Pictures of Suspects Released, Media has Cororanary


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Authorities circulate photos of two men spotted carrying bags in vicinity of Boston Marathon bombings -


Now, remember these are "suspects." Like that poor sucker who was Saudi at the wrong place at the wrong time, they could be completely innocent.

(as an aside, when they said that Saudi was a "person of interest" and that he was badly burned, I had a feeling he was innocent and thought how bad it would be if you wake up badly burned in the hospital, and find out they think you did it. Saudi, at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Poor guy. I'm glad he's been cleared)

But if these guys in the photos are the suspects, I hope they find 'em. My fear is announcing they have "suspects" and releasing the photos, means these guys have already left the country. I think they should have kept this quiet, untll they found 'em!

But, it looks like, ONCE AGAIN, the media prays a white guy, a "right wing extremist, a tea party member did this, so they can use it to smear their enemies. Just like Clinton and the media did in the OK City bombing.

Sorry, media, your open drooling to use the deaths of the innocent for your political manipulations. Looks like it may fall flat, again.

Sorry bout that,

1. That's Them!!!!
2. They have guilty expressions.
3. No brainer, arrest them!!!
4. And look where they are trying to blend in, surrounded by Negroes mostly.
5. Yeah that's the perps, lets get them bastards!!!
6. Also they don't seem to be interested in the race, dead give away.

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hey you guys I have known Italian guys that look much like those fellas.

sure are quick to want them middle eastern arent you.

Well, if they are suspects, then someone may recognize them and turn them in. Being in that place at the right time, even if they are innocent, they may have observed something that would help find the guilty party or parties.

Let the law do it's job.
hey you guys I have known Italian guys that look much like those fellas.

sure are quick to want them middle eastern arent you.


In a bombing in the US, from past experiance, there are two usual suspects, Islamic radicals, and right wing nuts. Our right wing nuts really don't want another of their fruitcakes to be the guilty party.
hey you guys I have known Italian guys that look much like those fellas.

sure are quick to want them middle eastern arent you.


In a bombing in the US, from past experiance, there are two usual suspects, Islamic radicals, and right wing nuts. Our right wing nuts really don't want another of their fruitcakes to be the guilty party.

wrong, whoever did it should be brought to justice. Will obama and holder do that if it turns out to be radical muslims?
hey you guys I have known Italian guys that look much like those fellas.

sure are quick to want them middle eastern arent you.


Italquada? The left needs the terrorists to be white domestic terrorists, or their emotionally based house of cards is going to dome crashing down.
"Its a bright, warm, sunny day in April, 2009. The War On Terror is over!" Janet Napolitano

The Left has proceeded on the assumption, ever since September 12th, 2001, that the fall of the Twin Towers and the ensuing War On Terror has been all George W Bush's evil doing, his work, his machination's, in its entirety. The Left naturally assumed that with the coming of Barack Obama, the Chicago Jesus would lead them out of the George W Bush created darkness and into the light, the lion would lie down with the lamb, the calf would lie down with the wolf and the coyote and the world would in its entirety be an endless replay of Tiny Tim's tiptoeing through the tulips, "With a little weed and a little blow" mixed in of course, befitting the Chicago Jesus' documented recreational drug use job qualifications.

As a result of this mindset, security was so lax at the Marathon it was almost criminal, there are no back packs allowed during NYC's Times Square New Years Eve festivities. We flew out of JFK the Saturday after GWB went into Iraq. There wasn't a single garbage pail to be found, anywhere. You did have bomb sniffing dogs at the Marathon, but suppose the gasketing on the new pressure cookers was so good that it contained almost all of the explosive's odor and got past the dogs, a far stretch admittedly, for an animal that can detect the presence of a teaspoonful of sugar in an Olympic sized swimming pool, there was also that generous sprinkling of garbage pails, a ludicrous number of backpacks, along with Saudi male students pushing empty baby strollers.

You can't blame the Bostonians, good and reliable fellow travelers, for wanting their Patriot's Day holiday to be a day exclusively devoted to their personal pleassure and relaxation. After all, Janet told them it was so, almost four years ago to the day, and has acted almost exclusively on that premise in her job, every day since.
hey you guys I have known Italian guys that look much like those fellas.

sure are quick to want them middle eastern arent you.


In a bombing in the US, from past experiance, there are two usual suspects, Islamic radicals, and right wing nuts. Our right wing nuts really don't want another of their fruitcakes to be the guilty party.

do right wing nuts ever come in italian flavor?
I worry about the BIG guy who looks depressed and has a backpack that has the same grey stripes on black as the torn up back pack.
Duhh? These guys were all over the net yesstiday afternoon. For all we know, they're probably downing a plate of figs in Riyadh, right now, or maybe in the cafe enjoying some tea with the prime suspect in the Benghazi murder of Chris Stephens and the three other Americans and chuckling over how weak, powerless, and anemic America is.

John Kerry met with the Saudi Ambassador, yesterday, in a meeting that was supposedly open to the press but was suddenly closed to all fifteen minutes before. "How dare your people tackle a Saudi National trying to escape the blast of a bomb he just placed! You need to train your people better, Mr Kerry!"

American Airlines shut down operations temporarily Monday afternoon, allegedly due to a computer glitch. But then agin, it just might've been a cover story to allow the bombers a chance to catch their getaway plane.

How the Hell is the FBI gonna explain their failure to Comrades Holder and Obama in coming up with a raping right wing white racist to hang for this? Donchano "Its the returning Iraq war veteran that's (supposed to be) the greatest threat to America's national security" Janet Napolitano, of course, a veritable fount of wisdom, she is.

RR: Boston Marathon Investigators Release Photos of 'Persons of Interest'
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hey you guys I have known Italian guys that look much like those fellas.

sure are quick to want them middle eastern arent you.


In a bombing in the US, from past experiance, there are two usual suspects, Islamic radicals, and right wing nuts. Our right wing nuts really don't want another of their fruitcakes to be the guilty party.

That is mostly because you label anything that is not a Muslim extremist as a ‘right wing’ extremist. That is the same line of thought that brings the right to call Hitler an extreme leftist and the left to call Hitler an…. extreme righty. In reality, he belongs to neither as neither party resembles that type of extremism. It is just the insane need for one side to demonize and make the other look like a ‘bad guy.’

That is one reason that we cannot go forward anymore in politics, all we are doing is calling the other side the devil while pointing at something that it is not.

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