It's a given that almost anybody who makes a posting career out of Xian bashing like Dawkins and his cult followers, and the majority of those who support the 'Gay Rights' hoax as examples, is some sort of neurotic sex freak; those few fashion victims that aren't are just naive and will hopefully grow out of it. Same goes for all the Islam apologists who refuse to acknowledge the blatantly obvious about that violent degenerate political movement trying to pass itself off as a religion.
Talk about bizarre; guy talks about pizza and certain folks minds immediately go to sex slave trafficking.
Immediately? Is that your deduction from watching the video? That is sort of the key, isn't it. Whether conclusions were "jumped to" or if they were reached by an open mind and earnest research.
Hyperbole... more than likely not immediate, I suspect it took them a couple of hours to figure out how to make the leap from the innocuous email references to pizza by political opponents to sex slave trafficking, after all Infowars has such a long track record of rational and objective "journalism". :rolleyes:

Its record for journalistic integrity is right there with the New York Times, probably better since the NYT editorial staff openly admits they deliberately censor news that doesn't suit their own biases. CNN and the rest of the hacks trashed any pretense of 'objective journalism' this election cycle, what little they had anyway; putting glasses on that goofy Anderson Cooper in a bizarre effort to make him look more intelligent was some pretty funny stuff, really.
This needs to be thoroughly investigated. For those not familiar, the WikiLeaks dump provided volumes of bizarre emails to and from John Podesta with cryptic messages - often times referring to pizza and pizza toppings. Those in the underground world have come forward on the internet and indicated that those are terms used to "order" sex slaves - including children. It's time we expose all of this appalling corruption and criminal activity and tear it all down. Washington D.C. is a cesspool and we need to clean it all up.

The scary thing is you really think "InfoWars" is a credible news source.
maybe the right question should ask why is it so easy for some people to believe it? if you're a politician and so many people just assume you're some kind of pervert, then how many does it take to insist until you are made a pervert? podesta just looks like whatever a pedophile looks like now. there's no going back.
Another good question might be: why is it so easy for some people to reject it? In the face of some pretty bizarre stuff that deserves additional questions, why are some people so eager to dismiss all of it? :dunno:

because it looks like these perverts are doing things at a pace and in numbers that are just too mind boggling, consuming one child after another like a drug, it's far fetched to anyone who can't fathom it happening even more than once. also, little code words in emails... there needs to be eyewitness testimony or something more concrete, otherwise who is to say what means what anymore after every possible connotations and denotations have been exhausted?
Dude...nobody has been even indicted on the code words - much less convicted. All rational people are saying is that based on information provided by people in that underworld, this deserves further investigation. What is wrong with that? Unless of course one has something to hide or one is a partisan hack trying to protect those with something to hide.
Hyperbole... more than likely not immediate, I suspect it took them a couple of hours to figure out how to make the leap from the innocuous email references to pizza by political opponents to sex slave trafficking, after all Infowars has such a long track record of rational and objective "journalism". :rolleyes:
Infowars? Well! That guy Jones irritates the hell out of me. I refuse to watch anything he does. That young English guy is OK though.
Yeah...Alex Jones has gone completely off the rails. That being said though, it doesn't mean the entire organization is wrong (there are competent people on his staff) or that every story is inaccurate. No matter the media outlet, each story needs to be viewed with healthy skepticism and independently verified.
Hyperbole... more than likely not immediate, I suspect it took them a couple of hours to figure out how to make the leap from the innocuous email references to pizza by political opponents to sex slave trafficking, after all Infowars has such a long track record of rational and objective "journalism". :rolleyes:
"Innocuous pizza references"? Really? It takes someone in an extreme state of denial to pretend like this even remotely references actual pizza...
....... If stories like this pick up traction in this country, then this country can't be trusted to play any role in the future of the planet.
What do you mean by "this country"? Don't you mean "this government"? If America's Democracy has turned into Fascism then why not put the country right instead of destroying it?
You should ask the Trumpster's. Not me. I still think this country will be fine. Probably barely anybody will care about this fake story.
If true this fake story will kill the liberal agenda once and for all. I mean y'all wanting to put men in girls locker rooms pretty much have the election to Trump. Keep it up!
Hyperbole... more than likely not immediate, I suspect it took them a couple of hours to figure out how to make the leap from the innocuous email references to pizza by political opponents to sex slave trafficking, after all Infowars has such a long track record of rational and objective "journalism". :rolleyes:
"Innocuous pizza references"? Really? It takes someone in an extreme state of denial to pretend like this even remotely references actual pizza...
View attachment 100310
This is pure bullshit.
Hyperbole... more than likely not immediate, I suspect it took them a couple of hours to figure out how to make the leap from the innocuous email references to pizza by political opponents to sex slave trafficking, after all Infowars has such a long track record of rational and objective "journalism". :rolleyes:
"Innocuous pizza references"? Really? It takes someone in an extreme state of denial to pretend like this even remotely references actual pizza...
View attachment 100310
This is pure bullshit.
Nope, just your corrupt party at work.
Hyperbole... more than likely not immediate, I suspect it took them a couple of hours to figure out how to make the leap from the innocuous email references to pizza by political opponents to sex slave trafficking, after all Infowars has such a long track record of rational and objective "journalism". :rolleyes:
"Innocuous pizza references"? Really? It takes someone in an extreme state of denial to pretend like this even remotely references actual pizza...
View attachment 100310
This is pure bullshit.
Nope, just your corrupt party at work.
I'm not a Democrat. I just have a brain.
Hyperbole... more than likely not immediate, I suspect it took them a couple of hours to figure out how to make the leap from the innocuous email references to pizza by political opponents to sex slave trafficking, after all Infowars has such a long track record of rational and objective "journalism". :rolleyes:
"Innocuous pizza references"? Really? It takes someone in an extreme state of denial to pretend like this even remotely references actual pizza...
View attachment 100310
This is pure bullshit.
Nope, just your corrupt party at work.
I'm not a Democrat. I just have a brain.
Did you vote for hillary?
One of my hobbies is writing. I started to work on a book some time ago, and it sort of died. Oh it still exists on my drive but I kind of dropped it. One of the characters was a call girl and I looked up the code words for that so I could better grasp the nuances.

