIGHTEST scientific competency, is your unwillingness to alter your opinion in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. For god's sake, multiple individuals on your side of the environmental issues under discussion here have come out against you. Forcefully. Toddsterpatriot, of all people - called you a nitwit and completely justified the charge.

Until you admit that you've been wrong about this (and several other issues on which you've expressed your personal wisdom), it is impossible to come to any other conclusion than that you're most ignorant fool most of us have ever had the displeasure to have met.

So no actual observed measured example at ambient temperature. I understand. Sucks to be you.
It has happened with every single piece of matter in the universe since the Big Bang.

You're the one with the extraordinary claim. You're the one with the burden of making a case. You've been presented several 'experiments' that conflict seriously with your contention and you're explanations so far wouldn't have convinced a second grader.

The real nail in the coffin of the idea that you have the SLIGHTEST scientific competency, is your unwillingness to alter your opinion in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. For god's sake, multiple individuals on your side of the environmental issues under discussion here have come out against you. Forcefully. Toddsterpatriot, of all people - called you a nitwit and completely justified the charge.

Until you admit that you've been wrong about this (and several other issues on which you've expressed your personal wisdom), it is impossible to come to any other conclusion than that you're most ignorant fool most of us have ever had the displeasure to have met.

So no actual observed measured example at ambient temperature. I understand. Sucks to be you.

The Stefan-Boltzmann constant, symbolized by the lowercase Greek letter sigma ( ), is a physical constant involving black body radiation. A black body, also called an ideal radiator, is an object that radiates or absorbs energy with perfect efficiency at all electromagnetic wavelength s. The constant defines the power per unit area emitted by a black body as a function of its thermodynamic temperature .

You'll notice it is a function of temperature of a body and not a function of the temperature of the surroundings. Were they wrong?
Do we need an SSDD amendment to the constant? LOL!
You asked me how cap and trade was working for me. I gave you an answer. Here is a very large article on emissions trading Gore's name does not appear once. I suppose he may have supported the idea, but it was not his.

What damage has the economy suffered from climate change responses?

If you want to minimize the amount of money that will have to be spent, ignoring global warming is precisely the WRONG thing to do.

You asked me how cap and trade was working for me.

You asked me what the deniers did.

What damage has the economy suffered from climate change responses?

How many billions were wasted on less reliable energy?
How did Spain benefit from their massive green energy initiatives?
How much warming did Spain's wasted spending and economic damage prevent?

Please show all your work.

ignoring global warming is precisely the WRONG thing to do

How much warming will $1 trillion prevent? How about $2 trillion?

How many Cat 5 hurricanes will $3 trillion prevent?

Still no answers to the questions?

Then again what do you expect from one that believes aerosols are not a gas.
You asked me how cap and trade was working for me. I gave you an answer. Here is a very large article on emissions trading Gore's name does not appear once. I suppose he may have supported the idea, but it was not his.

What damage has the economy suffered from climate change responses?

If you want to minimize the amount of money that will have to be spent, ignoring global warming is precisely the WRONG thing to do.

Crick said:
You asked me how cap and trade was working for me.

You asked me what the deniers did.

No, I did not. You DID ask me how cap and trade was working for me and I have answered you. Your complaints that I had not are unfounded.

Crick said:
What damage has the economy suffered from climate change responses?

How many billions were wasted on less reliable energy?


How did Spain benefit from their massive green energy initiatives?

By decreasing the carbon output of their energy system.

How much warming did Spain's wasted spending and economic damage prevent?

A dubious and disingenuous question, but the correct answer is "SOME".

Please show all your work.

What work do you believe was involved in answering these questions?

Crick said:
ignoring global warming is precisely the WRONG thing to do

How much warming will $1 trillion prevent? How about $2 trillion?

Infinitely more than will be prevented following your suggestions.

How many Cat 5 hurricanes will $3 trillion prevent?

If they were up your ass you'd know. Then, perhaps, you'd stop wasting our time demonstrating you failed your class on basic rhetoric.
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For proof that "Green Energy" lowers prices look at Gasoline vs Diesel prices. The price of Gasoline was allways higher than Diesel until Ethanol. Every year since Ethanol, Gasoline has become cheaper than Diesel. Gasoline price was always much higher than Diesel during the summer peak in July & Diesel would price would peak in January. Now Gasoline price has peaked for the year & it didn't exceed Diesel price. The price spread is going to get very big by New Years thanks to Ethanol competition forcing Gasoline prices lower.

