PIG Sheriff's deputy arrested for drop slamming 15-year-old student. Lock the PIG UP!


The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...

She's a fucking child, asswipe. And there ain't no "Democraps" anywhere in the video, wankerwonder.

Children have to be taught respect in school. Whenever I was in 9th grade, I made a smart ass remark to a teacher in gym class. Immediate open handed slap to the temple landed me on the floor.

Learned my lesson.
That's just pure BULL SHIT. NO ADULT, EVER, that isn't even the PARENT of a kid, should EVER, STRIKE, a CHILD. Had you been MY kid, and fucker cracked you, I'd have gone down to that school and KICKED HIS ASS, not to mention what he did to you was CLASS-A ASSAULT AND BATTERY, a FELONY.

I guess the term "in loco parentis" means nothing to you. But traditionally, its how school officials were legally able to kick our asses if we got out of line, back in the day.

The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...

She's a fucking child, asswipe. And there ain't no "Democraps" anywhere in the video, wankerwonder.

Children have to be taught respect in school. Whenever I was in 9th grade, I made a smart ass remark to a teacher in gym class. Immediate open handed slap to the temple landed me on the floor.

Learned my lesson.
That's just pure BULL SHIT. NO ADULT, EVER, that isn't even the PARENT of a kid, should EVER, STRIKE, a CHILD. Had you been MY kid, and fucker cracked you, I'd have gone down to that school and KICKED HIS ASS, not to mention what he did to you was CLASS-A ASSAULT AND BATTERY, a FELONY.

I guess the term "in loco parentis" means nothing to you. But traditionally, its how school officials were legally able to kick our asses if we got out of line, back in the day.
No they couldn't. I'm 64 years old myself. I had a teacher think he was going to give me the "BOARD" after class one day, and I told him he wasn't going to touch me, period, or my Dad would be down there and KICK IN HIS FACE. Needless to say he didn't touch me.

PARENTS are the ones that dole out any sort of punishment that MIGHT include STRIKING a child, as in SPANKING, but the instance in this OP is about a LITTLE GIRL, with MENTAL and BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS. What freakin' part about that are you MISSING?
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If that was my daughter, I'd be suing that ignorant bastard cop into the poor house.

If that was my daughter, I would explain to her that her being body slammed is a direct result of kicking a cop. Then I would ask her when she became stupid enough to kick a cop.

And then she would ask you why you don't have her back. And you would thus fail as a parent.
If that was my daughter, I'd be suing that ignorant bastard cop into the poor house.

If that was my daughter, I would explain to her that her being body slammed is a direct result of kicking a cop. Then I would ask her when she became stupid enough to kick a cop.
Well I guess then it's a good thing you don't have a poor little girl that isn't all there, because you'd just treat her like SHIT.

I can't believe all you COMMANDOS in here thinking that SLAMMING some LITTLE GIRL to a CONCRETE FLOOR, then ROUGHING HER UP, then picking her up by her ARMS PINNED BEHIND HER BACK and then THROWING her in another little room into another CEMENT WALL is ALL FINE AND DANDY. You people are fuckin' NEANDERTHALS, and have no business being around children, ESPECIALLY children with MENTAL and BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS.

I guess on you people's planet, all nut cases should be BEAT if they happen to do something a little out of the ordinary. Yeah, that's the ticket, just BEAT ALL MENTAL PATIENTS, BEAT THEM SILLY, THAT'LL TEACH 'EM. They'll all be FINE after a few good SLAMS TO THE FLOOR and BEATINGS.

Sheeeeeezuz... you people are absolutely fucking CRAZY. YOU are the ones that should be in the NUT HOUSE.
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If that was my daughter, I'd be suing that ignorant bastard cop into the poor house.

If that was my daughter, I would explain to her that her being body slammed is a direct result of kicking a cop. Then I would ask her when she became stupid enough to kick a cop.
Well I guess then it's a good thing you don't have a poor little girl that isn't all there, because you'd just treat her like SHIT.

I can't believe all COMMANDOS in here thinking that SLAMMING some LITTLE GIRL to a CONCRETE FLOOR, then ROUGHING HER, then picking her by her ARMS PINNED BEHIND HER BACK and then THROWING in another little room into another CEMENT WALL is ALL FINE AND DANDY. You people are fuckin' NEANDERTHALS, and have no business being around children, ESPECIALLY children with MENTAL and BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS.

I guess on you people's planet, all nut cases should be BEAT if they happen to do something a little out of the ordinary. Yeah, that's the ticket, just BEAT ALL MENTAL PATIENTS, BEAT THEM SILLY, THAT'LL TEACH 'EM. They'll all be FINE after a few good SLAMS TO THE FLOOR and BEATINGS.

