Pig-Men v Batgirl: The Ben Affleck Tragedy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-vigilantism culture fable inspired by Natural Born Killers, Kick-Ass, and the upcoming/proposed Batgirl movie.

Isn't it funny/odd how our media-culture fertilizes all kinds of 'delusion-folklore'?

What does President Trump make of all this?

Signing off,



"Ben Affleck viewed his calendar and noticed his meeting with a film-studio executive about a new Batman movie-project involving the superheroine Batgirl. Affleck was invested in Batman (DC Comics) media for quite some time now, and his new Batman-project involving Batgirl was exciting to him personally, and he wanted to cast Anne Hathaway as Batgirl. Batman was the eccentric masked urban vigilante and Batman was his female sidekick. Affleck wanted to incorporate some anti-TrumpUSA street-protest intrigue in this new Batman movie.

So the premise was that Batgirl was dealing with an insidious new troop of villains known as the 'Pig-Men.' The Pig-Men were bandit-revolutionaries who wore pig-masks and robbed banks and committed heinous crimes. The money they stole helped them purchase weapons and tools for their crimes. The crimes the Pig-Men committed mostly involved the murder of policemen, but no policewomen. Batgirl would try to tackle them, as Batman insisted he should take charge of the 'mission.' The Pig-Men would also use anti-TrumpUSA street-protests as a distracting 'political guise' for their otherwise purely-mischief oriented criminality. Batgirl would be conscious of this and chase them as simple maniacs.

The film, titled Batman/Batgirl was directed by Affleck and Affleck himself portrayed Batman, and Anne Hathaway did indeed end up portraying the iconic DC Comics heroine-sidekick Batgirl. The film was made with a $20 million budget, but it grossed over $100 million in the box office. Affleck was happy with the results, and the fans and critics seemed to really like it. However, something then really eerie happened. A troop of psychotic 'Hollywood critics' began copycatting the crimes depicted in the graphic comics film, going so far as to even wear authentic pig-masks and calling themselves the 'Pig-Men' (just like in the Affleck film).

Well, ironically enough, a masked female vigilante decided to chase these 'real-life Pig-Men' and donned an authentic Batgirl costume/outfit. The newspapers declared that she was the 'first female heroine.' Affleck said in a press-interview that Americans knew of Eliot Ness, Pat Garrett, and Melvin Purvis, but now 'Batgirl' would be the new 'law-enforcement celebrity,' even though, technically, she was a vigilante and not an ordained officer of the law. Nevertheless, the cops loved this 'real-life Batgirl' and cheered her on as she tracked the villainous Pig-Men.

The Pig-Men (just as in the Affleck film) were macabre and extremely violent. They decapitated policemen, hacked off their limbs with machetes, burned them alive, skinned them, and sometimes, it was rumored, even ate them! Batgirl sent a piece to the Washington Post declaring the real-life 'Pig-Men' to be worse than the Manson Family or any violent urban gang. When the Pig-Men sent a photo to The Post of a policeman they murdered, with the victim's body being shown as stripped naked and mutilated and some of its bones ripped out and its neck gashed with what seemed like teeth, Batgirl knew this new evil menace had to be tackled.

Batgirl wielded tranquilizer-darts and a metal bulletproof shield which she used to fend off any strike with a bat, axe, or shotgun. Batgirl tracked the Pig-Men to an abandoned warehouse in the Bronx (NY) and simply ran towards them. The Pig-Men were sitting in that warehouse, their hide-out, preparing to make a video of their 'propaganda-mission' designed to poke fun at various anti-TrumpUSA street-protests which would frustrate cops. Batgirl ran at the Pig-Men with her shield, and as they tried to shoot her and throw axes at her, she dodged and blocked these attacks (with her shield) before sedating them with her tranquilizer dart-gun. She then tied them up and hauled them off to Arkham Asylum (the center for the treatment/incarceration of the criminally-insane) in her camouflaging ice-cream truck.

BATGIRL: Do you know Ben Affleck committed suicide?
PIG-MAN: Yes, he was obviously 'perturbed' by our copycat-crimes!
BATGIRL: He was dismayed that his idealistic film prompted psychopaths.
PIG-MAN: We're not psychos, Batgirl; the Pig-Men were visionaries.
BATGIRL: How's that?
PIG-MAN: Our pig-masks were criticisms of fast-food and consumerism.
BATGIRL: You poked fun at anti-TrumpUSA street-protests...why?
PIG-MAN: Just like in Affleck's film, the protests were 'irony-distractions.'
BATGIRL: So you simply 'despise' TrumpUSA?
PIG-MAN: There's nothing 'sacred' about Wall Street and Facebook.
BATGIRL: TrumpUSA is not just about mindless consumerism...
PIG-MAN: Yes, it's also about meaningless media scandals!
BATGIRL: The Trump Administration dealt handsomely with the North Korea nuclear-crisis.
PIG-MAN: Look, maybe Donald Trump is an 'adroit politician,' but America is a cesspool.
BATGIRL: So you're not just anarchists...you have some specific 'political ideas.'
PIG-MAN: Well, in the end, we're just the opposite of the Merry Men (Robin Hood).
BATGIRL: Affleck's tragic suicide reminded everyone that media is not a toy!
PIG-MAN: Perhaps you'll become a 'celebrity' yourself; I wouldn't dwell on the 'details'."


Affleck is such a legendary godawful actor that in the movie "Good Will Hunting" that idiot couldn't even do his own native Baaaston accent correctly! How bad does an actor have to be to manage to FUCK UP their own native accent??

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