Pigs Do Fly: M Bartiromo Verbally Assaults Ben Cardin (D-MD)


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
John Boehner "I put 800 billion in new revenue on the table. What do I get for that?"
Barack Obama "You get nothing. I get that for free"
The Forksucker in Chief, after he finishes his 30 million dollar Hawaiian Vacation, plans to go on the campaign stump.

Its startin to smell and feel an awful lot like 1861, ain't it?

CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo Opens A Can Of Whoop-Ass On Dem Sen. Ben Cardin Over Democrats Refusal To Put Spending Cuts, Entitlement Reform on Table In Fiscal Cliff Talks… | Weasel Zippers
Wow. She and Santelli must be having an affair cause she certainly acted like she finally got laid.

Have to point out that she avoided saying anything about the Senate not going to a vote when the dip shit complained about Boner not allowing the House to vote on bills.

Oh well...
Wow. She and Santelli must be having an affair cause she certainly acted like she finally got laid.

Have to point out that she avoided saying anything about the Senate not going to a vote when the dip shit complained about Boner not allowing the House to vote on bills.

Oh well...

MB is a flaming Democrat. Its just that what Obama and the Dems are up to is so high handed and reeks to high Heaven so much, even a loyal party member like Bartiromo has to call them out on it.
I hope they offer a lottery after the next Civil War is over giving the ordinary folks the chance to wield the ceremonial sword that settles the scores with guys like Cardin, Hoyer, Van Hollens, Chaffee, Cuomo, Bloomberg, after these guys are lead by leashes attached to dog collars on their necks down the main streets of whatever cities that are left intact.
Not fair that Madame deFarge had all the fun.
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Wow. She and Santelli must be having an affair cause she certainly acted like she finally got laid.

Have to point out that she avoided saying anything about the Senate not going to a vote when the dip shit complained about Boner not allowing the House to vote on bills.

Oh well...

MB is a flaming Democrat. Its just that what Obama and the Dems are up to is so high handed and reeks to high Heaven so much, even a loyal party member like Bartiromo has to call them out on it.
I hope they offer a lottery after the next Civil War is over giving the ordinary folks the chance to wield the ceremonial sword that settles the scores with guys like Cardin, Hoyer, Van Hollens, Chaffee, Cuomo, Bloomberg, after these guys are lead by leashes attached to dog collars on their necks down the main streets of whatever cities that are left intact.
Not fair that Madame deFarge had all the fun.
Don't get Me wrong...I know that Bartiromo is as left as they get. I was surprised to see her pull a Santelli on that moron they were interviewing.

I can understand her frustration too. There is only so much they can do to cover up for them. It has to get very tiring having to realize that if you are covering up for the people who match you ideologically, that eventually, you start to question your loyalty and beliefs.

I know from first hand experience, which is why I'm an independent.
You know, I can't get this out of My head.

Listen to what that fucking asshat from (THE SENATE) says starting at 0:20 second mark.

I was getting into a good mood....Now I'm seriously irritated.

The FUCKING SENATE hasn't voted on a bill sent to it from the House in over 3 fucking years.
You know, I can't get this out of My head.

Listen to what that fucking asshat from (THE SENATE) says starting at 0:20 second mark.

I was getting into a good mood....Now I'm seriously irritated.

The FUCKING SENATE hasn't voted on a bill sent to it from the House in over 3 fucking years.

Amen to that. Harry Reid needs to have a new @sshole installed, maybe once he relieves his own internal constipation problem, the Senate can get over its own Legislative constipation. Exlax works, along with a soapie water solution. My own preferred surgical instrument for Senator Reid, if I were the surgeon, would be a wood rasp.

More on Democrat Ben Cardin's zeal to be regarded as Santa Claus past, Santa Claus present, and Santa Claus forever. powerline has noticed. Once the Democrats have their spending hands tied, they're out of business as a political party, because they have no other strongly held beliefs, except the unlimited right to engage in perversion, sodomy, fellatio, and other forms of bestiality etc, than the express right to take wealthier taxpayers hard earned monies into their own hands and walk down the streets of their home districts showering the funds on their constituents in order to obtain their votes, now and in the future. Take Alaska Democratic Senator Begich who porked up the Hurricane Sandy Relief bill with multiple millions for his own home state. Just how far is the State of Alaska from Breezy Point and Staten Island, anyway? Its over by the Blue Ridge Mountains or maybe just North of Harrisburg, right?
Now if Adam Lanza had deigned to put twenty or so rounds into that c@cksucker, instead of the uniequivocally innocent six and seven year olds, most people would have regarded him as a hero, given him a John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin style parade instead of relegating him to the depths of Hell alongside folks like Judas, Benedict Arnold, and Teddy Kennedy.

A big hand for the little lady | Power Line

Its gettin to look and smell more like 1861 with every passing day.
Have a little music to soothe the soul.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQkBeOisNM0]Fun.: Some Nights [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube[/ame]
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Boenher needs to grow a sac and be more like MB...no, actually we need to get rid of Bonehead
Maria Buttaroma is married to a jew so don't be fooled. She's an america-hating liberal all the way.
She wasn't attacking Cardin specifically. She was attacking the entire Congress, which means, mathematically,

she was attacking more Republicans for incompetence than Democrats.
She wasn't attacking Cardin specifically. She was attacking the entire Congress, which means, mathematically,

she was attacking more Republicans for incompetence than Democrats.

:lol: That has got to be the poorest attempt at a spin that I've seen all day, carb.
She wasn't attacking Cardin specifically. She was attacking the entire Congress, which means, mathematically,

she was attacking more Republicans for incompetence than Democrats.

She was attacking Republicans for Democrats not putting spending cuts on the table?
She wasn't attacking Cardin specifically. She was attacking the entire Congress, which means, mathematically,

she was attacking more Republicans for incompetence than Democrats.

She was attacking Republicans for Democrats not putting spending cuts on the table?

She said, I paraphrase, one side comes out and says this, and then the other side comes out and says that,

then she delivers her line about 'you guys' being incompetent. She's referring to both parties.

She was not making a specific reference to either just Cardin, or just the Democrats.
The Democrats are feckless spineless weasels.

The Gop is only slightly better.
Listen to what she said.

Yes, please do. Then think on who wants to raise taxes and kick the can down the road with the spending.

That has nothing to do with me being right and you not knowing what you're talking about.

Yes, yes, it's me. She speaks of balanced spending...also "raising the rates on the rich...your way or the highway." Yes, I'm not listening to it. :rolleyes: You are spinning and placing blame...now you go back and not only watch it, but listen to it.

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