Physicist Stephen Hawkings dies at the age of 78

It's my birthday today, and I got this news about 15 minutes after midnight, eastern time.

It's weird to think about.

Rest in Peace, Professor Hawking. You've always been a hero of mine.
My grandmother died on my birthday. I was devastated despite being an adult. People tried to tell me it was a gift because she held on for months.
It's my birthday today, and I got this news about 15 minutes after midnight, eastern time.

It's weird to think about.

Rest in Peace, Professor Hawking. You've always been a hero of mine.
My grandmother died on my birthday. I was devastated despite being an adult. People tried to tell me it was a gift because she held on for months.

It's strange.

The rational part of my brain is telling me that it's meaningless nonsense, but I can't help but feel weird and upset about it anyway.
The OP's title doesn't even get his age right. How in the world is this anti-Stephen Hawking thread the only one that's being allowed on this forum about his death?
At the age of 21 he was told he had a problem killed 80% of people with that disease within 5 years.

But they didn't stop there. They told him he'd be dead within two years.

Straight out of a Terry Pratchett novel, he told death to go fuck himself. Goooooooo Stevo.
A truly astonishing mind, right up there with Einstein and Galileo.
He transformed cosmology, and gave us a better understanding of the origin of everything.
"If the rate of expansion one second after the Big Bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, it would have recollapsed before it reached its present size. On the other hand, if it had been greater by a part in a million, the universe would have expanded too rapidly for stars and planets to form.'
I stand in awe!
The OP's title doesn't even get his age right. How in the world is this anti-Stephen Hawking thread the only one that's being allowed on this forum about his death?
Class is not a requirement to post on this board. We see it with every death be it left or right. There are times in life when even a wise partisan can rise above the fold.
He was one of the Greatest People in the World ...
Not only for Science, but for all mankind.
This Mankind has errors, stereotypes and stupidity.
Stephen proved that he is one of the best!

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Мир его праху
Пусть земля покажется ему пухом
One of the greatest minds of all kind just left us. This isn't a tragedy for his family. It's a tragedy for mankind.

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