Piers Morgan Lies about Trump, uses Deceptive Edits


Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2022

Deceptive Edits
Audio Contradicts Piers Morgan
Shows He Warped Trump Interview Ending in Promo

Audio provided by former President Donald Trump’s team to Breitbart News of the end of Trump’s interview with Piers Morgan proves that Morgan and his team deceptively edited the interview to make it appear as though it was a contentious ending when it was not.

The 30-second clip that Morgan’s team released splashed across tabloids and media outlets, taking the lead spot across the Drudge Report with multiple links accusing Trump of having a “meltdown.” In it, Morgan splices several clips together that make it seem like as on-screen graphics and a deep male voice over says that Trump is a “former president in denial” over the 2020 election. The promo, which calls it “the most explosive interview of the year,” pulls a few short clips of Trump calling Morgan “a fool” and saying “this is very dishonest” and “let’s finish up the interview,” before showing Trump standing up and walking away and saying “turn the camera off.”

But that’s not what happened—not even close. Trump spent more than an hour with Morgan, and the way the promo clip cuts together what it calls “Morgan Versus Trump” moments to promote the interview which will air on this coming Monday night is particularly deceptive. Most of those moments had nothing to do with the election issue at all, and the full audio of the last bit of the interview shows that Trump standing up and walking away and saying “turn the camera off” came after Morgan ended the interview and thanked Trump for a “great interview
Piers Morgan is a performer ... what would you expect from a performer but a performance?

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Piers Morgan is a performer ... what would you expect from a performer but a performance?

Well, if he is going to interview a United States president I expect him to not engage in deceptive editing.

Deceptive Edits
Audio Contradicts Piers Morgan
Shows He Warped Trump Interview Ending in Promo

Audio provided by former President Donald Trump’s team to Breitbart News of the end of Trump’s interview with Piers Morgan proves that Morgan and his team deceptively edited the interview to make it appear as though it was a contentious ending when it was not.

The 30-second clip that Morgan’s team released splashed across tabloids and media outlets, taking the lead spot across the Drudge Report with multiple links accusing Trump of having a “meltdown.” In it, Morgan splices several clips together that make it seem like as on-screen graphics and a deep male voice over says that Trump is a “former president in denial” over the 2020 election. The promo, which calls it “the most explosive interview of the year,” pulls a few short clips of Trump calling Morgan “a fool” and saying “this is very dishonest” and “let’s finish up the interview,” before showing Trump standing up and walking away and saying “turn the camera off.”

But that’s not what happened—not even close. Trump spent more than an hour with Morgan, and the way the promo clip cuts together what it calls “Morgan Versus Trump” moments to promote the interview which will air on this coming Monday night is particularly deceptive. Most of those moments had nothing to do with the election issue at all, and the full audio of the last bit of the interview shows that Trump standing up and walking away and saying “turn the camera off” came after Morgan ended the interview and thanked Trump for a “great interview
No one in the media would ever lie about Trump!


Deceptive Edits
Audio Contradicts Piers Morgan
Shows He Warped Trump Interview Ending in Promo

Audio provided by former President Donald Trump’s team to Breitbart News of the end of Trump’s interview with Piers Morgan proves that Morgan and his team deceptively edited the interview to make it appear as though it was a contentious ending when it was not.

The 30-second clip that Morgan’s team released splashed across tabloids and media outlets, taking the lead spot across the Drudge Report with multiple links accusing Trump of having a “meltdown.” In it, Morgan splices several clips together that make it seem like as on-screen graphics and a deep male voice over says that Trump is a “former president in denial” over the 2020 election. The promo, which calls it “the most explosive interview of the year,” pulls a few short clips of Trump calling Morgan “a fool” and saying “this is very dishonest” and “let’s finish up the interview,” before showing Trump standing up and walking away and saying “turn the camera off.”

But that’s not what happened—not even close. Trump spent more than an hour with Morgan, and the way the promo clip cuts together what it calls “Morgan Versus Trump” moments to promote the interview which will air on this coming Monday night is particularly deceptive. Most of those moments had nothing to do with the election issue at all, and the full audio of the last bit of the interview shows that Trump standing up and walking away and saying “turn the camera off” came after Morgan ended the interview and thanked Trump for a “great interview

One small problem. The so called 9 1/2 minutes briebart if referring to doesn't have a clip even though they claim they have it. If they had it, they would present it.

Deceptive Edits
Audio Contradicts Piers Morgan
Shows He Warped Trump Interview Ending in Promo

Audio provided by former President Donald Trump’s team to Breitbart News of the end of Trump’s interview with Piers Morgan proves that Morgan and his team deceptively edited the interview to make it appear as though it was a contentious ending when it was not.

The 30-second clip that Morgan’s team released splashed across tabloids and media outlets, taking the lead spot across the Drudge Report with multiple links accusing Trump of having a “meltdown.” In it, Morgan splices several clips together that make it seem like as on-screen graphics and a deep male voice over says that Trump is a “former president in denial” over the 2020 election. The promo, which calls it “the most explosive interview of the year,” pulls a few short clips of Trump calling Morgan “a fool” and saying “this is very dishonest” and “let’s finish up the interview,” before showing Trump standing up and walking away and saying “turn the camera off.”

