Pirates attack, board and take over oil tanker in international waters.



Pirates attack, board and take over oil tanker in international waters.


The well armed pirates, took over the tanker and seem to be taking it to an as yet unknown port, probably selling the oil.
This act of piracy should be condemned and the pirates arrested.
Pirates attack, board and take over oil tanker in international waters.


The well armed pirates, took over the tanker and seem to be taking it to an as yet unknown port, probably selling the oil.
This act of piracy should be condemned and the pirates arrested.

"The raid by Navy Seals took place in international waters south of Cyprus, said spokesman Rear Adm John Kirby."

"Always some mf'er trying to iceskate uphill." - "Blade" :)
Some how it got out that Obama made the call. Watch folks, how MSNBS get all tingly in their legs about that.

He still claims that the 7 hour long attack in Benghazi was because of a video.

Wait, he said it was an organized attack after those claims.

Crowley even said he said it.

Then NY TIMES claimed Al qaeda was not involved. That means to morons like Rightwinger that it was a spontaneous attack...that just so happened on 911.

Even though it has been proven that more security was requested and denied, that makes no difference to the lefties.

I mean just because it was just before the elections, the president would not have abandoned them to avoid any disaster for political expediency. No, not that.

He simply learned about it on the news....like he said.

Anyway, good thing he made this decision. Now lets observe the absurdity of the left that hates our military

Every notice how the left never protest that our SEALS are water boarded in training? I do. They only object when brown terrorists with potentially poignant information in regards to mass attack are water boarded. Then, all of a sudden, they get on their little moral platitudes.

In reality they hate the country and they are nothing but pawns or puppets or both.
Pirates attack, board and take over oil tanker in international waters.


The well armed pirates, took over the tanker and seem to be taking it to an as yet unknown port, probably selling the oil.
This act of piracy should be condemned and the pirates arrested.

The link said nothing about pirates taking over an oil tanker.
Pirates attack, board and take over oil tanker in international waters.


The well armed pirates, took over the tanker and seem to be taking it to an as yet unknown port, probably selling the oil.
This act of piracy should be condemned and the pirates arrested.

The link said nothing about pirates taking over an oil tanker.

An armed groups attack, boarded and diverted an oil tanker, taking it to a port without the consent of the owners.

What else do you call it?
Is it just me or does the author of this article seem to be on crack or something?
It jumps all over the place, almost as of some of the paragraphs are from a different article.
Pirates attack, board and take over oil tanker in international waters.


The well armed pirates, took over the tanker and seem to be taking it to an as yet unknown port, probably selling the oil.
This act of piracy should be condemned and the pirates arrested.

I agree but what has been forgotten, lost in their own voices is the reason for the piracy. The usual idiots will jump on this and lie about what I say but in fact, I'd bet that many here would also fight back if their only way to make a living had been stolen from them in the way these people's have been.
This act of piracy should be condemned and the pirates arrested.

Actually the pirates should be drowned and the location from which they launched to attack carpet bombed. There should be zero tolerance for crime on the high seas or in the air. Why the ZOG USA allows this to happen must have to do with money.
This act of piracy should be condemned and the pirates arrested.

Actually the pirates should be drowned and the location from which they launched to attack carpet bombed. There should be zero tolerance for crime on the high seas or in the air. Why the ZOG USA allows this to happen must have to do with money.

In this case, United states forces were the pirates.
There was absolutely no legitimate reason for American forces to get involved in a business transaction that will have zero effect on America.

Unless someone is paying Libyan politicians off.
The pirates will keep doing this as long as countries let them get away with it.
The pirates will keep doing this as long as countries let them get away with it.

Some countries may allow them to get away with it, but the US certainly isn't one of them. Remember the story of Captain Phillips. If a three headshot resolution doesn't deter piracy I'm not sure anything will. As with any crime, if there is profit involved there will always be those who are willing to risk everything to partake in it.
Is it just me or does the author of this article seem to be on crack or something?
It jumps all over the place, almost as of some of the paragraphs are from a different article.

More like meth. Why bring it up when it's been resolved?

The tanker, as the news report says, was hijacked long ago. The news is that it was recovered, at the request of Libya, by the Seals.
The pirates will keep doing this as long as countries let them get away with it.

Some countries may allow them to get away with it, but the US certainly isn't one of them. .

In this case, The U.S. government are the pirates, commanding forces to take over a ship in international waters and divert it without the owner's knowledge or consent.

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