Several were very obvious, while other services offered were surprising. Not just that they were offered but that they were so common as to have well understood codes attached.

But every endeavor has a language that is specific to that activity. There was a joke years ago about the military securing a building. The Marines would station guards and restrict access. The army would attack the building. The Air Force would lock the doors and leave for the night.

So the idea of a language used for the alleged activity is not unimaginable for me. Not after learning the sheer number of codes for escorts.

Several assumptions in the video are wrong however. You can bring outside food into the White House for example. The President just can't eat it. The staff can without any problem. Chicago style pizza may be the best in your mind, but shipping it to D.C. Does seem a little odd.

There were other assumptions that were flawed. However there is something else to consider.

The Secret Service does not enforce laws on the people being protected. This is a conscious decision. The argument is that the job of the Secret Service is much harder if the person being protected ditches their detail to go play in an illegal poker game.

There have been numerous scandals about the Secret Service folks hiring hookers while scattered around the world on the job and having taxpayers foot the bill for their entertainment. So where would this idea get started that it is ok and just fine for the taxpayers to pony up the cash? If the people being protected were straight laced pure as the driven snow then it would be obvious that they would blow a blood vessel if it came out.

But the response could be expected to be muted if the person being protected was also involved in similar or even worse behavior.

Now I have no idea if this is really happening. I believe it is possible.

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BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury
Posted on November 2, 2016 by admin



But new revelations on the contents of that laptop, according to law enforcement sources, implicate the Democratic presidential candidate, her subordinates, and even select elected officials in far more alleged serious crimes than mishandling classified and top secret emails, sources said. NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to:
  • Money laundering
  • Child exploitation
  • Sex crimes with minors (children)
  • Perjury
  • Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Other felony crimes
NYPD detectives and a NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.


According to FBI sources, the bureau’s newly-minted probe into Clinton’s use and handling of emails while she served as secretary of state, has also been broadened to include investigating new email-related revelations, including:

  • Abedin forwarded classified and top secret State Department emails to Weiner’s email
  • Abedin stored emails, containing government secrets, in a special folder shared with Weiner warehousing over 500,000 archived State Department emails.
  • Weiner had access to these classified and top secret documents without proper security clearance to view the records
  • Abedin also used a personal yahoo address and her address to send/receive/store classified and top secret documents
  • A private consultant managed Weiner’s site for the last six years, including three years when Clinton was secretary of state, and therefore, had full access to all emails as the domain’s listed registrant and administrator via Whois email contacts.
Because Weiner’s campaign website is managed by the third-party consultant and political email guru, FBI agents are burdened with the task of trying to decipher just how many people had access to Weiner’s server and emails and who were these people. Or if the server was ever compromised by hackers, or other actors.

Abedin told FBI agents in an April interview that she didn’t know how to consistently print documents or emails from her secure Dept. of State system. Instead, she would forward the sensitive emails to her yahoo, and her email linked to Weiner.

Abedin said, according to FBI documents, she would then access those email accounts via webmail from an unclassified computer system at the State Dept. and print the documents, many of which were classified and top secret, from the largely unprotected webmail portals.


BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury
This needs to be thoroughly investigated. For those not familiar, the WikiLeaks dump provided volumes of bizarre emails to and from John Podesta with cryptic messages - often times referring to pizza and pizza toppings. Those in the underground world have come forward on the internet and indicated that those are terms used to "order" sex slaves - including children. It's time we expose all of this appalling corruption and criminal activity and tear it all down. Washington D.C. is a cesspool and we need to clean it all up.

God damn you are one STUPID FUCKING MORON.

FALSE: Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria Home to Child Abuse Ring Led by Hillary Clinton
Yep, there is something that stinks to high heaven when it comes to Besta and Comet Pizza. Some internet researchers and hackers have revealed some very damning circumstantial evidence that any sane thinking person would push for an investigation but if true, it's just the tip of the iceberg. Pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse is a huge and it is rampant among the elites that belong to secret societies. Stanley Kubrick's movie "Eyes Wide Shut" gave everyone an inside glance. Bohemian Grove is even worse. People don't want to talk about it or even consider it because it's too gruesome for them to fathom but it's 100 percent true. Those that doubt that this isn't a worldwide issue simply hasn't been paying attention to the news the last few years.

Big time kudos to those that are trying to make people those that don't give a shit about children? Enjoy hell.......
..... Those that doubt that this isn't a worldwide issue simply hasn't been paying attention to the news the last few years.
That's right.Just look what was revealed during the Marc Dutroux case in Belgium in 2004.
Big time kudos to those that are trying to make people aware..
Kudos from me too. those that don't give a shit about children? Enjoy hell.......
No. I don't want them to enjoy it one bit! :dev2:
maybe the right question should ask why is it so easy for some people to believe it? if you're a politician and so many people just assume you're some kind of pervert, then how many does it take to insist until you are made a pervert? podesta just looks like whatever a pedophile looks like now. there's no going back.
Another good question might be: why is it so easy for some people to reject it? In the face of some pretty bizarre stuff that deserves additional questions, why are some people so eager to dismiss all of it? :dunno:

because it looks like these perverts are doing things at a pace and in numbers that are just too mind boggling, consuming one child after another like a drug, it's far fetched to anyone who can't fathom it happening even more than once. also, little code words in emails... there needs to be eyewitness testimony or something more concrete, otherwise who is to say what means what anymore after every possible connotations and denotations have been exhausted?
Dude...nobody has been even indicted on the code words - much less convicted. All rational people are saying is that based on information provided by people in that underworld, this deserves further investigation. What is wrong with that? Unless of course one has something to hide or one is a partisan hack trying to protect those with something to hide.
you're right, but there's a rationality deficit to overcome here. it's more about the reactions to the news. for example, the ceo of reddit is apparently suffering a nervous breakdown or something, paranoid guilty conscience. really, of all the creepy shit on reddit, the pizzagate is what fingernails his chalkboard? going to follow podesta's example, come out and tell everyone at the party the show is over they should all just go home... no, that's not happening.
maybe the right question should ask why is it so easy for some people to believe it? if you're a politician and so many people just assume you're some kind of pervert, then how many does it take to insist until you are made a pervert? podesta just looks like whatever a pedophile looks like now. there's no going back.
Another good question might be: why is it so easy for some people to reject it? In the face of some pretty bizarre stuff that deserves additional questions, why are some people so eager to dismiss all of it? :dunno:

because it looks like these perverts are doing things at a pace and in numbers that are just too mind boggling, consuming one child after another like a drug, it's far fetched to anyone who can't fathom it happening even more than once. also, little code words in emails... there needs to be eyewitness testimony or something more concrete, otherwise who is to say what means what anymore after every possible connotations and denotations have been exhausted?
Dude...nobody has been even indicted on the code words - much less convicted. All rational people are saying is that based on information provided by people in that underworld, this deserves further investigation. What is wrong with that? Unless of course one has something to hide or one is a partisan hack trying to protect those with something to hide.
you're right, but there's a rationality deficit to overcome here. it's more about the reactions to the news. for example, the ceo of reddit is apparently suffering a nervous breakdown or something, paranoid guilty conscience. really, of all the creepy shit on reddit, the pizzagate is what fingernails his chalkboard? going to follow podesta's example, come out and tell everyone at the party the show is over they should all just go home... no, that's not happening.
You must be John Podesta's son or something. No rational person would be this eager to shut down an investigation before it even began.

There is no harm whatsoever in investigating this further. If it determines no wrong doing, great. But if it uncovers a disturbing sex slave ring, then we need to get those exploited free and those responsible in prison.

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