But that’s not what happened—not even close. Trump spent more than an hour with Morgan, and the way the promo clip cuts together what it calls “Morgan Versus Trump” moments to promote the interview which will air on this coming Monday night is particularly deceptive. Most of those moments had nothing to do with the election issue at all, and the full audio of the last bit of the interview shows that Trump standing up and walking away and saying “turn the camera off” came after Morgan ended the interview and thanked Trump for a “great interview
You all must be ashamed of Trump again to claim the footage was altered. Give years of making excuses is enough.
It’s tragic that folks in the “media” have to continue to behave i as propagandist for the demafasict.

Trump made a mistake in believing morgan could be fair. I hope he learns from this and refuses future interviews with him
It’s tragic that folks in the “media” have to continue to behave i as propagandist for the demafasict.

Trump made a mistake in believing morgan could be fair. I hope he learns from this and refuses future interviews with him
Trump lost the election. That's just a hard fact.
If he can’t stand up to a Celebrity Apprentice winner why the fuck would anyone think he could stand up to Putin?
You all must be ashamed of Trump . . . .

Trump is a great American and the greatest president since Reagan.

What are you? The mop boy at Taco Bell?

Trump needs to stop doing these interviews.

Meh. I love them. I know what you mean, but I like them

If he can’t stand up to a Celebrity Apprentice winner why the fuck would anyone think he could stand up to Putin?

He did stand up to Putin. He literally bombed Russian soldiers. It was your drooling groomer pedophile Biden who could not stand up to Putin, in case you missed the last couple of months in the Ukraine.
“If I did what Piers Morgan did in his fake interview with me, rigging and redoing my words, and then making it sound like I walked out of an interview, the failed gubernatorial candidate and Radical Left Racist, Attorney General of New York State, Letitia James, would start an immediate investigation and demand the re-institution of the death penalty, or whatever may be worse than that. Piers got caught red-handed, and the interview that I rather enjoyed doing is now in shambles. I especially enjoyed talking about the 2020 Presidential Election Fraud and his big mistake on the way he walked off his show when the “weatherman” made him look like a fool. I never walked out of my interviews with him, he’s easy, but he tried to make it look like I did. Unlike others, I don’t believe Piers is a complete slimeball, but he lost a lot of credibility. Interestingly, many of the Fake News Media outlets are covering his mistake. They view it as potentially fraudulent, and so do I. Piers is off to a bad start, but thanks to me, he may get a final burst of big ratings before it all comes crashing down!”

By Donald J. Trump
“If I did what Piers Morgan did in his fake interview with me, rigging and redoing my words, and then making it sound like I walked out of an interview, the failed gubernatorial candidate and Radical Left Racist, Attorney General of New York State, Letitia James, would start an immediate investigation and demand the re-institution of the death penalty, or whatever may be worse than that. Piers got caught red-handed, and the interview that I rather enjoyed doing is now in shambles. I especially enjoyed talking about the 2020 Presidential Election Fraud and his big mistake on the way he walked off his show when the “weatherman” made him look like a fool. I never walked out of my interviews with him, he’s easy, but he tried to make it look like I did. Unlike others, I don’t believe Piers is a complete slimeball, but he lost a lot of credibility. Interestingly, many of the Fake News Media outlets are covering his mistake. They view it as potentially fraudulent, and so do I. Piers is off to a bad start, but thanks to me, he may get a final burst of big ratings before it all comes crashing down!”

By Donald J. Trump

By Donald Rump. That says it all. Never tell the truth when a lie can work just as well. Funny, the cameras were rolling, according to Rump, so it wouldn't be too hard for him to present the more than one hour long clip to prove he isn't lying "This Time". The tip is where he claims that Morgan was being nice. That 's a tipoff. Piers Morgan isn't nice to anyone at any time when he's doing a questionaire. But I think there has been enough time for Rumps camp to attempt at presenting something by now. Check with Pawxsnews. They have that capability and use it all the time.

Deceptive Edits
Audio Contradicts Piers Morgan
Shows He Warped Trump Interview Ending in Promo

Audio provided by former President Donald Trump’s team to Breitbart News of the end of Trump’s interview with Piers Morgan proves that Morgan and his team deceptively edited the interview to make it appear as though it was a contentious ending when it was not.

The 30-second clip that Morgan’s team released splashed across tabloids and media outlets, taking the lead spot across the Drudge Report with multiple links accusing Trump of having a “meltdown.” In it, Morgan splices several clips together that make it seem like as on-screen graphics and a deep male voice over says that Trump is a “former president in denial” over the 2020 election. The promo, which calls it “the most explosive interview of the year,” pulls a few short clips of Trump calling Morgan “a fool” and saying “this is very dishonest” and “let’s finish up the interview,” before showing Trump standing up and walking away and saying “turn the camera off.”

But that’s not what happened—not even close. Trump spent more than an hour with Morgan, and the way the promo clip cuts together what it calls “Morgan Versus Trump” moments to promote the interview which will air on this coming Monday night is particularly deceptive. Most of those moments had nothing to do with the election issue at all, and the full audio of the last bit of the interview shows that Trump standing up and walking away and saying “turn the camera off” came after Morgan ended the interview and thanked Trump for a “great interview
Fuck Trump and fuck Piers Morgan. Everyone wins. What a feel good story! :clap:

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