It is a fact that "Green Energy" Ethanol has been & is saving US drivers over $1 a gallon at the pump.

According to data from 161 countries around the world, gasoline is more expensive than diesel fuel in 84% of all countries. On average, diesel is 10% cheaper but the difference varies considerably across countries as well as within countries over time. But since Ethanol production began in the USA, Gasoline prices have been pushed over 25% lower.
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It has happened with every single piece of matter in the universe since the Big Bang.

You're the one with the extraordinary claim. You're the one with the burden of making a case. You've been presented several 'experiments' that conflict seriously with your contention and you're explanations so far wouldn't have convinced a second grader.

The real nail in the coffin of the idea that you have the SLIGHTEST scientific competency, is your unwillingness to alter your opinion in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. For god's sake, multiple individuals on your side of the environmental issues under discussion here have come out against you. Forcefully. Toddsterpatriot, of all people - called you a nitwit and completely justified the charge.

Until you admit that you've been wrong about this (and several other issues on which you've expressed your personal wisdom), it is impossible to come to any other conclusion than that you're most ignorant fool most of us have ever had the displeasure to have met.

So no actual observed measured example at ambient temperature. I understand. Sucks to be you.

The Stefan-Boltzmann constant, symbolized by the lowercase Greek letter sigma ( ), is a physical constant involving black body radiation. A black body, also called an ideal radiator, is an object that radiates or absorbs energy with perfect efficiency at all electromagnetic wavelength s. The constant defines the power per unit area emitted by a black body as a function of its thermodynamic temperature .

You'll notice it is a function of temperature of a body and not a function of the temperature of the surroundings. Were they wrong?
Do we need an SSDD amendment to the constant? LOL!

So you don't have any observed, measured example of energy moving from cool objects to warm at ambient temperature either. Didn't think so. Continue to profess your faith if you like, but don't expect me to buy in without some sort of actual evidence.
For proof that "Green Energy" lowers prices look at Gasoline vs Diesel prices. The price of Gasoline was allways higher than Diesel until Ethanol. Every year since Ethanol, Gasoline has become cheaper than Diesel. Gasoline price was always much higher than Diesel during the summer peak in July & Diesel would price would peak in January. Now Gasoline price has peaked for the year & it didn't exceed Diesel price. The price spread is going to get very big by New Years thanks to Ethanol competition forcing Gasoline prices lower.

It is a fact that "Green Energy" Ethanol has been & is saving US drivers over $1 a gallon at the pump.

According to data from 161 countries around the world, gasoline is more expensive than diesel fuel in 84% of all countries. On average, diesel is 10% cheaper but the difference varies considerably across countries as well as within countries over time. But since Ethanol production began in the USA, Gasoline prices have been pushed over 25% lower.

Disel is expensive because of road taxes....You get more diesel per barrel of crude so the manufacture of diesel and therefore the cost of diesel is less than gasoline. Check the price of farm or marine diesel...subtract the road taxes (congressional scheme to make truckers pay for highways) and diesel is considerably less than gasoline.

That idiot congressional scheme is why we don't have high efficiency diesel vehicles over here getting 55 to 65 miles per gallon running on a fuel that cost less than gasoline.
For proof that "Green Energy" lowers prices look at Gasoline vs Diesel prices. The price of Gasoline was allways higher than Diesel until Ethanol. Every year since Ethanol, Gasoline has become cheaper than Diesel. Gasoline price was always much higher than Diesel during the summer peak in July & Diesel would price would peak in January. Now Gasoline price has peaked for the year & it didn't exceed Diesel price. The price spread is going to get very big by New Years thanks to Ethanol competition forcing Gasoline prices lower.

It is a fact that "Green Energy" Ethanol has been & is saving US drivers over $1 a gallon at the pump.

According to data from 161 countries around the world, gasoline is more expensive than diesel fuel in 84% of all countries. On average, diesel is 10% cheaper but the difference varies considerably across countries as well as within countries over time. But since Ethanol production began in the USA, Gasoline prices have been pushed over 25% lower.

