I heard from a reliable RW source that ordering everything on your pizza INCLUDING anchovies is secret code for black market nuclear devices.
Only a partisan hack like Bode here would even pretend to believe that an email by federal elites which says "The Realitor found a handkerchief. I think it has a map that seems pizza-related" is completely normal and rational. :eusa_doh:
You never wrote on a napkin?
Pizza-related might be an insider word, but why make that code stand for pedophilia related activity? That says more about the mind of the "code breakers" than the DNC staff.
YOU are the one swallowing the lie.

By the way, I believe George Bush had barbecue flown to him from Texas or Kansas City when he was President. Heard it on the Food Channel several times.

Food is not allowed into the WH that is not prepared by the WH staff for security reasons. BTW, you think it would be normal to have "hot dogs and pizza" flown in from Chicago to the tune of 65,000 dollars for a private shindig???
I don't think that's true, Dale. The President orders out hamburgers and chili dogs. There are hundreds of folks working in the WH and you can bet your bottom dollar the WH chef isn't feeding them all. Maybe for State Dinners, you're right.
Actually, I couldn't come up with an example of a President flying in barbecue to the WH, so I may have disremembered that. Maybe he ate it on Air Force One when visiting Kansas City. Anyway, the seeming code words are interesting, but pedophilia? C'mon. That's just partisan.
I heard from a reliable RW source that ordering everything on your pizza INCLUDING anchovies is secret code for black market nuclear devices.
Only a partisan hack like Bode here would even pretend to believe that an email by federal elites which says "The Realitor found a handkerchief. I think it has a map that seems pizza-related" is completely normal and rational. :eusa_doh:
You never wrote on a napkin?
Pizza-related might be an insider word, but why make that code stand for pedophilia related activity? That says more about the mind of the "code breakers" than the DNC staff.
Friends of mine sat down in a pizza place and used a napkin to plan out their Renaissance Faire encampment.....but maybe now they were really writing in code......building an atomic bomb for terrorists.
YOU are the one swallowing the lie.

By the way, I believe George Bush had barbecue flown to him from Texas or Kansas City when he was President. Heard it on the Food Channel several times.

Food is not allowed into the WH that is not prepared by the WH staff for security reasons. BTW, you think it would be normal to have "hot dogs and pizza" flown in from Chicago to the tune of 65,000 dollars for a private shindig???
I don't think that's true, Dale. The President orders out hamburgers and chili dogs. There are hundreds of folks working in the WH and you can bet your bottom dollar the WH chef isn't feeding them all. Maybe for State Dinners, you're right.
Actually, I couldn't come up with an example of a President flying in barbecue to the WH, so I may have disremembered that. Maybe he ate it on Air Force One when visiting Kansas City. Anyway, the seeming code words are interesting, but pedophilia? C'mon. That's just partisan.
Was Josh Duggar ordering pizza all the time? Speaker of the House Hastert? Is this where the RW gets the idea? (Keep in mind, these are the people who came up with "Tea Bagger".....and THEN learned what it meant and tried to blame the Left)
I heard from a reliable RW source that ordering everything on your pizza INCLUDING anchovies is secret code for black market nuclear devices.
Only a partisan hack like Bode here would even pretend to believe that an email by federal elites which says "The Realitor found a handkerchief. I think it has a map that seems pizza-related" is completely normal and rational. :eusa_doh:
You never wrote on a napkin?

so was it a handkerchief or a napkin?
I heard from a reliable RW source that ordering everything on your pizza INCLUDING anchovies is secret code for black market nuclear devices.
Only a partisan hack like Bode here would even pretend to believe that an email by federal elites which says "The Realitor found a handkerchief. I think it has a map that seems pizza-related" is completely normal and rational. :eusa_doh:
You never wrote on a napkin?

so was it a handkerchief or a napkin?
It was a handkerchief. Also known to be used as a substitute for a paper napkin or tissue when one is not about.
I heard from a reliable RW source that ordering everything on your pizza INCLUDING anchovies is secret code for black market nuclear devices.
Only a partisan hack like Bode here would even pretend to believe that an email by federal elites which says "The Realitor found a handkerchief. I think it has a map that seems pizza-related" is completely normal and rational. :eusa_doh:
You never wrote on a napkin?

so was it a handkerchief or a napkin?
It was a handkerchief. Also known to be used as a substitute for a paper napkin or tissue when one is not about.

So who writes on a cloth handkerchief? Paper napkin yes but a cloth handkerchief? Weird
I heard from a reliable RW source that ordering everything on your pizza INCLUDING anchovies is secret code for black market nuclear devices.
Only a partisan hack like Bode here would even pretend to believe that an email by federal elites which says "The Realitor found a handkerchief. I think it has a map that seems pizza-related" is completely normal and rational. :eusa_doh:
You never wrote on a napkin?

so was it a handkerchief or a napkin?
It was a handkerchief. Also known to be used as a substitute for a paper napkin or tissue when one is not about.

