Planned Parenthood busted for falsely listing businesses as donors...Coca Cola and Ford say NO


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
More evidence of the racketeering practices of the female-victimizing corporation that is PP....

Apparently they have listed numerous companies as "sponsors"...and those companies aren't sponsors, nor do they endorse the baby killing/parts selling giant.

"A representative from Coca-Cola confirmed for The Daily Signal the company does not contribute to Planned Parenthood, nor does it match employee contributions to the organization.
"When told that its named appeared on Planned Parenthood’s website, the Coca-Cola representative said, “We’ll ask them to correct the information.”
"Other companies voiced similar concerns about Planned Parenthood’s donor list.
“We are making sure that Ford Motor Company is not listed as a Planned Parenthood contributor on their website,” a representative from Ford told The Daily Signal.
“In addition, we do not offer an employee match for charitable contributions,” the Ford representative said. It has been at least 10 years since Ford stopped matching employee gift contributions, the representative added."

Planned Parenthood Removes Names of Corporate Donors
Similarly, Xerox was listed on the Planned Parenthood website and has said it also does not donate in any way.
“We checked our files for the last 20 years and have no record of Xerox Corp. contributing to Planned Parenthood,” a representative from Xerox told The Daily Signal.
By Wednesday afternoon, Planned Parenthood had removed Xerox from its list of companies that match gifts to the organization. By Thursday morning, Planned Parenthood removed every company name listed as a donor."

The purpose of this particular fraud is duplex...they claim to be endorse by name brand companies...but they can also falsely attribute income that they pull from their victims, to *donations*. The only problem is...instead of just inflating the donations they do receive, they stupidly pretended to receive donations from large companies who don't donate..and who aren't going to let them use their name to cover up their illegal practices.
PP is going down, down, down. Finally back alley abortions will be illegal again, and the medically necessary ones will be taking place in hospitals at the hands of real doctors...which is the way it has been all along, anyway.
And the federales complicit approval of the racketeering practices, exploitation and murder committed by Planned Parenthood is exactly why we need guerilla journalists to infiltrate the shit out of the murder factory:
The HHS refused requests for Planned Parenthood records under the Freedom of Information act:
"HHS denied her request for expedited information on the compensation and payments given to Nucatola. They claimed it didn’t fit the public’s “urgent” right to know:
“Further, in order to meet second prong of the compelling need standard, the requested information must be the type of information that has a particular value that will be lost if not disseminated quickly, and ordinarily refers to a breaking news story of general public interest.”
"HHS is arguing that the Planned Parenthood scandal, the very same one that has Planned Parenthood honcho Cecile Richards panicking and running every public relations response in the book, is not a “breaking news story of general public interest!”
HHS Rejects Planned Parenthood FOIA Request Because It s Not Newsworthy
More evidence of the racketeering practices of the female-victimizing corporation that is PP....

Apparently they have listed numerous companies as "sponsors"...and those companies aren't sponsors, nor do they endorse the baby killing/parts selling giant.

"A representative from Coca-Cola confirmed for The Daily Signal the company does not contribute to Planned Parenthood, nor does it match employee contributions to the organization.
"When told that its named appeared on Planned Parenthood’s website, the Coca-Cola representative said, “We’ll ask them to correct the information.”
"Other companies voiced similar concerns about Planned Parenthood’s donor list.
“We are making sure that Ford Motor Company is not listed as a Planned Parenthood contributor on their website,” a representative from Ford told The Daily Signal.
“In addition, we do not offer an employee match for charitable contributions,” the Ford representative said. It has been at least 10 years since Ford stopped matching employee gift contributions, the representative added."

Planned Parenthood Removes Names of Corporate Donors

Yo, this is nothing more then a Democrat money machine, their product? Baby Parts!!!

Let`s face the facts, these are babies they are crushing!

I know. They'll pull that though, the baby killers don't like reality.
The babies the PP butchers are talking about in those two tapes are much older than that little one.
Completely fake quote from Sanger. Never said it.

Prove it, without using some leftist website that lies!
It has been proven. You are simply a lying POS.

No, it hasn't since it is a FACT she spoke before the KKK! See how easy it is to prove you wrong! :ahole-1:
The only place that fake quote can be found are right wing anti abortion sites. You produce one source for that quote or fuck off.
Completely fake quote from Sanger. Never said it.

Prove it, without using some leftist website that lies!
It has been proven. You are simply a lying POS.

No, it hasn't since it is a FACT she spoke before the KKK! See how easy it is to prove you wrong! :ahole-1:
Here is the entire quote

“America . . . is like a garden in which the gardener pays no attention to the weeds. Our criminals are our weeds, and weeds breed fast and are intensely hardy. They must be eliminated. Stop permitting criminals and weaklings to reproduce. All over the country to-day we have enormous insane asylums and similar institutions where we nourish the unfit and criminal instead of exterminating them. Nature eliminates the weeds, but we turn them into parasites and allow them to reproduce.”-Burbank, quoted by Sanger in “Is Race Suicide Possible?” (1925)

Sounds like a right wing republican. And her reference to "race" is to the human race; not white or black.
Completely fake quote from Sanger. Never said it.

Prove it, without using some leftist website that lies!
It has been proven. You are simply a lying POS.

No, it hasn't since it is a FACT she spoke before the KKK! See how easy it is to prove you wrong! :ahole-1:
The only place that fake quote can be found are right wing anti abortion sites. You produce one source for that quote or fuck off.

I don't have to, YOU are the fucktard that can't find proof that she didn't say EXACTLY THAT in front of the Democratic KKK that would surely embrace blacks!
Completely fake quote from Sanger. Never said it.

Prove it, without using some leftist website that lies!
It has been proven. You are simply a lying POS.

No, it hasn't since it is a FACT she spoke before the KKK! See how easy it is to prove you wrong! :ahole-1:
Another actual Sanger quote. "Give the women of the poorer classes a chance also to limit and control their families, and it will be found that in very many cases the material is equally good. The difference is that, like plants crowded too close together on poor soil, there is no chance to develop and the whole families are left impoverished in mind and body. Give room for each [to] grow and all may become fine and healthy American citizens.–“A Better Race Through Birth Control” (Nov. 1923)

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