Disel is expensive because of road taxes....You get more diesel per barrel of crude so the manufacture of diesel and therefore the cost of diesel is less than gasoline. Check the price of farm or marine diesel...subtract the road taxes (congressional scheme to make truckers pay for highways) and diesel is considerably less than gasoline.

That idiot congressional scheme is why we don't have high efficiency diesel vehicles over here getting 55 to 65 miles per gallon running on a fuel that cost less than gasoline.

That tax difference is only 1% of the price difference between Gasoline & Diesel. It in no way explains the over 25% reduction in gasoline price. Try again.
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So no actual observed measured example at ambient temperature. I understand. Sucks to be you.

The Stefan-Boltzmann constant, symbolized by the lowercase Greek letter sigma ( ), is a physical constant involving black body radiation. A black body, also called an ideal radiator, is an object that radiates or absorbs energy with perfect efficiency at all electromagnetic wavelength s. The constant defines the power per unit area emitted by a black body as a function of its thermodynamic temperature .

You'll notice it is a function of temperature of a body and not a function of the temperature of the surroundings. Were they wrong?
Do we need an SSDD amendment to the constant? LOL!

So you don't have any observed, measured example of energy moving from cool objects to warm at ambient temperature either. Didn't think so. Continue to profess your faith if you like, but don't expect me to buy in without some sort of actual evidence.

So you can't explain why the Stefan-Boltzmann constant says power emitted is a function of thermodynamic temperature, with no mention of surrounding temperature.
For proof that "Green Energy" lowers prices look at Gasoline vs Diesel prices. The price of Gasoline was allways higher than Diesel until Ethanol. Every year since Ethanol, Gasoline has become cheaper than Diesel. Gasoline price was always much higher than Diesel during the summer peak in July & Diesel would price would peak in January. Now Gasoline price has peaked for the year & it didn't exceed Diesel price. The price spread is going to get very big by New Years thanks to Ethanol competition forcing Gasoline prices lower.

It is a fact that "Green Energy" Ethanol has been & is saving US drivers over $1 a gallon at the pump.

According to data from 161 countries around the world, gasoline is more expensive than diesel fuel in 84% of all countries. On average, diesel is 10% cheaper but the difference varies considerably across countries as well as within countries over time. But since Ethanol production began in the USA, Gasoline prices have been pushed over 25% lower.

Diesel is more expensive because of government sulfur regulations.
You asked me how cap and trade was working for me. I gave you an answer. Here is a very large article on emissions trading Gore's name does not appear once. I suppose he may have supported the idea, but it was not his.

What damage has the economy suffered from climate change responses?

If you want to minimize the amount of money that will have to be spent, ignoring global warming is precisely the WRONG thing to do.

You asked me what the deniers did.

No, I did not. You DID ask me how cap and trade was working for me and I have answered you. Your complaints that I had not are unfounded.


By decreasing the carbon output of their energy system.

A dubious and disingenuous question, but the correct answer is "SOME".

What work do you believe was involved in answering these questions?

How much warming will $1 trillion prevent? How about $2 trillion?

Infinitely more than will be prevented following your suggestions.

How many Cat 5 hurricanes will $3 trillion prevent?

If they were up your ass you'd know. Then, perhaps, you'd stop wasting our time demonstrating you failed your class on basic rhetoric.


Wrong. Billions have been wasted. Even over and above government handouts to Obama cronies.

By decreasing the carbon output of their energy system.

Quantify that benefit, monetarily.

What work do you believe was involved in answering these questions?

You did none. Actual work would show proof. But you can't.

Infinitely more than will be prevented following your suggestions.

I guess, if you think 0.0001 degrees is infinitely more.
Ethanol competition is pressuring gasoline prices much lower. Plus ethanol’s higher octane content gives refiners the ability to produce cheaper low-octane gasoline and upgrade the octane level with ethanol. In early 2006, ethanol prices were about 80% of the price of gasoline. By early 2014, with the domestic ethanol market nearly saturated, ethanol prices at Iowa plants were about 58% of retail gasoline prices. That was even during a drought, just wait until this years record crop yield is harvested. Ethanol & Gasoline prices are going to tank, while the Diesel price spread widens far out.