So who writes on a cloth handkerchief? Paper napkin yes but a cloth handkerchief? Weird
Guy's rich. Handkerchiefs are cheap. You can buy them in packs of 5 for $10.
Marina Abramovic is a performance artist that is known for her gory performances and occultist rituals like "spirit cooking". Do you know what that is? It is a satanic ritual straight out of Aleister Crowley's sacrament in the religion of Thelema which also started the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) and the Clintons, Bush crime family, high ranking members ofr congress and lowlifes like the Poidesta brothers are elbow deep in this shit. Crowley claimed to be the most wicked man in the world and believed by sodomizing the most pure and innocent that during the ritual , their energy can be stolen...but it requires the destruction of the child's inner spirit. This same tactics were used by the CIA under MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi using trauma based mind control including satanic ritual abuse. Some of the things these kids had to endure in order to fragment their minds and break them off in to "altars" would give you the same kind of nightmares I have had since I started researching this over three years ago. Some of you ass-wipes that deny this exists deserve them and if you push me? I will post them and you will read them and no matter how much you may kid yourself that it's made up and never happened? You can't "unread" what I will post in rebuttal and OI can back it all up.......so either listen up or suffer the consequences.

The fact remains that there is plenty of evidence proving that I am right. You have the McMartin case, you have the victims of MK-UItra that came forward during the Church Committee hearings, you have the Boystown. Franklin country cover-up was covered up by the RNC and the BBC documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence" was not allowed to be aired on the Documentary Channel in September of 1994. You have the CIA's "The Finders" with Colonel Micheal Aquino, a satanic military psy-ops officer for 22 years that started the Temple Of Set. He was "retired" when he was found to be complicit in a daycare pedophile ring as a result of investigations into his involvement in the ritual sexual abuse of children at the Presidio Day Care Center in San Francisco......you have the case of Johnny Gosch that was kidnapped in broad daylight in 1982 and our beloved "gubermint" never attempted to find the offender if though they had the license plate # of the suspected get-away car.. The parents were then taunted with a picture of their son "hog-tied" and semi-nude on a bed. They were threatened, stalked and harassed for trying to find their son and the FBI did nothing of worth...why is that? Because it was their job to cover it up. A child back in the early 80's could go from anywhere from 50 to 75K....imagine what that price is now? You stupid fucks that wear blinders are in a for a very rude and humbling awakening. I bet none of you deniying sacks of shit have a clue about Jimmy Savile, his ties to the Vatican and the House of Windsor and how he provided little boys and girls to the House of Parliament. Take the fucking blinders off and realize that the whole fucking block of businesses are interconnected with each other where "Comet Pizza" is. The FBI rank and file members and the NYPD are chomping at the bit to bring this out. Will this be the Franklin County cover-up all over again? I suspect that it will......

Only a partisan hack like Bode here would even pretend to believe that an email by federal elites which says "The Realitor found a handkerchief. I think it has a map that seems pizza-related" is completely normal and rational. :eusa_doh:
You never wrote on a napkin?

so was it a handkerchief or a napkin?
It was a handkerchief. Also known to be used as a substitute for a paper napkin or tissue when one is not about.

So who writes on a cloth handkerchief? Paper napkin yes but a cloth handkerchief? Weird
Guy's rich. Handkerchiefs are cheap. You can buy them in packs of 5 for $10.

Podesta's semen was on it....his "map".........i.e his DNA.......
maybe the right question should ask why is it so easy for some people to believe it? if you're a politician and so many people just assume you're some kind of pervert, then how many does it take to insist until you are made a pervert? podesta just looks like whatever a pedophile looks like now. there's no going back.
Another good question might be: why is it so easy for some people to reject it? In the face of some pretty bizarre stuff that deserves additional questions, why are some people so eager to dismiss all of it? :dunno:
Maybe the right question is...why are RWrs so gullible?

STFU, you creepy little POS. I bet that you could watch a snuff film of a child that was mounted by your favorite leftard politician and then killed right in front of your eyes and you would still support them....you strike me as being that fucking sick.
maybe the right question should ask why is it so easy for some people to believe it? if you're a politician and so many people just assume you're some kind of pervert, then how many does it take to insist until you are made a pervert? podesta just looks like whatever a pedophile looks like now. there's no going back.
Another good question might be: why is it so easy for some people to reject it? In the face of some pretty bizarre stuff that deserves additional questions, why are some people so eager to dismiss all of it? :dunno:
Maybe the right question is...why are RWrs so gullible?