Sheeeeeezuz... you people are absolutely fucking CRAZY. YOU are the ones that should be in the NUT HOUSE.

I dont give a rats ass if she is a child.. Her actions were unsafe and out of control. The Officer was JUSTIFIED. Its time for the parents to be held accountable for failure to discipline their child!

Because children never get out of control.
If that was my daughter, I'd be suing that ignorant bastard cop into the poor house.

If that was my daughter, I would explain to her that her being body slammed is a direct result of kicking a cop. Then I would ask her when she became stupid enough to kick a cop.
Well I guess then it's a good thing you don't have a poor little girl that isn't all there, because you'd just treat her like SHIT.

I can't believe all you COMMANDOS in here thinking that SLAMMING some LITTLE GIRL to a CONCRETE FLOOR, then ROUGHING HER UP, then picking her up by her ARMS PINNED BEHIND HER BACK and then THROWING her in another little room into another CEMENT WALL is ALL FINE AND DANDY. You people are fuckin' NEANDERTHALS, and have no business being around children, ESPECIALLY children with MENTAL and BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS.

I guess on you people's planet, all nut cases should be BEAT if they happen to do something a little out of the ordinary. Yeah, that's the ticket, just BEAT ALL MENTAL PATIENTS, BEAT THEM SILLY, THAT'LL TEACH 'EM. They'll all be FINE after a few good SLAMS TO THE FLOOR and BEATINGS.

Sheeeeeezuz... you people are absolutely fucking CRAZY. YOU are the ones that should be in the NUT HOUSE.

It would probably be more appropriate for a woman staff member to rough up the disorderly teen- that's why the local girls' school was run by nuns when I was around.

However, this is 2019, and the sexes are supposed to be equal.

The young lady in the video was 15, that means in a few years she will be an adult, doing adult time in an adult institution. She might as well get used to it- the CO's wouldn't be so easy on her.
I dont give a rats ass if she is a child.. Her actions were unsafe and out of control. The Officer was JUSTIFIED. Its time for the parents to be held accountable for failure to discipline their child!

Because children never get out of control.

Children get out of control all the time. That's why teachers carry around yardsticks, pointers, steel-edged rulers and other instruments of correction.
If that was my daughter, I'd be suing that ignorant bastard cop into the poor house.

If that was my daughter, I would explain to her that her being body slammed is a direct result of kicking a cop. Then I would ask her when she became stupid enough to kick a cop.

And then she would ask you why you don't have her back. And you would thus fail as a parent.

My children don't kick cops. They know better, because I am a good enough parent to teach them respect for authority. That moron in the video is the result of poor parenting. While she is kicking cops, my children are in class, learning.
If that was my daughter, I'd be suing that ignorant bastard cop into the poor house.

If that was my daughter, I would explain to her that her being body slammed is a direct result of kicking a cop. Then I would ask her when she became stupid enough to kick a cop.

And then she would ask you why you don't have her back. And you would thus fail as a parent.

My children don't kick cops. They know better, because I am a good enough parent to teach them respect for authority. That moron in the video is the result of poor parenting. While she is kicking cops, my children are in class, learning.


My GOD, what in the HELL is WRONG WITH YOU?
If that was my daughter, I'd be suing that ignorant bastard cop into the poor house.

If that was my daughter, I would explain to her that her being body slammed is a direct result of kicking a cop. Then I would ask her when she became stupid enough to kick a cop.

And then she would ask you why you don't have her back. And you would thus fail as a parent.

My children don't kick cops. They know better, because I am a good enough parent to teach them respect for authority. That moron in the video is the result of poor parenting. While she is kicking cops, my children are in class, learning.

In the scenario you laid out above what they're learning is that you consider them so shitly that you have the back of a berserk assaulter who slammed her to the ground, and don't have hers. And that would mean she's profoundly ALONE and trapped with literally everyone against her --- one goon beating her up and her own mother cheering him on.

I would hope she'd be taken away from you because that's some sick shit to lay on a child.
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If that was my daughter, I'd be suing that ignorant bastard cop into the poor house.

If that was my daughter, I would explain to her that her being body slammed is a direct result of kicking a cop. Then I would ask her when she became stupid enough to kick a cop.
Well I guess then it's a good thing you don't have a poor little girl that isn't all there, because you'd just treat her like SHIT.

I can't believe all you COMMANDOS in here thinking that SLAMMING some LITTLE GIRL to a CONCRETE FLOOR, then ROUGHING HER UP, then picking her up by her ARMS PINNED BEHIND HER BACK and then THROWING her in another little room into another CEMENT WALL is ALL FINE AND DANDY. You people are fuckin' NEANDERTHALS, and have no business being around children, ESPECIALLY children with MENTAL and BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS.