Ethanol competition is pressuring gasoline prices much lower. Plus ethanol’s higher octane content gives refiners the ability to produce cheaper low-octane gasoline and upgrade the octane level with ethanol. In early 2006, ethanol prices were about 80% of the price of gasoline. By early 2014, with the domestic ethanol market nearly saturated, ethanol prices at Iowa plants were about 58% of retail gasoline prices. That was even during a drought, just wait until this years record crop yield is harvested. Ethanol & Gasoline prices are going to tank, while the Diesel price spread widens far out.


Plus ethanol’s higher octane content

Plus ethanol’s lower energy content.
Everyone who uses Gasoline should be down on their thanking the Ethanol industry for keeping prices from rising like Oil & Diesel.


Everyone who uses Gasoline should be down on their thanking the Ethanol industry for keeping prices from rising like Oil & Diesel.



We'd all be better off if the ethanol mandate was ended, immediately.

Well, maybe not the corn farmers. But everyone else.
For proof that "Green Energy" lowers prices look at Gasoline vs Diesel prices. The price of Gasoline was allways higher than Diesel until Ethanol. Every year since Ethanol, Gasoline has become cheaper than Diesel. Gasoline price was always much higher than Diesel during the summer peak in July & Diesel would price would peak in January. Now Gasoline price has peaked for the year & it didn't exceed Diesel price. The price spread is going to get very big by New Years thanks to Ethanol competition forcing Gasoline prices lower.

It is a fact that "Green Energy" Ethanol has been & is saving US drivers over $1 a gallon at the pump.

According to data from 161 countries around the world, gasoline is more expensive than diesel fuel in 84% of all countries. On average, diesel is 10% cheaper but the difference varies considerably across countries as well as within countries over time. But since Ethanol production began in the USA, Gasoline prices have been pushed over 25% lower.

Disel is expensive because of road taxes....You get more diesel per barrel of crude so the manufacture of diesel and therefore the cost of diesel is less than gasoline. Check the price of farm or marine diesel...subtract the road taxes (congressional scheme to make truckers pay for highways) and diesel is considerably less than gasoline.

That idiot congressional scheme is why we don't have high efficiency diesel vehicles over here getting 55 to 65 miles per gallon running on a fuel that cost less than gasoline.

That tax difference is only 1% of the price difference between Gasoline & Diesel. It in no way explains the over 25% reduction in gasoline price. Try again.

You really don't have a clue, do you. Right now the federal component of the road tax on diesel is 24.4 cents per gallon...the state road taxes on diesel range from a high in california of 54.9 cents per gallon in CT to a low of 12.7 cents per gallon in Alaska with the median being around 25 cents per gallon in addition to the 24.4 cent per gallon federal component.

So you try again.

It is driving the monarch butterfly into extinction for one thing...all those fields that weren't fit for growing food or feed corn had overgrown with milkweed which is vital to the monarch butterfly's survival...those fields were fit for growing corn to burn for a result, the monarch's food supply has been sharply cut...10 more years or ethanol subsidies will drive them to extinction....then we will have a species driven to extinction by the AGW hoax.

It is driving the monarch butterfly into extinction for one thing...all those fields that weren't fit for growing food or feed corn had overgrown with milkweed which is vital to the monarch butterfly's survival...those fields were fit for growing corn to burn for a result, the monarch's food supply has been sharply cut...10 more years or ethanol subsidies will drive them to extinction....then we will have a species driven to extinction by the AGW hoax.

You are right. There's an added point. Monsanto RoundupReady GM corn has become the dominant variety throughout the midwest. This corn tolerates Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. Farmers can plant this corn then regularly douse the entire crop in Roundup killing every other plant in the field. That would include the Milkweed of course. There has been a very close correlation between increasing planting of RoundupReady corn and the decline of the Monarch population.

My wife and I turned our front yard into a butterfly garden almost 20 years ago. We have a good dozen milkweed bushes (Asclepias Tuberosa). We've noted the decline here and we've read about what's been happening in Mexico. I see we didn't look hard enough. This is the first I've heard of this story. Thanks for the information.

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