Pick Your Trump Cabinet

Attorney General - Chris Christie
Secretary Of State - Jeff Sessions
Treasury - Carl I Can
Defense - Frank Gaffney
Interior - Aaron Schock
Ag - Steve King
Commerce - Art Halvorson
Labor - Mike Lee
HHS - Paul Ryan
HUD - Bill O'Reilly
Transportation - George Allen
Energy - Sarah Palin
Education - Michelle Rhee
VA - Jeb Hensarling
Homeland - Steve Israel

The Cabinet of shitbirds and loons.
how about you try?!

Crooked Rottweiler's cabinet is the worst cabinet ever assembled.
Dude....you're dumb enough to think that not only would Donald Trump offer Bill O'Reilly a job, but that he would leave Fox News to accept it? I mean....seriously? You can't be that stupid, can you?

And then you think that Paul Ryan would leave his position as Speaker of the House to accept Health and Human Services? :lmao:

Lastly...Sara Palin on energy? Really?

Seriously dude. I thought you were joking when you made this thread. None of these people will leave their current positions (other than Palin) for these jobs. And as far as Palin, while Trump will almost certainly offer her a position so he can do her, it's not going to be energy :lmao:

He's going to want to exploit her for the female vote and he's going to want to exploit her in the bedroom, so she will be VP or some other prominent position (definitely not State - possibly something like National Security Advisor).
Attorney General - Chris Christie
Secretary Of State - Jeff Sessions
Treasury - Carl I Can
Defense - Frank Gaffney
Interior - Aaron Schock
Ag - Steve King
Commerce - Art Halvorson
Labor - Mike Lee
HHS - Paul Ryan
HUD - Bill O'Reilly
Transportation - George Allen
Energy - Sarah Palin
Education - Michelle Rhee
VA - Jeb Hensarling
Homeland - Steve Israel
Is this supposed to be a joke? I sure hope so...because this is the worst cabinet ever assembled (and I really didn't think anyone could top Barack Obama for worst cabinet ever assembled)

Hey it could be worse....John McCain and Bob Dole could be in it :eusa_doh:
I can't argue with that! :lol:
pick your own cabinet dipshit, not trump's.

I forgot to offer Trey Gowdy a cabinet position. fuck.
pick your own cabinet dipshit, not trump's.

I forgot to offer Trey Gowdy a cabinet position. fuck.
Holy shit....so your cabinet includes Bill O'Reilly? :lmao:

God I pray you don't have a vote. Lets hope you're 17 or something. I mean - don't get me wrong - Bill O'Reilly is a good anchor. But he's a freaking entertainer. That doesn't qualify him to be part of the cabinet running the executive branch of the United Sates of America.

As far as the cabinet I would build?

Vice President: Rand Paul (respects and defends the U.S. Constitution like few others)
Secretary of State: Ted Cruz (masterful diplomacy)
Secretary Of Treasury: Paul Ryan (phenomenal fiscal policy wonk)
Secretary Of Defense: Allen West (few guys get it like this guy does)
Secretary Of Homeland Security: Colin Powell (one of the brightest minds in the history of U.S. government)
National Security Advisor: Stanley McChrystal

Attorney General: Trey Gowdy
Surgeon General: Dr. Ben Carson

I would have no "Secretary of Energy" because there would be no unconstitutional "Department of Energy" under my administration. Same with Department of Education and many others.
pick your own cabinet dipshit, not trump's.

I forgot to offer Trey Gowdy a cabinet position. fuck.
Holy shit....so your cabinet includes Bill O'Reilly? :lmao:

God I pray you don't have a vote. Lets hope you're 17 or something. I mean - don't get me wrong - Bill O'Reilly is a good anchor. But he's a freaking entertainer. That doesn't qualify him to be part of the cabinet running the executive branch of the United Sates of America.

As far as the cabinet I would build?

Vice President: Rand Paul (respects and defends the U.S. Constitution like few others)
Secretary of State: Ted Cruz (masterful diplomacy)
Secretary Of Treasury: Paul Ryan (phenomenal fiscal policy wonk)
Secretary Of Defense: Allen West (few guys get it like this guy does)
Secretary Of Homeland Security: Colin Powell (one of the brightest minds in the history of U.S. government)
National Security Advisor: Stanley McChrystal

Attorney General: Trey Gowdy
Surgeon General: Dr. Ben Carson

I would have no "Secretary of Energy" because there would be no unconstitutional "Department of Energy" under my administration. Same with Department of Education and many others.
West,Powell,Cruz all neocons not a chance
Good thing we'll never have to worry about a Trump cabinet.

A snowball has a better chance in hell.

The GOP has been torn apart by the asshole by the King Asshole himself.