I guess on you people's planet, all nut cases should be BEAT if they happen to do something a little out of the ordinary. Yeah, that's the ticket, just BEAT ALL MENTAL PATIENTS, BEAT THEM SILLY, THAT'LL TEACH 'EM. They'll all be FINE after a few good SLAMS TO THE FLOOR and BEATINGS.

Sheeeeeezuz... you people are absolutely fucking CRAZY. YOU are the ones that should be in the NUT HOUSE.

It would probably be more appropriate for a woman staff member to rough up the disorderly teen- that's why the local girls' school was run by nuns when I was around.

However, this is 2019, and the sexes are supposed to be equal.

The young lady in the video was 15, that means in a few years she will be an adult, doing adult time in an adult institution. She might as well get used to it- the CO's wouldn't be so easy on her.
She wasn't DISORDERLY. She NUDGED the cop in the back of the leg... NUDGED... ONCE.

You people saying this LITTLE girl, this MENTALLY CHALLENGED girl in an institute for children LIKE HER, should be SLAMMED ON THE FLOOR and ROUGHED UP like an ADULT IN A BAR BRAWL for what she did, you people are absolutely OUT TO LUNCH.

I just hope to GOD NONE of you people have a DAUGHTER WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. She'd be BLACK AND BLUE from you SLAMMING HER AROUND ROUGHING HER UP, and you NUT CASES would be claiming you were TEACHING HER.

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The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...
agenda driven? What is mine here? I feel I pointed out the wrong here.
If that was my daughter, I'd be suing that ignorant bastard cop into the poor house.

If that was my daughter, I would explain to her that her being body slammed is a direct result of kicking a cop. Then I would ask her when she became stupid enough to kick a cop.

And then she would ask you why you don't have her back. And you would thus fail as a parent.

My children don't kick cops. They know better, because I am a good enough parent to teach them respect for authority. That moron in the video is the result of poor parenting. While she is kicking cops, my children are in class, learning.


My GOD, what in the HELL is WRONG WITH YOU?

My comments were made after watching the video, not the link. There is nothing in the video that suggests the child is mentally ill. If she is mentally ill, she should be treated as such. If she is not, then she needs to be taught respect for her elders and authority.
So, stick your holier than thou attitude up your ass...
If that was my daughter, I'd be suing that ignorant bastard cop into the poor house.

If that was my daughter, I would explain to her that her being body slammed is a direct result of kicking a cop. Then I would ask her when she became stupid enough to kick a cop.

And then she would ask you why you don't have her back. And you would thus fail as a parent.

My children don't kick cops. They know better, because I am a good enough parent to teach them respect for authority. That moron in the video is the result of poor parenting. While she is kicking cops, my children are in class, learning.


My GOD, what in the HELL is WRONG WITH YOU?

My comments were made after watching the video, not the link. There is nothing in the video that suggests the child is mentally ill. If she is mentally ill, she should be treated as such. If she is not, then she needs to be taught respect for her elders and authority.
So, stick your holier than thou attitude up your ass...

Actually, stick your child-abusing temperament up your own. You're dead wrong here and it's disgusting.
And yet my children never kicked cops and are quite successful as adults.
There is nothing to indicate from the video that the child was mentally ill, so stick your moral high ground bullshit right up your ass. If she is mentally ill, then the cop was out of line. If she is not then she was in the wrong. It is just that simple.
I think that’s from a long time ago but if not just more fake outrage over a person being held responsible for their combative actions. Throw a punch, get one thrown back. Dont want to be slammed, don’t be an imbecile emotive bad actor.
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Just like that, my dog pushes on the back of my leg fairly often while I'm standing here on the computer, but I don't get angry, of course, and just play with her knowing she wants attention.
This OP not only refers to police officers as "pigs", but in the past he has claimed members of our armed forces, and anyone who would join the military are inferior individuals.
They are team PIGS, as they cover over crimes done by the PIG Team members.
Like if your team steals from a bank. The team is stealing from the bank.
As for the military morons. We have not won a war after WWII. If you keep
losing the wars, as a team, you are stupid to keep joining the team to
get socialized healthcare and welfare for being employed and into retirement.
The military is a national welfare program. The players need to protest war like Iraq
for being used in a false war for WMD. They should not go to help the Saudia as a paid mercenary.
They should quick and join BlackWater type losers killing of money.
.They're currently referred to as unemployable socialist meatheads. A gentler term

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