Pictures Of Those Whose Statues Are Being Torn Down

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
Well everyone,

It's time to catalogue all those statues so we can keep reminding people that we still revere many of these people for who they were.

And you can pretty much shove the BLM mantra....

Robert E. Lee:

Great General.

If he had been evenly matched (in terms of resources) he'd have kicked the Union's ass.

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So long Chris Columbus. I wonder if they'd sell it to me. I'd have it in my front yard (or my city would love to have it.

The work board:

The board released a statement saying: "When a statue of Christopher Columbus was placed in the park 140 years ago, its purpose was to celebrate the contributions of immigrants in this region. But now, for many, it symbolizes a historical disregard for indigenous peoples and cultures and destruction of their communities.In order to ensure a safe, inclusive and pleasant environment for park visitors and team members alike, the park’s board of commissioners has authorized the removal of the Columbus statue to begin the week of June 15."
I have the coolest uncle on Earth, you wouldn't believe this guy, I have what's left of his life and quite interesting. He's long past, dude was born 1881. Anyway, his father by the same name was a proud confederate soldier, enlisting at the age of 15 when the war broke out, eighth US infantry. He became an important guy in Cleveland, well regarded. If he was anything like his son was he was precious.

Unlike PROGS I appreciate and respect history, science and math.

Here's a page out of one of my uncle's books, he made more than a few. He seems to imply the picture in the stamp is of his dad, and they do look similar, but the stamp is 1949, his dad passed 1902. Includes other veteran papers, my uncle fought in the Spanish American War. Names cleaned to protect the innocent:cool:
Rollie War Vet.JPG
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Other than at Gettysburg statues haven't been my sort of thing. Pretty much you've ignored one, you've ignored them all. Although it was sad seeing these being removed, they struck me as iconic:
It's time to catalogue all those statues so we can keep reminding people that we still revere many of these people for who they were.
  1. These were all Americans. It's not like they were Adolf gassing the Jews.
  2. Had they won, they'd be heroes.
  3. These statues were built as part of appeasing the South after the war.
  4. The Confederacy simply disagreed with the North and sought to split off and go their own separate way (something many still fight for today in other ways).
  5. These statues are our history, right or wrong.
  6. Leaving them up doesn't mean you support slavery, they are simply a nod to notable historic figures that marked turning points in our past. A past that was part of the road that got us to where we are today.
  7. Tearing down a statue doesn't change a thing. Not the past nor the present.
I'm not saying I love these people or support anything they believed, but I want to know my history and think tearing them down is a bad mistake.
This just shows how stupid and dumb the protesters are but really its not about a dead black dude. They even tore down a statue of matthias baldwin who was an avid philanthropist and abolitionist.
I believe there was a Doctor Who episode where there were statues that moved every time you blinked. And it wasn't good when they got to you.

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