Low turnout will turn the Senate blue again, maybe the house.
pick your own cabinet dipshit, not trump's.

I forgot to offer Trey Gowdy a cabinet position. fuck.
Holy shit....so your cabinet includes Bill O'Reilly? :lmao:

God I pray you don't have a vote. Lets hope you're 17 or something. I mean - don't get me wrong - Bill O'Reilly is a good anchor. But he's a freaking entertainer. That doesn't qualify him to be part of the cabinet running the executive branch of the United Sates of America.

As far as the cabinet I would build?

Vice President: Rand Paul (respects and defends the U.S. Constitution like few others)
Secretary of State: Ted Cruz (masterful diplomacy)
Secretary Of Treasury: Paul Ryan (phenomenal fiscal policy wonk)
Secretary Of Defense: Allen West (few guys get it like this guy does)
Secretary Of Homeland Security: Colin Powell (one of the brightest minds in the history of U.S. government)
National Security Advisor: Stanley McChrystal

Attorney General: Trey Gowdy
Surgeon General: Dr. Ben Carson

I would have no "Secretary of Energy" because there would be no unconstitutional "Department of Energy" under my administration. Same with Department of Education and many others.
West,Powell,Cruz all neocons not a chance

Ted Cruz - the ultimate Tea Party constitutional conservative is a "neocon" in your mind? Allen West, another huge Tea Party constitutional conservative is a "neocon" in your mind? :lmao:

Clearly someone has no idea who these people are.... :eusa_whistle:
that is the worst thing i've ever seen, Rottweiler.
And yet you can't articulate why. You're just throwing a fit like a small child because you were too lazy to articulate your post properly (namely that you wanted people to build the cabinet they would like to see) and I made fun of you in my misinterpretation of what you were looking for.
Attorney General - Chris Christie
Secretary Of State - Jeff Sessions
Treasury - Carl I Can
Defense - Frank Gaffney
Interior - Aaron Schock
Ag - Steve King
Commerce - Art Halvorson
Labor - Mike Lee
HHS - Paul Ryan
HUD - Bill O'Reilly
Transportation - George Allen
Energy - Sarah Palin
Education - Michelle Rhee
VA - Jeb Hensarling
Homeland - Steve Israel
Mmmmmm....apparently you believe "HUD" (Housing and Urban Development) means "Press Secretary"?

I want him to run HUD because he calls jobless blacks "folks with tattoos on their forehead."

any problems?!
pick your own cabinet dipshit, not trump's.

I forgot to offer Trey Gowdy a cabinet position. fuck.
Holy shit....so your cabinet includes Bill O'Reilly? :lmao:

God I pray you don't have a vote. Lets hope you're 17 or something. I mean - don't get me wrong - Bill O'Reilly is a good anchor. But he's a freaking entertainer. That doesn't qualify him to be part of the cabinet running the executive branch of the United Sates of America.

As far as the cabinet I would build?

Vice President: Rand Paul (respects and defends the U.S. Constitution like few others)
Secretary of State: Ted Cruz (masterful diplomacy)
Secretary Of Treasury: Paul Ryan (phenomenal fiscal policy wonk)
Secretary Of Defense: Allen West (few guys get it like this guy does)
Secretary Of Homeland Security: Colin Powell (one of the brightest minds in the history of U.S. government)
National Security Advisor: Stanley McChrystal

Attorney General: Trey Gowdy
Surgeon General: Dr. Ben Carson

I would have no "Secretary of Energy" because there would be no unconstitutional "Department of Energy" under my administration. Same with Department of Education and many others.
West,Powell,Cruz all neocons not a chance

Ted Cruz - the ultimate Tea Party constitutional conservative is a "neocon" in your mind? Allen West, another huge Tea Party constitutional conservative is a "neocon" in your mind? :lmao:

Clearly someone has no idea who these people are.... :eusa_whistle:
They aren't American first they are Israel Firster morons and extremely unfit for an administration built on common sense those idiots do what's best for Israel not America and they don't admit the error of trying to build democracy in the middle East and overthrowing countries there and they never will because their masters AIPAC wants them to toe the what's best for Israel line. All 3 completely unfit for a Trump adminstration
Attorney General - Chris Christie
Secretary Of State - Jeff Sessions
Treasury - Carl I Can
Defense - Frank Gaffney
Interior - Aaron Schock
Ag - Steve King
Commerce - Art Halvorson
Labor - Mike Lee
HHS - Paul Ryan
HUD - Bill O'Reilly
Transportation - George Allen
Energy - Sarah Palin
Education - Michelle Rhee
VA - Jeb Hensarling
Homeland - Steve Israel

Carl I Can?

Monumental retard.

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