STFU, you creepy little POS. I bet that you could watch a snuff film of a child that was mounted by your favorite leftard politician and then killed right in front of your eyes and you would still support them....you strike me as being that fucking sick.
This isn't the Flame Zone, Snowflake.
The funny thing is that our "intelligence" agencies rely on hacked material and information from spies and informants and information gleaned from confiscated documents (the Seals had a truckload from the Bin Ladin compound) to dictate security strategy but the freaking hypocrite left dismisses "Wikileak" information because they don't like the content or where the information might lead even if it crucial to the security of the U.S.
You never wrote on a napkin?

so was it a handkerchief or a napkin?
It was a handkerchief. Also known to be used as a substitute for a paper napkin or tissue when one is not about.

So who writes on a cloth handkerchief? Paper napkin yes but a cloth handkerchief? Weird
Guy's rich. Handkerchiefs are cheap. You can buy them in packs of 5 for $10.

Podesta's semen was on it....his "map".........i.e his DNA.......
Where is the report, the factual report on that? And how does it connect to your wild "McMartin Pre-school"-like witchhunt?
The funny thing is that our "intelligence" agencies rely on hacked material and information from spies and informants and information gleaned from confiscated documents (the Seals had a truckload from the Bin Ladin compound) to dictate security strategy but the freaking hypocrite left dismisses "Wikileak" information because they don't like the content or where the information might lead even if it crucial to the security of the U.S.
SEALS....not Seals. It's an acronym.
YOU are the one swallowing the lie.

By the way, I believe George Bush had barbecue flown to him from Texas or Kansas City when he was President. Heard it on the Food Channel several times.

Food is not allowed into the WH that is not prepared by the WH staff for security reasons. BTW, you think it would be normal to have "hot dogs and pizza" flown in from Chicago to the tune of 65,000 dollars for a private shindig???
I don't think that's true, Dale. The President orders out hamburgers and chili dogs. There are hundreds of folks working in the WH and you can bet your bottom dollar the WH chef isn't feeding them all. Maybe for State Dinners, you're right.
Actually, I couldn't come up with an example of a President flying in barbecue to the WH, so I may have disremembered that. Maybe he ate it on Air Force One when visiting Kansas City. Anyway, the seeming code words are interesting, but pedophilia? C'mon. That's just partisan.

Partisan? Not hardly.......watch this..... but do it on an empty stomach because it is sickening. It's gone on and it's going on now and the Connecticut Avenue businesses that are all tied together with their own little underground connections needs to be investigated. That was why Anthony Wiener's laptop was confiscated and that was why Huma Abedin was sending "insurance" e-mails about child trafficking to him. According to Doug Hagmann, even the most hardened investigators within the NYPD broke down when they saw the evidence of the pedophile ring and the pictures of kids being tortured and sexually assaulted. The man is a Christian with an impeccable reputation that was a private investigator for 20 plus years with all kinds of intel...yeah, I will stand by his statements long before I will the lamestream media. There is more than enough smoke to convince me that there is a fire. Fuck politics...this is about the most innocent of all of us.

YOU are the one swallowing the lie.

By the way, I believe George Bush had barbecue flown to him from Texas or Kansas City when he was President. Heard it on the Food Channel several times.

Food is not allowed into the WH that is not prepared by the WH staff for security reasons. BTW, you think it would be normal to have "hot dogs and pizza" flown in from Chicago to the tune of 65,000 dollars for a private shindig???
I don't think that's true, Dale. The President orders out hamburgers and chili dogs. There are hundreds of folks working in the WH and you can bet your bottom dollar the WH chef isn't feeding them all. Maybe for State Dinners, you're right.
Actually, I couldn't come up with an example of a President flying in barbecue to the WH, so I may have disremembered that. Maybe he ate it on Air Force One when visiting Kansas City. Anyway, the seeming code words are interesting, but pedophilia? C'mon. That's just partisan.
Was Josh Duggar ordering pizza all the time? Speaker of the House Hastert? Is this where the RW gets the idea? (Keep in mind, these are the people who came up with "Tea Bagger".....and THEN learned what it meant and tried to blame the Left)
Weren't the TeaBaggers the floor show at the last DNC convention?
maybe the right question should ask why is it so easy for some people to believe it? if you're a politician and so many people just assume you're some kind of pervert, then how many does it take to insist until you are made a pervert? podesta just looks like whatever a pedophile looks like now. there's no going back.
Another good question might be: why is it so easy for some people to reject it? In the face of some pretty bizarre stuff that deserves additional questions, why are some people so eager to dismiss all of it? :dunno:
Maybe the right question is...why are RWrs so gullible?

STFU, you creepy little POS. I bet that you could watch a snuff film of a child that was mounted by your favorite leftard politician and then killed right in front of your eyes and you would still support them....you strike me as being that fucking sick.
This isn't the Flame Zone, Snowflake.

The WHITE BILL COSBY luvs 'pizza'...'delivery' or 'dine-in'...

The man is a Christian with an impeccable reputation that was a private investigator for 20 plus years with all kinds of intel...
yeah, I will stand by his statements long before I will the lamestream media.


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